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View Full Version : Napa Valley / Lake Berryessa Ride & Jelly Belly Tour - Sun, March 20th (Benicia, CA)

02-14-2011, 12:37 PM
The riders of Spyder Ryder of America - NorCal / Bay Area Chapter will be meeting at the Shell gas station off 780 / Columbus Parkway at 8:30AM on Sunday, March 20th for a 100 mile ride through scenic Napa Valley, along the shore of Lake Berryessa, and concluding with a free tour at the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield, CA. We will also have lunch afterwards for those who want to partake.

The ride time is approximately 3 hours which includes a stop at Monticello Dam at Lake Berryessa for a photo-op.

Please show up with a full tank, or top off at the gas station as there will be no fuel stops once the ride starts.

MEET LOCATION: Shell (exit Columbus Parkway from 780W in Benicia)

RIDE TIME: approximately 9AM - 12PM (3 hours)
LUNCH TIME: approximately 1:30PM

ROAD CAPTAINS: Geoff Gommerman (Lunar Rover)
Katlyn Gommerman (SpyderGirl)

RSVP: spydergirl47@hotmail.com

All participants will be required to have a Release of Liability / Emergency Contact Form on file prior to the event. Those can be given to me the morning of the ride or at any of our rides or meetings prior.

The form can be found here and printed: http://sranorcalbayarea.club.officelive.com/Documents/SRA%20NorCal%20BA%20WaiverJan%202011.doc (http://sranorcalbayarea.club.officelive.com/Documents/SRA%20NorCal%20BA%20WaiverJan%202011.doc)

Map of Route: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=2054+Columbus+Parkway%2C+Benicia%2C+CA+94510-5400+%28Parkway+Shell%29&daddr=38.30478%2C-122.32894+to%3A38.376455%2C-122.422635+to%3A38.4914793%2C-122.3349227+to%3AUnknown+road+to%3A1+Jelly+Belly+L ane%2C+Fairfield%2C+CA+94533+%28Jelly+Belly+Tours% 29+to%3A38.2248318%2C-122.1068059+to%3ACenario%27s+Pizza%2C+364+Pittman+ Rd.+%231%2C+Fairfield%2C+CA&geocode=FaATRQIdLH23-CF_ODtmPfhYzQ%3BFQx8SAIdlGi1-CmXRxsfEgeFgDEr4Ke98_CVQQ%3BFQeUSQIdlfqz-CnnJ9e6SquFgDEVRSE_62mqDA%3BFVdVSwIdNlG1-CkJ4Vqmu_iEgDEO4TueVWw1Gw%3BFS2sSwId-9i4-A%3BFSB7RwIdgze5-CEt9iHdpKFhqw%3BFb9DRwIdS8y4-CnN7csDvhOFgDG4MX_b5CIVeQ%3BFYwsRwIdBXu4-CGn7H1gmF10Ag&hl=en&mra=mrv&mrcr=2&via=1%2C2%2C3%2C6&sll=38.235079%2C-122.106686&sspn=0.055822%2C0.168743&ie=UTF8&ll=38.254358%2C-122.104797&spn=0.22323%2C0.674973&z=11