View Full Version : Couple of clothing questions

07-30-2011, 11:25 PM
1) I have the BRP Summer Mesh jacket, sold of course without the 'armor.' Has anyone purchased the separate armor bits for this jacket, and if so what do you think of them? Per the BRP site, these do not appear to be Kevlar but made of an un-named "Viscoelastic Polyurethane Foam". I don't mind buying a pair for the shoulders and a pair for the elbows if these seem useful, but want to make sure they're something that would actually make a difference in protection and are not just something BRP offers because it's an expected cycle jacket feature. Also, if you have them, how do they affect the jacket's fit? The pre-installed elbow armor in my wife's First Gear jacket is curved to fit the elbow, but I gather these BRP inserts are just flat pads. Do they "shape" well or do they increase the arm stiffness?

2) Anyone have recommendations regarding brands for Kevlar riding jeans? I don't particularly want to buy dedicated leather or textile cycle riding pants but would like more protection than just regular jeans (although I've noticed that about 90% of the summer riders in my area are just wearing regular jeans...). Any brands in particular that you've used that you'd recommend? I understand from reviews on the store sites that they're likely to be warmer than regular jeans, but am interested in people's experiences with fit, and any opinions on the quality of protection (understanding that it won't be as good as dedicated cycle pants).

Thanks! :)

07-31-2011, 08:14 AM
Check out aerostich.com I think I remember seeing riding jeans.

07-31-2011, 08:56 AM
One other option you may wish to consider instead of "dedicated" riding pants is textile or mesh overpants. Zip them on over your jeans (or shorts), then take them off in seconds, once you reach your destination. They also help when riding in the sun. The sun no longer bakes your pantlegs when you have that extra layer.

07-31-2011, 09:18 AM
I have a pair of draggin" jeans from here:


They have kevlar in the butt and knee areas. I also opted for the armour.

I wear them with walking shorts underneath, if I'll be stopped somewhere for awhile; it's easy enough for me to slip the jeans off. If I am just riding and am not going to stop, I wear like a regular pair of pants.

07-31-2011, 09:27 AM
In the summer time I wear Firstgear over pants that zip from ankle to hip for easy removal along with a mesh jacket. If I am traveling 6 to 10 hours at a time I have a one piece Olympia Stealth summer suit that is mostly mesh panels that keeps the air flowing but has protection. For traveling during seasonal changes across states I wear the Olympia Phantom suit. My riding gear was chosen for my sport touring needs(on two wheels) and I have adapted that clothing to the spyder.

As far as fitment, I would suggest trying on the style and brand you want. You may find touring clothing is all you need and more comfortable to wear, unless you spent a good deal of time in the twisties participating in high risk maneuvers. But by all means, ATGAT.

07-31-2011, 10:01 AM
Diamond gusset jeans online store has biker jeans with kelar lining. I have a pair and they are great.

07-31-2011, 11:40 AM
Check out sliders from compassoceries they also have the Quest kevlar jacket and pants the jacket is down to 99 and it has armor and zip out liner it's waterproof has zip vents tons on pockets plus it saved my hide big time when I hit a deer on my 2 wheeler

07-31-2011, 04:38 PM
Diamond gusset jeans online store has biker jeans with kelar lining. I have a pair and they are great.

I also use and like the Diamond Gusset Kevlar jeans.:thumbup:

07-31-2011, 05:10 PM
I am surprised the mesh jacket did not come with pads--how cheap can that be?

RE: Kevlar riding jeans: I have Cortech DSX brand. I got them through Motorcycle Superstore for about $60.00. I like them for warmer weather riding a lot.

RE: Pads. I have a whole box of these in my garage. I usually pull the elbow, and shoulder pads from all my riding gear--because I do not like the bulkiness of the pads at the joints and shoulders. Also pull the kneepads from my riding pants.

A calculated risk--but I need the riding gear to be comfortable for me.

I have 1 CanAM textile jacket and 1 CanAM leather jacket--but mostly all the other stuff is First Gear. Also have a Couple of Hein Geirke jackets, and a pair of Revit--Manufactured Leather pants.

Most places are making good stuff--so most well known brands are satisfactory. Style and color is now what makes me choose anything new.

07-31-2011, 09:23 PM
Thanks, all! I went down to Eagle Leather in Tacoma, WA (first visit there, great store and fun staff), and Radgirl and I each picked up a pair of DragginJeans. Took 'em out on a ride this afternoon, and they felt fine.

So, I see akspyderman's not too keen on the armor pads. ;) Anyone else have thoughts about those? We didn't buy any with the jeans, although I think I may buy the hip armor direct from the DragginJeans site (my bones are a bit on the brittle side, and I'm supposed to be careful and not fall down, so buying a bike was probably not a wise move; but hey, a little hip armor should help, right? :D )

07-31-2011, 10:17 PM
Thanks, all! I went down to Eagle Leather in Tacoma, WA (first visit there, great store and fun staff), and Radgirl and I each picked up a pair of DragginJeans. Took 'em out on a ride this afternoon, and they felt fine.

So, I see akspyderman's not too keen on the armor pads. ;) Anyone else have thoughts about those? We didn't buy any with the jeans, although I think I may buy the hip armor direct from the DragginJeans site (my bones are a bit on the brittle side, and I'm supposed to be careful and not fall down, so buying a bike was probably not a wise move; but hey, a little hip armor should help, right? :D )

Like I said above, I purchased the armor with my draggin jeans. To each his own; if someone doesn't like armor, that's their business. I don't find them to be bulky.

08-01-2011, 08:39 AM
Thanks, all! I went down to Eagle Leather in Tacoma, WA (first visit there, great store and fun staff), and Radgirl and I each picked up a pair of DragginJeans. Took 'em out on a ride this afternoon, and they felt fine.

So, I see akspyderman's not too keen on the armor pads. ;) Anyone else have thoughts about those? We didn't buy any with the jeans, although I think I may buy the hip armor direct from the DragginJeans site (my bones are a bit on the brittle side, and I'm supposed to be careful and not fall down, so buying a bike was probably not a wise move; but hey, a little hip armor should help, right? :D )I don't use any of the armor pads, I have removed all of them from my Joe Rocket jacket. The chances of going down and needing the protection on the Spyder is much less than on a two wheeler, unless one is doing some really crazy riding. To be honest in the summer I am in shorts and little strappy tops. Things I would not think of wearing when riding my Harley

08-01-2011, 08:57 AM
I don't use any of the armor pads, I have removed all of them from my Joe Rocket jacket. The chances of going down and needing the protection on the Spyder is much less than on a two wheeler, unless one is doing some really crazy riding. To be honest in the summer I am in shorts and little strappy tops. Things I would not think of wearing when riding my Harley
Shhhhh me also!!!!! Do wear my helmet and sunscreen, tho...so I am protected, right?