Florida girl
06-12-2011, 04:04 PM
Thanks to some of you out there who helped out with your suggestions as to how to get my husband to ride on the back of my :spyder2: during our stay at Maggie Valley. :roflblack: As my reply on the post: "Why Are You Going To Maggie Valley" stated, I am very excited to attend but unfortunately my husband's Harley is in the shop for the next 2 weeks so that means that I will have to be his passenger on my :spyder2: and I will not get the feel of riding the mountains of N.C. myself! :gaah: :( Guess I have to suck it up and be his passenger for the week. :( :( :( I will continue to take each and every suggestion that any of you have to give regarding making a husband ride B_ _CH. Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated as I hate being a passenger!!! :roflblack: :roflblack: :roflblack:

06-12-2011, 04:16 PM
I ride the Harley, pull the trailer and at the end of the day if we have to drive to dinner I will get on the back and ride B..CH. Not a big deal.

06-12-2011, 04:18 PM
I'm not sure of how to get him to ride in the back. Maybe he should trade his harley in for a :spyder2:. Then you both could be riding one. John shared the RT for a while and he liked to ride in the back he thought it was neat for a change. Not for long though. :( Once I rode in front it didn't take me long before I wanted one myself. If he rides in front on the twisties I bet it won't take long for him to trade his on a :spyder2:. Just tell him he has to share and you get a turn:roflblack::roflblack:

06-12-2011, 04:29 PM
My hubby and I sorta made a rule. If he rides with me on my bike, he has to be the passenger. As of right now, we only have the one spyder. LOL It also helped until today that he hadn't yet taken the MSC. I just heard literally a minute ago, he passed the driving portion. So now, I don't know if he'll change the rule. LOL

Truthfully, he says he doesn't mind being the passenger..it gives him the opportunity to take pictures (he's an awesome photographer) and/or look at the scenery, which sometimes you can't see due to being the driver and all, and just relax and take it all in.

The only thing he complains about is the back seat can be..um..not so pleasant on those longer rides. I still have the stock seat so you can see why he's not happy about that feature. lol But I try and not go soooo long between rydes so that we get off, stretch our legs and let our rear-ends get a break.

06-12-2011, 04:52 PM
If you just hang a closed sign off your belt buckle he would change his mind real quick. I know I would !!!nojoke

06-12-2011, 04:55 PM
I would like to reply to CJ's post. first the longest ride she drove was 100 miles even and I must say I really enjoyed sitting in the back. We have a corbin seat and back rest front and rear. As for your Mr. Mocho man on his HD wake up dude it's not the person who wheres the pants in the family that makes you happy ITS THE ONE WHO WARES THE PANTIES. Besides both her hands are busy and mine our free to blow in the wind or hang on to what ever I feel I can.:roflblack::roflblack: JC Oh I forgot to say I'm 6'2" and 240 and I had plenty of room.

06-12-2011, 06:39 PM
Tell him he can take a nap on the way there. Plus, the driver gets to put the ga in and run into the store for goodies.

06-12-2011, 11:48 PM
My husband rode on the back of mine for a very long time. There is nothing wrong with it. :)

Here is a picture of us riding the Tail of the Dragon in 2009.


06-13-2011, 05:53 AM
Way to go HD man. It's still fun isn't! CJ

06-13-2011, 06:31 AM
Talk to me at the BBQ, I may be able to help you out.

By the way I don't care what anyone says, guys should NOT be on the back of bikes or Spyders nojoke

Bob Denman
06-13-2011, 06:52 AM
:agree::clap::roflblack: They should be riding their own rig! :thumbup:

06-13-2011, 07:08 AM
Talk to me at the BBQ, I may be able to help you out.

By the way I don't care what anyone says, guys should NOT be on the back of bikes or Spyders nojoke

Funny story. That is what a lot of woman were subjected to for many, many years but the Spyder saved us from certain death on the back of a motorcycle. Now we ride our own.

06-13-2011, 09:35 AM
I ryde passenger all the time and enjoy it. My wife also enjoys it (RT-S). Frankly many times I have to encourage her to drive because she enjoys looking around so much and feeling free that the driving does not offer her.

Each to their own. I look at it like this. It is not what or where you drive, as long as you do it with friends or family it does not matter. :spyder2::doorag:

Florida girl
06-13-2011, 11:09 AM
Thanks everyone for all of your great and very funny suggestions on how to get my husband to ride as a passenger at Maggie Valley! It was a lot of fun reading all of your responses. I laughed hard through many of them.
Wow Lamont, that was some story!!! :yikes: :yikes: :yikes: !!! I sure would have been doing a lot of :pray: :pray: :pray:! Guess you will NEVER be a passenger again!
I must say that I think sometimes even in normal riding conditions when you are a passenger and not in control yourself it can be a bit unnerving. That is why I LOVE my :spyder2:! Hmmm, does this mean I am a control freak?! :roflblack:
In all seriousness I must say that my husband is really GREAT. When I first got the :spyder2: he rode on the back for days to make sure I was comfortable before I rode alone. He got a lot of guys honking the horn at him and smiling. Not sure if that was a smile of, "you go guy" or " you look bad guy." :D He makes jokes about not wanting me to ride him but I am sure he would submit to being a passenger for a while. I will just have to show him all of your posts! (Except maybe yours, Lamont. That one may scare him) :roflblack: Sure hope this means I can still wear my Lady Rider shirt!!! :roflblack: :yes: :yes: :yes:

06-13-2011, 10:02 PM
Ok I had my husband on the back of my bike 2 times. "I" don't like him there. I feel cramped,and he's not a big guy and I am certainly a small woman, but I'm used to being on my bike alone. So when we have to take 1 bike, i ride pillion.No biggie. We usually will take 2 bikes unless I know there is limited parking or I am too lazy to drive and I want to chill out. My hubbie sold his bike a week before the Turkey Rod Run (Classic car show and swap meet) and it's easier to get around by bike, so I mad a deal with him, I will ride pillion on the way there, but on the way back he has to. So we were leaving the Rod Run and I get on the bike, he gets on behind me, these 2 older guys were giving us weird looks since I was driving. Oh well, a deals a deal. He had no complaints though. He kind of enjoyed looking at the sights, even though he kept reaching over my shoulder to change gears to his liking and giving me "suggestions" on how to drive. That's another reason he's not allowed in the back.

06-14-2011, 06:21 AM
Ok I had my husband on the back of my bike 2 times. "I" don't like him there. I feel cramped,and he's not a big guy and I am certainly a small woman, but I'm used to being on my bike alone. So when we have to take 1 bike, i ride pillion.No biggie. We usually will take 2 bikes unless I know there is limited parking or I am too lazy to drive and I want to chill out. My hubbie sold his bike a week before the Turkey Rod Run (Classic car show and swap meet) and it's easier to get around by bike, so I mad a deal with him, I will ride pillion on the way there, but on the way back he has to. So we were leaving the Rod Run and I get on the bike, he gets on behind me, these 2 older guys were giving us weird looks since I was driving. Oh well, a deals a deal. He had no complaints though. He kind of enjoyed looking at the sights, even though he kept reaching over my shoulder to change gears to his liking and giving me "suggestions" on how to drive. That's another reason he's not allowed in the back.

I know what you mean on that back seat driving. My hubby has the same problem. Thats why I didn't ride up front much on the RT. Now that I have my own RS and I have complete control being I like to follow him and he can't see what I'm doing :roflblack::roflblack: Its much more fun. CJ

06-14-2011, 09:04 AM
Sorry gals - but I gotta agree that a guy on the back of a Spyder with his gal driving just doesn't seem right.... I'd rather be in a cage.

06-14-2011, 09:51 AM
Lamonster's article on the ride with Mario was outstanding. Good things to remember if a non riding person is riding in back even if you are not a race rider:2thumbs::clap:.

06-14-2011, 10:50 AM
Talk to me at the BBQ, I may be able to help you out.

By the way I don't care what anyone says, guys should NOT be on the back of bikes or Spyders nojoke

Lamont: I bet you don't think women should vote either. When we only want or need one bike, the driver goes up front and the passenger goes in the rear. If it is her bike (as it was went we had to drive 35 miles to drop mine off for servicing) I ride on the back. If it is mine vice versa.

Nothing wrong with that IMO... in fact, it's pretty darn comfortable back there.

06-14-2011, 10:55 AM
Lamont: I bet you don't think women should vote either. When we only want or need one bike, the driver goes up front and the passenger goes in the rear. If it is her bike (as it was went we had to drive 35 miles to drop mine off for servicing) I ride on the back. If it is mine vice versa.

Nothing wrong with that IMO... in fact, it's pretty darn comfortable back there.
You seemed to have completely missed my point :congrats:

This has nothing to do with women and has everything to do with guys riding on the back, if you read my story you might get a better understanding of what I was trying to say before making a statement about women voting. :hun:

06-14-2011, 06:52 PM
1) I'm trying to get my wonderful husband on his own :spyder2:. He's never ridden before, but he has ridden mine up and down the road (up to the mailbox and back - about half a mile total). I want him to get a RT (he is 6'6" and about 350 lbs). He wants to practice on mine, but since the RS and the RT are so different (and I don't like to share), I'm not sure riding mine will do any good. Any thoughts?

2) When I rode Joe up the road (hill country, lots of curves and such), he had such a good time. We decided that the Sypder was too special to have a 'b**ch riding. The Scooter's passenger is called a cupcake, so we came up with the passenger was the muffin. Not sure if that would work, but he's not my b&^*#.


06-14-2011, 07:12 PM
ordinarily... I wouldn't ride bitch. but sometimes... ya gotta just say "What the hell." chances are... ya might actually see some things you don't get to ;)

06-14-2011, 07:30 PM
I've got the "M" on my license. Hubby doesn't, and has no desire to get one. So, no choice here. If he goes with me, he's the pillion ryder. With the beefed up suspension of the RT shocks and EVO sway bar, the Spyder handles both of us just great. We enjoy going together. He admits that he likes to see the sights. I'll admit that I like to be in control. I do the driving when we're in the car too. After all these years together, it just seems natural for us. I'm sure it would be different if he had his motorcycle certification. But, getting the Spyder was all my idea. It's mine. I just share it with him when we go out together on it.

06-14-2011, 08:07 PM
As far as I know, you don't have to have the "M" on your license in Texas. I have one because I used to ride with less wheels.

Personally, I think it's good to have that extra training - but I'm glad I did the 'box' with two wheels! I don't think we can do it on a Spyder...

06-14-2011, 08:22 PM
You seemed to have completely missed my point :congrats:

This has nothing to do with women and has everything to do with guys riding on the back, if you read my story you might get a better understanding of what I was trying to say before making a statement about women voting. :hun:

You are correct. I made the post prior to reading the story. I thought you were responding to the original thought in the first post. My error.

06-14-2011, 08:22 PM
Talk to me at the BBQ, I may be able to help you out.

By the way I don't care what anyone says, guys should NOT be on the back of bikes or Spyders nojoke

Sorry to disagree, when we go out to a party and I have a few drinks I am on the back.
We are both part of the DD program:lecturef_smilie:

DD for me is Designated Drunk:ohyea:
DD for her is Designated Driver :shemademe_smilie:

There are exceptions for everything:roflblack:

06-14-2011, 08:53 PM
My husband wrecked his motorcycle and it was ready for pick up at the HD Dealership, so I made him ride on the back of mine 30 miles to pick it up as his punishment. He is 6'5 and mostly legs so he looked like a cricket on the back it was funny:roflblack:

06-14-2011, 09:59 PM
Well, my first choice is of course to ride my own. But when we have to take one, I prefer to be on the back rather than him.... but that's just me because it's like swinging around 250lbs of dead weight which is no fun on the twisties... he doesn't mind being back there. I think guys not riding b**ch is just something society has put a taboo (not sure that's the exact word I'm looking for) of sorts on. Just my opinion.

Havasu Rider
06-14-2011, 10:17 PM
My wife does not know how to start a Spyder, so I do not have a problem with her wanting to ride it. She is fine as a passenger and I am fine doing the driving. :2thumbs:

06-14-2011, 11:02 PM
He could always choose to stay home.

06-15-2011, 01:03 AM
Certainly there are situations where a guy may end up on the back--- last summer on the way back from Sturgis one of my HD buddies had a breakdown (shocking I know) - so I had him ride on the back of mine for 300 miles thru Chicago no less.

Every time we stopped for gas he would jump off and go up to total strangers and instantly tell them ...."my bike broke down".... he was worried someone might think we're a couple.... :roflblack:

So me being-- well -- ME --- we're cruising down the highway and come up on a couple driving a minivan --- I pull up next to them -- look over to get their attention --- then I start rubbing my buddies thigh with my hand----- :roflblack:

Too funny....

Sure it might be very sexist and one of those 'societal taboos' that will change with time --- but when I see a dude on the back with his gal driving (which is rare) --- it just doesn't look right....

To each their own---- just ain't gonna be ME........

06-15-2011, 07:16 AM
Maybe it wouldn't seem so bad if we didn't call it riding B!!tch. Maybe we should call it riding B!!tard or something like that when the guy is on the back! :roflblack:

06-15-2011, 11:52 AM
Uhhh... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you DO need the M endorsement in Texas for the Spyder.

As far as I know, you don't have to have the "M" on your license in Texas. I have one because I used to ride with less wheels.

Personally, I think it's good to have that extra training - but I'm glad I did the 'box' with two wheels! I don't think we can do it on a Spyder...

06-15-2011, 12:02 PM
Uhhh... I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you DO need the M endorsement in Texas for the Spyder.

I'm sorry! I thought you did not have to. They were giving a class a couple of months back (motorcycle class) for Spyders, and they gave out the information that it was voluntary because the "M" was not mandatory.
