View Full Version : Hot Seat

02-17-2011, 10:19 PM
I rode a 2011 RTS Demo for about a hour yesterday (temp around 72 degrees) First warm day in months. anyway I noticed a lot of heat at the front of the seat. I have seen this mentioned in the forums before but is this
a universal problem or just isolated instances. Since I have ordered a RT I hope there is a solution for this.

02-17-2011, 10:42 PM
The early model 2010 RT's didn't have a heat shield kit that was installed under the glove box on the later models and the 2011's. With that said, it still gets a little warm there.

02-17-2011, 10:52 PM
It is typical. As was said, the very early 2010 PEs were even worse. Your riding gear and position on the seat affect how much you feel it. I didn't find it objectionable on PE #0150.

02-17-2011, 11:42 PM
If you are going to do a lot of city stop and go I would look into an aftermarket kit to redirect some of the heat pulled off the radiator and tape up the exhaust headers.

If not, just ryde. A lot of folks going from cars to their own bikes every year forget how much heat we feel from any bike. And new ryders to any bike are taken back a little by it at first.

Think of it this way. Remove the windshield and hood on a car... How much of the car heat would you feel? :thumbup:

That said it is a fairly easy fix or an item to become accustomed to. Especially when your putting miles on your RT instead if sitting at stops :clap::spyder2::doorag: