View Full Version : Hulu Plus or Netflix?

09-06-2011, 08:21 PM
I have been able to get many answers from the good folks on this site. So here is a question I have been debating over foer the last few weeks. My wife and I are OTR drivers, hence we miss shows sometimes we don't get them recorded @ home. So which is better any why. Netflix of Hulu Plus?

09-06-2011, 09:30 PM
I just canceled my Netflix. They lost all the Sony streaming movies starting next year because they screwed up the Starz contract, and jacked up their price. The streaming movie selection wasn't that great to begin with. I'll be going to the Redbox for DVDs from now on. I've looked at Hulu plus briefly, so I don't know how good their selection for streaming is.

Ok, I've looked at the movie selection. There wasn't one movie that I haven't seen or would want to see. To me, it isn't worth the $7.99 a month.

09-07-2011, 05:51 AM
I just canceled my Netflix. They lost all the Sony streaming movies starting next year because they screwed up the Starz contract, and jacked up their price. The streaming movie selection wasn't that great to begin with. I'll be going to the Redbox for DVDs from now on. I've looked at Hulu plus briefly, so I don't know how good their selection for streaming is.

Ok, I've looked at the movie selection. There wasn't one movie that I haven't seen or would want to see. To me, it isn't worth the $7.99 a month.


ISCI Billy
09-07-2011, 07:31 AM
I like Netflix, I also have to agreed to pay the increase in price (around $16.00 a month for everything). Enjoyed watching a movie the other night.

09-07-2011, 07:54 AM
Netflix is great for tv series. We've watch the whole 24 series, that 70's show series and now we're working on Soap. My boys have watched all the Futurama's and American Dad's.

Looking for new movies, forget it. Ironman 2 is the newest movie listed on Netflix. :hun:

I use on demand or red box for the new stuff. But classic stuff, I like Netflix.

09-07-2011, 11:30 AM
Thanks, I may try both but I don't want to go over on my internet, only have 10 gig a month... need roll over!

09-07-2011, 12:59 PM
I haven't tried Hulu. I use netflix and pull it in through a Roku box via wireless Internet access. I am only moderately satisfied with Netflix. Selection is dated. For sure. However, I could deal with it being dated if it weren't so limited in selection as well. Still for the amount I am using it I feel I am getting my money's worth. I watch so little TV any more I am thinking of getting rid of my Dish network and using only local TV and then Netflix on occasion. That would save over 70 bucks per month. Just think of the mods I could do with that building up!!

09-21-2011, 05:05 AM
I have netflix it is ok great option for the kids, look into Zune I also have that on my Xbox it is a pay as you play movie streamer, watched The Dark Knight few weeks ago great HD and was like 2or 3 bucks for a 24 hr rent. They have many current titles and 6-8 movies would equal 1 month netflix.

09-21-2011, 07:12 AM
Netflix is good to watch older, no big hits (unless really old ones) movies. It does work for TV shows as others have mentioned. But their DVD (Blu-Ray) service sucks!!! I have not one Blu-Ray I have yet to not clean or return for crappy viewing. It's either one or the other, and althought the best solution is to clean the Blu-Ray before playing it, I forget (or my wife does) to clean it and becomes very frustrating to start a movie all over because of an imperfection.

I finally droped the DVD service and kept the streaming (and I will try Hulu). I have a Redbox in my local supermarket and since I go there often...:thumbup: