View Full Version : Motorcycle Touring Bible

03-10-2011, 02:27 PM
We just got to spend a little time with Fred Rau, riding with him from Lake City, Fl to Ormand Beach where he went on to Daytona and we stopped by Corbin. Fred is every bit as personable in person as he is in his video's, and he knows more about motorcycles and the industry than anyone I've ever met.

I found out that Fred has just published the Motorcycle Touring Bible, and since he had some copies with him I bought one. If you enjoy reading about bikes, and touring, you'll love his book. As I randomly read parts of it, my wife kept asking me what was so funny, since I was laughing so hard, and I would have to stop and read sections to her. This is a great book, very informative, and very funny, and it covers the entire touring spectrum, from packing and gear, to pitfalls and mistakes. All done in Fred's easy going style.

Go to http://www.fredrau.com/, click on Magazine, and scroll to the bottom of the page. The book is extremely well written with high quality photo's and heavy weight paper. This is a quality product, highly recommended. :2thumbs:

03-10-2011, 02:35 PM
Thank you for sharing :2thumbs:

03-10-2011, 02:38 PM
:agree: :2thumbs: I think Im going to order it.