View Full Version : Stopping for gas

Gimpy Girl
06-30-2011, 08:33 PM
I went on a road trip to TN this past week, and was the only :spyder:in the group. It seemed that the motorcycles would fill up quickly, and I'd still be waiting for the gas to fill up on my bike. Seems that I had to wait for the gas to pour down in the tank before refilling it so it wouldn't overfill and spill it. Is there some special way of filling your bike up without having to wait for so long for it to fill?

06-30-2011, 08:53 PM
How many times did you have the problem your talking about?I fill mine up all the time with no problem.The pump at the stations I go to seem to pump fast like if it was a car filling up and it fills the spyder up rather quickly also.I guess the work I did was good because you made it back from your trip.Did you have any problems with :spyder:.

06-30-2011, 08:54 PM
Don't put the nozzle in too far or it will keep shutting off. Just put it in about an inch and it should fill a little faster for you.

07-01-2011, 03:15 AM
Don't put the nozzle in too far or it will keep shutting off. Just put it in about an inch and it should fill a little faster for you.


07-01-2011, 05:11 AM
Mine fills up fast for the first 5 or so gal, but the last half gal takes forever. Small tank and not so great mpg's I need that 1/2 gal.

07-01-2011, 09:29 AM
Accidently overfilled my tank a while ago and my fuel gauge went bonkers. Anyone else? As I ran the tank down it returned to normal.

07-01-2011, 11:57 AM
Here in Missouri, we have the black collars that capture fuel vapor when you put the nozzle in your tank. I always manually pull the black collar back and visually watch the fuel go into my tank. As soon as it starts to spit some drops of fuel back out. I stop putting in fuel and/or pull the trigger ever-so-slightly to slow the flow of fuel into the gas tank. I can get in a few more drops that way. I have never had a problem doing this. I have never overfilled.

07-02-2011, 02:40 AM
Don't put the nozzle in too far or it will keep shutting off. Just put it in about an inch and it should fill a little faster for you.

Are your sure? I have three daughters.

07-02-2011, 05:11 AM
Are your sure? I have three daughters.

haahhhahah, priceless.

but seriously I do the same , get about 5.3 in pretty easy.

07-02-2011, 05:49 AM
Not sure if the inch thing will work in Jersey. I filled up there thursday and they have this rubber spring thing that needs compressed or it will not pump. Maybe it was just that particular station. It has to do with the gas vapors not venting to the atmosphere. They also pump it for you but this guy handed me the hose.