View Full Version : Women And Their Spyders

06-28-2011, 06:59 PM
Looking for a favor. I went on a ride with several people this weekend. Most were people I work with. One of the girls I work with was on the ride and has a Harley but does not feel real comfortable with it and was asking me about my Spyder. I told her I thought there was a thread on here by women talking about their experiences with their Spyders. I could not find one so I would like to start one. She wants to know about the RS and the RT and what you think of it, what you like and don`t like. I am going to email her this link so she can see what all of you have to say.

If anyone knows of a thread like this please add the link. Thanks for the help! :shemademe_smilie:

06-28-2011, 07:56 PM
First of all I have to say that I admire her for being able to handle two wheels. I never felt comfortable with the whole leaning thing I was okay going straight but didn't like to turn and I always was afraid of dropping it. I also hated being a passenger so the Spyder was my first chance to be able to ride along with my husband and his friends.

I was fortunate to be able to borrow a GS for an extended test drive. I drove it for a few weeks mostly alone as my husband was working out of state and always felt comfortable and totally in control of it. But I knew after the first week that I wanted the RT as I have long legs and the riding position of the RS/GS was not comfortable for my knees on long rides. I bought my RTS SM5 on 07/08/10 and today I turned 16,000 miles.

It is comfortable, powerful and easy to drive it has enough storage to travel for a week or make a quick trip to the grocery. I also have the trailer which is extremely spacious and handles great. I use it for everything from long trips to grocery shopping and I even picked up 150# of water softener salt in it.

If you are looking for something to use for short outings and like a sportier ride go with the RS but if you plan on touring the RT is the way to go.

Another huge benefit of the Spyder is all the friends you will make right here on Spyderlovers.com and at events like Lamont's BBQ, Spyderfest and the Owners' Event.

Take a test drive or two and I'm sure you'll be hooked.

06-28-2011, 08:20 PM
I love having a "Cycle" that I can "drive" and feel in control. I am 5'2" and my hubby is 6'3". The RT fits both of us. I never imagined myself driving a cycle to work or just for fun. When we had our OLD Goldwing, I was just a passenger. Now I am a RYDER!!!

06-28-2011, 08:22 PM
:agree: They both said it well.

The only difference is I rode on two wheels for many years and loved it! Never had a hankering to be a passenger. Not my style...

Because of medical issues, could no longer ride two wheels. For two years put up with riding pillion until I found the Spyder. My knees are back in the breeze!

Have talked with Ladies who were riding the traditional HD trikes and they found manly upper body strength was needed. More than they had. They were asking lots of questions about my Spyder.

My advice would be... you have a MC license, so take a test drive! Its your decision. You'll find a new found freedom! :ohyea:

06-28-2011, 08:27 PM
I didn't know Spyders existed... till my sister bought one. I looked at it and thought, "I might need one of these". Then I sat on it, and thought "Yep, I DO need one of these". Decided without even riding the thing, and began a search for my own Spyder.

I am clumsy, almost to the point of it being a handicap, lol! I never could ride a 2-wheel motorcycle, and can barely ride a bicycle. I was hesitant about other trikes... homegrown and all that. So, here was a factory-built 3-wheeler. Then I learned about all the safety features. And the fact that the thing can really MOVE!

I bought Clyde (yeah, I named it) within a month. I practiced on the streets of my small housing development for a little while before hitting the road. The learning curve was almost non-existent (although for someone used to riding a 2-wheeler, there may be more of an adjustment). It's just pure fun.

I don't have to worry about every piece of gravel, dead possum, or pothole. I'd rather not hit them, but it's not a huge risk if i do. I just ride. The Spyder is larger, so a bit more visible to other motorists. I like that. I'm short, so there would have been few bikes for me to choose from, given that I would not be able to reach the ground comfortably. I don't need to worry about that with the Spyder, either.

Even though I didn't operate a 2-wheeler before, I feel confident in saying that the Spyder makes for the most worry-free, relaxing motorcycle riding possible.

06-28-2011, 09:03 PM
Though only for a few years, I rode on 2 before I got my Spyder. Medical issues developed that made me very wary of holding up a bike at stops. I immediately started to look for trike alternatives. But none were attractive to me. Then I heard about the Spyder. I got on the internet and started my research. I found SpyderLovers.com before I took a test ryde. But, I knew even before I rode the Spyder that this was for me!!

Sure enough, the Demo ryde was fantastic!!! I couldn't believe that right out of the gate with only a few minutes practice in a parking lot that I could ryde this thing and be comfortable doing it.

I bought used and have been happy with my decision to do so. I've gotten my husband interested in going out with me now. We ryde two up nearlly all of my ryding time. He's fine with being on the back. He does not have his "M" and has no intention of ever doing so.

Ryding together is something I could never have managed on 2 wheels. But his weight on the back of the Spyder means nothing!!! I only have a few mods, mostly to make his ryding position more comfortable and to make the Spyder handle better with both our weight on it. The Spyder is just the best thing to happen IMO!! BRP had vision when they made this thing!! It's just fantastic!!!!!:clap:

06-28-2011, 09:32 PM
First I have to tell you, I tried to ride a 2 wheeler...actually I owned 3 Honda's before I found the spyder. I kept dropping the stupid thing. Turning was not something I could do without problems. I had pretty much given up trying to be a rider.
But then I came across this funny looking trike with 2 wheels in the front. And as it turned out, it came with an automatic transmission, now, how could I pass up a test ride. So after looking all over East Tennessee for a dealer who had an auto RS that I could test drive. Finally I found one and that was it.....I was sold. I could start, stop, and make turns without any problem. That was the ticket for me.....
So, I bought a RS last October and rode it for few months. But something just didn't "feel" right. My hands kept falling alseep and it was not comfortable for me to ride longer then 20 minutes without stopping for a break. This just wasn't going to work. So then I test rode the RT.....I traded my RS for a 2011 Limited RT within a week. WHAT A DIFFERENCE. It was like night and day. I instantly fell in love with it. In fact I love everything about it. It is extremly easy to ride, very comfortable for both long and short trips, plenty of storage and a real attention getter. Some times a little more attention getter then I expected. Everyone just HAS to come see the Sypder up close! :2thumbs:
So, I hope your friend takes everyone's advice, test ride both the RS and RT and choose which one works best for her. And soon we will see her posting on here with the rest of us. Good Luck! Keep us updated.

:clap: :D :thumbup: :yes: :p

06-28-2011, 09:44 PM
Thanks for all the input so far, pretty interesting for me to.

Florida girl
06-28-2011, 10:50 PM
What a great idea to help your friend decide what she wants to ride! I did the same before I purchased my Spyder. Almost 2 years before I made my purchase, I wrote to about 7 different women here on Spyderlovers to ask what their experiences were with riding a Spyder. After hearing what they had to say I was very intrigued & excited. I couldn't wait to test ride one! Because of finances it was a long wait but finally this past March I went to the showroom and test drove the RT. WOW, I was hooked!!! I couldn't wait to take one home! Three days later I drove it out of the showroom and now just a few short months later I can not believe what this whole experience has become for me. I am even getting my husband (a devout Harley rider & owner of 2) all excited about the Spyder! We just came back from Maggie Valley North Carolina where we attended the Spyder Owners Event. We saw hundreds of Spyders, met great people and had the most fantastic time riding the Smoky mountains. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to love riding the Spyder as much as I do! I feel completely comfortable riding. I have no problem riding on the highway at higher speeds and feel SO MUCH MORE SECURE than I EVER did on two wheels. It handles great in the rain and everyone says I am extremely visible on the road. The RT is lit up as much or even better than a car at night! What a comfortable ride!!!
I do however want to make a very, very important point. I think if you are comfortable on 2 wheels that is great but to really ride safely you need EXPERIENCE & CONFIDENCE! LOTS! I have had my motorcycle license for about 15 years now. I took a 3 day intensive course where they really taught us a lot about riding and avoiding accidents. We learned how to skid to avoid accidents, jump small objects and make turns in very small areas. I was excited to ride but still was a little worried about all of the other drivers out there and just lacked a bit of confidence in how I would react if someone pulled out in front of me. After my course was over and I passed my test and got my M license, I was shopping and trying to decide what motorcycle to buy. A few weeks later something happened that changed everything.
A friend had gotten her motorcycle license & was very excited. She ended up purchasing a Harley. My friend and her husband would go out riding together with his friends quite a bit. She started telling some of her other friends that she didn't really feel completely comfortable riding. She felt a bit nervous and had to really push herself to keep up with the group she was riding with. She didn't have that confidence! One night the group ended up going to a bike night and before she left she told another friend that she wasn't super comfortable keeping up and riding with them. On their way to bike night she was coming around a curve and trying to keep up with the group when a car pulled out of his driveway and she thought he was going to pull out in front of her. He didn't but she panicked and drove into the guard rail and died. She left behind a husband and 5 very young children. My story here is not intended to bring negativity to riding but in order to be safe you need to be EXPERIENCED AND CONFIDENT out on the road! After that happened I lost even more confidence in myself and never ended up purchasing my motorcycle. Instead I rode as an uneasy passenger on my husband's Harley for years. I did not like it at all and so many times secretly wished he would give up riding.
Two years ago I was at a Harley dealership down in Florida with my husband and what drives into the parking lot?! Two women on Spyders!!! It was my first Spyder sighting! I was in awe. I asked lots of questions and the women were fantastic in trying to help me. They even let me sit on their Spyders to get the feel of what it would be like! I thought . . . . this is something I could be comfortable on! Because of finances all I could do was dream about riding one for the next 2 years. I got onto Spyderlovers and followed all of the posts as closely as I could to learn as much as I could about every aspect of the Spyder. I wanted to see what people liked and disliked. This is also the time when I wrote to those 7 women on here to ask their opinions on femaies riding the Spyder. To this day some of those women still write to me and we compare notes. (They are on the opposite coast so we haven't met in person yet) And the best thing happened! When my husband & I made the trip to Maggie Valley and Lamont's BBQ the craziest thing happened! Can you imagine my surprise when I met the two women who I had originally seen more than two years ago ride into the Harley dealership on their Spyders?!?!?! The same women that let me sit on their Spyders and ended up being responsible for getting me interested in the first place! We had fun catching up and talking about how they helped to influence my decision to become an owner.
Owning a Spyder is an experience that can't be explained. It is so true what everyone says here about being stopped by people asking questions. I can't go anywhere without gathering a crowd. Riding is fantastic and the people that I have met are incredible. I don't want to sound like a commercial here :roflblack: but I truly am in love my :spyder2:!!! Every day I want to ride!
My suggestions: I think it would be a great idea for you to surf the posts on Spyderlovers, then go out and test ride one. Decide for yourself what it is that you really do want. For everyone it is a different experience. I would be more than happy to help you in any way I can. If you want to message me and talk on the phone I would also be willing to do that. The only thing that I can say to you is please no matter what decision you make, if you are lacking confidence in riding on 2 wheels and you decide you want to stay with two wheels, you need to take more courses or do something soon to get more comfortable out on the road. (They do offer advanced courses which may really help build your skills which in turn will definitely build your confidence.) Don't make the mistake my friend did. Follow your gut feeling. If you feel you are not completely comfortable out there do something to change that. Don't ride in circumstances that make you question your abilities.
Good luck in whatever decision you make! :2thumbs: Let us know if you decide to become part of the :spyder2: community!!! :doorag:

06-28-2011, 11:08 PM
My story starts out with a very scary ride on a 2 wheeler many years ago with my husband (he forgot to tell me how to lean and all that) when we got done I told him I'd never ride with him again!

When he found the Spyder I was very intrigued with it. That was three years ago and I have gone from being a willng passenger to driving it myself.

I also am verically challenged (5'4") and the RS fits me very nicely. Not having driven a motorcycle before I didn't have to relearn those habits. It didn't take me long to get comfortable on it, and now I swipe it from Butch when ever I can.

We have found that the Spyder gets a bit more respect on the road, in the three years we've had it there have been very few times that we've had trouble from other vehicles. As for riding in the rain...the Spyder handles fabulousy, it's three wheel stance is very stable in the wind and rain, even going 70mph on the freeways!

I'm sure that once you go for a test ride or find someone wo has one that will let you try it out you will definitely be hnting for your own.
-- Paula

06-29-2011, 07:14 AM
:agree: the Spyder is awesome, it's stable, safe and fun to ryde.
Better to be a safe 3-wheeler than a nervous- nelly on 2. You can't enjoy riding if you are nervous about everything.
I learned the very basics of riding on 2, ie: I got good doing circles in a parking lot, but then was so nervous on the streets that I realized I wasn't going to be a safe 2 wheeler, so hubby found the Spyder for me. On the test ryde - we began in the parking lot, then out to the streets! AWESOME!! We bought one the next weekend! (RT Audio/Convenience, SE5 orbital blue). There are things you have to learn about it, just like any new vehicle, and, then you just have FUN!!! :clap:

06-29-2011, 07:15 AM
I took the Motorcycle Safety Course in 2001...passed....bought a 2001 Honda 750...had it almost 2 years and 200 miles on it...sold it...could never find a happy place.....so I just continued to ride with my husband....Lamonster was posting about the Spyder...I kept up with his experiences.....I read Spyderlovers from the very beginning......May 2010 found a 2009 SE5 in local area...bought it on a Monday....rode it 200 something miles in 2 days.......Thursday took off for 800 miles to Tucumcari NM.......today I have 23,000 something miles...love my Spyder

06-29-2011, 08:59 AM
When I turned 70 I was going over my bucket list. 2 things became priorities: Tatoo and motorcycle. Tatoo took 4 months for the tat artist to get my design right. Took him 6 hrs. to do the work (and yea I still LOVE it)..
Now to the important item: Motorcycle. Immediately knew that I would, literally, kill myself on a two wheel. I had only ridden as a passenger 3 times behind a very skilled 2 wheel rider in my lifetime. Then 2 yrs before I purchased a 49cc Zuma to putt around my small town. Never ever felt safe..so the last year I never even rode it one time. Even with that experience I wanted to own and drive with the wind on my bod...so headed to HD dealership to try out the rear wheel trike. I, fortunately, got a salesperson who knew me personally and was more interested in my safety than making a $$. He asked me if I was just going to ride my grandkids around the area...said heck no I'm going to ride the wheels off this thing. His next ? to me was "What do you want this trike to be for you?" My answer: Stable...he said don't tell my boss but go look at the trikes with 2 on front. I never even knew there was such a thing out there...came home shared that with my friends and they said hey we were on the coast and saw these "funny" looking snowmobiles with wheels...:clap: Now I'm getting excited 2 different people saying look at this reverse tryke. no one had given me the brand name. Friends went home...got on their computer and said here this is what we saw. That got me looking on internet. It was love affair at first site. So first I started looking for a dealer...closest to me was 4 hr. drive...but NO RT's available...the owner tried really hard to find..could not...by then I KNEW I was going to have an RT Spyder in my life and SOON (there is not an impulsive bone in this ole' bod...yea right!!!).
Found one in IL...made deal. All I knew was I wanted the SE5 and the audio pkg on my RT in Silver color...found it..bought it..send a friend to drive it out to WA for me...he showed me how to turn on...get into reverse and 1st...handed me the manual (I hate reading manuals--when all else fails I read manuals) and said see ya...As I sat on this "monster" motorcycle parked in my driveway I was beyond excited and full of fear...started out going back and forth on my approx. 30 ft. driveway...then said now what??? Answer...sneak up to WalMart parking lot at 5 a.m. (1 1/2 miles) and start learning how to make this thing go ... 2 weeks later...got brave enough to start driving thru a neighborhood. Lots of stops and turns...still not our of 2nd gear...end result...I have had Ms Spyder since end of May 2010 (winter weather stops me ryding for about 3 months)...98% of my ryding is alone...and Ms Spyder is close to 14k miles. I went to Spyderfest this year..it was a month long SpyderRyde 2 and from..almost 7000 miles and all I can say it was WONDERFUL...right now my next "big" (approx 3 week) trip will be down to Corbin to get my ride-in seat custom built...which will take me thru OR & CA then back up 101 to Eureka and connect with other wonderful Spyderlovers for a ryde thru the Redwoods...
Do I ever regret purchasing Ms Spyder....NEVER EVER...my kids at first thought I had lost it (tatoo and a tryke!!!)...but as they shared their "what the hell were you thinking" moments>>>>my answer was which do you want...me sitting on MsSpyder or your couch?? Well, that ended that conversation.:2thumbs:
After the actual CanAm Spyder I have to say that Spyderlovers.com is my foundation for happy, safe and incredible ryding. Incredible bunch of people here...:2excited:
So I say if you have a desire GO FOR IT...I had fears as I learned to ryde and venture out...but NEVER have had a regret or ? my decision to purchase. Have had to do certain things, learn new skills, whatever it takes to overcome my fears...and WOW OLD DOGS CAN LEARN NEW TRICKS :ohyea:

06-29-2011, 10:43 AM
I Like Flamingo Babe, tried to ride a 750 shadow for years. But always felt an impending doom feeling. I have bad ankles (family history) and finally just gave up and rode with Bob on his Valkyrie. When he tore his quadricep tendons off his knee, that was my push, cuz we didn't even know if he would be able to handle his bike single up, let alone me on the back. So I found my RS. Less than a month after I bought it, I put on 1200 miles in the month of November last year. Just put 2000 miles in 5 days and loved it. We bought Scalia Rider Communication System so we can talk to each other. It definitely has kept us in the wind and riding together!

06-29-2011, 02:18 PM
I think the two words that sum up Spyder riding for me are confidence and thrill.

Confidence: you gain an enormous peace of mind with the 3-wheel stance and the traction and stability control. I think someone already mentioned the things you just don't have to worry about anymore (gravel, uneven roads, potholes, minor roadkill, etc.). Although I'm still vigilant in watching the road and others on it, there is no anxiety in it.

Thrill: you lose none of the thrill of 2-wheels. Curves are just as fun, just different. The speed and power really are amazing and I can leave most 2-wheels in the dust if I want ;). Plus you immediately turn heads because the Spyder is still something most people have only seen on TV.

I agree with the others - get a demo ride and then be prepared to BUY!:clap:

06-29-2011, 02:47 PM
:agree: They both said it well.

The only difference is I rode on two wheels for many years and loved it! Never had a hankering to be a passenger. Not my style...

Because of medical issues, could no longer ride two wheels. For two years put up with riding pillion until I found the Spyder. My knees are back in the breeze!

Have talked with Ladies who were riding the traditional HD trikes and they found manly upper body strength was needed. More than they had. They were asking lots of questions about my Spyder.

My advice would be... you have a MC license, so take a test drive! Its your decision. You'll find a new found freedom! :ohyea:

Like Yazz I rode a Harley for many years before getting my Spyder. If the lady is a little concerned about handling 2 wheels, the Spyder is definitely the way to go. Much better than the traditional trikes... Go for it you will not be sorry.

06-29-2011, 03:05 PM
For what it's worth, Fred Rau told me that women riders are the fastest growing demographic in motorcycling, and is currently at about 2.5 %. For Spyders, that percentile is 42%. BRP seems to have found a strong following with women owners.

06-29-2011, 06:44 PM
For what it's worth, Fred Rau told me that women riders are the fastest growing demographic in motorcycling, and is currently at about 2.5 %. For Spyders, that percentile is 42%. BRP seems to have found a strong following with women owners.
Thanks for posting that, Mark. I was trying to remember the numbers Fred related when he was talking with us, but only the 2.5% stuck in my brain. Now if I could only remember what I had for breakfast. :roflblack:

old Timer
06-29-2011, 07:38 PM
I sent a link to this thread to my wife at her office today..;)

06-29-2011, 09:01 PM
Hi all!! Just joined this site.

I've been reading your various posts in here and I'm on the verge of tears!! I own a Honda Shadow 750. I know how every one of you felt about the sense of impending doom while riding!!! I am right there right now!!! I thought I was the only one with those feelings!!

I took the safety course, and have been riding for about 5 years now. Started out with a scooter and moved to a cycle. Don't get me wrong, I love riding, but people in cars just scare the crap out of me!! I take my time getting to my destination, pay attention and all, but geez!!

Went to my local dealership yesterday to talk about the Spyder and it's various features. I have loved the looks of them since they came out. I'm going back tomorrow to talk about trading in my Honda for a 2011 RS-SE5. If the number work out for me, I will be ordering it before the day is done!!! This is what happens when you get to sit on 3 different versions of them!!!! (RT, RS-manual, RS-SE) I'll be ordering some 3 inch after-market risers (to make the riding position more comfortable) and they have NO PROBLEM installing them for me!!! YAY!!! (especially when I'm reading some of your "horror" stories on the forum!!)

I'm more convinced than ever, now, that I am making a good decision for myself!!! Thank you so much for sharing your stories so I could find out it's not just me that is uncomfortable on 2 wheels!!!

06-29-2011, 09:08 PM
Hi all!! Just joined this site.

I've been reading your various posts in here and I'm on the verge of tears!! I own a Honda Shadow 750. I know how every one of you felt about the sense of impending doom while riding!!! I am right there right now!!! I thought I was the only one with those feelings!!

I took the safety course, and have been riding for about 5 years now. Started out with a scooter and moved to a cycle. Don't get me wrong, I love riding, but people in cars just scare the crap out of me!! I take my time getting to my destination, pay attention and all, but geez!!

Went to my local dealership yesterday to talk about the Spyder and it's various features. I have loved the looks of them since they came out. I'm going back tomorrow to talk about trading in my Honda for a 2011 RS-SE5. If the number work out for me, I will be ordering it before the day is done!!! This is what happens when you get to sit on 3 different versions of them!!!! (RT, RS-manual, RS-SE) I'll be ordering some 3 inch after-market risers (to make the riding position more comfortable) and they have NO PROBLEM installing them for me!!! YAY!!! (especially when I'm reading some of your "horror" stories on the forum!!)

I'm more convinced than ever, now, that I am making a good decision for myself!!! Thank you so much for sharing your stories so I could find out it's not just me that is uncomfortable on 2 wheels!!!

:welcome: you've come to the right place to learn everything about Spyders. I hope you can make the deal work. Even though the Spyders handle great remember that cars are still cars and they need to be watched.

06-29-2011, 09:29 PM
:welcome: you've come to the right place to learn everything about Spyders. I hope you can make the deal work. Even though the Spyders handle great remember that cars are still cars and they need to be watched.

Amen to that!! I've had a couple of close calls on my bike, and the safety course I took helped tremendously! The 2nd close call was a Greyhound bus that had passed me and a co-worker. Kept hitting the brakes after cutting in front of me!! I finally had to slam on my brakes, and didn't shift down far enough. The bike jumped, shut down, and I dropped it....:opps: I didn't go down with it, but held on as best I could so it didn't slam to the ground. My co-worker almost ran into me! Scared the crap out of both of us! I took the 2 of us to pick my bike up. Good thing he was riding with me!! I'm not very found of Greyhound now...... :mad:

Like I said, I always take my time, obey the road rules, and do my darndest to stay out of others' blind spots!!

Another reason is I had knee surgery to replace my ACL 4 years ago. Every so often my knee decides to give out. Don't want that to happen at a stop light on 2 wheels!!!

I'm hoping everything works to my advantage tomorrow! My goal was to trade in my bike for a Spyder when I got the bike paid off. Guess what I no longer owe on???!!! :2thumbs:

I also had an epiphany recently due to the passing of my grandma. Life is too short not to live it to the fullest!!! Also, you can't take your money with you when you go, so have fun while you can!!!

My mom will be happy that I'm on 3 wheels too. She about had a cow when I bought the scooter, but she's been a passenger on a bike before. She knows that feeling of freedom very well! Even though I'm 43, I'm still her baby..... :)

06-29-2011, 09:35 PM
:agree:the only way your friend will know if she likes the spyder is to ride one. I was the co-rider on my husbands Honda GW, Valkryie, and our HD for over 30 years and wanted to learn to ride one myself. Both my daughters ended up getting their license and I was still to nervous to try. I was afraid of dumping it. Then My husband had knee surgery and it was getting hard for him to put his legs down to stop. We decided it was time for a trike. We had planned to get the HD trike out but it wasn't water cooled and it shut off a couple times when it over heated in the smokies when we took the two wheels for a test ride to see how it would do. My husband seen this guy riding down the rode on a RT and flagged him down to ask questions about it. Needless to say we went to the dealer and did a demo ride on the RT. We like to do alot of long distant rides so for two up there wasn't any question on which one we were going to get. After we had the RT SE5 for a while my husband said why don't you ride it around the back yard and try it. So I did and I really liked it. I knew I wouldn't want a two wheel so I decided to get a trike license insted of a reg. MC. I took the class with the RT, my husband rode it down there and thats what I used to take the class and drivers test. I'm restricted to three wheels but I can't see me riding anything but a :spyder2:. Well I was contented to take turns with my husband on who was going to drive. Well at least most of the time ( when he wasn't being a back seat driver:roflblack:). We took the RT in to be serviced and they just happen to have a pretty Pearl white RS sitting on the show room floor. I sat on it and I loved the way it looked. To make a long story short I took a Demo ride and fell in love with the RS. I'm 5'4" its smaller I feel more in control and I love how it handles. So after 2 months of having my license I now own my own RS. and have over 2000 miles on it. I did need a few mods to make it confortable, Like the 4" risers and windsheild, extended mirrors and hand grips. After having it two weeks I drove it to Maggie Valley, my first long trip. I put 1233 miles on it that trip. My longest day was 515 Miles I had no trouble with it. They did put a throttle lock on it for me at the dealers because I was worried it didn't have cruise like the RT. The throttle lock is OK but that is one thing I wish it had (cruise.). Don't get me wrong I like driving the RT also, But I perfer my RS. My husband and I now ride together on seperate :spyder2: and we have the scalarider G4 communication so we can still talk to each other and its a blast. Like everyone said she needs to ride both before she makes her decision, Everyone has different taste and some fit better on different machines. No matter which one she would pick, the spyder is just fun to ride and it also has the safety issues as a plus.:ohyea:

Spyder Cat
06-29-2011, 10:23 PM
Life is too short not to live it to the fullest!!! Also, you can't take your money with you when you go, so have fun while you can!!!

Amen sister! :agree: and :welcome:
And thanks StriperKing for starting this thread :thumbup: . . . what a great idea.

I was so thrilled last year when we decided to get the RT-SE5, and it was just a matter of days (9 days actually) until the Spyder-bug bit me.
A month later, I'd passed the test, got the endorsement and the RS 'Lil Red' followed me home.
And in that I am really blessed.... having two Spyders to choose from when I wanna ryde.
And like the old commercial says "sometime ya feel like a nut, sometimes ya don't" . . .
sometimes it's the comfort of the RT and other times, it's the sassy little RS.
(And we are really enjoying ryding the girls inheritance! :2thumbs:)

So when it comes to chosing which ryde is right for you, it's all about what you want. And it's all good.
Ryde safe :thumbup:

06-30-2011, 11:15 AM
I am a 65 year old motorcycle riding grandmother of 6. I have been riding for about 30 years, started on a dirt bike which taught me all the basic riding skills, had ridden on the back with my husband on his street bikes for years but was always a little bored on the back and a little nervous not being in control of the bike (he is an excellent rider started at 14 and is now 67 has had about a billion bikes!so his riding ability was not the question) anyway, I decided I wanted to try my own bike so purchased a 250 Eliminator rode it for about 8+ years, then got a 250 Kawasaki Ninja- which I loved but was just a tad tall for me and I always had to lean alot when stopped, rode it however for about 8 yrs and finally found a 650 Suzuki 650 Boulevard that fit me perfectly! I loved it and had it for about 6 yrs up until I purchased the Spyder. I am about 5;2" 124 lbs and always felt pretty much in control when riding(logged thousands of miles, I live in El Paso so usually ride from here to Colorado to do the majority of riding but have ridden to California, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota. But with the small bikes and my weight I hated the wind and the 18 wheelers when they passed by, those were the times I felt uncomfortable. I was run off the rode once in Colorado and went down but was not hit (Thank you Lord!) I test drove a Spyder a couple of years ago in Ruidoso NM and loved it immediately but finances kept it out of reach at that time. Then our son (42) who has ridden since age 7 and is also a cautious good rider( always wore an Arai helmet, Hein Gerrik(SP? jacket etc) was hit on his bike while getting on the freeway in Dallas, he was on the ramp to merge on the freeway when another driver came over a median and hit him. His bike went accross the freeway, he was unconscious and had to be airlifted to the hospital, he sustained a break in his neck, wrist and almost lost his foot(it was trapped under the bike before it went across the freeway) the other driver said he never saw him????!!! Three surgeries later he is now walking with a cane and is back to work but after that accident I really rethought my riding. Because of my age (BUT I am a YOUNG 65!!!:clap::yes::yes::2excited:) I thought maybe a three wheel bike was now the only choice I had if I wanted to keep riding. I have NEVER had so much fun on any bike as I have on my Spyder! I do not get blown all over the road, don't have to hold it up at a stop and love the semi shift option. I have the 2010 pearl white limited RSS. I still wanted the feel of a sport type bike so did not consider the RT (but I love it's storage) My husband put handlebar risers on it for me and it feels so much better for my short arms. We are going to put the heat shield,belt guard stuff like that soon because the heat on my foot was really hurting(I will say that I was riding in about 104 temp here in the desert so that didn't help).
I plan on riding this bike for years to come, the minute I get on and start it up I feel 30 not 65! I know many women who still think 2 wheels is the only cool way to ride but having done both, I would never go back!
My husband has a 950 KTM Adventure and really does not want to give it up but he loves my spyder and is seriously looking at the 2011 but may wait to see what 2012 offers. :2excited::spyder2:
SO, with all that said, any woman considering riding should test drive what she might want, take a SAFETY course, wear all the right gear no matter how short the trip or hot the weather and just go for it:ohyea:, and just be careful!!! Thank you fellow Spyder riders for letting me post such a long reply, I have personally learned alot on this site (just hate reading about people having trouble with their Spyders! I don't want others discouraged or get discouraged myself (I only have about 1500 miles so far (just got it in April and was out of town for about 3 weeks and with the 105+++++ temp :chill:here in the desert, I have not ridden as much as I want to, so I am hoping no problems arise the more I do ride!):spyder2: There are about 8 other Spyder owners here in the El Paso area and we have gotten together to ride and that was fun, a couple have had problems with their RT,s :helpsmilie:but some have not SO??? I guess you never know.:hun::dontknow:

06-30-2011, 11:32 AM
My wife:

The pictures say it all........

06-30-2011, 11:56 AM
not a single Female Sypder rider in California?????

:lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie ::lecturef_smilie::lecturef_smilie:

06-30-2011, 10:34 PM
I was hoping for a few good replies but this has blown me away. This is one of the best posts I have seen. 2 wheels just comes natural to me even though I love my Spyder but never realized to this extent just how much the Spyder has allowed some to enjoy what the rest of us have known for so long. I can only emagine what the Spyder community will be like 5 yrs. from now. :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
Thank you for all the replies but I get the idea many of you just needed an excuse to tell your story and I loved them all. My wife is next in line to get one. She has also been bitten and this thread has made her more convinced. She has been on the fence for a while but has one foot on the ground.

Spyder Cat
06-30-2011, 11:20 PM
not a single Female Sypder rider in California?????

They're all out riding!

07-01-2011, 01:11 PM
They're all out riding!