View Full Version : Newbie here

03-06-2011, 05:49 PM
Hi Everyone,

I'm a new older female owner of a 2009 RS Spyder as of last October (2010), but I haven't ridden much due to the weather. I was looking for spyder information and your site popped up-- AND since then, I've been reading threads and learning all kinds of great stuff. Yay!!

As for a reference, I'm also pretty new to motorcycles, though I've been to S. Dakota week before rally 3 years in a row usually as the chase car driver (and carrier of the cooler and food). LOL Two years ago, I passed the motorcycle safety class so I'm really excited to now own a bike.

My bike is silver/black. Is there anyway to jazz up my spyder with cool graphics without it costing my left arm? :chat: I've been to e-bay and those designs are very busy looking. What I like is clean lines, flames, spiders. <--Yet I don't want to overwhelm the bike with a ton of them.

I'd like my bike to be a cool orange, yellow, or red, but I know the cost is really high to change.

Anyone have any suggestions or places to go either locally or online? I live near St. Louis.


03-06-2011, 05:55 PM
:welcome: & :congrats:

Sorry, Teddy has no connections in the St.Louis area, but I'm sure someone who does will chime in shortly:thumbup:

Teddy & I just wanted to WELCOME you to the SPYDERHOOD :2thumbs:

03-06-2011, 06:02 PM
:welcome: Here are 2 places that sell wraps. The 1st one is also a sponsor they will both help design something for your :spyder2: www.powersportswraps.com/ (http://www.powersportswraps.com/) or www.spyderdetailing (http://www.<b>spyderdetailing</b>).com

03-06-2011, 06:02 PM
Welcome to Spyderlovers, you will find this a very friendly and informative site!

03-06-2011, 06:07 PM
:congrats: & :welcome: We will be heading out to your neck of the woods at the end of April before going to Spyderfest in Cuba.

We have friends that live in Park Charles South. We will be staying there during that time.

03-06-2011, 06:08 PM

The first site mentioned above has kits for just trunks, if you don't want your spyder to look too busy with graphics.

03-06-2011, 06:08 PM
I forgot to mention, my licence tag is SPYDR, too. I bought the bike from the previous owner who had the tag and he released it to me. :ohyea: He also included some extras like a touring windshield, two helmets, a full cover, battery charger, a bike rest, and even included oil so when I go to change it, I'll already have that in stock. :2thumbs: Plus he sold the spyder for only what he had left to pay on it. I'm very lucky, thus the name!!!

My daughter's boyfriend owns a black spyder, his sister (my age) also owns one. Now me. Yay! Can you tell I'm excited? My daughter usually rides the spyder as her boyfriend has a couple other motorbikes he rides, which is how we went to S. Dakota so often. LOL

At this point, we are planning on going to Spyderfest in April/May.

03-06-2011, 06:16 PM
:congrats: & :welcome: We will be heading out to your neck of the woods at the end of April before going to Spyderfest in Cuba.

We have friends that live in Park Charles South. We will be staying there during that time.

Wow! That's close to where I live... 3-4 miles maybe. I look forward to meeting a lot of people when we go to Cuba, too, this year. :D Though I think we're not right now planning on spending the night in Cuba, just riding back and forth. Maybe I could talk hubby in spending at least one night as it's at least a two hour ride.

03-06-2011, 06:19 PM
:welcome: Here are 2 places that sell wraps. The 1st one is also a sponsor they will both help design something for your :spyder2: www.powersportswraps.com/ (http://www.powersportswraps.com/) or www.spyderdetailing (http://www.<b>spyderdetailing</b>).com

I'll go there now and have a look see. Thanks~

03-06-2011, 06:26 PM
I know in my area we have a couple of people who do custom vinyl graffics for real reasonable prices. The one guy does anyting you want, just tell him what you want and he will design it. He does pin stripe, etc. You may want to check your area for this service. Good luck.

03-06-2011, 06:29 PM
:welcome: Enjoy the Ryde!

03-06-2011, 06:30 PM
:congrats: and :welcome: I hope you enjoy your spyder as much as we (spyderlovers) do. :ohyea: :yes::clap:

03-06-2011, 06:39 PM

03-06-2011, 06:39 PM
you also have come up with a GREAT :spyder2: name. CUBA will be a 1st adventure also, hope to meet ya. :thumbup:

03-06-2011, 06:58 PM
:welcome: and :congrats: Are you excited yet? :D

03-06-2011, 07:29 PM
:welcome: and :congrats: Are you excited yet? :D

Are you serious!!!!!! Heck, yeah!! I got a chance on Friday when the temperatures spiked to 70 degrees to take the spyder out ..first time since November. :D

It was AWESOME. :2excited:

Okay, so I only got gas and took it to our local motorcycle place to have the recall on DPS fixed, but still. It was so nice to get out and get some fresh air! ;)

03-06-2011, 07:59 PM

03-06-2011, 08:25 PM
:welcome: i am SO jealous of your license plate! welcome.

03-06-2011, 08:27 PM
Hello Spydermelucky! Glad to have you here. I live in St. Louis, MO near Ted Drewes on Chippewa but may be moving shortly to Cedar Hill, MO. Out highway 30. Nice to hear of all the Spyders in your family.
Spyderdetailing.com is where I got my American Flag Wrap but you may find it "too busy." ;) But check them out anyway, maybe they have less as well. The nice thing about them is if I ever got any part of my wrap damaged, they would send me a replacement piece. took me between 6 & 7 hours to install. I paid $279 plus shipping.

medic 1
03-06-2011, 08:46 PM
:welcome: We have a run coming up in Aug. to benefit Camp Hope which is a rehab facility for disabled veterans in Farmington Mo. The ride will start in De Sota and I will post something as it gets closer on the MO page. Take care and ryde safe, Bill

03-06-2011, 08:56 PM

03-06-2011, 09:27 PM
:welcome::congrats: and enjoy.

03-07-2011, 12:07 AM
Thank you, everyone, for your warm messages. It's gonna be a great year for riding and I can hardly wait to get out there. Once my bike gets back from the dealership, I'll be set and read to go.

03-07-2011, 02:25 AM
:congrats: and :welcome: to the site.

03-07-2011, 11:01 AM
:congrats: and :welcome: to the site.:thumbup:

03-07-2011, 11:03 AM
:congrats: have fun and see you at spyder fest,cant wait counting down the days.:D:spyder2::2thumbs:

03-07-2011, 11:32 AM

Hawk Eye
03-07-2011, 12:51 PM


03-07-2011, 01:08 PM
:welcome: :congrats:
Like you, I got my 2009 last fall. This site is full of great information and lots of folks with tons of experience. Enjoy!

03-08-2011, 07:00 PM

:congrats: on getting your Spyder and enjoy the ryde.

03-08-2011, 08:22 PM
:congrats: & :welcome: :yes::yes::yes:

03-08-2011, 08:55 PM
I posted this in another thread lately, but it's relevant to your question, so i will post it here as well:

I purchased a spider graphic from this place:
http://www.decal-orations.com/ (http://www.decal-orations.com/)

The cool thing is you can choose your graphic, then your color, then your size. You could get a smaller one for the back fender, or sides somehwere, or a larger one for the hood. I got my decal in reflective black: it looks black in the daytime but bright white at night when headlights hit it.

03-09-2011, 08:38 PM
Thanks once again for all the warm welcomes and links to graphics and decals. Wowser!:yes: A lot to look at and drool over. Now I have to really consider what I'll do...but one thing's for sure. I have choices. And that's pure awesomeness. :2thumbs:

Someone posted that this is a great site and if this is ANY indication of it, I have to totally agree. I'm happy to be a part of this group. Thanks. You all have made my day. :clap:

03-11-2011, 07:07 AM
:welcome:................glad that you have found Spyderlovers. I can be found in South St. Louis also and if you ever see a red and black RS (Sport Touring Edition) then you have probably found me. You really need to plan on staying over night at Spyderfest because their will be many activities after dark that you won't want to miss.:lecturef_smilie: It's going to be a great time so look forward to meeting you :2thumbs:

03-11-2011, 09:18 AM
:welcome: Yet another MO rider.. Look out you Huligans we are bringing in the numbers here.. Congrad's on your purchase.. You will love your spYder..

At this point, we are planning on going to Spyderfest in April/May. Look forward to meeting you..

PS: What dealership is doing your DPS or what dealership do you deal with??


03-11-2011, 11:45 AM
I am looking at buying my first Spider RT tomorrow and would like to know how it performs. I test rode it yesterday and thought it was great but on a small loop I cannot get a feel for the open highway. Also how do I post a new post on this site? Mine is going to be the Blue 2010 RT and I am having the back rest installed, the highway pegs, the communications between my wife and myself, and I am not sure of what else to start with. I am coming from e Dyna Lowrider and want to be able to ride for hours without just killing myself. Any and all help is appreciated!:clap:

03-11-2011, 12:18 PM
I am looking at buying my first Spider RT tomorrow and would like to know how it performs. I test rode it yesterday and thought it was great but on a small loop I cannot get a feel for the open highway. Also how do I post a new post on this site? Mine is going to be the Blue 2010 RT and I am having the back rest installed, the highway pegs, the communications between my wife and myself, and I am not sure of what else to start with. I am coming from e Dyna Lowrider and want to be able to ride for hours without just killing myself. Any and all help is appreciated!:clap:

03-11-2011, 12:52 PM
I am looking at buying my first Spider RT tomorrow and would like to know how it performs. I test rode it yesterday and thought it was great but on a small loop I cannot get a feel for the open highway. Also how do I post a new post on this site? Mine is going to be the Blue 2010 RT and I am having the back rest installed, the highway pegs, the communications between my wife and myself, and I am not sure of what else to start with. I am coming from e Dyna Lowrider and want to be able to ride for hours without just killing myself. Any and all help is appreciated!:clap:


To post a new thread, you can go to the Forums page and select the forum you want to post it under. Once there you will see a button in the section just below the menus that says "New Thread". Click on that and you will be on your way.

:congrats: on your new RT. It takes time to get used to the different ryde. Keep a light grip on the handlebars, so you are not giving the Spyder too much input, and relax. It should feel better everytime you get one and put more miles on it.