10-01-2011, 07:56 PM
Hi All,
We had great time today, enjoying lunch and talking Spyder's and getting to know a fantastic group of folks. We have been riding bikes for years but today was the first time we have been on a group ride and it was a blast.
I posted a few pics that we took today, check them out!!!!

See Ya'll Soon!!!!!

Steve and Heidi

10-02-2011, 04:18 PM
Saw quite a few Spyders at ThunderBeach on Friday. At the last two T/B only saw a single unit each time......they must be catching on.


10-03-2011, 12:44 AM
Saw quite a few Spyders at ThunderBeach on Friday. At the last two T/B only saw a single unit each time......they must be catching on.


RAL It was great to see a lot of Spyder's at TB and the single unit you saw must have been me. It has been very lonely here for the last several years but at the gathering at Hammerhead Fred's, it was great to see so many parked in the lot.

Smartin436, Thanks for the pictures of your group ryde to Destin. I took a short ryde with Gene0108 and his wife on her own RS, later in the day. The best part was meeting so many SpyderLovers. :thumbup:

10-03-2011, 08:56 AM
Smartin436 -- it was great seening you at the meet and greet at Hammerhead Freds on Saturday. I enjoyed the time I got to spend with all the spyder ryders. Thanks for the great pictures you posted of the ryde after lunch. Sorry we could not go along - had a hand grip issue and went by Black Jacks with PCBeachBum to reglue the left grip. Then it was back to Pensacola. I hope we can meet up soon. I will send a PM when our small Pensacola group is ryding again and see if we can't hook up.

10-03-2011, 10:12 AM