View Full Version : They backed into my RT

07-17-2011, 01:05 PM
I was parked in regular car space, some (-/:;;;!??,.@&&$) backed over the right front fender, also scarred the light lense next to the frunk .... Needless to say, I wanted to pull out a gunn and shoot the S.O.B.

Stopped by dealer, "Service Lady" said, no we don't have any way to correct that except to order a fender... BUT, I might try some of that new headlight stuff at one of the auto parts stores...

Went by everyones favorite store, Wally-world and found some "Meguiar's" motorcycle PLASTIC Cleaner/Polish .... Sold for 4.97 ...

"IT WORKS LIKE MAGIC", you could not tell there ever was a scratch.

These scratches you could feel with your fingernail.... All gone...

Their p/n MC20506. UBA#5822-0198. .....

07-17-2011, 01:12 PM
That sucks! No need for gunns.:lecturef_smilie: Not worth you going to the big house over plastic. Good to hear you got it worked out. :ani29:

07-17-2011, 04:57 PM
Man I cringe every time some cager parks beside me and swings the door fully open to get out.

07-17-2011, 06:18 PM
That sucks! No need for gunns.:lecturef_smilie: Not worth you going to the big house over plastic. Good to hear you got it worked out. :ani29:

:agree:Especially when 4.97 fixed it.

07-17-2011, 06:51 PM
Still, yet, it would have been nice to feed the inconsiderate clown a knuckle sandwich for lunch for pulling that crap.:gaah::gaah::gaah:

I had my brand spankin' new Suzuki hit in a parking space in broad daylight in Branson by some sorry piece of human flesh. Thank goodness I had it on the bike stand instead of kick stand when it happened. I was able to buff most of it out with the product mentioned, but it would have been with great satisfaction removing the clown from his vehicle and showing him the damage up close and personal.:cus:

Bob Denman
07-18-2011, 07:07 AM
I'm glad to hear that it all turned out reasonably well for you! :thumbup: Thanks for the tip on Meguiers... the way that my July has been progressing that would be the NEXT thing to happen to me and mine! :shocked:

07-18-2011, 08:07 AM
If the lot where you were parked has video surveillance, maybe you can get things repaired/replaced with the slimeball's money.


Bob Denman
07-18-2011, 08:24 AM
Good point! :thumbup: Since the :cus: hit you and left the scene perhaps the LEOs would like to talk to him about his behavior too... :gaah:

07-18-2011, 08:28 AM
I was parked in regular car space, some (-/:;;;!??,.@&&$) backed over the right front fender, also scarred the light lense next to the frunk .... Needless to say, I wanted to pull out a gunn and shoot the S.O.B.

Prolly a good idea you didn't have one of these then.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/RAM-Mounts-HAND-GUN-HOLSTER-HNDLBR-MNT-RAM-B-149Z-GUN1-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem4cf8295ab3QQitemZ33058 0974259QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories

RAM Mount really does make everything. Who doesn't need a gun on their handlebars??? lol ! May as well get one for each side right?

Bob Denman
07-18-2011, 09:05 AM
We gun owners catch enough crap... That makes me think of the weekend warrior hunter wannabees who show up out of NYC each and every November. They carry 300 winMags and have large "hunting Knives" (almost machetes!) strapped on as they sit and drink coffee in either full camo or Blze Orange... :gaah: They give the rest of us a very bad name...

07-18-2011, 10:33 AM
We gun owners catch enough crap... ... :gaah: They give the rest of us a very bad name...

I totally agree. But really, how long/far do you think anyone would get before the "INDUCING PANIC" sets in with one strapped on the handle bars? :dontknow:

Even though its perfectly legal, until is scares someone, I'm guessing local PD would be notifed in under 30 mins, No :joke:.

07-18-2011, 11:01 AM
Sorry to hear that some scumbag run into your Spyder and left the scene.

I would recommend pursuing the security camera angle--maybe you will get lucky and your insurance company will pursue the culprit.

07-18-2011, 11:20 AM
We gun owners catch enough crap... That makes me think of the weekend warrior hunter wannabees who show up out of NYC each and every November. They carry 300 winMags and have large "hunting Knives" (almost machetes!) strapped on as they sit and drink coffee in either full camo or Blze Orange... :gaah: They give the rest of us a very bad name...
Benefactor Life Member here, too. Fact of the matter is that the vast majority of CHL holders tend to be far more civil than most folks, because they are in-fact armed and have to keep their tempers in check. I never get on the Spyder without a CCW.

Tell me about the wannabees. I have a farm and see them streaming in every hunting season and it seems to get worse as the population continues to explode. Less than 10% of us in my area are natives to the area.:gaah:

Bob Denman
07-18-2011, 11:46 AM
It's rough... ain't it?
You're absolutely correct about carriers... Keeping your head about you while others are acting like fools can be trying at times... but the stakes are too high for anything less! :thumbup:
I've had folks sy to me, "Oh; I could never carry a gun. What would happen if I lost my temper and shot somebody? ':gaah:
I say to them, "You're absolutely right! If you have so little self-control, then you're the last person on the planet that should have a firearm."

07-18-2011, 12:08 PM
Sry to hear but glad it allworked out!

07-18-2011, 12:57 PM
It's rough... ain't it?
You're absolutely correct about carriers... Keeping your head about you while others are acting like fools can be trying at times... but the stakes are too high for anything less! :thumbup:
I've had folks sy to me, "Oh; I could never carry a gun. What would happen if I lost my temper and shot somebody? ':gaah:
I say to them, "You're absolutely right! If you have so little self-control, then you're the last person on the planet that should have a firearm."

:agree:And if the other guy has a gun you better be prepared to shoot first; He who hesitates losses, Been there seen that.:sour:
And don't forget just displaying a gun in a threatening manner can be cause to lose your carry.
But enough of the bravado, How's the weather out your way.??:ohyea:

07-19-2011, 12:19 AM
I am going to opt out on the gun discussion--I have stirred the pot enough over the last few days.

Yep- I have some.

07-19-2011, 12:22 AM
Absolutely agree. I'm also a former LEO and there are some folks out there I put in jail in the past, so a CCW is a handy thing to have.:thumbup:

07-19-2011, 10:59 PM
Went by everyones favorite store, Wally-world and found some "Meguiar's" motorcycle PLASTIC Cleaner/Polish .... Sold for 4.97 ...

"IT WORKS LIKE MAGIC", you could not tell there ever was a scratch.

These scratches you could feel with your fingernail.... All gone...

Their p/n MC20506. UBA#5822-0198. .....

I bought the last jug they had..t'was hiding way in the back. I ll give it a try tomorrow. Just picked up a 83 KZ1100 Spectre and want to see if I can shine the plastic parts up a bit. :D

Bob Denman
07-20-2011, 06:54 AM
We're going to want to see some "before and after" pictures... :popcorn:

07-20-2011, 10:03 AM
I was parked in regular car space, some (-/:;;;!??,.@&&$) backed over the right front fender, also scarred the light lense next to the frunk ....

Sorry to hear about the (-/:;;;!??,.@&&$) who couldn't see your ride.....be thankful they didnt give it more gas when the car came to a stop after the impact! Glad to hear about the "cheap fix"!!!!
An anti-theft alarm with proximity warning may be your next item to buy. I park AWAY (when possible) from other cars and it is usually pedestrians who walk up to the bike to look at it. Of course when they get too close my bike kindly lets them know he/she is being "irritated" and they back off.

07-20-2011, 06:11 PM
Prolly a good idea you didn't have one of these then.

RAM Mount really does make everything. Who doesn't need a gun on their handlebars??? lol ! May as well get one for each side right?

I am a ccw holder and never let anyone know , but a empty holster would make someone think....... I have the stuff to do it may be fun to watch the people, lord know the spyder draws a crowd.:chat:

Dead Man Rydin
07-22-2011, 09:06 AM
So do you think the Wal-Mart stuff would be better or the BRP recomended polish and cleaner? I'm trying to go for the most bang for my buck but want good stuff. Is that possible now days?:doorag:

07-22-2011, 10:04 AM
So do you think the Wal-Mart stuff would be better or the BRP recommended polish and cleaner? I'm trying to go for the most bang for my buck but want good stuff. Is that possible now days?:doorag:

You aint out much if you do try the Meguires. It was 8 bucks here in WA.

It supposed to be used on clear plastic only. I tried it on some small scratches on my "glove compartment thing" door and it did take em out.

It worked pretty good..basically the same thing as a household product called "BRASSO"

07-22-2011, 05:13 PM
It worked pretty good..basically the same thing as a household product called "BRASSO"

BRASSO, Wow i just had a flash back:yikes: