View Full Version : Recall DPS thoughts... P.S. BRP Does Listen...

09-18-2010, 09:32 AM
I am by no means an expert. Let's make that known right off the bat.

That out of the way... I learned something these past few weeks that I think is good info that should be passed along. I actually debated on this quite a bit on if I should even say anything or not. So for what it is worth here you go...

As many of you know I had more than the avg lions share of issues with our RT-S SE5... BRP did finally make things right as you also know. Well along the way I have gotten to know a few folks and have also learned who seems to be more in the "Know" of things and those who do not.

Well a few weeks ago I was told this DPS recall was coming... Yes a few folks needed their repaired or replaced do to actual defects, but what they told me caught me off guard a bit. So let's see what you all think...

Basically... BRP thought more "Non Traditional" ryders would be buying the Spyders. For conversation piece lets say 51% non-traditional 49% Traditional...

So they built in an "Idiot" proof steering so folks did not over steer and kill themselves.

Well to cut through all the crap... They heard from the "Traditional" crowd significantly more than they expected to. These ryders complained rather loudly about under-steering. So BRP in all of it's wisdom decided to replace all the DPS units with what should actually be called an "Upgrade" for some and yes recall for others.

These means the new DPS units will feel "Tighter" and the "Lag" or "Delay" we feel in the initial "Spirited" portion of the steering is now GONE!

Wooo WHooo!!!

Well ours is in right now for the new DPS and we are really looking forward to the new steering experience. Not to mention we hope this experience will be just like the "Clutch" recall they did for us. It was like ryding a completely new bike. We actually had to learn how to drive the bike differently than we had become accustomed to. The Tranny is now one of the best we have ever experienced. nojoke

Anyway... Consider this propaganda or gossip until (If ever) an official BRP person or a member here that is in the know says otherwise :2thumbs::doorag::spyder2:

09-18-2010, 09:45 AM
:2thumbs: Thanks for info can not wait to get my DPS done to feel the new steering.On the list at 2 dealers :clap:

09-18-2010, 09:52 AM

09-18-2010, 11:49 AM

09-18-2010, 07:24 PM
Believe what you will, but BRP is NOT recalling and replacing 16,000+ DPS units because some people thought their steering felt sluggish.:gaah:

The recall is to correct safety/design deficiencies that have been being plaguing operators for nearly two years......

:agree:That's like saying Toyota did their recall because some people thought their accelerator pedal seems sluggish

09-18-2010, 07:35 PM
Basically... BRP thought more "Non Traditional" ryders would be buying the Spyders. For conversation piece lets say 51% non-traditional 49% Traditional...

So they built in an "Idiot" proof steering so folks did not over steer and kill themselves.

Well that is a bit of irony.
I'm a "non-traditional" ryder, as I never rode a motorcycle before in my life.
The "Idiot proof" steering attempted to kill me a few times.
I have the new DPS now, and it is definitly more responsive, but in the back of my mind I always replay where the kill switch is "just in case" it locks up on me. Just because it's better doesn't mean (to me) that it will always "be" better.:doorag:

09-19-2010, 12:05 PM
All of the above negative comments are exactly why I debated not to make a post... Everyone has a right to their post now, I am not bashing anyone. But many of those thoughts also crossed my mind as I processed the info in my own mind...

However... NOT ONCE did I state that I believe it or not.

Maybe it is because of more than one reason and it could have been a contributing factor?!?!? I figure if the bad happens surely good must as well right?

Of course it can NEVER be the ryder... No of course not... The ryder is perfect. It is always the Bike...

All this crap about how bad the bikes are... Then sell yours an move on. If they had actually been REALLY bad... Why take three years to make it right exactly?

Not to mention I thought is was, 16-20,000 bikes and so far less than 1% (According to BRP not me) actually had an issue? I could be wrong of course...

This is a newish technology. Even cars that have been around for over 100 years that are built now by many different manufactures that STILL have issues. We are all lucky to even have this opportunity as far as I am concerned. These "Y" Factor bikes are amazing machines and nearly a perfect package for those not wanting to be on two wheels.

I for one hope they are listening to the long time two wheel ryders. Their experience speaks volumes and they will see or feel things those that have less experience did not know they needed or will need. So that part of the story I found to be worth a lot to me. Overly optimistic maybe? Sure could be. How dare BRP listen to expert ryders right...

Having learned my lesson. I will not post anything like this again on this forum. I am a cup half full minded fella and it is clear many here are not and like the dark gloomy side of the track.:mad:

The fact remains these bikes have room for improvement, and those that are along for the ryde will enjoy it.

I remember my first bike and how big of a POS it was... I never got discouraged I just kept working on it. Once they got all the issues out and fixed.. Man what a dream of a ryde it was. I still kick myself for selling it. How I miss that bike... :(

Personally we are very happy with the responses now from BRP (And we had been very disappointed) and are trying to decide what 2nd Spyder to get.

My wife who nearly lost me to a two wheeled accident back in 1992 (Right shoulder inside my chest, collapsed lung etc etc), and she is permanently partially disabled mind you....... Has gone from "No F'n way we are ryding ever again" to... I rather enjoy this RT... Maybe we should get a second one so that we both can enjoy the "Driving" portion of this experience together... Well to me folks, that is why it is worth the effort and patience needed to me.

It's either that or I go back to the garage and start building kit cars for a hobby :dontknow:

09-19-2010, 12:41 PM
However... NOT ONCE did I state that I believe it or not. Thank you for once again trying to make a member sound ignorant or not being able to take the info with a grain of salt. I am pretty certain a few folks only skim posts and fail to read them in their entirety (By the type of responses I read)...


I cannot see where anyone was trying to make you sound ignorant. But,
your comment about the "traditional" crowd made it sound like you believed BRP regarding the reason for the upgrade. HDX (IMO) is correct when he stated " The recall is to correct safety/design deficiencies that have been being plaguing operators for nearly two years......"

And, by the way, you should post whatever you want. Remember, there are a lot of so called experts on here.

09-19-2010, 12:52 PM
I cannot see where anyone was trying to make you sound ignorant. But,
your comment about the "traditional" crowd made it sound like you believed BRP regarding the reason for the upgrade. HDX (IMO) is correct when he stated " The recall is to correct safety/design deficiencies that have been being plaguing operators for nearly two years......"

And, by the way, you should post whatever you want. Remember, there are a lot of so called experts on here.

Here you go...

Believe what you will, but BRP is NOT recalling and replacing 16,000+ DPS units because some people thought their steering felt sluggish.:gaah:

The recall is to correct safety/design deficiencies that have been being plaguing operators for nearly two years......

And I was simply repeating how it was told to me... I was told BRP simply was not expecting as many "Two" wheeled ryders to purchase these as they did. They called them "Traditional" and new ryders well... new. What else am I to do... create a fancy new word that no one will read into? :dontknow:

I am no tech or designer nor am I privy to one that know all of the ends and outs. It simply sounded reasonable that this could have been a contributing factor to their decision to make the recall. After all. The Clutch recall happened MUCH faster than this steering item has.

I have also read where the grease was drying out causing the failure. I see no reason why that is not also a potential truth and contributing factor to this recall as well.

Again... My first few sentences pretty much stated my thoughts...

09-19-2010, 03:29 PM
So with your FACT on the video being the reason why there is a recall... Why have we not had any recalls on potential fires? I have seen one on video at the BRP gathering in Chicago and a member here. To me this is most certainly an item they need to figure out and now!!!

Funny how I had Clutch issues and drive-ability issues as a new member here back in April and folks here said I was incorrect and needed to learn how to drive.. now here we are down the road with a few recalls later and find I was not wrong.

Or how folks complain on many things only to find out the Dealer failed to properly set the bike up. That is not BRP. That is the dealer.

All I am saying is it seems reasonable that there had been multiple contributing factors and that BRP is listening. Geesh.. I thought that was a good thing!

I guess not. :shocked:

I personally think you're blowing this way out of proportion. I didn't see anything negative about you... I did see some about BRP.

Trust me... if you had your Spyder try to kill you on the highway or in the mountains (like me), you could very well be a little negative, too. I didn't post anything negative ( I traded mine in on a Triumph) but the facts remain... it's been more than two years with scores, if not hundreds, of DPS issues. I know, I know... only about 20 or so reported the the NHTSA... and a couple with serious injuries.

Fires... eight, maybe nine, at my last count. I do think they fixed most of the fire issues with the recall last year... to re-route the canister overflow hose to the front. BRP just didn't say that fixed it.

Keep on posting... none was directed at you!


09-19-2010, 03:37 PM
Posts deleted...WOW....touchy subject I guess. :spyder::spyder::spyder:

09-19-2010, 03:38 PM
I appreciated your post. Enough to read it completely and took the time to respond, twice. Sorry if any offense was taken.

I wouldn't lose any sleep over what you post, or what kind of response you get. After folks have been here a while you almost know who will post what type of response before you read it.

Post whatever you feel the need to post about. :thumbup:

09-19-2010, 06:15 PM
I personally think you're blowing this way out of proportion. I didn't see anything negative about you... I did see some about BRP.

Trust me... if you had your Spyder try to kill you on the highway or in the mountains (like me), you could very well be a little negative, too. I didn't post anything negative ( I traded mine in on a Triumph) but the facts remain... it's been more than two years with scores, if not hundreds, of DPS issues. I know, I know... only about 20 or so reported the the NHTSA... and a couple with serious injuries.

Fires... eight, maybe nine, at my last count. I do think they fixed most of the fire issues with the recall last year... to re-route the canister overflow hose to the front. BRP just didn't say that fixed it.

Keep on posting... none was directed at you!


Certainly possible. Would not be the first time. I guess at times I hope my instinct is incorrect. I think all it boiled down to was my knowledge of knowing the thread would not be seen as a potential win for us as owners, unlike what I see it is potentially being. That's all...

We do not often hear about BRP listening to their owners and felt that if this was true, especially on a touchy items as the steering (No pun intended) that it was worthy to post.

Not to mention I tried to hedge a lot of "Poo poo" with my original post, and that was simply a waste of time.

09-19-2010, 06:45 PM
Just received my letter for the dps "upgrade"....waiting for the dealer to get whatever it is they need and then they'll book me in.Haven't had any problems too date, so will wait for their call.

09-19-2010, 06:45 PM
I personally think you're blowing this way out of proportion. I didn't see anything negative about you... I did see some about BRP.

Trust me... if you had your Spyder try to kill you on the highway or in the mountains (like me), you could very well be a little negative, too. I didn't post anything negative ( I traded mine in on a Triumph) but the facts remain... it's been more than two years with scores, if not hundreds, of DPS issues. I know, I know... only about 20 or so reported the the NHTSA... and a couple with serious injuries.

Fires... eight, maybe nine, at my last count. I do think they fixed most of the fire issues with the recall last year... to re-route the canister overflow hose to the front. BRP just didn't say that fixed it.

Keep on posting... none was directed at you!

I am interested in this discussion on the steering issue. I had mine (2008 SM5) lock up on me, a firm push releases it, but be prepared for an over correction. I have ridden two wheelers for 50 years and I am very impressed with my spyder. I will be having the recall done.

09-19-2010, 07:06 PM
I've found both in my profession and in "the real world" that many times "the message received" was NOT INTENDED by the sender. A spirited debate can be quite good and productive. It usually results in a good end product.

Chris PE # 0004

09-19-2010, 08:34 PM
I am interested in this discussion on the steering issue. I had mine (2008 SM5) lock up on me, a firm push releases it, but be prepared for an over correction. I have ridden two wheelers for 50 years and I am very impressed with my spyder. I will be having the recall done.


09-19-2010, 10:21 PM
If engineering was a perfect skill all the work would be done by now. If you include the mechanical and the electrical ( CPUs memory transistors etc) and the software there are the equivalent of millions of moving parts in this machine. When I get off after a ride I'm amazed that it can work at all. I can assure you that despite the appearances sometimes, that many engineers and designers spent a lot of long hours making the spyder the best machine possible and take pride in it's performance and responsibility for it's flaws.

Ultimately it's our own responsibility to decide if we are comfortable sitting on the spyder and turning the key, despite it's issues. The world is a dangerous place and you can hide from it or embrace it. Don't let it pass you by while you criticize, debate it or litigate it.

09-20-2010, 07:00 AM
Believe what you will, but BRP is NOT recalling and replacing 16,000+ DPS units because some people thought their steering felt sluggish.:gaah:

The recall is to correct safety/design deficiencies that have been being plaguing operators for nearly two years......
:agree: They just do a darn good job to capitalize on the effort they are forced to take by the NTSB.

09-20-2010, 07:57 AM
Keep on posting, I don't always agree with you but I still enjoy your posts. Regarding the traditional riders, when I had my face to face with Kurt and Carlo I asked them if any of the engineers that worked on the Spyders rode motorcycles. They assured me they did and steered the topic to other subjects. My thoughts are that if they did ride motorcycles they sure didn't ride them much! The problems that I've had, other than the wandering, have been fixed by my dealer with support from BuRP after I unloaded (with respect) on Kurt and Carlo. I like these guys, they also treated me with respect after I gave them a little history on my riding life. I think I expected too much of the Spyder, wanting a "sport touring" model. I'm hoping after the steering replacement and new heavier springs on my Elka's that I will have my "sport touring" Spyder. Am I completely satisfied with my Spyder? Not yet and maybe I never will be but I'm closing on 14000 miles with it and we will continue to ride it until I'm either satisfied with it or find something else.


PS: I really don't care what the reason for the steering replacement is, I'm just happy they are doing it.

09-20-2010, 09:04 AM
Keeping with the title of the original post, I picked up my bike last Thursday with the new DPS, and the normal 4000 mile service. I have to say that the steering is quite a bit smoother and it does not take as much effort as it used to; in fact I oversteered the first couple of corners. I realize now that I had to arm wrestle the bike to get it to go where I wanted, but no more.

I don't know if this recall will fix all the steering malaises, but it is certainly an improvement. Time will tell if it was successful. For now, I will thank BRP for addressing this problem.


09-20-2010, 11:16 AM
Keeping with the title of the original post, I picked up my bike last Thursday with the new DPS, and the normal 4000 mile service. I have to say that the steering is quite a bit smoother and it does not take as much effort as it used to; in fact I oversteered the first couple of corners. I realize now that I had to arm wrestle the bike to get it to go where I wanted, but no more.

I don't know if this recall will fix all the steering malaises, but it is certainly an improvement. Time will tell if it was successful. For now, I will thank BRP for addressing this problem.

Thank you for posting your experience so far. I like the malaises expression :thumbup: Your "After" explanation seems to go along with what they told me to expect as expressed in post #1...:chat:

09-20-2010, 11:53 AM
Keeping with the title of the original post, I picked up my bike last Thursday with the new DPS, and the normal 4000 mile service. I have to say that the steering is quite a bit smoother and it does not take as much effort as it used to; in fact I oversteered the first couple of corners. I realize now that I had to arm wrestle the bike to get it to go where I wanted, but no more.

I don't know if this recall will fix all the steering malaises, but it is certainly an improvement. Time will tell if it was successful. For now, I will thank BRP for addressing this problem.

How does it do at low speed? I find that my RT is a bear to turn at low speed but the RS is much easier. Neither have had the recall done yet.

09-20-2010, 01:24 PM
How does it do at low speed? I find that my RT is a bear to turn at low speed but the RS is much easier. Neither have had the recall done yet.

Its just easier to turn anyway you look at it. A definite improvement. Watch for the oversteering :yikes: until you get used to it! LOL!!

09-20-2010, 04:50 PM
Keep on posting. :2thumbs: Not everyone is going to agree with you all the time. Some hot button issues get spirited replies very quickly, and people take specific sides. I enjoy reading the back and forth, as it gives more information about the issue or problem. I've had to eat crow a couple times--but I keep coming back for more information. This is a great site for information and opinions.

Tom in NM
09-20-2010, 08:25 PM
. . . . . So for what it is worth here you go...

Thanks for sharing what you heard, to me, that is what this forum is all about and what you wrote added value to the discussion.

I can understand your reticence to post it though - and I guess your misgivings were proved correct. But I hope it does not stop you if the occasion presents itself again some time in the future.

We all have opinions. [Opinions: They are like the Truth, but unburdened with facts.] Like you, I have had some issues, but nothing is going to stop me from enjoying my experiences riding my Spyder. It has for some, and that feels like a shame to me, but, we all have to do what we think best for ourselves. ( and it helps to avoid those broken records that are more than happy to do our thinking for us )

Thanks again for putting it out there.


09-22-2010, 01:18 PM
Picking our up today!! Wooo Wooo!! Can't wait... :ohyea:

09-22-2010, 02:12 PM
Picking our up today!! Wooo Wooo!! Can't wait... :ohyea:
Cool, Hope it all works for ya. I love mine now.

10-04-2010, 11:47 AM
Just tossing a comment in here.. I am very pleased to read of so many happy ryders now with their DPS replacements throughout this forum. Regardless of why or how BRP finally did the right thing for us ryders (Or how they spin it), it is refreshing to know I am getting accurate information on what the parts will do in our hands.

I cannot express how different the ryding experience has become for me and my wife. These bikes are now a blast to ryde and are expanding on our confidence in the bike itself.

NOW we are having fun nojoke:thumbup::ohyea::yes::firstplace:

10-04-2010, 12:11 PM
Just tossing a comment in here.. I am very pleased to read of so many happy ryders now with their DPS replacements throughout this forum. Regardless of why or how BRP finally did the right thing for us ryders (Or how they spin it), it is refreshing to know I am getting accurate information on what the parts will do in our hands.

I cannot express how different the ryding experience has become for me and my wife. These bikes are now a blast to ryde and are expanding on our confidence in the bike itself.

NOW we are having fun nojoke:thumbup::ohyea::yes::firstplace:
MEEE TOOO. I agree completly:2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs: