View Full Version : First ryde of 2011!

max continuous
04-09-2011, 05:48 PM
Well it got up to 12c in Central Alberta today. The roads were dry although a bit gritty from the winter. (Nanny bait!)
The 2008 red Gs fired at the first bump of the starter (thank you tender) and I was gone! Sooooo good to get back in the saddle! I'd almost forgotten what it was like having people point and stare with big grins on their faces!
What a goofy country I live in...I still have about 3.5 ft. of snow in my yard but I can RYDE!!!:2thumbs:
I only went for about 50 km. but it was worth it. On the upside I don't have to clean bugs off my windshield.

04-09-2011, 05:50 PM
well played sir, well played. When does the snow go up in alberta?

04-09-2011, 05:55 PM
Well it got up to 12c in Central Alberta today. The roads were dry although a bit gritty from the winter. (Nanny bait!)
The 2008 red Gs fired at the first bump of the starter (thank you tender) and I was gone! Sooooo good to get back in the saddle! I'd almost forgotten what it was like having people point and stare with big grins on their faces!
What a goofy country I live in...I still have about 3.5 ft. of snow in my yard but I can RYDE!!!:2thumbs:
I only went for about 50 km. but it was worth it. On the upside I don't have to clean bugs off my windshield.
P.S. WAHOOOOO! :congrats: i have been ryding a couple of hrs. a day for about a month :thumbup:

max continuous
04-09-2011, 05:55 PM
Jeez Setho that was a quick reply!
We don't usually have this much snow. I think we're about a foot over average this year. The temps are looking to stay above freezing during the day now so usually around the end of April there will only be snow left in the shady areas. We usually get an "Alberta Clipper" blow through in the May long weekend and it can dump about 18 in. but it's gone in a couple of days.

04-09-2011, 07:43 PM
:congrats: on your 1st ryde!! Our snow finally got up and went, here in "Winterpeg". Ryding season has begun! Enjoy...

04-09-2011, 09:34 PM
:congrats: on getting your first ryde in. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a long ryding season for you. :thumbup:

04-09-2011, 11:46 PM
:yes: enjoy the ryde...cause tomorrow you shovel snow!!! j/k.

man, now i feel like a real wimp, here in NC people were telling me it was too cold to ryde when it was mid-50s (i disagreed, but i am not sure i will ryde when it is below 50).

04-10-2011, 08:49 AM
:yes: enjoy the ryde...cause tomorrow you shovel snow!!! j/k.

man, now i feel like a real wimp, here in NC people were telling me it was too cold to ryde when it was mid-50s (i disagreed, but i am not sure i will ryde when it is below 50).

Proper gear makes all the difference in the world. :thumbup: This summer you will be begging for it to be 50 degrees. nojoke