View Full Version : A funny thing happened on our way home last night...

08-03-2011, 07:46 AM
When we were coming home (to our RV) last night in Massachusetts, we had several motorists pulling onto the shoulder to let our :spyder2: go by...guess all our extra LEDs had them thinking we were law enforcement folks or something. :roflblack: It's not like we had a flashing strobe light mounted somewhere!:D

08-03-2011, 09:57 AM
Maybe they all thought you were a low flying UFO:yikes:

Bob Denman
08-03-2011, 10:09 AM
... or part of the Governor's motorcade... :roflblack:

08-03-2011, 10:48 AM
I live in Massachusetts (er.. um Taxachusetts!).

Trust me it aint the Guvna's Motorcade! Nor was it a statie. (State Police).

Not many Spyders up this way. So it may have more on the suprised side.

After 3+ years... I STILL get drivers curious, people follwing me and ruberneckers.

08-03-2011, 11:31 AM
:2thumbs: Lights are good. :D

08-03-2011, 02:27 PM
What color lights?

08-03-2011, 06:11 PM
Hi DocRags, we meet at Whiteface while I was unhooking my trailer (what a great ride and interesting summit!).

When I got my :spyder2: in '08 I had several experiences like this with the stock lighting. Cars I came up behind at night would pull over and let me pass. I finally changed the fender tip lights to an amber and it seemed to stop happening.

My guess was that they had never seen anything with that type of light pattern before and the way the fenders would bounce the light made it look as if it was flashing/strobing to them in the mirrors.

Hope that your trip is continuing to provide lots of great riding.


08-04-2011, 07:05 AM
What color lights? Our lights are all white ... we rode with Joe Quinones yesterday and he solved the mystery: with the bumpy roads (or maybe just the usual :spyder2: vibration) it looks like we're flashing our bright lights at folks when we're riding. :roflblack:

08-04-2011, 07:15 AM
Hi DocRags, we meet at Whiteface while I was unhooking my trailer (what a great ride and interesting summit!).

When I got my :spyder2: in '08 I had several experiences like this with the stock lighting. Cars I came up behind at night would pull over and let me pass. I finally changed the fender tip lights to an amber and it seemed to stop happening.

My guess was that they had never seen anything with that type of light pattern before and the way the fenders would bounce the light made it look as if it was flashing/strobing to them in the mirrors.

Hope that your trip is continuing to provide lots of great riding.

Mike That's exactly what happened, Mike. Joe told us it looked like we were flashing the lights as we rode when we met him yesterday for a ride. No one else we've been on rides with has ever told us that, though...maybe it's the roads up here that do it! We recently changed to 2011 RT shocks and a different sway bar. Don't know if that was a factor or not. Wouldn't think that would change the vibration but I'm not an expert on mechanical/technical :spyder2: things. Hope you had a great ride home. It was nice meeting you at Whiteface. We are having an absolute blast exploring new states...over 5500 miles on our :spyder2: since we left home in mid-June.:clap: We're heading to NJ today...planning on checking out Philly, etc. if there aren't any thunderstorms that way. We will be adding NJ to our visited states map soon!

08-04-2011, 07:41 AM
When i first got my Spyder [3+ years ago] I had a few people pull over and let me go bye,
One [cop] even followed me into a parking lot , He said he couldn't figure out the headlights behind him were,
And wanted to know what in the world i was riding:roflblack:

Bob Denman
08-04-2011, 09:04 AM
with the bumpy roads (or maybe just the usual :spyder2: vibration) it looks like we're flashing our bright lights at folks when we're riding. :roflblack:

That's a good thing ti know... Our roads up here sometime feel like they were paved by well... an idiot's first try! Now if somebody flashes "back" at me again, I'll know why! :thumbup:

08-04-2011, 09:21 AM
Thanks Spyderlovers for solving what I had placed on my "problem" list...when I was running N on 1 .. the nite portion -- had several folks flash me...I'm thinking dang lites must be set to high since I don't normally drive at nite .. but the road was "bumpy/uneven"...so I'm erasing lites from that nasty list!!!! Ahhh Spyderlovers saved me and my tech's frustrations again!!! :clap::clap:

08-04-2011, 10:08 AM
Thanks Spyderlovers for solving what I had placed on my "problem" list...when I was running N on 1 .. the nite portion -- had several folks flash me...I'm thinking dang lites must be set to high since I don't normally drive at nite .. but the road was "bumpy/uneven"...so I'm erasing lites from that nasty list!!!! Ahhh Spyderlovers saved me and my tech's frustrations again!!! :clap::clap:

Yep, The lights throw a flat beam so any rise in the road will give the impression of flashing [no trench coat needed]

08-04-2011, 10:14 AM
My wife and I travel together on our RT's. She likes her shocks to be on the 'soft' setting. When she rides behind me, especially on an uneven surface her lights drive me nuts as it looks like she is going on and off the high beam.

But it is just the soft setting that causes the front end to move up and down enough to jiggle the lighting. She says she can't notice it when riding.

I'm guessing that with two up the jiggle may be exacerbated a bit.

08-04-2011, 10:52 AM
My wife and I travel together on our RT's. She likes her shocks to be on the 'soft' setting. When she rides behind me, especially on an uneven surface her lights drive me nuts as it looks like she is going on and off the high beam.

But it is just the soft setting that causes the front end to move up and down enough to jiggle the lighting. She says she can't notice it when riding.

I'm guessing that with two up the jiggle may be exacerbated a bit.
Two-up actually raises the aim of the headlights, instead of increasing "jiggling". This "problem" is caused by the use of projector lens headlights on the Spyder. These headlights have a relatively narrow beam, so they appear to go on and off as the narrow beam poiunts more or less at the viewer's eyes. Aiming your headlights a bit lower, and being sure that the seat is loaded with a rider's weight or a 200 pound sandbag when aiming the lights, will help reduce this effect. Using high beams in the daytime will also minimize it.

08-04-2011, 08:35 PM
I had a helicopter fly low over me and flash hello with his landing light a few weeks back. It was early morning in northern Ontario between Wawa and Timmins.

Not sure if my headlight was too bright or it was the new hi-viz yellow helmet and vest that stood out in the early morning mist. Kinda cool, though. :2thumbs: