View Full Version : LD Comfort User Report...

09-12-2010, 10:09 AM

My wife and live in the great NW on the west side of Washington. We grew up in southern California and loved the 260 days a year of fun in the sun... But in our professional travels we ending up all across this great Country of ours...

When it came time to decide one day, we decided to "Plant" ourselves in Washington State where I was blessed with spending most of my summers in my youth.

So what does this have to do with LD Comfort? For us a lot! When we moved here in the late 90's it took us a bit to get used to the weather.. You know... 260 days of clouds :gaah:. Quite the opposite of Southern Cali... But at least there are no hurricanes of tornadoes like the east side of our Country!!!!!

So we have spent a fare share of time and monies trying to find the right type and level of comfort that allows us to match the weather changes to our ryding styles. Mostly in the dirt/sand. But lets be honest. We work far harder in Dirt ryding than we ever do on the road. So we experienced the same "Challenges" off road as we experienced on, with comfort.

We do go to the East side of the state that is a LOT like southern Cali. (Less the attitudes) so temps @ 100f (+-5f) are rather normal during the summer rydes...

Then comes the cooler weather... Well this is the struggle. Hot is hot, but cool can also be colder and OMG is it cold! :yikes::roflblack:

After trying a lot of "Items" we came across a thread on this forum from a member recommended someone try the LD Comfort (Sorry do not remember who) and linked us to a video about the product.

After viewing the video we felt it was worth a try. Here are our findings...

The helmet liners are worth far more than they cost. If you only try one product of theirs.. PLEASE let it be this one... Here is why.

As a person am 6'2" and in the 225 range, and run on the naturally warm side. My lovely wife is Petite and runs cool.

I can wear a baseball cap and start to perspire. I do not think my wife has ever had a bead of sweat on her forehead.;)

I wear a helmet in 75f+ weather and will sweat.

Even in rainy conditions I run with all my helmet vent open. I need air! Even in the heat I can fog up my face shield.. sigh...

With the LD Comfort Helmet Liner, Not ONCE did I have a bead of sweat on my forehead. Seriously!! Now I am still warm mind you, but far more comfortable!!:thumbup:

And this one is equally important to me... I am an owner of a business and the face of this business. So my "Hair" needs to not look like I was wearing a helmet all day. Well the LD Comfort Helmet liner almost eliminates this issue! So say 80% of my helmet hair is gone for an idea. 20% is still there, but I can live with that, and folks have no idea, just I do. My wife on the other hand, it depends on the "Hairdo" of the day but she says she has a few styles now instead of one and is very pleased with the liner. Remember for those of you who know... She is claustrophobic and adding one more thing to put on her head... That is HARD to do. And she will not ryde for three seconds without the LD Comfort Helmet liner. Period!
Now as to the cool weather. We have been in Snowy weather with these and are very pleased with them keeping us perfectly warm. This winter we will put them through more paces on that. But we have zero doubt about these being perfectly fine.
So final thoughts on this one. Pure Solid Gold win. Will not ever ryde without one.

The body liners come in many preferences/styles. My wife chose the long sleeve shirt, I chose the short sleeve plus the arm sleeves. The bottoms... Wife chose long, I chose short. I figure I run warm so I wanted options. She wanted coverage.

For my wife she could not be happier. She only rydes in long sleeves and full leathers your could say. Instead of "Dealing" with big bulky clothes/wind jackets (Etc) or multi layers of them for the cooler rydes, she can now dress far more comfortably and not worry about overheating or freezing.
For me. I made good choices. I ryde how I feel that day. So having the ability to use or not use the sleeves.. is good for me. The shorts have never "Ryden" up and to this day not a bead of sweat has produced!

So here are our personal findings. LD Comfort is worth trying in our honest opinion. nojoke It is not some trick or some new fad. They simply work. Period.

What we did not expect was this. We are warm in the hotter heat with all of our LD Comfort gear on. But we literally never had a bead of sweat show itself the entire summer. This was a very new experience for me and took a little bit getting used to.

This resulted in MUCH longer rydes and ryde times because I was not having to pull over to dry my forehead, or re-adjust my head band sweat collector :D. We literally ended up ryding farther than we plan for ever single ryde because the amount of warm weather ryding stops we have become accustomed to no longer are needed. I no longer have my jeans looking like I slept in them the day before or that I "Watered" my pants after a long ryde :sour:.

The folks @ LD Comfort suggest watering down the liners for those really hot days. I found no need to do that to my bottoms, and frankly, the only days I felt the desire to try my arms had been maybe two times. It is a night and day difference. The water actually lasts a lot longer than I expected it to.

However, overall. We feel this would only be necessary if we lived in Texas or Arizona for example. Simply because this product does such a good job without adding water to the situation. That said... If we hd been on a Southern US Tour. We would not hesitate to water down after 10am...

Now with the cool rydes. We also found the LD Comfort liners to perform better than we anticipated. We could actually ryde in comfort for any period of time we wanted to. I will say that I need to order the full leg version and not the shorts. I could EASILY tell were the liner stopped and the bear legs started under my other ryding gear... :roflblack::ohyea: We will test even more this winter, and look forward to ryding deep into this winter because of the LD Comforts (And the Spyder RT-S abilities of course:D)

Now we have a closet full of "Weather" gear we will never use again. Time for and Ebay sell off!

At first we kind of held back because of the pricing, not because we felt the pricing was to high, but that if they did not work did we want to go through the hassle of a refund or not... Once we decided we should go for it, and try the different versions we did... We made our order.

The bottom line for us is this. they work. They do not kind of work. They WORK! The pricing is VERY reasonable and worth trying. Period.

Anyway.. We hope this helps someone else as they look for more comfortable ryding time.... :spyder2::doorag:

***EDIT*** Oh my how unthoughtful of me!! I almost forgot. When we went through our "Debating" stage, we called LD Comfort to ask questions. The lady that answered the phone was nothing short of a welcoming experience. It was like I went back in time when "Customer Service" was actually Customer Service and not some "Corporate Term name". It was such a wonderful experience (Spoke on sizing and such) that we ordered that same day...

09-12-2010, 10:26 AM
:agree: +1 I love the LD helmet liner and the undershorts. Great comfort in any weather. I'll have to give the rest of their stuff a try.

09-12-2010, 10:51 AM
And the shirts when moistened do keep you cool. I wear the long sleeve shirt when it's hottest as counter intuitive as that was.

09-12-2010, 11:23 AM
:agree: +1 I love the LD helmet liner and the undershorts. Great comfort in any weather. I'll have to give the rest of their stuff a try.
So, you don't wear anything under the shorts right?

09-12-2010, 11:30 AM
So, you don't wear anything under the shorts right?
Correct!!!. Oh my that would not be comfy.... lol...

09-12-2010, 12:00 PM
I have taken to wearing the shorts under my Bohn Armor tights. Two layers but still very comfortable.

Ordered the head liner today and also the Airhawk seat. You guys are great but cost me money. LOL :clap:

09-12-2010, 12:16 PM
Thanks for a thorough review, and a great write up on these products. I am definitely going to check them out based on your experience.

09-12-2010, 12:58 PM
Thanks for a thorough review, and a great write up on these products. I am definitely going to check them out based on your experience.

09-12-2010, 01:08 PM
:agree: I have the helmet liner and the sleeves. Recently participated in a charity poker run where the heat index was well over 100F. I used the sleeves with a tee shirt. I had a textile riding jacket and pants. I can tell you my upper body was much more comfortable during the ryde with the LD Comfort sleeves. Great product - will probably get the short sleeve short in the future.

09-12-2010, 08:59 PM
There was a recent write up on WebBikeWorld that was not as enthusiastic as yours:


Desert Spyder
09-12-2010, 09:13 PM
I love my LD products when it gets hot hot hot. I've got the helmet liner, long sleeves and the shorts. I don't wet my shorts.:roflblack:

I can only wear the helmet liner for one tank before it starts putting too much pressure on the head. But the coolness works well thankyou.

Think they'll have something for the winter someday?

09-13-2010, 01:11 AM
There was a recent write up on WebBikeWorld that was not as enthusiastic as yours:


Hey that is great! Everyone has a right to an opinion. If you or anyone else choose to not try them because of his quote "I have to say right off that I have a pretty hefty dose of skepticism" so be it. I am not. I went into it with an open mind am am pleased I did.

If someone reads my post and honestly gives them a try. So be it as well.

When I went looking earlier this year we had no real write up or review of this particular product. All IO am trying to do is offer up what we experienced so others can make a better informed decision.

Was I feeling a bit worried when I put them on and went outside to try them the first time? Sure!!

But I was as well when I put on those big "Web" type "Wicking" jackets for the first time as well. They work.. but not as well at the lower speeds either.

Do they make me feel warm and make me worry at first when I have not yet learned how well they worked for me? Heck yes!! But 2224 miles later I will not ever ryde without them or my helmet. They make us very happy. As they have many others.

One other item.... He says... "Cotton Bad -- Wicking Good". Well this is like diets it seems. One doctor says do this another screams No no!

I can add this as a hopeful and helpful thought. We sweat and produce moisture that the wicking jackets pull from our skin giving us a cooling effect as the air pulls it away from us in the process... Well I never sweat in the LD's.

Additionally when I sweat this means I need more water more often than when I am not. This is a fact. Period, no argument possible.

The LD's so far have not created the environment that makes me sweat. As I already said above... I run warm. Heck today I flattened an area of my yard today (Moved about 12 loads of dirt in the wheelbarrow) for our RT's trailer (We tow it in) and sweat like a pig. And it was only 70f...lol

Some like Chevy, some like Fords... We cannot make everyone happy. I sure as heck will not waste my time trying. :doorag::2thumbs::spyder2:

09-17-2010, 08:55 AM
I love my LD products when it gets hot hot hot. I've got the helmet liner, long sleeves and the shorts. I don't wet my shorts.:roflblack:

I can only wear the helmet liner for one tank before it starts putting too much pressure on the head. But the coolness works well thankyou.

Think they'll have something for the winter someday?

It is my understanding that these are made for both. Basically this material simply keeps your body temp in check.

When we did go to the snow (Including coooooold wind) we could tell where the LD Comfort stopped and our other clothing started :2thumbs:

02-03-2011, 10:13 AM
Just wanted to come back to this thread for a Winter update.

These are GREAT for the winter. I do not have to layer when using these. I use them as my undergarments... Wear my normal business clothes, put on my "Liner" jacket (Can Am one (http://store.spyder.brp.com/product/387516/440469/_/Can-Am_Technical_Jacket)) and my ryding pants/jacket and away I go.

Now if I do not wear these... I have to layer... Mornings here are averaging in the high 20's low 30's for quite a bit this time of the year. Then it gets really warm at the peak of the day to about 45f :roflblack:.

End result. These are the best wearable items I have ever purchased for ryding comfort. They do an amazing job of "Neutralizing" my body temp (I am a warm blooded fella) in hot or cold weather. We plan to order more now for the different types of ryding trips we will take this next year. :thumbup::ohyea:

I give these an 8 out of 10.

02-03-2011, 10:23 AM
I totally agree.

And I don't recall if it was mentioned but the bottoms also eliminate hotspots in those spots that get hot and chaffed.

02-03-2011, 02:14 PM
Just wanted to come back to this thread for a Winter update.

These are GREAT for the winter. I do not have to layer when using these. I use them as my undergarments... Wear my normal business clothes, put on my "Liner" jacket (Can Am one (http://store.spyder.brp.com/product/387516/440469/_/Can-Am_Technical_Jacket)) and my ryding pants/jacket and away I go.

Now if I do not wear these... I have to layer... Mornings here are averaging in the high 20's low 30's for quite a bit this time of the year. Then it gets really warm at the peak of the day to about 45f :roflblack:.

End result. These are the best wearable items I have ever purchased for ryding comfort. They do an amazing job of "Neutralizing" my body temp (I am a warm blooded fella) in hot or cold weather. We plan to order more now for the different types of ryding trips we will take this next year. :thumbup::ohyea:

I give these an 8 out of 10.

Excellent, Excellent write up, Gonna have to try this stuff out. Is it available in stores?

Glad you brought this to the forefront. Until I was informed about the NEW POST tab at the top of the screen i spent all my time in the RT section, boy did I miss alot.

I got some stuff called icebreaker, made out of Merino wool, That works
very well, but i layer myself with
when I am in cold weather. I got it because they said you could
wear it for a long time and
it won't smell/stink. Well now I have a trailer and can bring more clothing , so LD looks very interesting.

http://www.ldcomfort.com/ (http://www.ldcomfort.com/)

My lovely wife is Petite and runs cool. I can wear a baseball cap and start to perspire. I do not think my wife has ever had a bead of sweat on her forehead.;)
I wear a helmet in 75f+ weather and will sweat.

One more thing when I read your original post, it brought back fond memories. My Mom who grew
up on a Cattle ranch and sheeven to this day would always correct me when I said I was sweating,
she would say :lecturef_smilie: " Stephen, horses sweat, people perspire!:D

02-03-2011, 02:46 PM
One more thing when I read your original post, it brought back fond memories. My Mom who grew
up on a Cattle ranch and sheeven to this day would always correct me when I said I was sweating,
she would say :lecturef_smilie: " Stephen, horses sweat, people perspire!:D
:roflblack: Your Mom and mine must have been sisters. My mother said exactly the same thing.

02-04-2011, 09:13 AM
Thanks for bringing this post back up. I was thinking about getting some of their garments before, but then totally forgot about it. :thumbup: