View Full Version : I have run out of patience with BRP.

Lone Spyder Ryder
07-11-2011, 01:14 PM
When I had my 2008 Spyder and I started having problems with my Spyder and complained about in on the SpyderLovers.com and SpyderTalk.com the majority of members of these 2 Spyder sites inferred that part of the problem was my impatience with the dealers and BRP.
After the loss of my 2008 Spyder to fire, I very foolishly bought a 2009. The power steering failed and turned me into the oncoming traffic lane. Thank goodness I was in a residential area and there was no oncoming traffic. I was trying to counter steer and when the steering released from whatever was going on I dam near flipped it.
I had also started smelling gas again. At a little over 5000 miles the front tires have uneven and excessive ware on the inside. It has stalled and died 2 times and has never had the passing power the 08 had. The gas mileage in 10 mpg lower than the 08.
You did not see any post from me about these problems because I didn’t want to be a “trouble maker or complainer”.
Four weeks ago I took it to Twin Cities Motor Sports in Roseville, CA. Although It is not the dealer I bought the Spyder from it is a lot closer to me than the Lodi dealer and they have to certified Spyder mechanics.
I contacted Carlo at BRP. I was unable to talk to him put he called me back and left me a message saying that although he was going on a 2 week vacation and that he had started a file and had a case number for Twin Cities Motor Sports to use and that the techs working on the Spyder would be able to get any authorization that they would need to work on the Spyder. Twin Cities Motor Sports has not been able to get any kind of response from BRP.
I waited 1 week after Carlo was back from vacation to see if Carlo would respond to Twin Cities Motor Sports request for authorization to work on the Spyder. There was no response from Carlos so I emailed him. I have never got any response to that email so on July 7 I sent this email to all the people at BRP that I have a email address for. As of now 10:30 am July 11 I have not heard from anyone.
The message below is a request for help with the problems I am having with the New 2009 Spyder. It has been in the shop 17 working days and Twin Cities Motorsports in Roseville, Ca. and they have not been able to get any response from your tech support as to what they can do about fixing these problems. So I am sending this request for to all BRP employees that I have a email address to and maybe someone can call and talk to Chris the Twin Cities Motorsports Shop manager.

It has been 3 weeks since I took my 2009 Spyder SM5 into Twin Cities Motorsports in Roseville, Ca.
my problems are as follows;
Potently life threaten safely issues:
1. DPS Steering unit turned me into the on-coming lane, and had there been a car coming I would have been seriously injured and or killed. When the steering "released" I almost flipped the Spyder do to the amount of pressure I was using to try and steer in back into my lane.
2. I can smelling fuel at different times. No particular time or situation. I can smell gas at highway speeds and at stops. I have stopped or pulled over to see if I could find any sign of gas leaks but have yet to find any. This has occurred 5 or 6 times in the last 2000 miles. I know for a fact this is serious.
Non threaten issues:
1. It seems to me that the 2009 have at least a 15 to 20 percent decrease in power from the 2009. The passing and climbing power are noticeably less.
2. I have what I consider is worse front inside tire ware than even my 2008 had and I have had the wheel and tires balanced and checked twice since putting the BRP 6 Spoke rims on. Since the day I picked it up it has not felt the same. I ride the same 100 to 800 mile trips on many of the same roads. I ride slower than I did before so things should be close to the same when it comes to gas mileage, tire ware, and performance. Since the 2009 is a year new I would think if nothing else it should have improved some and it certainly hasn’t.
3. I am getting anywhere from 10 to 15 MPG less on the 2009 (low as 21 mpg, high 25 mpg) then I got on my 2008. I got low as 30 mpg, high 35 mpg). I feel that there is something wrong.
So those are the problems that I have and would like to have fixed.
I took the Spyder into Twin Cities Motorsports in Roseville, Ca. I talked to the owner and I also let him listen to the voice mail that you left me before you left for your vacation. They have the reference number you gave me.
So far 3 weeks later they tell me they cannot get any authorization from BRP for anything test or work they wish to do.
I am trying very hard to handle my issues in a more tolerant manner but to be honest it don’t appear to get any better response from BRP than the way I handled it before. I guess it’s back to the same old song and dance.
Dealer blames BRP, BRP blames the dealer or rider.
Personally I am sick of the sos. This is my first response to the lack of customer service care.
Your Temporary Complaint Number (TCN) was: FBN30-10728
Your complaint identification number (ODI Number) is: 10411083 (http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/complaints/results.cfm?odi_ids=10411083&SearchType=QuickSearch&summary=true&refurl=email)
The ODI Number listed above can be used to view your complaint on our website. It is a direct link to your complaint and can also be entered in the Search Complaints section of our site. Your complaint should become available for viewing within three business days of this notice.
Thank you for helping in our quest to improve the safety of our Nation's roadways for all of the motoring public. NHTSA technical staff members review this information to identify potential safety problems. While you may or may not be contacted by a NHTSA investigator to clarify the information submitted, all reports are reviewed and analyzed for potential defect trends. The NHTSA complaint database provides valuable information to other consumers and to manufacturers.
Thank you,
Office of Defects Investigation (ODI)
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
In closing this post I would like to say this.
If I had not had the steering problem I would not have filed the above report, but like it or not the Spyder has some serious problems that can very well get someone killed.

07-11-2011, 01:39 PM
Yet, we are expected to advertise for BRP at every stop for fuel or to rest.:dontknow:

07-11-2011, 01:53 PM
Sorry to hear about you problems but not surprised.

We called Cam Am and emailed them and Carlo about a problem we had on the 09 where the Hard bag came unlocked ans opened all the way dragging the ground.

2 calls and 2 emails and we gave up and worked thought John at Givi he took care of us in a week. Then over a month later we get a call from Can Am on a Friday. they lady said she was following up on and email she got 30 days ago.

I asked why she waited so long to contact us. she says we wait to see if the problem had been resolved!!!!

They did not know it had been taken care of
and argued with us in the fact that they said your bag cant open and touch the ground on you 2011 PE and read off a SN . Told her we dont have a PE we have 2 GSs
Seems they had placed Nomads SN on us
any event once informed I took care of it she wanted to hear noting else I had to say about their CS ans hung up

Sure glad I was not stalled out somewhere if they wait 30 days to FU

07-11-2011, 02:04 PM
"I asked why she waited so long to contact us. she says we wait to see if the problem had been resolved!!!!"

:cus: It's no wonder how every issue turns into a disaster. They let things escalate until the owner has no choice but to kick and scream.....That has to be the STUPIDEST response i've ever heard.

They spend enough money on commercials, maybe hire some customer service people instead and watch how fast things grow without all the negativity that surrounds the spyder. It just makes me scratch my head.:lecturef_smilie:

07-11-2011, 02:44 PM
This won't make you feel any better but the owner's manual says that uneven front tire wear is normal.

07-11-2011, 02:49 PM
Sorry you are having issues again with your 2009.

I am happy that I have a good dealer who has taken care of any issues encountered--with minimal hassle to me. I have ranted a little about customer service and follow up from BRP based on the experiences I have read from others.

The continuing threads about lack of communication between dealer/BRP or BRP/customer is a situation that should be addressed and improved upon by BRP and the dealer network.

Ongoing problems and lack of cooperation/unwillingness to solve problems in a timely way, are the things that eventually can bring a company down.

I do think that it is time for BRP to have more than a couple people that can deal with problems and authorize fixes. There are now to many machines out there to wait for weeks and months at a time to solve an issue.

The anger level that is caused by this practice reverberates down and we get a lot of inquires from potential Spyder owners wondering about the reliability of Spyders and the competency of the dealer network in fixing issues and problems. :popcorn::popcorn:

Keep us posted Leoejr.

07-11-2011, 04:19 PM
It truly saddens me to hear this. It's a shame to read what is going on out there now. The level of discontent is growing rapidly, and the openly arrogant attitude of BRP seems to have towards its customers is irresponsible at best. It's obvious to me that as the rider base grows BRP is not growing their support infrastructure to keep pace. Are you out there, BRP? Are you reading? Do you even care? I for one am starting to wonder.

I used to really chat the Spyder up to people when I would be approached at fuel stops and so on. I don't any more. I do not bash the product either, for I still have faith that the situation can be turned around, so I keep my comments nuetral. But I don't even ride 14 enough any more to even have to worry about that. It's now just riding the pine as a backup machine. Tragic and pathetic, considering how much I paid for that darned thing.

Others have mentioned it and I have to agree; the best thing that could happen is for another company to come along and build a better inverse trike machine which at this point, let's face, will not be hard to do. This will either make BRP step up it's game or just stay this course and be defeated.

07-11-2011, 05:17 PM
These kinds of postings seem to me are almost a everyday thread now. From now on we all should tell everybody that comes to this site or we meet on the street inquiring about the Spyder not to get one. To be honest guys and girls, if the Spyder population grows anymore than it already is were screwed with the current dealer service networks. We would be down the entire riding season for people that get snow.

But it's ok to advertise like crazy and give Spyders away in contests, but when it comes to service BRP falls flat on there face. And BRP only has one guy in the whole USA to call to get action (CARLO) ??? That my friends is total BS !!!

Thank god they did not change anything of importance on the 2012 line-up. I know the Techs would just go postal wondering how to fix it. The other posters are right, if another company makes a reverse trike bye bye Spyder not because I don't love it but because getting it fixed is a :cus:. I'm not going to wait a month or more for my spyder sitting in the shop for any kind of service. And it will come to that if BRP keeps this :cus: up. Please BRP sell the Spyder rights to Arctic Cat or the big four.

07-11-2011, 05:39 PM

07-11-2011, 05:44 PM
:agree:And double nojokenojoke

07-11-2011, 06:03 PM
I am troubled by discussions like this. They seem to come in waves. I don't at all doubt that leoejr has had serious problems with his Spyder. Indeed, the previous one burned. His frustration is understandable and we ought to support him in getting action on his problem.

What troubles me is the litany of complaints about the Spyder and BRP. We don't have an accurate figure of how many Spyders have been sold though someone said they had heard 20K. How many out of that number have burned, had DPS problems, hesitation problems? Let's imagine that 1000 owners have had any one of these problems. That leaves 19,000 who haven't.

Owners like Nancy's Toy, Lamonster, BajaRon and others have consistently -- and I believe rightly -- pointed out that the vast number of owners seem happy with their bikes, that other brands have similar problems, that these sorts of problems can be expected with totally new designs like the Spyder has. The few do not speak for the many.

I am NOT ignoring nor defending the slowness and lack of response on BRP's part. But these are complex issues. I would guess that for every person who has had difficulty like leoejr has apparently had, there are three who have been helped quickly and efficiently by Carlo. We seldom hear about these folks.

Would it not be better for a few of the active posters here to help leoejr by calling his dealer and asking why the delay? Would we not be helping him more by contacting Carlo and asking him to expeditiously respond? Why do we wait for Lamont to make that contact.

We talk much here about the constant help SpyderLovers is to our efforts to modify, fix, design, repair our beloved Spyders. And it is right we do so. But if this is the community that we loudly proclaim, what are we doing AS A COMMUNITY to help one of our members? Perhaps it is time to show dealers and, if necessary, BRP that the community we talk about is also a community that acts in support of its members.

ken tompkins

07-11-2011, 06:11 PM
:dontknow:[QUOTE=aren't fun;348623]These kinds of postings seem to me are almost a everyday thread now. From now on we all should tell everybody that comes to this site or we meet on the street inquiring about the Spider not to get one. To be honest guys and girls, if the Spyder population grows anymore than it already is were screwed with the current dealer service networks. We would be down the entire riding season for people that get snow.

The only way to build the dealer network is to buy more Spyders. Negative post do little to help sell Spyders !

The Spyder is only 4 years young and has experienced huge growth and development since its inception. As in any new product growing pains are common . I'm sorry that a small percentage of people are having trouble, but to tell people to stop buying the Spyder ,a little extreme ! :dontknow:

07-11-2011, 06:14 PM
Welcome to my world...
2 years 8 month of ownership, 1 year in shop, 24 warranty repairs, 7 tows and currently in shop.
Yet I am considering another one... Most if not all spyders with big, multiple problems have been 08 and 09's, right? :pray:
even my service writer thinks I am nuts to consider another spyder. :opps:
But... It is best ryde with any number if wheels, I do admit when it's not in Shop. :gaah:

07-11-2011, 06:15 PM
I am troubled by discussions like this. They seem to come in waves. I don't at all doubt that leoejr has had serious problems with his Spyder. Indeed, the previous one burned. His frustration is understandable and we ought to support him in getting action on his problem.

What troubles me is the litany of complaints about the Spyder and BRP. We don't have an accurate figure of how many Spyders have been sold though someone said they had heard 20K. How many out of that number have burned, had DPS problems, hesitation problems? Let's imagine that 1000 owners have had any one of these problems. That leaves 19,000 who haven't.

Owners like Nancy's Toy, Lamonster, BajaRon and others have consistently -- and I believe rightly -- pointed out that the vast number of owners seem happy with their bikes, that other brands have similar problems, that these sorts of problems can be expected with totally new designs like the Spyder has. The few do not speak for the many.

I am NOT ignoring nor defending the slowness and lack of response on BRP's part. But these are complex issues. I would guess that for every person who has had difficulty like leoejr has apparently had, there are three who have been helped quickly and efficiently by Carlo. We seldom hear about these folks.

Would it not be better for a few of the active posters here to help leoejr by calling his dealer and asking why the delay? Would we not be helping him more by contacting Carlo and asking him to expeditiously respond? Why do we wait for Lamont to make that contact.

We talk much here about the constant help SpyderLovers is to our efforts to modify, fix, design, repair our beloved Spyders. And it is right we do so. But if this is the community that we loudly proclaim, what are we doing AS A COMMUNITY to help one of our members? Perhaps it is time to show dealers and, if necessary, BRP that the community we talk about is also a community that acts in support of its members.

ken tompkins

I AGREE :agree:

07-11-2011, 06:29 PM
"The only way to build the dealer network is to buy more Spyders. Negative post do little to help sell Spyders !"

The current rate of sales certainly seems robust by most accounts. The problem is not enough qualified technicians or dealers to deal with all the different issues. Then you have BRP slow shipping parts, slow authorizing repairs(:hun:) and what almost seems like....if they delay long enough the problem will go away by itself.

If your going to grow the product you have to grow the support system just as fast, if not faster.

If Lamont was in charge of just spyderlover.com owner issues, I bet you would not have nearly the amount of negative :cus: on here. The guy just gets :cus: done.

Why not start right here BRP.

07-11-2011, 06:49 PM
These are not just "negative" posts but problems stated.
I know most spyder owners are happy with their spyders but just because you don't have much of issue with your spyder, when someone posts their problems, these should not be just labeled as complainers that posts negative things about beloved spyder.

I loved my spyder and still have some love left even now and I tried not to post my problems here much but my frustration is just boiling over now and I am at the end of my rope.

07-11-2011, 06:57 PM
Would we not be helping him more by contacting Carlo and asking him to expeditiously respond? Why do we wait for Lamont to make that contact.

ken tompkins


I contacted Carlo last year sometime around Sept. regarding a problem with my spyder that was similar to someone else's. This someone I'm speaking of posted here and was quite upset and everyone posting to his thread was upset for him. I mentioned this thread to Carlo and Carlo told me that neither he nor BRP could discuss another owner's problem.

On a side note, Carlo did get my problem resolved.

07-11-2011, 08:01 PM
I don't want to start a controversy here--but--I am not reading where anyone was posting not to buy spyders.

I am getting that there are complaints about communication between dealers/BRP/and customers concerning repair issues.

Dealers are keeping spyders hostage for long periods of time.

Customers can't get issues solved because the only one or two people in charge are away on vacations or personal things.

These are problems that should be fixed so that customers can drive the machine they spent their hard earned money on.

These machines cost as much or more than some cars.

I believe it is fair to expect better service than some are receiving. The issues of late have not been posted by perpetual complainers--but seem to be mostly legitimate complaints.

What a lot of us are saying is they need to fix a system that does not work well.

07-11-2011, 08:06 PM
If Lamont was in charge of just spyderlover.com owner issues, I bet you would not have nearly the amount of negative :cus: on here. The guy just gets :cus: done. Why not start right here BRP.BRP should hire another person to work with Carlo and that person should be Lamonster!

07-11-2011, 08:08 PM
I contained BRP about a problem affecting every trailer sold in Arkansas and every state with MC sized license plates and was told it was not BRP's problem. Very arrogant and technically illegal on their part.

07-11-2011, 08:16 PM
I too am frustrated with my Spyder. I have owned about 30 motorcycles, 15 boats, and 35 cars and trucks as well as many 4 wheelers, golf carts, riding lawn mowers and dozens of small engine machines and my RT is the most frustrating machine I have ever owned. Its not the breaking down that is frustrating because all machines can break down. Its the not being able to get it fixed and even more being blamed for it not working. I have a Yamaha outboard motor I paid $15000 for new that never worked from the day I bought it. The dealer just could not fix it, but at least they tried. Yamaha sent a factory tech to the dealer and he could not fix it either so they gave me a new motor without any hassle that has worked ever since. When I take my new Spyder to the dealer they say all of my Limp mode problems are from me riding the brake, WHICH I DO NOT. I pay more attention to my brake foot than the road and only get near it when I have to. I am starting to worry that BRP does not know how to fix some of the problems so they just stall you off until you get so frustrated you sell it or the warranty runs out. You guys that label people complainers need to walk a mile in their shoes. Its sure no fun making a big payment every month for a very large paper weight.

07-11-2011, 08:56 PM

You could not be more wrong imo to say buying more Spyders will fix the service issues. All the dealers in my area only have one tech trained to fix the Spyder and my guess is, most dealers are this way. The more Spyders sold the longer our Spyders will take to get fixed. Thats not rocket science to figure that one out. Call me selfish but if we degrade the Spyder so people won't buy them , then that is less time mine will be backed up in the shop waiting for the one tech thats trained, to get around to it. If BRP wont fix the service issues then we should take it into our own hands then. Call me whatever names you want, but I call it like I see it.

Yes the Spyders are 4 years old, and imo that should have been plenty of time to get there :cus: together with their service depts. It's not like it is thier first product. BRP has been around forever with other products but imo this one will fail due to these service issues.

So they had a slots open at the BRP school for Lamont and others that are not techs (no offense Lamont), but they can't train more of there own employees at these dealers that desperately need it ??? Where are thier prioritys ??? BRP has to know by now that thier service depts are the worst in the business.

07-11-2011, 09:08 PM
Actually, the tech that last worked on my bike takes a BRP computer course as his training. There are different levels of service they "graduate" from.

I'm sure lamont or someone else can expand on this. But it does not seem to be all hands on training. Perhaps the heavy duty engine/valve jobs etc...is hands on.

07-11-2011, 09:27 PM
BRP should hire another person to work with Carlo and that person should be Lamonster!

I think you might be wrong in this case. I don't care if you have ten Lamonts working with Carlo, if there is not a Lamont at every dealers service dept and parts available these issues will still be there.

What would Lamont and Carlo accually be able to do from another state ??? Call and check on the status of your machine or check where the parts are ??? I am fully capable of doing that and I have. Am I wrong with my harsh opinions towards BRP ???

07-11-2011, 09:29 PM
Actually, the tech that last worked on my bike takes a BRP computer course as his training. There are different levels of service they "graduate" from.

I'm sure lamont or someone else can expand on this. But it does not seem to be all hands on training. Perhaps the heavy duty engine/valve jobs etc...is hands on.
That is correct. Techs are certified at different levels. The simplest is the video and "home study" course that teaches the basics. The best is the four-day advanced tech course at the tech facility in Wausau, I believe. Some tech have attended school at Wausau more than once. In short, there are varying levels of "trained" technicians.

07-11-2011, 10:47 PM
I have a new 2010 RT S and in the process of planning a cross country trip later this year with my wife. So far so good but I only have 1200 miles on the bike at this time, no problems, yet. I am worried now that something is gonna happen a 1000 miles from nowhere! Reading this thread, my confidence is getting lower. I am getting really concerned about taking my wife on a trip like this with a machine that may have major issues. I really enjoy the spyder, I have 5 motorcycles in my garage and have ridden bikes for over 40 years. I thought the spyder was the best thing since applebutter. My wife is afraid of the motorcycles but feels safe on the spyder, I hope I didn't make a $28,000.00 mistake (not to mention personal safety if something breaks in the middle of nowhere). I truly hope these issues are isolated and not typical of the machine. I am in East tennessee and we will be going to the Black Hills of South Dakota and back on a three week once in a lifetime bike trip for my 60th birthday. I hope everyone can understand my concerns, I really do enjoy the spyder and hope that everyones' problems can be sorted out soon.

07-11-2011, 11:18 PM
It's true spyder took me to my happy place when I was riding it and it's funny how much slack you cut for something you love.
Thru all my repairs and tows and downtime, I still had hope for my spyder.
While my spyder was in the shop last time, from march to June, all I thought about was where will I go when I get it back...

I bought brp hid, black panels and rt shocks while I was waiting for 3 month for them to put the engine together. When I picked up my spyder on june 18th, I headed to our office 19 miles away to install hid and shocks but couldn't pull that off. Spyder died at 17th mile. I was numb at that point. No anger, no frustration. As I was pushing my spyder off the street all I can think was ":cus: wake up. This can't be happening"

I went to Vegas(where spyder died and had to hire a transport to bring it back) when I picked up my spyder back in February immediately when I picked up my spyder after 4 month. I went to pick up spyder with my soft saddlebags packed. I still believed in my spyder. I don't know if I will ever ryde my current spyder again or get another one but it will take a lot if miles before I take a trip.

Ga Blue Knight
07-12-2011, 02:27 AM
I think a major part of this issue is that almost all of the Dealers are small, carry multiple products like water craft and snowmobile, four wheelers and also cater to multiple companies like Polaris, Yamaha etc. Then to complicate matters there is most likely one or two at most techs with the parts guy filling in as the service writer. With this kind of set up and the smaller share of the recreational market compared to watercraft at my dealer it is pretty hard to get in for service same day or even same week. Also if the dealership sells few Can Am products compared to other brands I would doubt that they have a good personal relationship with the BRP Home office. If you look at other motorcycle dealers this is not really the case. At HD they usually have only HD, at Suzuki you find mostly Kawasaki as the second product both motorcycles etc. What BRP really needs to explore are dedicated dealers selling only BRP products or Can Am dealers selling only RS and RT motorcycles perhaps with a few four wheelers thrown in as I have noticed lots of common parts in our machines with the larger Can Am 4 wheelers.

Anyway just some thoughts on the matter

Lone Spyder Ryder
07-12-2011, 02:35 AM
I would like to thank you all for your encouragement and kind words. I think the saddest thing about this whole mess it that it could and is in a lot of ways a outstanding product. And I do understand things made by man can have problems.
It is the lack of response from BRP that brothers me most. I do think that a lot of the dealers are forced to “floor” more products than they need and can sell and that leave them bind for money for training for techs and having to charge their customers the max in order to stay in business. BRP just don’t seem to care much about making a profit and to hell with both the dealers and their customers.
Again thanks for the kind words.

07-12-2011, 07:10 AM
I am in East tennessee and we will be going to the Black Hills of South Dakota and back on a three week once in a lifetime bike trip for my 60th birthday. I hope everyone can understand my concerns, I really do enjoy the spyder and hope that everyones' problems can be sorted out soon.

You bet we understand the concern. I absolutely hate it when I read about the problems outlined here. But I still think the problems are a small percentage. Please don't anyone misunderstand, I know the problems here are real and from very reasonable folks, and if I were in their shoes I would be just as ticked off, disappointed, and vocal. So I am not even suggesting they are "Complainers" because I would be the same way if my spyder were out of commission for weeks and even months. Geez I can't imagine.

However, there are quite a few of us who have had no issues, or very minor ones. My biggest problem ( knock on wood) was squeaky brakes replaced under warranty. I have made lots of mods but because I wanted to. So go on your trip and enjoy the trip of a lifetime. Maintenance your spyder well and if something unfortunate happens then cross that bridge on that day. Until then, I still think the big problems are a small percentage of the ownership.

I have 4000 plus miles on my RT since May 2011. Issue free and I can't tell you the joy it has brought to me and my wife.

My heart goes out to those who have major issues such as a motor going out in 17 miles. That sort of thing boggles the mind and yes BRP should immediately step up to the plate and resolve those problems.

I don't know why BRP is apparently ignoring those with major issues but it is hurting the perception of the machine and they need to get a handle on it.

Still, if you have been trouble free and you regularly maintain your spyder, by all means go on your trip and ENJOY! then come back and post the story and pics. There are some folks here who have had a lot of adversity and while your story of trouble free rYding (or mine) doesn't solve their problems, it may at least give them some hope.

For all of you with major issues, my only hope is that BRP resolves them for you and allows you to fall in love with your Spyder all over again.

Lone Spyder Ryder
07-12-2011, 03:17 PM
When I had my 2008 Spyder and I started having problems with my Spyder and complained about in on the SpyderLovers.com and SpyderTalk.com the majority of members of these 2 Spyder sites inferred that part of the problem was my impatience with the dealers and BRP.
After the loss of my 2008 Spyder to fire, I very foolishly bought a 2009. The power steering failed and turned me into the oncoming traffic lane. Thank goodness I was in a residential area and there was no oncoming traffic. I was trying to counter steer and when the steering released from whatever was going on I dam near flipped it.
I had also started smelling gas again. At a little over 5000 miles the front tires have uneven and excessive ware on the inside. It has stalled and died 2 times and has never had the passing power the 08 had. The gas mileage in 10 mpg lower than the 08.
You did not see any post from me about these problems because I didn’t want to be a “trouble maker or complainer”.
Four weeks ago I took it to Twin Cities Motor Sports in Roseville, CA. Although It is not the dealer I bought the Spyder from it is a lot closer to me than the Lodi dealer and they have to certified Spyder mechanics.
I contacted Carlo at BRP. I was unable to talk to him put he called me back and left me a message saying that although he was going on a 2 week vacation and that he had started a file and had a case number for Twin Cities Motor Sports to use and that the techs working on the Spyder would be able to get any authorization that they would need to work on the Spyder. Twin Cities Motor Sports has not been able to get any kind of response from BRP.
I waited 1 week after Carlo was back from vacation to see if Carlo would respond to Twin Cities Motor Sports request for authorization to work on the Spyder. There was no response from Carlos so I emailed him. I have never got any response to that email so on July 7 I sent this email to all the people at BRP that I have a email address for. As of now 10:30 am July 11 I have not heard from anyone.
The message below is a request for help with the problems I am having with the New 2009 Spyder. It has been in the shop 17 working days and Twin Cities Motorsports in Roseville, Ca. and they have not been able to get any response from your tech support as to what they can do about fixing these problems. So I am sending this request for to all BRP employees that I have a email address to and maybe someone can call and talk to Chris the Twin Cities Motorsports Shop manager.

It has been 3 weeks since I took my 2009 Spyder SM5 into Twin Cities Motorsports in Roseville, Ca.
my problems are as follows;
Potently life threaten safely issues:
1. DPS Steering unit turned me into the on-coming lane, and had there been a car coming I would have been seriously injured and or killed. When the steering "released" I almost flipped the Spyder do to the amount of pressure I was using to try and steer in back into my lane.
2. I can smelling fuel at different times. No particular time or situation. I can smell gas at highway speeds and at stops. I have stopped or pulled over to see if I could find any sign of gas leaks but have yet to find any. This has occurred 5 or 6 times in the last 2000 miles. I know for a fact this is serious.
Non threaten issues:
1. It seems to me that the 2009 have at least a 15 to 20 percent decrease in power from the 2009. The passing and climbing power are noticeably less.
2. I have what I consider is worse front inside tire ware than even my 2008 had and I have had the wheel and tires balanced and checked twice since putting the BRP 6 Spoke rims on. Since the day I picked it up it has not felt the same. I ride the same 100 to 800 mile trips on many of the same roads. I ride slower than I did before so things should be close to the same when it comes to gas mileage, tire ware, and performance. Since the 2009 is a year new I would think if nothing else it should have improved some and it certainly hasn’t.
3. I am getting anywhere from 10 to 15 MPG less on the 2009 (low as 21 mpg, high 25 mpg) then I got on my 2008. I got low as 30 mpg, high 35 mpg). I feel that there is something wrong.
So those are the problems that I have and would like to have fixed.
I took the Spyder into Twin Cities Motorsports in Roseville, Ca. I talked to the owner and I also let him listen to the voice mail that you left me before you left for your vacation. They have the reference number you gave me.
So far 3 weeks later they tell me they cannot get any authorization from BRP for anything test or work they wish to do.
I am trying very hard to handle my issues in a more tolerant manner but to be honest it don’t appear to get any better response from BRP than the way I handled it before. I guess it’s back to the same old song and dance.
Dealer blames BRP, BRP blames the dealer or rider.
Personally I am sick of the sos. This is my first response to the lack of customer service care.
Your Temporary Complaint Number (TCN) was: FBN30-10728
Your complaint identification number (ODI Number) is: 10411083 (http://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/complaints/results.cfm?odi_ids=10411083&SearchType=QuickSearch&summary=true&refurl=email)
The ODI Number listed above can be used to view your complaint on our website. It is a direct link to your complaint and can also be entered in the Search Complaints section of our site. Your complaint should become available for viewing within three business days of this notice.
Thank you for helping in our quest to improve the safety of our Nation's roadways for all of the motoring public. NHTSA technical staff members review this information to identify potential safety problems. While you may or may not be contacted by a NHTSA investigator to clarify the information submitted, all reports are reviewed and analyzed for potential defect trends. The NHTSA complaint database provides valuable information to other consumers and to manufacturers.
Thank you,
Office of Defects Investigation (ODI)
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
In closing this post I would like to say this.
If I had not had the steering problem I would not have filed the above report, but like it or not the Spyder has some serious problems that can very well get someone killed.

Update to out of patience with BRP 07/12/2011
I got a call this morning from Carlo and he has contacted the dealer to get the ball rolling. I called the dealer and I was told that they would begin working to diagnose the problems with the Spyder in the morning and it was their top priority.
I will update you all as this progresses, I would so like to believe in the Spyder all connected with it but there has been a lot of troubled water gone under the bridge. I have gone as far as to consider this and I am not kidding. I have always been a wanderer and lived for years traveling in a school bus doing construction in the western United States. The Spyder opened up a whole new world for me at a time in my life that I really needed. So for all of you who own a Spyder that has had no issues or those who had issues that were taken care of in a honest and prompt time I wish you well and envy you all because believe me my 08 and I had our “Rock Star” monuments. I just wonder if I can find that with the Spyder again. You all ryde safe and take care of each other, after all we are "all" in this together. :chill: trying to keep myself cool

07-12-2011, 03:37 PM
I am waiting for same phone call from Carlo or owner of the dealer. :(

07-12-2011, 05:21 PM
Hang in there Leoejr and AKA1004.

I really hope BRP takes care of these issues for you.nojoke

07-12-2011, 05:26 PM
"So they had a slots open at the BRP school for Lamont and others that are not techs (no offense Lamont), but they can't train more of there own employees at these dealers that desperately need it ??? Where are their priority's ???"

I have to agree. that is great for Lamont just don't see why it being done.
Our bike have been great!! Nomads is now running great with whatever they did to it.

Good to see lately that an owner that has issues can voice them and get some positive freed back rather than fed to the sharks.

I do feel we all have a trendily blame the dealer, in some cases it may be correct but in most the problem lay with communication from CA that just don't happen you all ride safe

07-12-2011, 06:24 PM
I have a friend who has all the GM certifications that you can get, he always says that just means you can read.You have to use your common sense too. And any GOD given talent you have.:coffee:

07-12-2011, 06:46 PM
I have a friend who has all the GM certifications that you can get, he always says that just means you can read.You have to use your common sense too. And any GOD given talent you have.:coffee:
:agree: My dad was a mechanic all his life, and a master mechanic when he retired. The kid across the street went to school and got certificates for all kinds of things, including diesel repair. That boy couldn't even change his own oil! nojoke School is good, but it doesn't teach everything. Some of the ability is contained in the genes.

07-12-2011, 07:37 PM
Finaly some action. I hope it is fixed soon!

Trickie Dick
07-12-2011, 09:20 PM
"So they had a slots open at the BRP school for Lamont and others that are not techs (no offense Lamont), but they can't train more of there own employees at these dealers that desperately need it ??? Where are their priority's ???"

I have to agree. that is great for Lamont just don't see why it being done.
Our bike have been great!! Nomads is now running great with whatever they did to it.

Good to see lately that an owner that has issues can voice them and get some positive freed back rather than fed to the sharks.

I do feel we all have a trendily blame the dealer, in some cases it may be correct but in most the problem lay with communication from CA that just don't happen you all ride safe
I think one of the problems with the training of the techs is that the dealers have to be involved in the training of them. Probably to the extent of having to pay at least part of the bill to have them trained by BRP. In this industry the turnover is tremendous and it is also seasonal. Therefore many times the dealer doesn't want to pay to have a tech trained knowing he may not be around in the future. Even if BRP picks up the tab for the training the dealer may be hesitant to send someone who again may not be around. Or he may be in such a position that he can't spare him.
So we end up with dealers with minimally trained techs; probably via video only. :dontknow:
And of course, as so often is the case, the customer suffers.

bone crusher
07-12-2011, 10:50 PM
I am troubled by discussions like this. They seem to come in waves. I don't at all doubt that leoejr has had serious problems with his Spyder. Indeed, the previous one burned. His frustration is understandable and we ought to support him in getting action on his problem.

What troubles me is the litany of complaints about the Spyder and BRP. We don't have an accurate figure of how many Spyders have been sold though someone said they had heard 20K. How many out of that number have burned, had DPS problems, hesitation problems? Let's imagine that 1000 owners have had any one of these problems. That leaves 19,000 who haven't.

Owners like Nancy's Toy, Lamonster, BajaRon and others have consistently -- and I believe rightly -- pointed out that the vast number of owners seem happy with their bikes, that other brands have similar problems, that these sorts of problems can be expected with totally new designs like the Spyder has. The few do not speak for the many.

I am NOT ignoring nor defending the slowness and lack of response on BRP's part. But these are complex issues. I would guess that for every person who has had difficulty like leoejr has apparently had, there are three who have been helped quickly and efficiently by Carlo. We seldom hear about these folks.

Would it not be better for a few of the active posters here to help leoejr by calling his dealer and asking why the delay? Would we not be helping him more by contacting Carlo and asking him to expeditiously respond? Why do we wait for Lamont to make that contact.

We talk much here about the constant help SpyderLovers is to our efforts to modify, fix, design, repair our beloved Spyders. And it is right we do so. But if this is the community that we loudly proclaim, what are we doing AS A COMMUNITY to help one of our members? Perhaps it is time to show dealers and, if necessary, BRP that the community we talk about is also a community that acts in support of its members.

ken tompkins

Ken, my man...where the heck have you been? Are you still using the G4? I think the last upgrade threw some things out of whack...have to call Cardo and see...

What's up?

Lone Spyder Ryder
07-18-2011, 01:35 AM
Posted 07/17/2011
Well today is a very bad day for me. I can no longer pretend that everything will work out ok with my Spyder. If and when I get my Spyder back from the shop I will be parting ways with the 09. The big question for me is how I am going to do it. Upset and mad as (*&(^ hardly says it at all.

Last Monday, 07/11/11 I got a call from Carlo saying that they were contacting Twin Cities Motorsports 1720 Douglas Blvd. Roseville, Ca. 95661 (916) 780-4826 and would give them authorization to start working on my Spyder. This was the 23rd working day that the Spyder had sit waiting to be worked on. I called Twin Cities Motorsports and talked to Chris the shop manager and was told that BRP had been given 2 hours of labor to diagnosis the problems that I am having. Chris said that was just what they needed and that they had a few things jobs to finish up and that they would start on my Spyder Tuesday morning first thing, and that my Spyder was now top priority.
Talk about starting to get excited, at last I am going to get my Spyder fixed and I will be back on the road. I hear nothing Tuesday or Wednesday so around 3 Thursday I call and they tell me Chris will call back. He didn’t call back so on Friday I was really hot so when I call there Friday and stay on hold till I get disconnected. When I called back again and tell them I want to talk to Chris and they don’t want me to have to come up to the dealership, that I knew they had not done anything to the Spyder but I was going to talk to Chris one way or another and find out just where things stood. Well I was finally put through and I asked Chris what had they done so far his answer totally blew me away. “we have not even started on your Spyder. We have been having a big sale on water craft and they sold so many that they didn’t have enough people to prep the new water craft for delivery so they wouldn’t be able to work on my Spyder till they got everything they sold delivered.
Needless to say things have been going downhill since.
So it is hard telling when I will get and now that I have lost it and told the dealer what I thought about them I would not trust them to do anything correctly but I don’t have many choices. I know one thing I will not ride it again until the someone tells me it has been fixed.
There” lies” the problem with both BRP and its dealers. Really care about anyone or anything other than selling new products. Once you have bought their product you are just problem for a lot of the dealers. If it is not an easy fix that can be done at the maximum personal experience over a period of 3 plus years of dealing with BRP and their dealers, this is what I know for sure
BRP: b designed and built and a super fun product, the Spyder. They found out after (?) they released it that there are some serious problems with this machine. Two of these problems could cause life threaten events.
1. When a vehicle can on its own steer you into oncoming traffic this is a very serious problem and let me tell you this problem had not been fixed. This just happened to me on a new Spyder that (had) supposedly had the new DPS replace and all updates done to it before I even bought it. The day I picked it up I asked the same thing again and was told it was completely taken care of.
2. When you cannot fill a vehicles gas tank to the top (no I am not talking about filling it until it over flows) and numerous owners have all had this problem to me it is problem, and a design flaw. Who knows if it could be connected to the fires that have happened. The company producing these vehicles should find out what the problem is and fix it. Especially when this fuel problem can and may very well be connected to the vehicles self-igniting while you are riding it is absolutely terror until you get off of it. You dam sure don’t want to be on the freeway when it happens. Ask Donzo or one of the others how scary it is. It is one thing to be loyal to a product and to sing its praises; it’s another to be blind to problems that exist.

Well tomorrow starts a new day. I have to start trying to find a solution of how to get rid of the Spyder without losing some big bucks. How do you sell something you are selling becasue you don't trust it.

07-18-2011, 02:44 AM
You're a very patient and forgiving man leoejr. I'd have been reluctant to buy the second one given you experiences with the first one - yet they still do the dirty on you. Good luck for the future.

07-18-2011, 04:25 AM
When all is well I really love my Spyder. It's never left me stranded, but to be honest, the number of repairs is beginning to disappoint me.
I've had serious alignment problems which I beleive are finally fixed but that took 4 trips to the dealer.
Now, my DPS is acting up. It works, it doesn't work. At random, it seems to cut out making steering difficult.
The windsheild motor arm has now broken. I fixed it with JB weld, and now it broke in a different place.
The rear shock has been replaced twice.
Now the seat is coming apart.
Handlebars have been replaced for warranty issues.
Windshield was replaced for warranty issues
Frunk lid replaced for warranty issues.
My dealer is excellent, Gargano's GSS Powersports in East Haven CT, and through him BRP has certainly supported the product. It's never been in the shop more than a few days, and usually only one, but the number of trips to the dealer to make these repairs is getting out of hand. Five so far this year. That averages out to a trip to the dealer every 1200 miles.
At this point, I'm wondering if I can invoke lemon laws.

07-18-2011, 09:39 AM
Gosh, I am so sorry! Things like this drive me nuts. As a customer service professional, I LOVE finding solutions to my customer's problems. It gives me a great sense of personal satisfaction to know that I have improved someone's day, even if it was in a small capacity. I simply cannot understand the attitude and lack of progress that you have faced.

They are only interested in sales? How much do they think it is going to help their sales to have disgruntled customers broadcasting their dissatisfaction on the internet and in person to all their friends and neighbors? What idiots.

I have the same issue at my job. We represent several European equipment manufacturers in the Americas. One of the manufacturers that we rep for has become disinterested in seeing that their customers are happy with their equipment after the sale. They are more interested in the sales they see in other countries right now. As a result, I have seen fewer and fewer new machine sales, which means less in spare part sales. Their US revenues have decreased dramatically, while the other companies we rep have increased, although they are in the same industry. I have tried to explain this to them every time they have questioned me about the drop in spare parts sales, yet they refuse to believe me. I actually speak with the customers; it's not like I do not know what their issues are! I predict that this company will have no US machinery or spare parts sales at all within 5 years if they continue.

I do hope BRP does not go down the same road.

07-18-2011, 11:23 AM
Sure sorry to hear about your problems Leo.

To me this sure seems to be 99% bad dealer.

I've not heard of the "can't fill gas tank to the top" issue before. What exactly does this mean?? I've had the occasional problem with certain pumps that shut off quickly and thus make it a bit of a pain to fill-- but those were isolated incidents at stations - thus I'm sure it was a pump problem-- not a Spyder problem. Probably happened a half dozen times in 41,000 miles.

Keep us posted....

07-18-2011, 11:55 AM
I know some here feel that I'm forever covering for BRP and the Spyder. Really, what I am after is putting the blame where it belongs so we can get the problem fixed and move forward.

If it is the owner, then call it like it is and make the necessary changes.

If it's the dealer, ok, what can we do to fix it?

If it is BRP then we know who to call. But getting the the rotten part removed means cutting in the right place.

There is no excuse for the issues you're having. I ran into a similar problem in 2008 with my DPS. Old history but same cause. My Spyder was in the shop for 5 weeks.

Dealer kept telling me there was nothing they could do, parts were backordered, BRP was dragging their feet, whatever it took to get me to go away.

I began to get that "Back Burner" feeling so at about the 4 week mark I started digging into it. I discovered that parts had been readily available all along. Someone was dragging their feet but it wasn't BRP!

I then got the owner of the dealership involved and he admitted it was pretty much their fault. I had my Spyder back in 2 days and it was fixed right. Since that time that same dealership has really stepped up to the plate. I am confident that Spyder owners that go to that dealership now will get great service. So a positive ending to this story.

I am not saying it is always the dealership, but I beleive it is in many cases.

In any case, it is a real shame. The owner gets the shaft, the machine gets a black eye that it doesn't deserve and things deteriorate instead of getting better.

We have got to find a way to clone Cowtown personnel (or any of the other stellar dealerships like the one I now use, East Tennessee ATV).

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. You can't fix the problem by blaming everyone. You've got to pinpoint the source correctly to get the right fix.

BRP doesn't run the dealerships anymore than the dealerships run BRP. Each is responsible for their piece of the pie. Granted, BRP has to take some responsibilty because they authorize dealerships. But things change. A key mechanic can be lost, management can change, etc.

Over time BRP can weed out bad trees, but I'd say they would rather fix them than cut them down, which takes time.

07-18-2011, 12:07 PM
Sorry to hear about your problems. Last year my :spyder:spent 64 days at 3 dealers. The second dealer called me 3 times saying each time that my bike was running like a dream. His definition of dream turned out to be my definition of a nightmare. Had to get Carlo involved (That really didn't work since he ignored my calls), a call to his Supervisor (a lady) got me some action. I was ready to give up and the third dealer finally found the problem(s). Good luck to you... :dontknow:

07-18-2011, 12:09 PM
"So they had a slots open at the BRP school for Lamont and others that are not techs (no offense Lamont), but they can't train more of there own employees at these dealers that desperately need it ??? Where are their priority's ???"

BRP simply offers these schools to the dealerships. They have so many openings but they aren't forcing anyone to attend. If they have 20 slots and only 15 students sign up, well, that leaves 5 open slots which, in this case, BRP offered 1 to Lamont.

It appears that BRP's prioritys are in the right place if they are offering more positions than needed. No one that wants to go is being left out. But you may be right about the dealerships. I am sure that at least some are looking at the bottom line. Training and certification costs money. It may be easier to push the Spyder to the back of the line than to get more training for their techs.

There are different levels of training, the one Lamont went to being the most advanced of all. Like trying to get a Master's Degree without any of the pre-requisits! Can you spell OVERLOAD! :D

Lone Spyder Ryder
07-18-2011, 03:55 PM
This is the list they sent BRP for what they found after they spent their 2 hour diagnosing
problems. Oh and he did say his tech spent 20 min riding it.
1. front tire pressure good, back tires at 20PSI. Rear tire was at 28 when it was taken to the shop. But after a month of setting I guess it lost 8PSI in the rear and none in the front tires. I check them almost every time I take it out and dam sure before taking to the shop. The first thing they always say is you had the wrong pressure and that’s why your tires wear out in 500 miles, next excuse it you are a aggressive rider. Then after so many complaints for the front end being out of alignment they send out a bulletin saying you need to rotate your tires at 4000 miles. And my favorite is “motorcycles only get 5000 miles on tires before they ware out. BRP designed a “Roadster” which is defined as road·ster –noun
1. an early automobile having an open body, a single seat for two or three persons, and a large trunk or a rumble seat.
2. a horse (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/horse) for riding or driving on the (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/the) road (http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/road).

I read (I am looking now for the article I believe it was the AMA) that in order to import the Spyder (and other 3 wheel vehicles either 2wheels in front or rear) at the price they did they had to call it a motorcycle and that is why in California it is licensed as a motorcycle. So when BRP compares this to a motorcycle they are just blowing smoke to make an excuse’s as to why the Spyder has some of the problems they have caused. Over and over on these forums I hear how lean the Spyder rides and that is because it was the only way to get the Spyder to pass pollution requirements for import into the USA.

1. The second thing they diagnosed is that it has a aftermarket cruise control (which Chris already said it could be part of the problem). That was what the excuse Elk Grove PowerSports said was making with the 08 running so bad, it was the two brothers exhaust and juice box. I removed the two brothers exhaust and juice box and it did not improve the why the Spyder ran at all. (another dealer found the throttle bodies so loose it was a wonder it even ran). The only thing it did was prove to me that on that Spyder the two brothers exhaust and juice box didn’t do that much to help my mileage, I road both the IBA 1000 and 1500 mile rides and got almost 30-32mpg on the 1500 mile trip and 33-35 on the 1000 mile trip. I did not have to push it to do the 1000 mile but I averaged 67 mph on the 1500 mile and I still got 30-32 mpg.
2. Needs tire rotation per service bulletin 2010-1. I never got that bulletin.
3. Oil in air box, needs cleaning at 6000 mile service. I change the OME air filter at 3600 mile when I did the 3000 mile oil change and I cleaned the air box then. I wouldn’t think it could be all that dirty with only 2600 or so miles on it after cleaning it but ok it is blowing oil from somewhere into the air filter box.
4. Belt Tension at 300n at tightest spot-needs adjusting at 6000 mile service. (if it was that bad why didn’t they adjust it then). No that would be stupid. Wait tell he brings it in for service and we can charge him to do it then.
5. Throttle body sync is good. I wonder if they checked the air intake valve?
6. Valve clearance inspection due at 6000. I just read on this forum that that was only for the 08 model Spyder and that the 09 and above the valve adjustment starts at 12000 mile. I will not be seeing 12000 on this one. At least that’s the way I feel now.
7. Front wheel alignment inspection due at 6000 mile service.
8. Error Fault Codes P0170 occurred 14 times, the rest of these codes occurred 1 time. P0520, P0600, P0730, P2545, U0126, U1101, U1150, U1160. I could not really tell if the last 4 codes started with a U or V. Can anyone tell me what these codes mean?

Thanks and ride safe

07-18-2011, 04:30 PM
8. Error Fault Codes P0170 occurred 14 times, the rest of these codes occurred 1 time. P0520, P0600, P0730, P2545, U0126, U1101, U1150, U1160. I could not really tell if the last 4 codes started with a U or V. Can anyone tell me what these codes mean?
P0170 - ECM - Lambda regulation high limit
P0520 - ECM - Engine oil pressure circuit malfunction
P0600 - ECM - Communication problem detected by ECM or
P0600 - ECM - Communication fault with VCM, no response or
P0600 - ECM - Communication fault with cluster, no response or
P0600 - ECM - Communication sensing coding error
P0730 - ECM - Gear position sensor in invalid range or
P0730 - ECM - Incorrect gear ratio
P2545 - ECM - VSS failure or
P2545 - ECM - VSS message counter error or
P2545 - ECM - VSS plausibility error or
P2545 - ECM - VSS light on
U0126 - DPS - SAS communication fault or
U0126 - VCM - Lost communication with Steering Angle Sensor
U1101 - VCM - CANbus failure, VCM not able to send messages on CANbus anymore
U1150 - VCM - Lost communication with VCM
U1160 - VCM - Lost communication with yaw rate sensor YAW

Sounds like some repeated communications problems. An aftermarket cruise system could induce these. Perhaps your cruise unit has failed. Could also be a bad ECM or a wiring problem.

07-18-2011, 04:32 PM
Certainly the Spyder had to meet CA emission requirements -- but we've seen many 3 wheelers come out and there is a reason for that---- 3 wheelers do not have to pass the stringent crash tests that 4 wheeled vehicles do -- this is why you've seen a lot of 3 wheeled electric 'cars' come out.

07-18-2011, 04:44 PM
It really sounds like you need to find a better dealer. In many places there is no special category for 3 wheelers and so they get classified as motorcycles. Most moorcyle tires only last about 5000 miles as they are built very differently than car tires. Many owners switch to car tires which will last longer. BRP named it a roadster, it is a name. One of the jets they make is called a Learjet, it doesn't Lear at anybody. Most companies, bike car or what have you will not warranty their product if you change exhaust , intake or mapping of the engine. I don't think they send service bulletins to anyone except the dealer. A dealer is BRPs representative if they are screwing you around tell the dealer you will take the spyder to another dealer and you will file a complaint with BRP.

Lone Spyder Ryder
07-18-2011, 05:13 PM
The cruise control was installed by a "been to all the Spyder schools offered tech" and has been working on BRP product for quite a few years but things do happen. So I guess I will just take the disconnect the cruise control. The guy who put it on said that it was not going to effect the Spyder. Now that I think about it I believe he worked on it after the cruise was put on it. But best thing to do is disconnect it.
thanks for posting the error codes, any idea of what P0170 - ECM - Lambda regulation high limit means.

I will update again when there is something new to report. thanks

07-18-2011, 05:22 PM
The cruise control was installed by a "been to all the Spyder schools offered tech" and has been working on BRP product for quite a few years but things do happen. So I guess I will just take the disconnect the cruise control. The guy who put it on said that it was not going to effect the Spyder. Now that I think about it I believe he worked on it after the cruise was put on it. But best thing to do is disconnect it.
thanks for posting the error codes, any idea of what P0170 - ECM - Lambda regulation high limit means.

I will update again when there is something new to report. thanks
I have a slight correction. I didn't notice the additional P0170 codes. They are listed below, along with the possible causes.

P0170 - ECM - Lambda regulation: temporary adaptation +/-% - Oxygen sensor functional problem.
P0170 - ECM - Lambda regulation high limit - Fuel supply problem, air supply problem, mechanical problem on admission (intake?) part, or exhaust leakage.
P0170 - ECM - Lambda regulation low limit - Fuel supply problem, air supply problem, mechanical problem on admission (intake?) part, or exhaust leakage.

07-18-2011, 05:52 PM
BRP doesn't run the dealerships anymore than the dealerships run BRP. Each is responsible for their piece of the pie. Granted, BRP has to take some responsibilty because they authorize dealerships. But things change. A key mechanic can be lost, management can change, etc.

Over time BRP can weed out bad trees, but I'd say they would rather fix them than cut them down, which takes time.
BRP has standards that dealers have to follow to keep the BRP banners flying. Some of these standards are sales related (unusual things like you can't stock more spyders than skidoos, or you need to stock at least X brp accessories which never sell.) and some are tech related (must have 1 trained spyder technician, not sure what "trained" entails.)

BRP took away the franchise rights to 4 dealers in my area because they didn't meet standards. The remaining dealers are pretty good in my experiences so far.

I say raise the bar. Make them fight for the right to sell and service these machines. My problems have been very minor at worst and have been dealt with as I would expect.

Gas smell? Hell no. Unacceptable. I fill my tank 'til my boots are wet and it never smells like gas for more than a minute or so. Something is leaking, probably due to a careless mechanic poking around in there with something pointy.

Give 'em hell! Don't give up until they've fixed everything AND you have your confidence back!

07-18-2011, 06:08 PM

Gas smell? Hell no. Unacceptable. I fill my tank 'til my boots are wet and it never smells like gas for more than a minute or so. Something is leaking,


:agree:I fill the tank till every last triangle on the gauge shows and then some. never smelt gas,165 /175 miles to low fuel light that way.:thumbup:

Lone Spyder Ryder
07-18-2011, 07:59 PM
these are all fuel system errors and the one I got 14 time is P0170 - ECM - Lambda regulation high limit - Fuel supply problem, air supply problem, mechanical problem on admission (intake?) part, or exhaust leakage.
Gee could this be part of the missing, coughing, stalling and poor gas mileage.

After looking at the errors I think it is clear that the way the Spyder is running has nothing to do with me.

sure glad I didn't put a new exhaust on it.