View Full Version : Too COOL for School !

02-14-2011, 11:12 AM
Well I guess I got an answer to my earlier post asking "Why the Spyder is not a motorcycle".

Yesterday, a group us us went for a BBQ run, great little shack about 100 miles away and well worth the trip. There were about 7 bikes in all, me on my RT, a couple of Harleys and a Vulcan with training wheels (seriously.... a bolt-on trike kit). Anyway, we all met for a breif chitchat, all the guys loved the Spyder and had lots of questions. We decided to get going so we could beat the afternoon crowd. About 80 miles into the ride we had scheduled a gas stop for the Sportster...to be honest, I was needing that stop as well. Well as any Spyder Ryder knows....a gas stop is never that simple, here comes the on-lookers. Our 5 minute stop turned into an hour.
By the time we got to the BBQ joint, you guessed it, we we now part of that afternoon crowd, and did the complaining begin.... "if you and that Spyder hadn't taken a hour at the gas station we would have beat the crowd". The same dudes who admired the Spyder before our ride were now bashing. The conversation continued over our meal, one of my buds said it... "you'd never see complete strangers walking up to me on my bike.....they are afraid to. That's part of it... the whole Bad-Ass image. When you're on that Spyder...the image is gone. People want to talk to you." I don't know what shocked me more....That he actually believes this or that he Actually said it out loud.

Now trust me, none of these guys are Bad-Ass, but it got me thinking. Have I been guilty of this when on two-wheels? (Intentional or Not)

Black Leathers
Loud Pipes
Dark Shades etc.
...you know, just Bad to the Bone:roflblack:

If this is true... Thank God for my RT

Strangers Welcome...let's talk:chat:

02-14-2011, 11:30 AM
Yeah, I don't think it matters how YOU look, the :spyder: is an ice breaker to just about everyone. Think I've only had 1 stop where I didn't have anyone come up to talk about it & that was cause it was about 7F degrees out & ppl were staying in their cars, but you could still see everyone gawk'n & point'n :ohyea:

02-14-2011, 11:51 AM
It's cool that the:spyder2: is almost 3 years old and is still a conversation starter!

02-14-2011, 12:02 PM
Those guys are dumb. I've made some wonderful friends riding the Spyder.

02-14-2011, 12:06 PM
It's cool that the:spyder2: is almost 3 years old and is still a conversation starter!
I told my boys if they want to pick up girls just get a Spyder and a puppy. :D

02-14-2011, 12:11 PM
sticks n stones will break their bones, but whips n chains excite me. Dress as a bad boy and it will limit conversations... lol

02-14-2011, 12:18 PM
I told my boys if they want to pick up girls just get a Spyder and a puppy. :D

my wife has made the same assessment....:opps:

02-14-2011, 02:34 PM
My wife gets a kick out of watching everyone just :yikes: when we ride by. I have to admit I like the attention also. Sometimes it is a pain to try and plan to leave 30min early to get gas because you know someone is going to ask you something, but all in all, I wouldn't trade it for the world. :2thumbs:

02-14-2011, 02:35 PM
Seriously? :dontknow: A Vulcan with training wheels is badass? :roflblack:

Posers are the only ones that are convinced they're badass, most everyone else sees them as the clowns they are.....

Like the saying goes-

$20,000 and a leather jacket does not make you a biker......

Glad your Spyder continues to get interest.....


That's funny and oh so true. My wife is not into bikes at all and thinks every leather clad rider is the devils advocate. It makes her cringe when we we pull into a burger joint where a group is congregated, and I'll immediately strike up a conversation with a bunch of "bar hoppers".
They're Huligans, that's what they are Huligan's!! hahahahaha. You come to know who the real bad bikers are by their colors and you leave them alone. Fair enough. I think I'm more like "Dudley, (Bill Macy) in Wild Hogs.

02-14-2011, 05:02 PM
Seriously? :dontknow: A Vulcan with training wheels is badass? :roflblack:

Posers are the only ones that are convinced they're badass, most everyone else sees them as the clowns they are.....

Like the saying goes-

$20,000 and a leather jacket does not make you a biker......

Glad your Spyder continues to get interest.....

Well said, Sir! :D I couldn't have said it better...

02-14-2011, 05:11 PM
I told my boys if they want to pick up girls just get a Spyder and a puppy. :D


02-15-2011, 10:30 AM
Note to self: Acquire Spyder puppy holder. :roflblack:

02-15-2011, 10:33 AM
When I ride up to a crowded place, full of Harleys, and walk into a room full of big burly leathered riders I am instantly terrified at the sight of so many lawyers and accountants in one place. It feels like a tax audit. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

02-15-2011, 10:48 AM
you right about the :spyder: anywhere you go you have a :chat: with strangers asking ?'s about the :spyder:

02-15-2011, 11:00 AM
Someone has a bad case of :spyder2: envy. :D :roflblack::roflblack:

02-15-2011, 12:56 PM
When I ride up to a crowded place, full of Harleys, and walk into a room full of big burly leathered riders I am instantly terrified at the sight of so many lawyers and accountants in one place. It feels like a tax audit. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

02-15-2011, 01:04 PM
When I ride up to a crowded place, full of Harleys, and walk into a room full of big burly leathered riders I am instantly terrified at the sight of so many lawyers and accountants in one place. It feels like a tax audit. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

:roflblack: roflmao

02-15-2011, 01:05 PM
Someone has a bad case of :spyder2: envy. :D :roflblack::roflblack:

I like to call it "Third Wheel Envy" :roflblack:

They're just mad the paid more for their Harley and got one less wheel.

Bob Denman
02-15-2011, 01:31 PM
Note to self: Acquire Spyder puppy holder. :roflblack:

Does ISCI or ESI make one of them??? Do they come in different sizes?? :roflblack::yes::ohyea:
Can you get LEDs to mount on them and light 'em up??

02-15-2011, 02:03 PM
I like to call it "Third Wheel Envy" :roflblack:

They're just mad they paid more for their Harley and got one less wheel.
:agree: They were scammed :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

02-15-2011, 02:27 PM
Does ISCI or ESI make one of them??? Do they come in different sizes?? :roflblack::yes::ohyea:
Can you get LEDs to mount on them and light 'em up??

Don't think ESI or ISCI makes them.
I've made my own. Use one of Teddy's doggie beds, so you can get different sizes.
And yeah, I sewed blue battery powered LEDs into his bed & it glows & shows him up nicely at night :yes:

The looks on ppl's faces as we go by is just PRICELESS!!!:2thumbs:

I'll post some pics Later of his set-up, as a few different members have asked :popcorn::clap:

Magic Man
02-15-2011, 02:31 PM
[QUOTE=HDXBONES;285764] Like the saying goes-

$20,000 and a leather jacket does not make you a biker......

Hey HDXBONES, does this mean you have to get rid of your leather jacket? :roflblack::roflblack::joke::D


Bob Denman
02-15-2011, 03:10 PM
I like to call it "Third Wheel Envy" :roflblack:

They're just mad they paid more for their Harley and got one less wheel.
:2thumbs: :roflblack::firstplace:

02-15-2011, 03:22 PM
... "you'd never see complete strangers walking up to me on my bike.....they are afraid to. That's part of it... the whole Bad-Ass image. When you're on that Spyder...the image is gone. People want to talk to you." I don't know what shocked me more....That he actually believes this or that he Actually said it out loud.
I had an interesting affair this summer while in the Northern part of the great state of Idaho. I had gotten gas and gone inside to the rest room and when I got back out, a small crowd of 3 or 4 had gathered around the Spyder. I went over to the group and one of them stuck his hand out to shake mine. I shook his hand, I thought it was for riding the Spyder, but he wanted to congratulate me for being a wounded Vietnam Vet. Now I don't know where he came up with that conclusion since I was never in the service, never been wounded and have nothing on the Spyder to indicate that I was. Eventually it came to pass that since I had gray hair (the right age for a Vietnam-era person) and was riding a trike (no self-respecing dude would ride a trike if he didn't have to) ergo I must be a wounded Vietnam Vet. I tried to say I just liked the Spyder for touring but he would have none of it. We parted company with all of the gawkers and rubberneckers smiling and waving and trying to shake my hand again. Jeez, no wonder the Uni-Bomber loved this place.
PS The conversation even got more interesting but I'll leave that for a later time.

02-15-2011, 10:20 PM
Funny and interesting posts. Thanks everybody for the funnies and the stories.

02-15-2011, 11:14 PM
Well I guess I got an answer to my earlier post asking "Why the Spyder is not a motorcycle".

Yesterday, a group us us went for a BBQ run, great little shack about 100 miles away and well worth the trip. There were about 7 bikes in all, me on my RT, a couple of Harleys and a Vulcan with training wheels (seriously.... a bolt-on trike kit). Anyway, we all met for a breif chitchat, all the guys loved the Spyder and had lots of questions. We decided to get going so we could beat the afternoon crowd. About 80 miles into the ride we had scheduled a gas stop for the Sportster...to be honest, I was needing that stop as well. Well as any Spyder Ryder knows....a gas stop is never that simple, here comes the on-lookers. Our 5 minute stop turned into an hour.
By the time we got to the BBQ joint, you guessed it, we we now part of that afternoon crowd, and did the complaining begin.... "if you and that Spyder hadn't taken a hour at the gas station we would have beat the crowd". The same dudes who admired the Spyder before our ride were now bashing. The conversation continued over our meal, one of my buds said it... "you'd never see complete strangers walking up to me on my bike.....they are afraid to. That's part of it... the whole Bad-Ass image. When you're on that Spyder...the image is gone. People want to talk to you." I don't know what shocked me more....That he actually believes this or that he Actually said it out loud.

Now trust me, none of these guys are Bad-Ass, but it got me thinking. Have I been guilty of this when on two-wheels? (Intentional or Not)

Black Leathers
Loud Pipes
Dark Shades etc.
...you know, just Bad to the Bone:roflblack:

If this is true... Thank God for my RT

Strangers Welcome...let's talk:chat:

this NEEDS pics, the kind where they push their chests out and flex, because they are bass ass bikers with leather vests, not because it is hot out or they are a MC club just cause its cool, the 2nd worst kind of motorcyclists, next to the ones that keep there harleys in the garage under a cover and tell everyone they are not driving it because they want to keep the resale value high.. and its FAAAASSST.

the south park episode about harleys is the best example of this, even if you do not like south park or even hate it, if you watch that episode and do not laugh I will buy you a beer at spyderfest.

Blue Star
02-15-2011, 11:25 PM
Like the saying goes-

$20,000 and a leather jacket does not make you a biker......

Saw a sticker at my local dealership that said something close "$15,000 and 15 miles don't make you a biker". :roflblack::roflblack:

02-15-2011, 11:31 PM
this NEEDS pics, the kind where they push their chests out and flex, because they are bass ass bikers with leather vests, not because it is hot out or they are a MC club just cause its cool, the 2nd worst kind of motorcyclists, next to the ones that keep there harleys in the garage under a cover and tell everyone they are not driving it because they want to keep the resale value high.. and its FAAAASSST.

the south park episode about harleys is the best example of this, even if you do not like south park or even hate it, if you watch that episode and do not laugh I will buy you a beer at spyderfest. :clap: I have seen that episode and :agree: it's funny :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

02-16-2011, 01:53 AM
Just when you thought you had seen it all... :shocked:

02-16-2011, 02:21 AM
Hehe thats a good way to explain why ppl dont come up to 2wheelers all the time.. they are afraid hah.. just shows that ppl still buy bikes to be cool even after its long since gone from the cool factor.. atleast here its mostly a old mans thing.. if you got a HD you are oooold and nothing cool with that.
but i guess sweden got a diffrent culture.
i allways thought you bought a bike to get something fun and something you like to look at.. but i might be wrong:dontknow:

02-16-2011, 09:13 AM
I had an interesting affair this summer while in the Northern part of the great state of Idaho. I had gotten gas and gone inside to the rest room and when I got back out, a small crowd of 3 or 4 had gathered around the Spyder. I went over to the group and one of them stuck his hand out to shake mine. I shook his hand, I thought it was for riding the Spyder, but he wanted to congratulate me for being a wounded Vietnam Vet. Now I don't know where he came up with that conclusion since I was never in the service, never been wounded and have nothing on the Spyder to indicate that I was. Eventually it came to pass that since I had gray hair (the right age for a Vietnam-era person) and was riding a trike (no self-respecing dude would ride a trike if he didn't have to) ergo I must be a wounded Vietnam Vet. I tried to say I just liked the Spyder for touring but he would have none of it. We parted company with all of the gawkers and rubberneckers smiling and waving and trying to shake my hand again. Jeez, no wonder the Uni-Bomber loved this place.
PS The conversation even got more interesting but I'll leave that for a later time.

That's just too funny. I haven't been called a vet yet, but have had a complete stranger at a gas pump, just out of the blue, tell me "yeah, I don't blame you, when I don't feel safe holding up all that weight of my HD.... I'll get me one of those too"

That was the entire conversation, not even a Hello or Goodbye. :hun:

.... BTW, he was not even on a bike (go figure)

02-16-2011, 10:47 AM
I like to call it "Third Wheel Envy" :roflblack:

They're just mad the paid more for their Harley and got one less wheel.
This one came with extra wheels.(pretty bad-ass)


Bob Denman
02-16-2011, 11:13 AM
:roflblack: :firstplace: :2thumbs:

02-16-2011, 01:48 PM
This one came with extra wheels.(pretty bad-ass)


Well, I reckon you have to start somewhere! :roflblack: Nice lookin' bike, by the way, sans the training wheels. I sure wouldn't kick it out of my garage!