View Full Version : Teddy, the SpYder Ryde'n Pooch - This is how we do it

10-10-2011, 06:52 AM
I've had many requests for sharing information about what we use for safety & comfort while taking Teddy (10 pound Pomeranian) on the road on the back of his SpYder. & yes, its HIS SpYder (Teds Red Sled) & I'm just lucky enough to be his cheuffer (I know my place :roflblack:)

First off, most the items can be found at your local PetsMart & I'm sure Amazon.com or Ebay will have them as well. I personally like to support local retailers whenever possible, cause theres just not many Mom&Pop (or in our favorite case, its Mom&Mom) shops left & the personal attention you get from them is beyond compare of your average BigBox stores. But hey, thats just my personal opinion. With all that said, there's a little German themed town where I live called Mainstrasse Village & 2 doors up from the Cock & Bull Pub is StrasseDog, owned by a couple of wonderful ladies that are partners & they just love the Tedster, so we frequent them quite often & they can usually get some off-beat dog related items that are quite unique & useful. Last summer, Teddy really garnered even more attention than usual while wearing his "BITCHES LOVE ME" muscle shirt:doorag: Most ppl loved it, tho I did have to educate a few ignorant ppl as to the fact that, a female dog is referred to as a "bitch" & that its not always used in a derogatory term.

Anyways, the main part to Teddys riding system is a special Easy Rider car HARNESS that we picked up at Pets Mart, I think it was about $20 - $25. The big deal with this one, is that it has extra padding all around the inside to help absorb impact from any sudden/emergency braking. To be clear, it IS A HARNESS that goes around the CHEST & FRONT LEGS. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO RYDE WITH YOUR PET TEATHERED WITH A COLLAR AROUND THE NECK. Im sure you don't want to hang your pet or possibly break their neck, but thats EXACTLY what can happen using a traditional collar. Also, another unique Quality with the Easy Rider Car Harness is that it has an elongated teather on the back of it. Traditional harnesses end at the back with the two interlocking (usually) plastic clasps that attach together & ending with the 2 metal D links to attach your lead to. Having this elongated strap allows for more freedom of movement of your PET. In Teddy's case, he has about a foot that he can get up & move around, but he can't go flying off.

Please be SMART, & learn from my experience. I already discussed not killing your PET using a COLLAR but I also caution you about trying to use a traditional harness as well. I had no-one to learn from when we first started riding together, so almost all my experience, GOOD & BAD, comes from trial & error. Teddy's Vet wisely admonished him riding with A COLLAR so we never even tried it & won't. But she said she thought he'd be ok strapped in with a traditional Harness. Mind you, I've always ran everything through Teddy's Personal Vet & got her ok before trying anything & I don't blame nor fault her for my lack of prudence. For those of you that are squeamish, you may want to skip this next part, cause Im not ashamed to admit, it had me on the side of the road. . . . . . . . . in tears.

I believe it was the last week in June & we had had just gotten his 2010 Black RT-S back from being in the shop for 30 some days. We only had it 9 days before it had to go in, so I didn't have much experience ryding it myself. Teddy took right to it, no real training involved. I had picked up a traditional harness in extra-small to fit him. Traditional harnesses have no interior padding and are nothing more than just (usually) nylon straps sewn together & for normal use & walking, are just fine to use. I picked a red one out for Teddy, so it would show up well against his jet black fur. I guess you can say, this was a day I'll never forget. It was beautiful & sunny & we were SO HAPPY to finally have his Spyder back & we decided to visit relatives that live about 30 minutes away in Milford Ohio. We took route 50 or Columbia Parkway, as its nice & scenic running along the Ohio River & going through a wonderful little city called Mariemont. I believe it was the very first planned community in the Nation, & is very Stately & Traditional with unique architecture, Huge Trees lining the streets & a wonderful center town square. The Mariemont Theater is right there off the square, and the street out front is divided by a park going down the center of the north & south bound lanes. There's a hard Z curve where the park dividing the streets ends & the 2 streets come together again. Being a new Spyder Ryder & just getting the byke back, I was really getting into the curves, even tho the speed limit is only 25 & thats all I was doing. I knew going in, Teddy was going to get tossed around a little, but figured his harness would keep him safely put. I did the first curve & could hear him shift to the left & almost immediately after I did the next curve & heard him "Flop" to the right, then I heard a loud YEALP & my heart sank. I didn't have the Teddy-cam at this time, so I couldn't see what was going on. I quickly glanced in the rear view mirror to see if cars were behind me (which they were) but the first thing I saw, was Teddy's furry little body flying helplessly through the air off the back of the Spyder, his empty harness hanging by its teather off the side of the byke. My first instinct was to slam on the brakes and to get him before he got ran over by all the on-coming cars, but if I did that, I would have been rear ended by the suv that was right behind me. I WAS PANICKED WITH FEAR! I couldn't stop & had to keep going. I immediately put on my EMERGENCY flashers and waited til the on-coming traffic had a break, & pulled into the first driveway I could.

TBC. . . . .

10-10-2011, 11:04 AM
So there I am, finally parked in some strangers driveway, flashers on, byke still running, hit the E-brake & quickly jump off & Im on the other side of the road about a block up from Teddy. I see his furry black body laying lifeless on the side of the road, right up against the burm of the sidewalk. Every instinct is telling me to run & get him, but its close to rush hour & cars are just zipping by. I know it was probably only a couple of minutes, but it felt like a lifetime waiting to get another break in the traffic so I could get across to get to him. I honestly didn't know at this time if he was dead or just injured badly & unconscious, but he wasn't moving & an overwhelming feeling of guilt overtook me, as I stood there helplessly waiting for a break in the traffic, cause this was all my fault. I did this to him. I could feel my face turn beet red & it felt as hot as a torch & then Tears just started streaming down my face uncontrollably & it was making it hard to see. As Im still waiting and with blurry vision, I think I see Teddy starting to move. Did he just lift his head or was I just seeing things? Nope, I wasn't seeing things, the lil guy was actually starting to move. At first, joy overtook me, as I knew he was at least alive!!!! YAY!!!!!

But that was very short lived, as I now watch him stagger to his feet, EXTREMELY DAZED & CONFUSED. OMG, NO!!! Don't walk out in front of a car!!! NO, PLEASE NO!!!! Damn these cars, stop & let me cross. He takes a couple staggered steps into the road, and an on-coming car swerves to miss him & honks his horn, which just really shocks the hell out of the lil guy & I see him hit his head against the concrete burm as he's startled by the loud sound. The desire for me to yell out to him is overwhelming, but I know he hasn't seen me yet & I fear if he hears me, he'll start running to the sound of my voice & undoubtedly, get hit by a car, so I say nothing & Watch helplessly in horror as he starts to stumble around, looking for me. I watch as a car see's Teddy in the road & slows & honks their horn at him & being startled again, he finally stumbles out of the road & up onto the sidewalk. I'll never forget how lost he looked, all alone, undoubtedly in shock, alongside a loud & busy road, just frantically stumbling back & forth looking for me.

I finally decided I couldn't wait anymore and that if I didn't act soon, something worse may happen, so I started frantically waving my arms, trying to make myself as visible as possible & proceeded to walk out into traffic, motioning for them to slow down so I could get across. Luckily the first car stopped for me, making all the others stop as well & I was able to make it across with no injuries, just a couple horn honks & a few choice insults thrown my way.

When Teddy first saw me, even tho he was still very much in shock, dazed & confused, & I saw his lil bob tail wiggle, just a little & I knew he was ok enough to recognize me & it put a smile on my burning face. I motioned for him to jump up in my arms like he usually does & he tried, but he just couldn't do it. He more like crawled up the front of me with my help. GOD, how good it felt to hold and hug him again :pray:

I gave him a good once over, but couldn't see any blood or obvious broken bones. Wow, did we luck out!!! I carried him back across the street to the driveway with his Spyder sit'n there, still running with the flashers on, just wait'n for us. Only now, after what we just experienced, I was terrified to put him back there again. It wasn't the Spyders fault, it didn't do anything wrong. But it was my fault, for trusting a harness to do its job. So I inspected the harness & teather setup real closely to see if I could understand what went wrong, what had failed. The teather was still attached to under the seat & that was still going thru his doggy bed and it was still attached to his harness. The harness had no breaks or tears in it & the clasps were still closed. So, after careful thought & inspection, it looks like I didn't have the harness secured tight enough around his body. But I double checked it when I put it back on him & recalled (for normal use) you should have it tight enough to only allow 2 fingers underneath. But that was how tight I had had it when he went flying out. Only thing I could deduce was, since he was shaved, his fur is really smooth & slick. And that, against the nylon straps without any added padding & the G-forces from the quick turns, & he must have just slipped right thru the harness.

So, long story long, (sorry, but conveying emotions helps to truly understand something) thats why I DON'T recommend using a regular harness, as they just are NOT designed for automotive travel. Why risk injuring your pet, learn from our error.

Mind you now, I'm not saying it can't be done & yes, I've seen the YouTube video of Dawg riding standing up on a two wheeler with no safety equipment sans Doggles. If that floats yur boat, by all means, go for it. I'm posting this thread for those of you that have asked how I go about Teddy's set-up for ryde'n His Spyder.

Sorry, I'll have to finish this when I get home from work, but I'll post pics of the setup and the equipment we use to make it easy & clear for anyone interested. & Im not saying our way is perfect or the best, but Teddy can claim over 10,000 miles ryding his Spyder all over the country. He's been to Florida, Cuba MO twice, Indianapolis twice, Hocking Hills twice and even New York for Spyders in the Addirondacks. So, I'd say we're doing something right.
TBC. . . . . . .

10-10-2011, 04:52 PM
OMG!!!! WHAT A STORY AND SOOOOO FRIGHTENING!!! I can see why you would have been in tears over this. I have seen you and Teddy together and there can't be any better bonding between " FRIENDS " than what you and Teddy have. I think if it had happened to me I'd have had a heart attack!!! Now that you have the set up you use now you have GOT to feel better about the whole thing. Love to see you again at Spyderfest in April 2012. Of course love to see Dave too!!!:roflblack::roflblack: Has Teddy learned how to read a map so he can pick out the route he wants??? :joke:

10-10-2011, 09:26 PM
Glad to hear he will be OK!!!

10-11-2011, 05:21 AM

10-11-2011, 05:26 AM

10-11-2011, 05:53 AM

10-11-2011, 05:58 AM
I'll post one more video later today after I get home from work showing the complete set-up, start to finish with positioning Teddy & making sure he's READY to RYDE :doorag:

10-13-2011, 11:09 PM
Thanks for posting this.

10-21-2011, 06:57 PM
Ms Tootsie who is a rata-pin. weighing 16 lbs. rides behind me on the passenger seat in a zipped up carrier that is vented on three sides. She loves it and most willingly climbs in on her own. I have two strips of webbed material with velcro sewn on and that I cannot pull apart unless I peal them, that are run throuh the shoulder strap D loops and down around the passenger handles. I did have a vinyl cover made for the carrier in case of rain or col. Ms Tootsie has ridden 700 miles in one day with the tempature of 115 and I believe she was cooler than I was, The top being zipped keeps the sun off her and with the three sides being vented she gets plenty of air.

I bought the carrier from pet smart and it is called a SHERPA bag.. I have the LARGE model and she can still move around in it. Thought about the trailer way but saw way too many what ifs. this way I can hear her and feel her when she moves so I know all is well.

10-27-2011, 08:37 AM
Has Teddy learned how to read a map so he can pick out the route he wants??? :joke:
I knew I didn't have the patience to try teaching him how to read maps, so that's why HE INSISTED that I get him the Garmin Zumo 665:thumbup:

Thanks for posting this.
Anytime, even tho Teddy may have achieved celebrity status, he's still very much humble, fun loving & always willing to help when we can;)

Ms Tootsie who is a rata-pin. weighing 16 lbs. rides behind me on the passenger seat in a zipped up carrier that is vented on three sides. She loves it and most willingly climbs in on her own. I have two strips of webbed material with velcro sewn on and that I cannot pull apart unless I peal them, that are run throuh the shoulder strap D loops and down around the passenger handles. I did have a vinyl cover made for the carrier in case of rain or col. Ms Tootsie has ridden 700 miles in one day with the tempature of 115 and I believe she was cooler than I was, The top being zipped keeps the sun off her and with the three sides being vented she gets plenty of air.

I bought the carrier from pet smart and it is called a SHERPA bag.. I have the LARGE model and she can still move around in it. Thought about the trailer way but saw way too many what ifs. this way I can hear her and feel her when she moves so I know all is well.
Thats great to hear & congrats on figuring out a great way to ryde with yur Best Friend. Just makes SpYder'n all the more enjoyable:2thumbs:

10-27-2011, 09:11 AM
35401This is the one Teddy uses:thumbup:

They have the Easy Rider car harness that Teddy uses & also another one made for automotive travel as well, tho we're happy with his current set-up & haven't tried the other one to give a review. Just thought I'd share. This is from the PetsMart store in Florence KY taken yesterday 10/26/2011, your local store may have different pricing & availability

10-28-2011, 11:52 PM
35401This is the one Teddy uses:thumbup:

They have the Easy Rider car harness that Teddy uses & also another one made for automotive travel as well, tho we're happy with his current set-up & haven't tried the other one to give a review. Just thought I'd share. This is from the PetsMart store in Florence KY taken yesterday 10/26/2011, your local store may have different pricing & availability

Getting supplies this weekend, hopefully I can get it set up and take Sadie for a ryde before it's to cold. Thanks again!

11-12-2011, 01:38 PM
Getting supplies this weekend, hopefully I can get it set up and take Sadie for a ryde before it's to cold. Thanks again!

:hun:Any news, how goes Sadie, is she a Spyder Ryde'n Pooch yet?:popcorn:
:yes:Teddy wants to see pics :clap:
He recently went on his first Spyder-Ferry ryde across the Mighty Ohio River.
:pHe said to give Sadi some lick'ns from him:p

05-14-2012, 05:22 AM
I like your set up, very cool.

Can I ask what is the teddy cam set up, is the monitor waterproof and how is the camera interface wired or wireless.


05-14-2012, 07:22 AM
I don't use a cam,, Ms Tootsie is zipped inside with three vents sides and I know I dont have to check on her until i stop. I do feel her moving around when turns around and am confident she isnt going anywhere.

I like your set up, very cool.

Can I ask what is the teddy cam set up, is the monitor waterproof and how is the camera interface wired or wireless.


Bob Denman
05-14-2012, 11:34 AM
This is wealth of great information! :2thumbs: I've got to say that you've put an awful lot of thought into this process and it could really save somebody a ton of heartache if they follow your lead here...
Oh... Since Teddy is also a Pom I guess it'd be okay for him and Tink to correspond a bit... I didn't recognize him with the haircut! :opps: She's only three and a half pounds though... pocket-sized! :roflblack:

08-24-2012, 07:51 AM
This is wealth of great information! :2thumbs: I've got to say that you've put an awful lot of thought into this process and it could really save somebody a ton of heartache if they follow your lead here...
Oh... Since Teddy is also a Pom I guess it'd be okay for him and Tink to correspond a bit... I didn't recognize him with the haircut! :opps: She's only three and a half pounds though... pocket-sized! :roflblack:

:lecturef_smilie:Haven't heard nor seen anything about her buddy, so whats up:dontknow: Teddy's want'n to see some more pics of her ryde'n on the Spyder:yes:

08-25-2012, 02:53 PM
Just wondering when you are going to post more about Teddy's setup. When I get my Spyder I want to fix it up so my chihuahua can ride with me. She is my service dog and goes everywhere I go. Since I will have a rigid wheelchair on the back not sure how I will set it up for my Prue to ride with me. I am planning on getting a RS so won't have the nice back seat like you do. I thought abouthe RT but then it would be an issue for the wheelchair. Need to figure out a good setup for her to ride on the back of the RS with the chair above the back wheel. Especially interested in the canopy you made for Teddy :thumbup:

08-25-2012, 03:07 PM
I really appreciate all the work you have put in so that the rest of us can experience riding nirvana with our doggies!! Murphy and I should be able to hit the road the next nice day we have!
