View Full Version : Great price on Drift HD170 through Nov 15th

10-28-2011, 10:16 AM
Hi everyone,
I wanted to make you aware that B&H online has an amazing deal on the full 1080p HD action camera--called the HD170 Stealth. GoPro just released their full 1080p camera for $299. The Drift has a remote, and is way cool--and this one site is selling it for $169.00 (that's $100 off). Anyway--I bought one and it's for real. It was delivered yesterday. I haven't seen a deal this great before, and I wanted to share it. I am not advertising--just sharing a great deal I got. The site is http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/751813-REG/Drift_SHD170_HD170_Stealth_Action_Camera.html if you're interested.


10-30-2011, 12:13 PM
Crutchfield has a better deal on this camera. It's $10 more than B&H but the price includes a 8 gb SD card and a camera carry case. Also has a spare camera battery and free shipping. Both B&H and Crutchfield are great places to shop and have excellent return policies.