View Full Version : Rear ended

07-20-2010, 07:21 AM
While out riding yesterday my Spyder was rear ended. The fender was pushed into the tire and the hardbags were damaged. It had to be towed to my dealer in Nashville.
The guy claimed he spilled his drink and looked down and there I was.:gaah: Other than a stiff neck and sore leg I am fine.
Anyone know how long it takes to get body parts from BRP for repairs of this type.

07-20-2010, 07:43 AM
So sorry to hear of your misfortune. Glad you weren't seriously injured. Distracted driving should carry much more serious penalties, as a deterrent. Incidents of this nature are all too common! Make sure the dealer checks carefully and thoroughly for damaged or compromised rear wheel bearings, drive belt, swingarm bushings, tire, and frame, in addition to the body damage.

07-20-2010, 07:51 AM
Make sure you have the ER report. nojoke

07-20-2010, 08:07 AM
Glad to hear you are not seriously injured, it seems.

I agree with above.

If you have not gone to the hospital to get checked yet, it is VERY IMPORTANT you do so, and keep the records of that!!!

Injuries, sometimes, have a way of not really peaking their heads until sometime after an incident.

It could have been worse. Good to hear you are up and around.
Ryde safe and don't forget our heatchecks/shoulder checks.

07-20-2010, 08:15 AM
Glad to hear that you were not seriously injured. Like the others have said, make sure that you get checked over also.

Hope to hear that your Spyder is repaired quickly.


07-20-2010, 08:24 AM
I've been rearended four times. The worst one was on my XL500 on the freeway. I was doing 65mph when a gal drove right up the back of me. She was looking at a wreck on the other side of the freeway. Long story short, I didn't think there was anything wrong with me but about 4 years later I started having back problems. Turns out it was from that accident. Make sure you are checked out really good and get some xrays. nojoke

Hard to say on the body parts, the factory is shut down right now.

bone crusher
07-20-2010, 08:45 AM
While out riding yesterday my Spyder was rear ended. The fender was pushed into the tire and the hardbags were damaged. It had to be towed to my dealer in Nashville.
The guy claimed he spilled his drink and looked down and there I was.:gaah: Other than a stiff neck and sore leg I am fine.
Anyone know how long it takes to get body parts from BRP for repairs of this type.

You have up to one year to file a claim (in most states)...keep an eye on your injuries...as a crash reconstruction specialist, I can assure you that injuries don't always show up quickly...if you experience any issues, get them addressed. Rear-end collisions are quite unforgiving. Just remember that at 8mph, you are absorbing 10 G in your cervical spine...that creates a lot of injury, no way around it!

In the long run, I'd worry more about my parts than BRP's parts...

07-20-2010, 08:52 AM
While out riding yesterday my Spyder was rear ended. The fender was pushed into the tire and the hardbags were damaged. It had to be towed to my dealer in Nashville.
The guy claimed he spilled his drink and looked down and there I was.:gaah: Other than a stiff neck and sore leg I am fine.
Anyone know how long it takes to get body parts from BRP for repairs of this type.

For what ever it's wort, At least the guy owned up to it. A Woman rear ended my car at a stop sign Her excuse =
I stopped too short at the stop sign!:yikes:

bone crusher
07-20-2010, 09:08 AM
For what ever it's wort, At least the guy owned up to it. A Woman rear ended my car at a stop sign Her excuse =
I stopped too short at the stop sign!:yikes:

yeah, it gets worse sometimes...if you file, many people seem to forget that they hit you and start denying it. If there are no witnesses and no police report, attorneys can many times get people out of these situations...unfortunately, many are not honest...

07-20-2010, 02:58 PM
Glad you are ok but I agree w/ the others - make sure you get checked out and keep an eye on your injuries.

07-20-2010, 03:02 PM
rear ending someone = 100% fault for the car in the back unless you have witness say the front car backed into the car in the back. Whatever the reasons maybe .... failure to stop, following too close ... etc.

bone crusher
07-20-2010, 03:45 PM
rear ending someone = 100% fault for the car in the back unless you have witness say the front car backed into the car in the back. Whatever the reasons maybe .... failure to stop, following too close ... etc.

Yeah, that makes sense, but without a report and nothing in writing, the offending person can suddenly say they had nothing to do with whatever happened. Honest people will not do this...but, some are not so honest anymore...that's why you ALWAYS want a police report...

07-20-2010, 04:00 PM
Sorry to hear about your accident. Glad that you are apparently okay. I agree with Scotty that distracted driving should carry stiffer penalties. Although I do occasionally drink out of bottles while driving, I won't drink out of open cups for this very reason. Hope BRP has your parts and you are back on the road soon.


07-20-2010, 04:01 PM
( Hard to say on the body parts, the factory is shut down right now.)

I'm glad to hear you and your spyder didn't get hurt badly ...

Lamontser , why is the factory shut down ? company wide vacation ? or have they stopped production untill they can get a handle on all these problems we are having ?

07-20-2010, 04:15 PM
I saw a Spyder last year that was totaled in a rear end crash. The Spyder didn't look as though it had that much damage with the fender wraped around the back wheel. Frame damage may be hidden so make sure they inspect it closely for hidden damage.

So sorry to hear of your misfortune. Glad you weren't seriously injured. Distracted driving should carry much more serious penalties, as a deterrent. Incidents of this nature are all too common! Make sure the dealer checks carefully and thoroughly for damaged or compromised rear wheel bearings, drive belt, swingarm bushings, tire, and frame, in addition to the body damage.

07-20-2010, 06:01 PM
While out riding yesterday my Spyder was rear ended. The fender was pushed into the tire and the hardbags were damaged. It had to be towed to my dealer in Nashville.
The guy claimed he spilled his drink and looked down and there I was.:gaah: Other than a stiff neck and sore leg I am fine.
Anyone know how long it takes to get body parts from BRP for repairs of this type.
Sorry to hear about your accident. I had mine rear ended also. You can check out my threads and see the pics of what happened to mine. I actually pulled the fender away from the tire and rode it home which was about 3 miles away for me. Did you have witnesses and police report? Did you take any pics of the accident scene? These will help. And definitely go the the er for xrays and exam. In my case, his ins co declined the claim,(they will try to do that) and then my ins co came into play and took care of all damages and medical bills and are now going after his ins co. I'll bet your cluster lite up like a christmas tree with all the warnings and limp home stuff. It definitely freaked out my computer. I decided after that to run fenderless and removed everything and remounted the license plate under my rear tail lights. Did pick up a new fender off of EBAY for half the cost of new. Other than that all I need are the side supports, which I'm in no hurry to get. Like the fenderless route better, easier to work on and just plain looks better. Hope you're feeling better and let me know if I can help in any way about the ins stuff, since I've been thru it all already.

07-20-2010, 07:11 PM
Sorry about the accident, and very glad you don't have any major injuries from it. I hope they get your Spyder repaired soon, and no physical problems crop up for you down the road.

07-20-2010, 07:26 PM
I've been rearended four times. The worst one was on my XL500 on the freeway. I was doing 65mph when a gal drove right up the back of me. She was looking at a wreck on the other side of the freeway. Long story short, I didn't think there was anything wrong with me but about 4 years later I started having back problems. Turns out it was from that accident. Make sure you are checked out really good and get some xrays. nojoke

Hard to say on the body parts, the factory is shut down right now.
:agree:Glad your okay!:ani29:

07-20-2010, 10:32 PM
Sorry for your accident, but glad you walked (okay limped) away okay. Just curious...when you say hard bag damage and then mention your sore leg, is the leg from the bag pushing forward into it? What were you wearing?(SpyderGene...this is not one of THOSE questions) Were you in jeans or in riding gear. Just lately I've succumbed once in a while to wearing jeans and riding boots instead of vented riding pants and boots. My husband keeps reminding me that if I'm thrown from a bike and skid down the road, jeans are going to be no protection, but just once in awhile I'd like to blend in with people once I arrive at my destination and not look like the dorky fat lady with the padded hips in my baggy riding pants! Sounds like in your case either way you might have ended up with the leg injury, yes?

07-21-2010, 05:03 AM
Thanks for all of the concern and good advice. To answer some of the questions and or comments:
1. I had a witness who was a city worker and told the police that the car hit me.
2. A police report was taken.
3. I will check on my Spyder with the dealer concerning damage to the frame and rear axle, swing arm ect.
4. I am getting with my Doctor to get checked out.
Thanks all

07-21-2010, 07:19 AM
Sorry for your accident, but glad you walked (okay limped) away okay. Just curious...when you say hard bag damage and then mention your sore leg, is the leg from the bag pushing forward into it? What were you wearing?(SpyderGene...this is not one of THOSE questions) Were you in jeans or in riding gear. Just lately I've succumbed once in a while to wearing jeans and riding boots instead of vented riding pants and boots. My husband keeps reminding me that if I'm thrown from a bike and skid down the road, jeans are going to be no protection, but just once in awhile I'd like to blend in with people once I arrive at my destination and not look like the dorky fat lady with the padded hips in my baggy riding pants! Sounds like in your case either way you might have ended up with the leg injury, yes?
Me, too. Very uncharacteristic for me, but the Spyder lends such a sense of safety from road rash. I know it is wrong, but it is like eating ice cream...once you bite into it, it is hard to stop. I will say that our chances of added injury from not wearing pants is much less with the Spyder, since it won't fall over at the slightest provocation, but I still feel funny when I just wear jeans, mesh jacket, and hiking boots.

07-21-2010, 09:49 AM
Last weekend Joe Perry of Aerosmith got hit from behind on his 2009 Ducati over in Middleboro. They are still reported set to play at Fenway next month.
He's OK. Just a bit sore.

07-21-2010, 09:55 AM
I've always worn jeans, even dirt riding, and I expect to fall when I dirt ride. Jeans may not offer as much abrasion resistance as leathers or good nylon riding gear but I've found them to be adequate protection and, believe me, I've tested them many times in the dirt. The added padding that good riding pants offer in the thigh, hip, and knee area is a plus but I really feel like a good pair of denim jeans will offer about as much abrasion resistance as just about anything short of leather.


07-21-2010, 10:36 AM
JUST DO IT! :agree:

07-22-2010, 10:06 PM
had the same issue recently, actual parts took only less than a week and about the same time to repair, also had some warranty issues that needed fixing. Hope it all works quik for ya. Total 2 weeks in da shop. Sucks but been raining here like no tomorrow, finally this weekend is gunna be nice and going on a ROAD TRIP:yes:

Blue Star
07-22-2010, 11:32 PM
When I went down on my two-wheeler I was only wearing sweat pants. Not smart, but at least I had my leather jacket on, LOL. I only had minor scraps on my knees, and was very lucky in that regard. I won't wear riding pants, but will always wear jeans, or leather chaps.