View Full Version : Hot Ride!!

06-12-2011, 11:18 AM
Did a charity ride yesterday for an airman in ICU after an accident. His family is up from Miss. and don't have much so our group did the ride to help with expenses. Anyway, it being close to 100F I decided to wear shorts, something I never do on a long ride. Lets say it was twice, the first and last time. I had a nice :yikes: burn from the radiator heat on my right calf after the ride. :chill: Guess I need to find some comfy COOL pants for those hot summer rides. :spyder2: was a hit with the airman's daughter. She's about 6 and deaf but man did she light up when I put her on the seat and her mom got pics. She didn't want to get off. Made my heart feel good.

06-12-2011, 11:22 AM
:ohyea::thumbup::2thumbs: Very kind of you to do...

BTW... Not sure if this would be of any help to you, but is was for me and my wife. LD Comfort apparel...

I can honestly say I have not had a single drop of sweat since wearing these in 80f+ temps... Not to mention they help me a lot in the winter...

http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22743 (http://www.spyderlovers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22743)

06-12-2011, 03:57 PM
Thanks. I've been looking at these. Glad you've had good experience with them. I'll consider an order when I get back to work. Need to get the cash flow back first.