View Full Version : Almost became a statistic yesterday!

06-29-2011, 08:24 AM
Yesterday evening, my wife and I were ryding two up and proceeding northbound on a four lane undivided road going the speed limit (45 mph). We were on our way to a local restaurant.

I was in the left lane, purposely staying behind a semi that was in the right lane and was going to be making a right turn. There was no traffic in the southbound lanes at the time. A car, that I did not initially see, darted out from the road the semi was turning onto directly in front of us and made a left turn southbound! :yikes: I hit the brakes and swerved hard right to avoid hitting the car and barely missed the semi.

An eye witness, who was behind the semi in a car, actually followed us to the restaurant to make sure we were O.K. Unlike me, he has been riding motorcycles for many years and he said he was amazed at myriding skills. He claims that he saw a front wheel off the ground! I just reacted in a survival mode! :gaah:

06-29-2011, 08:30 AM
Yesterday evening, my wife and I were ryding two up and proceeding northbound on a four lane undivided road going the speed limit (45 mph). We were on our way to a local restaurant.

I was in the left lane, purposely staying behind a semi that was going to be making a right turn. There was no traffic in the southbound lanes at the time. A car, that I did not initially see, darted out from the road the semi was turning onto directly in front of us and made a left turn southbound! :yikes: I hit the brakes and swerved hard right to avoid hitting the car and barely missed the semi.

An eye witness, who was behind the semi in a car, actually followed us to the restaurant to make sure we were O.K. Unlike me, he has been riding motorcycles for many years and he said he was amazed at myriding skills. He claims that he saw a front wheel off the ground! I just reacted in a survival mode! :gaah:
Yep those become "change underwear" moments. I was told when I started ryding Ms Spyder that ryde like NO one knows you are there...here is just another example of why...glad you guys are ok.:2thumbs:

06-29-2011, 08:34 AM
I know it 's hard sometimes but you've got to stay out of those blind spot situations.

Glad you and Bonnie are OK. Those kind of things will put a spot (or two) on your saddle.

06-29-2011, 08:58 AM
Randy, so glad you and Bonnie are okay. I hate those kinds of incidents. Be careful and hope to see you soon.

06-29-2011, 09:05 AM
Glad to hear that you both are OK.

06-29-2011, 10:33 AM
Glad you guys are okay. I've been riding off and on for 40 years and the best money I spent in those years was the MSF safety course, I honestly belive the course saved my life a couple of times. I will not allow my wife to ride up front until she attends one. You have to be on your toes at all times on a bike and situational awareness always on guard.

06-29-2011, 10:47 AM
I am glad it all turned out well. You just never know when someone will do something stupid, or the unexpected car/etc. will come from a blind spot.

06-29-2011, 10:52 AM
Very Happy to know that you both are ok.

Be Safe

06-29-2011, 11:13 AM
Glad you are ok and your instincts and skill saved the day.

Ride like you are invisible are words I have always lived by. And I still wear a lot of gear (a bit hot when I slow down :D).

Bob Denman
06-29-2011, 11:18 AM
I'm guessing that the semi was both blocking your view and preventing you from being seen...
I'm glad that it all worked out okay for youQ

06-29-2011, 12:29 PM
Whew! Glad you guys are OK.

06-29-2011, 12:44 PM
Just like driving thru a residential area, always assume a child or in this case an idiot is going to jump out in front of you, glad your safe...

06-29-2011, 12:48 PM
Really glad those skills set in! It is scary to be put in those situations, always ride like no one sees you and no one is paying attention to you! That is my mindset! So far all my close calls have been women on their cell phones. Semi trailers so far have been pretty observant!
Really glad you two are ok.:pray:

06-29-2011, 12:50 PM

Glad ur OK. I am going to send you a box of Depends. What size do you need? Keep a pair in your frunk for those Depends moments. :joke:


06-29-2011, 01:59 PM
Very glad ya'll are okay. I'm very wary of vehicles turning right on a 4 laner, and seeing vehicles stopped and poised to pull out to make a turn like that. I, in this type of situation, usually slow down a tad and stay vigilant that they won't.


06-29-2011, 02:28 PM
If there is a portion of an upcoming crossroads that you can't see the best procedure is figure there is a vehicle in it ready to pounce.

The go ahead for the driver to move out is when someone (the semi driver) signals a turn.

The same would apply if the semi was turning left, you were in the right hand lane and a car was coming out of the crossroad to your side of the road turning left to go in the same direction as you. I've had that happen and they block both lanes before they complete the turn.

06-29-2011, 03:21 PM
Very glad ya'll are okay. I'm very wary of vehicles turning right on a 4 laner, and seeing vehicles stopped and poised to pull out to make a turn like that. I, in this type of situation, usually slow down a tad and stay vigilant that they won't.


:thumbup: Couldn't agree with you more.

06-29-2011, 03:59 PM
No intention at all to "one up" Rando's story...darn glad your alive. :thumbup:

2 weeks ago I was leisurely travelling down a split 4 lane highway (the National road) at posted speed 55 MPH. Had a set of cars about 1000 yds behind me so was pretty much riding alone. Saw this Cadillac getting ready to cross over from left to right up ahead. He pulled out onto the first two lanes going the other direction which didn't concern me because there was no one coming the other way...just figured he was going to nose out and sit in the ample area of the medium between the highway. But something seemed "odd." I had full vision on him as he continued to come across and into my 2 lanes. :shocked:

I've only been riding on a motorcycle for a little over a year now but by this weekend I will be passing 25 thousand miles on the Spyder so I'm very comfortable with how it reacts. Well as this joker came across my lanes I knew it was going to be close so when it was obvious he didn't see me coming...pure instints took over. I slammed on the brakes, jerked the handlebars hard to the left and ended up missing his back bumper by inches.

That one shook me up but the Spyder's handling capabilities coupled with my instinct/skills saved my hide.I nojoke

06-29-2011, 04:31 PM
Glad y'all are okay.


06-29-2011, 06:48 PM
Larger profile or not, they really don't see us. That's because most drivers do not give driving the car their full attention. It's a secondary behavior to talking to a passenger, listening to music, talking on the phone or (my most hated) texting.

Expect people driving to do stupid things. Because they very often do.

Glad everyone is OK. MSF course is also best money I've ever spent. The following distance, blind spot awareness and "SEE" ing is all real good stuff. It's up to us to do the most to protect ourselves. Other drivers do not have our best interest in mind.

06-29-2011, 06:54 PM
Two were killed on a motorcycle last week near Raleigh. The other driver was DWI and texting when he hit them. Glad all of you made it through.

06-29-2011, 06:57 PM
Randy - glad you guys are OK. Now go out and buy that Lottery ticket! :thumbup:

06-29-2011, 07:31 PM
Glad to hear you're both okay. Good thing you were alert and reacted quickly. Ride Safe :thumbup:

bone crusher
06-29-2011, 08:07 PM
Yesterday evening, my wife and I were ryding two up and proceeding northbound on a four lane undivided road going the speed limit (45 mph). We were on our way to a local restaurant.

I was in the left lane, purposely staying behind a semi that was in the right lane and was going to be making a right turn. There was no traffic in the southbound lanes at the time. A car, that I did not initially see, darted out from the road the semi was turning onto directly in front of us and made a left turn southbound! :yikes: I hit the brakes and swerved hard right to avoid hitting the car and barely missed the semi.

An eye witness, who was behind the semi in a car, actually followed us to the restaurant to make sure we were O.K. Unlike me, he has been riding motorcycles for many years and he said he was amazed at myriding skills. He claims that he saw a front wheel off the ground! I just reacted in a survival mode! :gaah:

Glad you are okay...

06-29-2011, 08:57 PM
Glad you are ok, sounds hairy to say the least. Amazing how many times sheer instincts saves our arses :-)

Glad you are ryding still :-)

06-29-2011, 09:04 PM
So glad you came out of that unscathed! I had a close encounter with a 1000+ pound moose (full rack) about 2 weeks ago on my way to Stowe VT. I've never payed much attention to the moose crossing signs until now. I was doing about 56 coming around a tight corner when I saw movement coming out of the woods. I immediately saw the rack and slammed on the brakes. Came to a stop and he just kept coming. Crossed the road about 20-30 ft in front of me with me sitting there watching him. The real nightmare scenario would have been to have a car coming around the corner behind me. Just wasn't my time I guess...:dontknow:

06-29-2011, 09:51 PM
Dear Spyder riders. I've been rear ended two time. One time it was driver of the car who was not alert. The licence plate hold got brocken. The second time the girl driver of a car told me she had a right to pass me. Scratched LH front wheel spokes. Things happen and sometimes there's nothing you can do about it.

Blue Star
06-29-2011, 10:21 PM
I was driving the wife's car yesterday, and when getting off the freeway the light turned green for me. One thing I have learned (even more so now) is to wait a second or two before entering the intersection. Well, I am so glad I do this. No more than a second after the light turned green for me a cage ran the red light. Funny thing was the idiot was looking at me while going thru the intersection. Be safe everyone.

Bob Denman
06-30-2011, 07:41 AM
:gaah: Oh the stupidity and recklessness that we see... :gaah:

06-30-2011, 10:24 AM

Are moose good eats?

06-30-2011, 06:05 PM

Are moose good eats?

Absolutely! Yes! I guess I could try to ride under one next time and slice off a hind quarter on the way through with the machete I carry on my back.:roflblack:

06-30-2011, 07:10 PM
GI killed in Fayetteville NC yesterday. His bike was hit by a 15 year old unlicensed driver.