View Full Version : The Marvelous Ryde

12-24-2010, 09:16 PM
My inner child is just a wee little lad full of health and joy
BRP homeward came one night and gave to me a toy
A wonder to behold, it was, with many colors bright
And the moment I sat and rode on it it became my heart's delight

It went "zip" with a twist and "grrrr" when it stopped
And "rumble" when it stood still
I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will.

The first time that I turned the key, I had a big surprise
For right up front were two big wheels that looked like an Indy car.
I first pushed "M" and then the "start", and then I twisted grip.
And when I sat down again, this is what it did

I first rolled left and then rolled right
And then rolled down the road.
And when I looked where I had gone, I didn't know where I was:
I started to guess and BRP laughed, for they knew that I would find,
When I turned around, my marvelous ryde, rumbling from behind.

Well, the years have gone by too quickly, it seems,
I have my own little boy
And yesterday I gave to him my marvelous little ryde.
His eyes nearly popped right out of his head
And he gave a squeal of glee,
Neither one of us knows just what it is,
but he loves it, just like me.

It still goes "zip" with a twist and "grrr" when it stops
And "rumble" when it stands still
I never knew just what it was and I guess I never will.

12-25-2010, 01:54 AM
:ohyea:That was just Awesome :ohyea:

:2thumbs: Thank you for sharing :firstplace:

12-25-2010, 05:40 AM
Your somewhat of a poet and you didn't know it !:roflblack:

12-25-2010, 09:12 AM
You didn't sound quite like Peter, Paul & Mary, but you did real well! :clap:

12-25-2010, 10:46 AM
That I can remember, I had never heard that song before until yesterday. It wraps up the gift side of every wonderful Christmas my parents gave to us and will be the theme song I have rolling around in my head every time I am rolling around on the Spyder.:thumbup:
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good ryde.

12-25-2010, 10:49 AM
:thumbup: :clap::clap::clap: