View Full Version : It all about my constitution also

08-13-2010, 04:42 PM
I just received a PM from Larmont. Some body sent him a message complaining about the artwork on my trunk lid. I've been on this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems. My pic was removed from the site. Not right. That same pic was my avatar for over a year. and no one said anything. With that said. I will no longer posting on this site. Goodbye. :gaah::gaah:

08-13-2010, 04:47 PM
I'm sorry you took it that way but this wasn't the first time I've been contacted about it, it's just the first time I acted on it.

The rules have been in place since day one and the "art" on your hood is not what I would call family friendly Bro. Sorry.

08-13-2010, 05:24 PM
I just received a PM from Larmont. Some body sent him a message complaining about the artwork on my trunk lid. I've been on this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems. My pic was removed from the site. Not right. That same pic was my avatar for over a year. and no one said anything. With that said. I will no longer posting on this site. Goodbye. :gaah::gaah:

While I totally agree with you having a Constitutional right to have that on your hood-- and it doesn't offend me at all--- you have to remember this is a private site and the owner can set whatever rules he wants.

I also agree with the Larry Flint ruling--- he had / has every right to publish what he wants--- but he doesn't have the right to force it on others. Great movie btw.

08-13-2010, 05:34 PM
I just received a PM from Larmont. Some body sent him a message complaining about the artwork on my trunk lid. I've been on this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems. My pic was removed from the site. Not right. That same pic was my avatar for over a year. and no one said anything. With that said. I will no longer posting on this site. Goodbye. :gaah::gaah:

A constitutional right gives us the right to express ourselves. It does not give us the right to do so if it showed what you did, and the way you so publicly did it. You're lucky someone hasn't filed a legal complaint against you whenever you are riding around. Just my 2 cents. It didn't offend me, but I questioned your maturity and reason in painting that on your Spyder.

08-13-2010, 05:41 PM
The rules have been in place since day one and the "art" on your hood is not what I would call family friendly Bro. Sorry.

I agree that a picture or a painting of a topless woman doesn't have a place on a site that is advertised as family friendly. Also, this isn't the first time this subject has been brought up...




08-13-2010, 05:53 PM
While I totally agree with you having a Constitutional right to have that on your hood-- and it doesn't offend me at all--- you have to remember this is a private site and the owner can set whatever rules he wants.

I also agree with the Larry Flint ruling--- he had / has every right to publish what he wants--- but he doesn't have the right to force it on others. Great movie btw.

:agree: "Private", being the Operative.

Blue Star
08-13-2010, 06:13 PM
I just received a PM from Larmont. Some body sent him a message complaining about the artwork on my trunk lid. I've been on this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems. My pic was removed from the site. Not right. That same pic was my avatar for over a year. and no one said anything. With that said. I will no longer posting on this site. Goodbye. :gaah::gaah:

There is so much I could say about this, but I did read the posting, and see that it would do no good to do so. All I will say is THANK YOU to Lamont for keeping this site clean so I don't have to worry about my kids reading it over my shoulder.

08-13-2010, 06:25 PM
Sorry to see you go Steve!
Does this mean 2 less for the BBQ??:shocked:

On a (very) semi-related note,
I wish Scotty's new avatar would PUT SOME PANTS ON!:joke:
:roflblack::roflblack: :ohyea::ohyea: :roflblack::roflblack:

08-13-2010, 06:57 PM
I don't find adult content offensive, I can even say I appreciate it. But I like it kept in places you have to ask for to find. I think this site being family friendly is refreshing. I read it in the living room with my family around on a regular basis. Thank You for running a responsible site that all can enjoy.

08-13-2010, 07:40 PM
I just received a PM from Larmont. Some body sent him a message complaining about the artwork on my trunk lid. I've been on this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems. My pic was removed from the site. Not right. That same pic was my avatar for over a year. and no one said anything. With that said. I will no longer posting on this site. Goodbye. :gaah::gaah:

First, I am very sorry you have chosen to leave. I think you're taking this all wrong.

I don't pretend to speak for everyone here. This is just my perspective.

It may have appeared to you that there weren't any problems. But it is more likely that people here just didn't want to create an issue by pointing out the obvious and taking the chance of setting you off.

It is quite clear that you are very proud of that semi-nude woman on the front of your Spyder. People may have assumed your reaction to any complaint would not be well received, no matter how it was presented. And in fact they were correct, as evidenced by your response. So you can't blame anyone for not wanting to pull the pin on this grenade.

Even if you did not realize your 'Artwork' is inapproprite here, you must have known it would be offensive to some, and you did not consider that important enough to sensor it yourself.

Why is our right not to see it less important than your proclaimed right to post it? When I don't want to read or follow a post I just don't read it. But a picture is in your face and can't be avoided in the same way as text.

One of the reasons I come here is I feel realitively sure I won't have to look at that kind of picture. For one thing, my wife is too important to me. She loves me and I love her. And for us, what we look at is important.

So once again, Lamont takes the heat for those of us who appreciate the clean environment here. Believe me, he hates confrontation and this is neither easy nor fun for him. But he man's up and does what has to be done. And that is something that I have always admired about Lamont.

Web sites like this one are not common. And there are few who do it as well as Lamont does. He'll be the first to tell you he isn't perfect. But I certainly appreciate what he does and the way that he does it.

How about all of us grow up a little and do what we know is right to start with. Then Lamont can sit back and let us have good clean fun.

Bottom line is, this is not a democracy. Everyone is welcome but there are some rules to the game. And like anything with rules, if you don't follow them, someone has to deal with it. Maybe Lamont was hoping you'd take care of it without him having to get involved.

As for me, I say come back and stay as long as you like. There are plenty of other forums where they will apprecaite your trunk hood and you can post it there.

08-13-2010, 07:58 PM
You Can't say it any better than that.

08-13-2010, 08:02 PM
Personally I don't mind the naked lady on your hood. But personally I wouldn't put a naked person on my bike but to each his own. Didn't bother me and I met you at the BBQ and you are a nice guy:2thumbs:

I don't even notice the avatars on here - I basically read but that's me. Sometimes I think people get bored and start complaining about stuff. From what I've learned from being on forums, people like to nit pick on every little thing.

Just to each his/her own.:dontknow: :2thumbs:

08-13-2010, 08:09 PM
My father was a graphic designer for Pepperidge Farm. He did all the package design - you see the gold fishes on the packages, he's long retired but not much of the packaging has not changed. And he did this all from a drafting board - to this day he has no clue how to even turn on a computer. He also did side work with a gag writer for Playboy, Oui & Viva - He had an art studio. I was in there all the time - maybe cuz I'm used to it - it doesn't bother me. I think it is sad that America seems to make the naked body "shameful" or taboo. Ever go to Europe? Much more relaxed over there. And it's not like all pervy and stuf. Just more accepted I guess.

If it's the photo I am thinking of...
I saw it and was surprised. I was not offended or surprised by the artwork.

I WAS surprised that there were children in the photo right next to the artwork.
That part of it didn't seem appropriate.

08-13-2010, 08:59 PM
I am sorry to see you take this personally. I'm even sorrier to see you leave, as a result. I am not a prude, by any means...but I do believe strongly in rules, and abiding by them. Lamont was up front with the rules about this site from the beginning, and he has removed other pictures and threads. It is his right to do so as the private site owner. Abiding by his rules is the cost of entry.

Ron stated his views far better than I ever could, and I heartily agree. I hope you reconsider your position, and come back and join us.

08-13-2010, 09:13 PM
The above frog avatar has no pants! REMOVE IT!

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:: roflblack::roflblack:

08-13-2010, 09:22 PM
The above frog avatar has no pants! REMOVE IT!

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:: roflblack::roflblack:


08-13-2010, 09:37 PM
The above frog avatar has no pants! REMOVE IT!

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:: roflblack::roflblack:
No, but the goodies were airbrushed out. Consider them frogskin tights. :roflblack:

08-13-2010, 09:38 PM
The above frog avatar has no pants! REMOVE IT!

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflb lack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:: roflblack::roflblack:

or the baby promoting smoking to children,lol

08-13-2010, 09:42 PM
or the baby promoting smoking to children,lol

Aw come on - he's a cute baby! Ya think I should put Hello Kitty up instead?

08-13-2010, 09:42 PM
No, but the goodies were airbrushed out. Consider them frogskin tights. :roflblack:

Airbrushed goodies!:yikes::yikes: It just keeps getting worse!:joke:

08-13-2010, 10:07 PM
Hate to see you leave the forum over this issue.... but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do.

08-13-2010, 10:17 PM
Aw come on - he's a cute baby! Ya think I should put Hello Kitty up instead?


08-13-2010, 10:19 PM
I would have to agree to remove the pic. I sit down every night when I get home from work and read with my 4 year old in my lap and read a lot of the new posts. she loves to ride the spyder around the block with me and when I sit down to read spyderlovers she loves to look at the pics and ask questions about them. So when we cant ride we can still share spyder stuff with this site. Family friendly is number one in my house. Thank you from me and my future spyderlover. I also think ataDude said it best:

There are two kinds of people: (1) those who can read, reason and apply the experiences of others; and (2) those who just have to pee on the electric fence. ataDude, 2009

08-13-2010, 10:44 PM
Again-- this really has nothing to do with a persons Constitutional rights.

Just because we have certain rights doesn't mean we can come into your house and express them---- and this forum is Lamonts house so to speak!

08-14-2010, 12:05 AM
I am 70.

I remember the days before Playboy. I remember Playboy having to airbrush (I did not know what that meant at the time) out the important anatomical details including the navel :lecturef_smilie:. I remember with great pleasure how that all evolved into beauty and reality -- away from the absurd and outdated moral standards of those olden days.

I remember when Penthouse sluttied up the scene.

I remember when Hustler started showing more detail than there was in Gray's Anatomy (an important book, not a TV show) and started showing "art" that simply was simply PORN.

I admired and bought them all.

But, they have their place and it is NOT here. There is enough -- errrr too much -- soft and hard porn on the web. This site should not add to it.

Keep it in the bedroom and other appropriate places . . .

Hooray to Lamonster for his courage in not bending over inappropriately! :hun:

I'm sorry you took it that way but this wasn't the first time I've been contacted about it, it's just the first time I acted on it.

The rules have been in place since day one and the "art" on your hood is not what I would call family friendly Bro. Sorry.

Mo Lee
08-14-2010, 04:49 AM
I guess as someone stated about Europe, I must have spent too many years there:gaah:I didn't even notice the avatar! But I agree if we are going to be in Lamonts house we must abide by his rules.:2thumbs:

Desert Spyder
08-14-2010, 05:47 AM
Common sense came before the Constitution. The Declaration came before the Constitution because we did not want to be a part of or like Europe. Take a look at Europe now and see if you want this country to be like that. There are American headstones all over this country, and in Europe, to say NOT.

BTW, if someone had a picture of your grown up daughter semi nude on their frunk lid, how would you feel about their's... and yours ... Constitution?

08-14-2010, 08:22 AM
Don't you remember the frog dissection in biology? Frog "goodies" don't show. :yikes: Actually to correct myself, that's a toad but the same thing applies. :p
You are right, I should have remembered that. I used to set up the dissection pin tests in high school. :opps: The original Annoying Thing illustration was anatomically (in)correct, however, so this is an improvement. I'm still sticking with the blue tights theory. :D

Trickie Dick
08-14-2010, 10:15 AM
No, but the goodies were airbrushed out. Consider them frogskin tights. :roflblack:
Daddy, what are goodies? :yikes:

08-14-2010, 10:22 AM
First, I am very sorry you have chosen to leave. I think you're taking this all wrong.

I don't pretend to speak for everyone here. This is just my perspective.

It may have appeared to you that there weren't any problems. But it is more likely that people here just didn't want to create an issue by pointing out the obvious and taking the chance of setting you off.

It is quite clear that you are very proud of that semi-nude woman on the front of your Spyder. People may have assumed your reaction to any complaint would not be well received, no matter how it was presented. And in fact they were correct, as evidenced by your response. So you can't blame anyone for not wanting to pull the pin on this grenade.

Even if you did not realize your 'Artwork' is inapproprite here, you must have known it would be offensive to some, and you did not consider that important enough to sensor it yourself.

Why is our right not to see it less important than your proclaimed right to post it? When I don't want to read or follow a post I just don't read it. But a picture is in your face and can't be avoided in the same way as text.

One of the reasons I come here is I feel realitively sure I won't have to look at that kind of picture. For one thing, my wife is too important to me. She loves me and I love her. And for us, what we look at is important.

So once again, Lamont takes the heat for those of us who appreciate the clean environment here. Believe me, he hates confrontation and this is neither easy nor fun for him. But he man's up and does what has to be done. And that is something that I have always admired about Lamont.

Web sites like this one are not common. And there are few who do it as well as Lamont does. He'll be the first to tell you he isn't perfect. But I certainly appreciate what he does and the way that he does it.

How about all of us grow up a little and do what we know is right to start with. Then Lamont can sit back and let us have good clean fun.

Bottom line is, this is not a democracy. Everyone is welcome but there are some rules to the game. And like anything with rules, if you don't follow them, someone has to deal with it. Maybe Lamont was hoping you'd take care of it without him having to get involved.

As for me, I say come back and stay as long as you like. There are plenty of other forums where they will apprecaite your trunk hood and you can post it there.

Well Said. Thanks Lamont for keeping a clean site that I am not afraid to look at with my grandkids looking over my shoulder....:2thumbs:

08-14-2010, 10:37 AM
Daddy, what are goodies? :yikes:
sugar and spice and everything nice:2thumbs:

08-14-2010, 11:26 AM
I would like to make a humble observation.

The people here have class... nojoke

Reading through all the posts it is clear there’s a pretty good spectrum of opinion. Understandable and expected.

Still, each person, regardless of their perspective, has come to the same conclusion. This is rare, very rare in the world today! :thumbup:

Understanding there are some that, if this were their forum, would have no problem posting the material in question. Certainly, some feel it is a bit prudish and over the top to restrict it.

Yet, not one post disagrees with Lamont’s action (not withstanding the original). And it isn’t like people here do not tell it like they see it!

I want to tip my hat and offer kudos! This is what makes us a community, not just a random conglomeration of Spyder riders. (Well, Doc and some others are pretty random but you know what I mean). :yikes:

This is why we enjoy getting together for Cow Town, Lamont’s BBQ or for no reason at all.

No, we don’t all agree. Sometimes we even beat on each other a little. But we always take time to shake hands and get it right before parting. I want to thank those who have put aside their preference so others can have it their way.

To each of you who may not totally agree with Lamont’s decision on this one, thank you for supporting him anyway. I know you are doing it on principal, it has not gone unnoticed.

And that, my SPYDER-LOVING friends, shows a lot of CLASS! :2thumbs:

It is not an ‘Us against Them’ environment here. I hope Spyder#353 comes back. We have proven that you can disagree and still get along; you can even be good friends… It just takes a little class...

08-14-2010, 11:31 AM
Now point me to the site that has the Spyders and boobies.:joke:

08-14-2010, 12:49 PM
As they say down here in Alabama with their one remaining tooth :roflblack:, "Them Rules is da Rules"! :yikes:

Thanks Lamonster! :2thumbs:

08-14-2010, 01:23 PM
The right to free speech or freedom of expression does NOT give us the right to yell FIRE in a crowded theater. ~~~~ Justice Holmes

Chris PE# 0004

08-14-2010, 01:43 PM
I never saw his Pic, I come here for the tech info. I would have though we were all grown and for the money we spent in these machine we have all seen it before. Hope you come back Bro. I like Old School Hot Rod stuff.:ani29:

08-14-2010, 01:56 PM
The right to free speech or freedom of expression does NOT give us the right to yell FIRE in a crowded theater. ~~~~ Justice Holmes

Chris PE# 0004

:agree: Well said MouthPiece! My 11 year old daughter rydes with me and looks over my shoulder. I monitor what she looks at and don't want her to think I am not applying my rules fairly! :2thumbs:

08-14-2010, 03:21 PM
The picture on your hood really didn't bother me so much.
But The first time i seen it, I wondered why would a grown Man ride around with that on his Spyder?? [In this day and age?]
''Shock Value''??
Guess it worked :(

08-14-2010, 03:24 PM
Very sorry to see a valued member get upset over something like this and leave.

But like every other thing that involves humans... Change happens.

I for one feel if the rules say it, we follow it. We selected "YES" to agreeing to the rules here when we originally signed up. We have no excuses. Period.

I am a moderator on one of the largest and most successful "Aftermarket Computer" forums in the USA... We have this happen off and on. We cannot catch everything, and not everything is black and white. We live in the gray areas a lot. Is it art or pornography? Boy does that start up a lot of opinions!

When another member offers up an issue that can be a rule violation, we need to act. That is what happened here near as I can tell.

Just my $.02... :spyder2:

08-14-2010, 04:39 PM
from a bike show at Hannibal NY. Americam legion. A family fund raiser for vets. One guy had more profanity on his helmet than I would take the time to read. Not a good thing for a public event of any kind. We need to consider the situation and act accordingly, after all we are adults.

Don't much care what a person does in private, although things should be kept in private sometimes.

08-14-2010, 04:46 PM
No, but the goodies were airbrushed out. Consider them frogskin tights. :roflblack:
I think you punishing us with that Avatar! I liked the other one-You looked like you were going to fly a WWI Bi-Plane! :roflblack:

08-14-2010, 08:01 PM
Please don't blame Lamont because like you said you have had that avatar for over a year and did lamont say anything to you about it? it just offended other people who should have manned up or womanned up and spoke to you directly first, not go to lamont right away, why make him the bad guy about this and for the record i was so use to it that it did not bother me at all.

Amanda B
08-14-2010, 08:04 PM
I have thought about responding to this thread and have deleted it several times. I noticed the hood avatar and found it in poor taste and not classy which is what I had always thought this forum was. I didn't complain about it, but I definitely found it offensive and whoever did report it I want them to know I'm thankful and I'm also glad Lamont stepped up. I think it is a slippery slope. If that was allowed to stay, then others would start posting similar things and how could Lamont tell one person to take it off if someone else was allowed to keep that on here. Sure we've all seen it before, but frankly when I come to this site I don't want to see naked women or boobs (sorry not my thing) I come to discuss the Spyder and get information on the bike. I also wonder how do you drive that around and not think about little kids seeing it? If I had a naked man on my hood I'd have to paint clothes on him to ride the bike out in public. What is considered art to one is considered porn to another.

08-14-2010, 09:04 PM
I just received a PM from Larmont. Some body sent him a message complaining about the artwork on my trunk lid. I've been on this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems. My pic was removed from the site. Not right. That same pic was my avatar for over a year. and no one said anything. With that said. I will no longer posting on this site. Goodbye. :gaah::gaah:

As someone who's sworn to support and defend the Constitution, I tolerate all forms of speech, including hateful speech or things I don't agree with.

However, this forum is not in the public domain and we have no freedoms here. The site owner if free to do as he wishes.

08-14-2010, 09:55 PM
OMG! :shocked: Now that IS funny! :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

08-14-2010, 09:58 PM
I think that bra came from Madonna

Maybe he can take a picture of his Spyder with some clothes on it, and then everyone would be happy......:dontknow:


08-14-2010, 10:08 PM
I think that bra came from Madonna

I was thinking Howard Hughes.

08-14-2010, 10:27 PM
i was thinking J Edgar Hoover

Blue Star
08-14-2010, 10:48 PM
I have thought about responding to this thread and have deleted it several times. I noticed the hood avatar and found it in poor taste and not classy which is what I had always thought this forum was. I didn't complain about it, but I definitely found it offensive and whoever did report it I want them to know I'm thankful and I'm also glad Lamont stepped up. I think it is a slippery slope. If that was allowed to stay, then others would start posting similar things and how could Lamont tell one person to take it off if someone else was allowed to keep that on here. Sure we've all seen it before, but frankly when I come to this site I don't want to see naked women or boobs (sorry not my thing) I come to discuss the Spyder and get information on the bike. I also wonder how do you drive that around and not think about little kids seeing it? If I had a naked man on my hood I'd have to paint clothes on him to ride the bike out in public. What is considered art to one is considered porn to another.


08-14-2010, 10:51 PM
Just want to say I appreciate the way Lamont runs this site. The picture didn't offend me, in fact I thought it was a nice picture. But it's inappropriate for a family site and I'm glad Lamont removed it. In my opinion, it's also inappropriate for any machine that's operated in public. There needs to be just a little modesty left in the world.


08-15-2010, 04:10 PM
To those that find the semi-nude offensive b/c this is a 'family site', how do you feel about the avatar with the little boy looking into the little girl's pants (with the caption from the little girl's perspective) "With this I'm going to control your life."

I find neither the semi-nude nor the little kids (avatar) offensive.

I do agree that this is Lamont's site and he can do as he wishes.

08-15-2010, 04:16 PM
I never saw that?

I don't pay attention too well.

To those that find the semi-nude offensive b/c this is a 'family site', how do you feel about the avatar with the little boy looking into the little girl's pants (with the caption from the little girl's perspective) "With this I'm going to control your life."

I find neither the semi-nude nor the little kids (avatar) offensive.

I do agree that this is Lamont's site and he can do as he wishes.

08-15-2010, 04:29 PM
I feel like I missed out on something good (smirk)

08-15-2010, 08:11 PM
Look man, it's real simple. No need to get philosophical about this. Lamont's site, Lamont's rules. End of discussion.

The graphic wasn't overly offensive but it crossed the line and Lamont did whay he had to do. I didn't think it was apropriate given the spirit of how this site flows. Many of us come here to get away from that kind of stuff.

I think Lamont did the right thing. If dude got mad and went away, well, so be it. Lamont wasn't singling him out or being mean, so I think the gentleman over-reacted. :dontknow:

08-15-2010, 08:36 PM
Maybe he can take a picture of his Spyder with some clothes on it, and then everyone would be happy......:dontknow:


08-15-2010, 10:02 PM
Sorry to see you go man, I liked your hood work:2thumbs: and was looking forward to meeting you someday.

I just received a PM from Larmont. Some body sent him a message complaining about the artwork on my trunk lid. I've been on this site for awhile now and haven't had any problems. My pic was removed from the site. Not right. That same pic was my avatar for over a year. and no one said anything. With that said. I will no longer posting on this site. Goodbye. :gaah::gaah:

08-16-2010, 08:34 AM
:agree: But whats good for one is good for all so maybe everybody should police themselves that includes avatars and signatures yes their are offensive sigs out their and i could point one out but i don't consider offensive but i know some people would.

08-16-2010, 08:55 AM
:agree: yes their are offensive sigs out their and i could point one out but i don't consider offensive but i know some people would.


08-16-2010, 09:14 AM