View Full Version : :( It happened again in Dallas

10-11-2011, 12:55 PM
Something tells me that they need to design higher walls on the overpass barriers. This is awful.


10-11-2011, 01:41 PM
Very scarry. The high five was built after I visited DFW, so have not seen it in person--but have seen it mentioned on TV a couple times.

Driving beyond ones ability is a sure fire way to become involved in disaster.

The same thing happened here about a year ago. Brand new sportbike--being driven home from the dealership. Driver lost it on the highway ramp and smacked a pole. Excessive speed was given as the cause of the accident. Result--fatality.

10-11-2011, 02:20 PM
We have overpases like those as well, plus an 8' fence on top...

Don't want anything falling down on someone's head.

10-11-2011, 02:24 PM
Higher walls won't prevent fatalities from stupidity. What's the difference whether this guy fell 100 feet or was scraped off a concrete wall? He is just as dead either way. There is a lot more to riding safely than the design of the roads.

10-11-2011, 02:40 PM
Yep, you can't fix stupid as Ron White would say.

Last week my wife and I were on our way home with both our Spyders, enjoying a twisty, two lane road with a 45 mile limit.

I was kinda relaxed when my wife's voice came over the Scala head set to let me know a bike was coming up behind her very quickly. We were coming into a hard left turn when the guy on a crotch rocket passed both of us, stayed outside the double line in the left lane and entered the curve at about 60-65.

He started to lose it in the apex of the turn, high sided it off the roadway, stayed in the grass, and by some magic got it straightened up and back on the road. He cut his speed to the limit until the next intersection and roared off in the other direction from us.

I had visions of picking up the pieces of a broken rider. He was lucky there was no ditch and the road had a wide apron at that point.

10-11-2011, 06:24 PM
I agree with Scotty 100% !!!!!

Bob Denman
10-11-2011, 06:51 PM
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_18_7.gif I ain't saying nuthin'...... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_18_5.gif

Bob Denman
10-12-2011, 06:27 AM
Ahhhh... Another "Darwinist"! :thumbup:
:shocked: Oh! Back in the corner...

10-12-2011, 07:37 AM
I agree that you can't prevent someone who is fixated in risking their own life. I had a co-worker of mine die because a car fell on top of his and decapitated him. The point I'm trying to make is that the fences prevent death or injury to others. If you look at the picture, you will see that the overpass its not safe for motorists below.

10-12-2011, 09:15 AM
I agree that you can't prevent someone who is fixated in risking their own life. I had a co-worker of mine die because a car fell on top of his and decapitated him. The point I'm trying to make is that the fences prevent death or injury to others. If you look at the picture, you will see that the overpass its not safe for motorists below.
That part may be true. Many of these barriers seem to be inadequately designed. I suppose you can't make a "never-fail" design, but there may be room for improvement. Stopping a vehicle is one thing, but stopping a motorcyclist who flies off is probably more difficult. If you get launched in the right direction, even a 30 foot catch fence won't snag you. Even if you can prevent the cyclist from goiing over, the collision with the barrier would probably prove fatal. There are limits to what is practical.

10-12-2011, 10:10 AM
Agreed, but a fence will enhance security for those below, for most incidents.

That part may be true. Many of these barriers seem to be inadequately designed. I suppose you can't make a "never-fail" design, but there may be room for improvement. Stopping a vehicle is one thing, but stopping a motorcyclist who flies off is probably more difficult. If you get launched in the right direction, even a 30 foot catch fence won't snag you. Even if you can prevent the cyclist from goiing over, the collision with the barrier would probably prove fatal. There are limits to what is practical.

10-12-2011, 07:39 PM
A few years back three teens were killed when the driver went into a gradual turn on a highrise at what was determined to be 100mph. He lost control, the car climbed the outside wall and shot over, dropping 100 feet. I don't think a fence would have had any effect. Fences on highrises/overpasses are primarily there for pedestrians and thrown objects. They would have to be designed to stop not only cars but heavy trucks as well. They may work at "normal" posted speeds but not high speeds. The jersey barrier type wall used today on most highrises/roadways are actually designed to turn a vehicle and keep it from going over. That is at "normal" highway speeds. A 4,000lb vehicle, or a 600lb vehicle at high speeds (exceeding posted limits) will most likely go over. Don't get me started on guardrails and cable barriers. Ok, I'll shut up now.

Bob Denman
10-13-2011, 06:49 AM
:agree: If somebody is REALLY intent on making the front page; they'll find a way... :gaah:

10-13-2011, 07:44 AM
.....Don't get me started on guardrails and cable barriers. Ok, I'll shut up now.
You had to mention those darned "cheese-slicer" cable barriers didn't you. They petrify me when I am on a motorcycle. I feel more secure on a Spyder, but they are still one of the worst ideas the idiot traffic engineers have come up with yet. Not only are they dangerous for cyclists, but they have greatly raised repair rates and costs in the northern climes, and have caused several fatalities by shooting errant cars back into traffic...all in the name of saving one or two median-crossing accidents in a year.

10-13-2011, 09:17 AM
You had to mention those darned "cheese-slicer" cable barriers didn't you. They petrify me when I am on a motorcycle. I feel more secure on a Spyder, but they are still one of the worst ideas the idiot traffic engineers have come up with yet. Not only are they dangerous for cyclists, but they have greatly raised repair rates and costs in the northern climes, and have caused several fatalities by shooting errant cars back into traffic...all in the name of saving one or two median-crossing accidents in a year.

Back in 1979 when I lived in Pigeon Forge, TN, my wife, son and I took off in my new Z-28 to take a run down from Maryville to Robbinsville NC on the Dragon. Just as we got outside of Maryville we came up on a wreck where a motorcycle had missed a turn and gone off the road. The passenger had her leg hit the cable barrier on the way down and it sliced her calf down to the bone. She was in bad shape and we were the first folks on the scene. This was before the days of cell phones. My wife took the ice out of our cooler and wrapped the leg with some car rags I kept in the trunk and we loaded her in the Z-28 and roared back to the hospital in Maryville. Her boyfriend who was not injured as badly stayed with the bike.

The young lady ended up okay after several operations (we kept in touch with them), but that cable really did a number on her leg.

10-13-2011, 06:38 PM
Those cables are a waste of taxpayer money. I have seen very few of these stop a vehicle effectively, and have never seen one stop a heavy truck. Recently we were travelling a local 4 lane when a car ahead swerved right and hit the outside guard rail, bounced off, crossed the median, ran ACROSS the cable barrier, spun and ran back ACROSS the cable barrier to hit the outside guardrail again and stop in the opposite direction of travel. The wheels still spinning and smoking. The car was a Toyota Camry. The driver panicked on initial impact and floored the accelerator. The top cable went across the top of the car. Since i travel the roads a lot in my work, i see this all to often, and even witnessed some fatalities. Here in NC the DOT is replacing guard rails on wide medians with these cable barriers. Just check out some of the many major interstates when here in our beautiful state. And yes, I wouldn't want to be on either of my bikes and hit one.

medic 1
10-13-2011, 07:49 PM
They can cure every illness known to man but they can't cure STUPID. That why I always say I have job security