View Full Version : Enabled Passengers

Desert Spyder
10-12-2011, 03:50 PM
I posted the following in the Enabled Ryders sub forum but probably not too many of us venture there.

My SIL is a quad C5 after a diving accident at his wedding reception on June 16. What you enabled riders have done is nothing short of huge, if not a miracle. But you guys are an extreme minority. How many would even attempt to do what you do from the "elgible candidates" of former bikers, let alone Spyder ryders, I do not know. Now here's my question: how many enabled passengers are there on this forum? I don't expect Daniel to operate my RT. He has no grip though his arms do move. And he needs to regain his strength. He lost nearly 30 pounds since the accident, he's 127 and 6'1". I always kid him however that I'm going to strap him onto the back of the RT and call him "Bernie" which he chuckles at. Remember the movie Weekend at Bernies? I've always believed in the power, even the healing power, of humor. For anyone to regain another sense of independence following a traumatic accident is huge. Ventilator...gone. Trach...gone. Neck brace...gone. Feeds himself...doing it. Puts his shirt on...doing it. Driving an enabled van...coming up. I hope that some day he will get to the point of not needing a cath or bowel program, God willing. This would be the ultimate in independence. Forgive the length of this post. I have a habit of doing that. But EVERYBODY needs an inspiration. And you guys are it :thumbup::thumbup:

Star Cruiser
10-12-2011, 11:52 PM
It sounds like "Bernie" has a great attitude and great people, such as you around him. I am only a left leg above knee amputee, so not nearly as inspirational as many here on the forum. i can say though, that if there is any bike that has made my life continue with quality, it IS the Spyder. I have 75,000 km on it in the three summers that I have ridden. (somewhat restricted Riding season up here). Been Coast to Coast and South through Florida and a few other states around the Gulf. If he can get that grip going he should be fine. Check around here and the Enabled Threads though, there have been a number of modifications to allow throttlel side changes and brake relocations.

Wishing you and your S-I-L all the best for a speedy recovery

10-13-2011, 12:41 AM

04-02-2012, 05:32 PM
I'm a T11 Paraplegic wheelchair dependent and commonly ride as the passenger on our RS. I love it, we put hand controls on the bike and wheelchair carrier as well so I can drive if I want. I a learning how to drive it myself this April in a 3 wheel course but I know I will most likely stay the passenger more often then the driver because I like being on the back of the bike with my boyfriend Jake. I have driven a few times and love it but being close to Jake and enjoying the Spyder together is part of the fun for me :)

Hope you get him on the RT -- he;d love it :)