View Full Version : Spyder sighting clear lake area

08-01-2010, 05:14 PM
I took the Spyder out for a ride, left about 10am 86 degrees, rode to Galveston then back up 146 and saw a black Spyder about 1pm...who are you?

about 3 pm it was 100 degrees, stopped to visit some friends parked in the shade when I came out 120 degrees, as I started riding the degrees went down real fast but stoped at 101 degrees. That's hot, drank lots of water, pulled over about every 30 minutes, cause I was out of water...hope y'all had a ride today

08-01-2010, 06:33 PM
Wasn't me. :D

How are you liking it, FB?


08-01-2010, 09:13 PM
I love it...I'm so comfortable..it's just me...I want to just get on and ride every where, but hg says we have to stay home some of the time...I've put 2900 miles on the Spyder since I got it May 24th..

08-01-2010, 11:47 PM
Wasn't me either. I was thinking about it, but decided to stay around the house and ... well, did a little fishing and tinkering. And troubleshooting my radio problem. Had a heat index of 112 at Bayou Vista today. :chill: