View Full Version : IPad and Touring

04-23-2011, 10:17 AM
Over the last year, I have become a strong iPad supporter. Not only does it do everything I wanted my laptop to do, but more, especially when touring. I think it is the best touring accessory ever… but, to the point:

Yes, it has iTunes and can connect to the RT audio, so? The real touring support lies in the following areas - 1) As Lamont has pointed out, you can take your Spyder service manual with you - hey! you can also take your operator's handbook, and the manual for your camera(s), tour guide…… ever wish you could remember how to stitch photos together while you look at the Tetons???

Now 2), - I can only attest to ATT, I know nothing about Verizon - you can get the 3G service anytime you want on a month-to-month agreement (no contract), which means that you have full E-mail access, backup mapping, info on local beverage shops, and motels to sleep it off (:D) - (admittedly, given you have cell coverage), when you are on tour, and turn it off, when you don't need it.

And as final bits, you can use an inexpensive earphone/mic set to use Skype, download your pics from your camera as a back-up (or larger viewer), and connect with a motel's TV to watch one of the dozen or so movies you brought on your iPad.

Perhaps there are other devices that can do all of this, but when I tour (especially with my SO :D), minimizing the stuff to take becomes critical. With my iPad, I don't need a phone, Kindle, books, paper maps, or computer.

No, I don't work for Apple, in fact I'm a medical professional - but tools like this deserve a serious consideration for the touring season, especially when you can get one for the price of a decent GPS.

04-23-2011, 10:52 AM
Just Like a good swiss army knife :D

04-23-2011, 12:03 PM
:agree::2thumbs: The Ipad is an incredible touring tool, and not bad for just around the house too....