View Full Version : I have the worst luck, karma, whatever....

Amanda B
07-18-2010, 09:29 PM
Someone got my credit card information and maxed it out. Credit card bill is $5000. UGH! Apparently they like real expensive shoes, have a baby, and they like to take vacations. I didn't even get a vacation this year....


07-18-2010, 09:43 PM
You shouldn't have to pay for that! Make sure you get a credit report on yourself to make sure they haven't gotten to other personal financial information.

Amanda B
07-18-2010, 09:59 PM
I think tomorrow I'm going to the Credit Union so I can get a breakdown of everything on the card and I think I'll also stop by the police department. I've never had this happen before so I don't know what I'm doing....

07-18-2010, 10:20 PM
:gaah:Contact your credit card company ASAP . . . you shouldn't be held responsible for any of it. nojoke

Same thing happened to me, except they were trying to buy a house and put the down payment on MY card.... but the realtor called me with an appointment time (she'd lost the # they gave her and called directory assistance asking for the phone number of the name on the card). When I showed up with a detective, she gave identified them, along with their license plate number, and the cops got 'em!!!! :2thumbs:

Good luck!

Blue Star
07-18-2010, 10:29 PM
I think tomorrow I'm going to the Credit Union so I can get a breakdown of everything on the card and I think I'll also stop by the police department. I've never had this happen before so I don't know what I'm doing....

Happened to me (but for only $365.00), and yes you will need to file a Police report. You should have also called the bank first. Most likely they will never get the person that took your information, but in time you will get the charges removed. Took about two months for me.

Amanda B
07-18-2010, 10:47 PM
Well...by the time I figured out something was wrong (late today) my only option was to call the Credit Card company. I will go to the Credit Union tomorrow and the Police station to file a report. Hope my boss doesn't get too upset that I miss work. My card is maxed out...I know I have some charges but it looks like that person charged at least $3,000 at this point, but I don't have all the transactions so I don't know, and I have to find all my receipts to see what damage I've done. Apparently, they tried again yesterday to spend $1,000 but they couldn't. I think I'll be canceling all credit cards, keeping only one with a limit of $1,000 at this point. I e-mailed the few companies I know that the person used to see if they will give me information. I found out legally they have to tell me that information. Since they did everything on-line, used paypal, orbitz, and several on-line stores and had to have the items shipped and I'm assuming a lot of stuff so it couldn't have been to a P.O. Box I am hopeful that they do catch the criminal. In the meantime I'm stressing!

Amanda B
07-18-2010, 10:54 PM
:gaah:Contact your credit card company ASAP . . . you shouldn't be held responsible for any of it. nojoke

Same thing happened to me, except they were trying to buy a house and put the down payment on MY card.... but the realtor called me with an appointment time (she'd lost the # they gave her and called directory assistance asking for the phone number of the name on the card). When I showed up with a detective, she gave identified them, along with their license plate number, and the cops got 'em!!!! :2thumbs:

Good luck!

Wow that would have sucked! Good thing it didn't happen though!

07-18-2010, 11:18 PM
I've had this happen before (still got a real fancy wedding dress someone ordered). Dang thing wasn't even MY size! :roflblack:

Discover is really good about calling when any odd activity starts.

Visa reversed all the charges on my card instantly. Didn't even cost me the $50 fee that many have.

Most of these situations don't happen online--- more likely when you eat at a restaurant and the waiter takes your card in the back to run it---someone copies all the info down.

Another reason I don't use a Debit card! When they use one of those they can get 'real' money from your bank account.

Good luck with things--- I'm sure it will work out fine--- just a pain-- gotta get a new card with new number--- change any recurring charges you use the card for, etc...

Blue Star
07-18-2010, 11:25 PM
Most of these situations don't happen online--- more likely when you eat at a restaurant and the waiter takes your card in the back to run it---someone copies all the info down.
Another reason I don't use a Debit card! When they use one of those they can get 'real' money from your bank account.

This is what happened with me. Normally I don't let the waiter take my card, but was travailing and tired. It was a debit card, and not a credit card, so that might be why it took so long. They bought some grouceries in Mexico.

07-18-2010, 11:30 PM
I've had this happen before (still got a real fancy wedding dress someone ordered). Dang thing wasn't even MY size! :roflblack:

Discover is really good about calling when any odd activity starts.

Visa reversed all the charges on my card instantly. Didn't even cost me the $50 fee that many have.

Most of these situations don't happen online--- more likely when you eat at a restaurant and the waiter takes your card in the back to run it---someone copies all the info down.

Another reason I don't use a Debit card! When they use one of those they can get 'real' money from your bank account.

Good luck with things--- I'm sure it will work out fine--- just a pain-- gotta get a new card with new number--- change any recurring charges you use the card for, etc...:roflblack: Sorry Dan but i love the part about the wedding dress :2thumbs:

Amanda B
07-19-2010, 05:10 AM
I'm starting to think that maybe that 250 Ninja sitting in my garage has something to do with it...I had to call and give them my credit card number. I still haven't got the police out to check the VIN on the thing either (I called and they were supposed to come, but the police never showed up). When I was talking to them (Credit Card Company) on the phone, all the big purchases were mentioned and it looks like it started July 16th. I called to pay for the bike on the 7th, and that big purchase wasn't mentioned??? I could be wrong, but unless it happened on-line or when I was at Lowe's then it couldn't happen because I don't use it when I eat out. Mostly, it is used at Wal-mart, gas stations, or on-line. Another thought, sometimes I leave my stuff in my classroom when there is a student of mine in there...I guess that is another time it could happen...though I tend to think not. Well I didn't sleep well, my stomach is upset, and I get to spend time at the police station today and I'm pretty sure my boss is going to be angry that I am not going to make it in this morning.

07-19-2010, 07:32 AM
It has happened to me twice. Big pain! Call the credit card company first. They will cancel your card, send a new one, and begin teir investigation. They will also send you some paperwork to fill out to make it official. I'd also recommend reporting it to the police, just because of the amount...and the possibility it may be tied to the Ninja deal. Finally, don't cancel your other credit cards unless there is a problem. It will kill your credit score for a while. Credit scores depend, in part, on the amount of available credit, and if it changes suddenly, your score drops. Should be the other way, IMO, but that's how it works.

Amanda B
07-19-2010, 09:29 AM
Police checked bike, it's okay. It is sounding local. I went to the bank and one of the places that the person bought massive amounts of stuff from was familiar to them because someone else is having the same issues with someone taking their number and buying stuff at that same place. I also found out the credit card company looks to see if you filed a report to make sure you are being honest.

I wish I would have read about not closing my cards before I already canceled them all. It was only three though and really I don't allow them to give me more than $5000 credit on any card.

07-19-2010, 09:59 AM
Police checked bike, it's okay. It is sounding local. I went to the bank and one of the places that the person bought massive amounts of stuff from was familiar to them because someone else is having the same issues with someone taking their number and buying stuff at that same place. I also found out the credit card company looks to see if you filed a report to make sure you are being honest.

I wish I would have read about not closing my cards before I already canceled them all. It was only three though and really I don't allow them to give me more than $5000 credit on any card.

Sounds like you're on the right track . . . if it's happening to someone else at the same place, hopefully they can track 'em down.

So sorry you're having to go through all this; it's such a violation . . . :gaah:

I'd be interested to know if anybody knows of a free credit reporting company that's REALLY free (not one that takes your info and sets you up on an automatic monthly charge). It'd be good for anyone who wants to do it, to be able to check their credit rating to see what may going on that we don't know about.

Keep lookin' up, it'll get better.


Amanda B
07-19-2010, 10:15 AM
annualcreditreport.com you can only get the report for free once a year though. I just looked at mine last night.

I found out where one of the items was shipped too, not that there is anything I can do about it.

It was in Reading PA....maybe not local...I don't know????

Police report is now filed. Bike checked out okay.

07-19-2010, 11:15 AM
I had a visa # swiped at a pay-at-the-pump gas station last year. They attach another reading device onto the card reader and it looks just like a normal card reader -- but it's reading your card twice. The hackers then show up like once a week and 'collect' the card numbers.

Got my $$$ back--- no problem.

07-19-2010, 11:31 AM
What's your card number, I'll check it out for you!;)

Amanda B
07-19-2010, 02:55 PM
All of my cards have been cancelled....so I could give you every number and it wouldn't matter....

Already more than half of the charges are resolved and taken off the card, lots and lots of baby supplies, someone is pregnant or just had a child I'm guessing. One other company called me when I went to work and was wonderful (EG Gellar...expensive shoes but what wonderful service to someone that isn't even a customer and never has been). I still have a charge for $500 there at the moment, but I'm assuming that will be gone soon. I wonder if they bought one pair or two cause they are pricey shoes!!!

United Airlines/Orbitz...is all that is left and has been a hassle to deal with. I know that I don't have to do it myself, that the credit card company and police can do it...but I feel like by doing something at least I don't feel as much a victim and that I am doing something about it.

Tomorrow I pick up the police report and I am going to give him the home address where the shoes were delivered, but if I found it in 15 minutes they probably already have it too. I've also contacted the Reading PA Police Department, they said if the Police calls with the address and asks for assistance they will go to the address.

To be continued....

Everyone's story is making me think cash is the way to go...no more swiping the card at pumps so I don't have to go in or take my helmet off to go in. This will really kill me though....no more internet buys (hard because you can get stuff on the internet you can't find locally and usually the stuff is cheaper). I don't know if I can stay away from the internet buys. Of course cash could be stolen as well, but at least they would have to take it in front of my face.

Do they ever tell you if they get them??

07-19-2010, 03:55 PM
All of my cards have been cancelled....so I could give you every number and it wouldn't matter....

Already more than half of the charges are resolved and taken off the card, lots and lots of baby supplies, someone is pregnant or just had a child I'm guessing. One other company called me when I went to work and was wonderful (EG Gellar...expensive shoes but what wonderful service to someone that isn't even a customer and never has been). I still have a charge for $500 there at the moment, but I'm assuming that will be gone soon. I wonder if they bought one pair or two cause they are pricey shoes!!!

United Airlines/Orbitz...is all that is left and has been a hassle to deal with. I know that I don't have to do it myself, that the credit card company and police can do it...but I feel like by doing something at least I don't feel as much a victim and that I am doing something about it.

Tomorrow I pick up the police report and I am going to give him the home address where the shoes were delivered, but if I found it in 15 minutes they probably already have it too. I've also contacted the Reading PA Police Department, they said if the Police calls with the address and asks for assistance they will go to the address.

To be continued....

Everyone's story is making me think cash is the way to go...no more swiping the card at pumps so I don't have to go in or take my helmet off to go in. This will really kill me though....no more internet buys (hard because you can get stuff on the internet you can't find locally and usually the stuff is cheaper). I don't know if I can stay away from the internet buys. Of course cash could be stolen as well, but at least they would have to take it in front of my face.

Do they ever tell you if they get them??

The few times it has happened to me--- I never found out anything more about who did it. Just got new cards and all charges that were not mine were taken off the card.

It's the merchants fault for not verifying the card holder. I wouldn't let this situation keep you from using cards. I typically use a Marathon gas card for gas-- which has a limit of like $500 or $1000 -- and can only be used at one of their stations.... less chance of someone wanting to mess with a gas card.

What often happens is a waiter takes you card in back--- they copy down the info--- and then they just 'sell' that info to someone else.

It still doesn't stop me from using my credit cards anywhere--- I just keep a close eye on the statements and my account.

Cash can be problematic too-- as more and more stores are not accepting cash -- the theory is if they don't take in cash--- they can't really be robbed-- so they stick with checks and plastic.

Online purchasing is much safer in my opinion as you're just giving your CC info to a computer-- not a human.

Visa and MC will almost always back up the consumer on such problems... and Discover was amazing as they caught the strange activity before I did--- like the day it started!

It really does p*ss you off when this happens to you though----invasion of your privacy.

Good luck!

Amanda B
07-19-2010, 05:11 PM
What stinks about it is that we are all really paying for it most likely through higher prices. So while, directly I won't be paying those thousands of dollars the companies are out product/money. It will be passed onto consumers, so indirectly we all pay for this. The guy at the shoe company said they were out the shoes but that it is common especially because very rarely is anything done about these things.

I had calls from the Credit card company on my machine, but I was getting calls about lowering my interest rate so I didn't pay attention...I think they knew from the very first purchase. They must have a data base of your buying habits, so that quickly if anything unusual happens they know. I don't buy tons of baby stuff or shoes that expensive. They bought some chemicals too, don't know what type of chemicals though.

Yeah, I'm thinking one card with a $1000-$1500 limit.

07-19-2010, 08:48 PM
What stinks about it is that we are all really paying for it most likely through higher prices. So while, directly I won't be paying those thousands of dollars the companies are out product/money. It will be passed onto consumers, so indirectly we all pay for this. The guy at the shoe company said they were out the shoes but that it is common especially because very rarely is anything done about these things.

I had calls from the Credit card company on my machine, but I was getting calls about lowering my interest rate so I didn't pay attention...I think they knew from the very first purchase. They must have a data base of your buying habits, so that quickly if anything unusual happens they know. I don't buy tons of baby stuff or shoes that expensive. They bought some chemicals too, don't know what type of chemicals though.

Yeah, I'm thinking one card with a $1000-$1500 limit.

Probably a good idea to have a lower limit card-- but as far as us all paying for it--- they can only do that if you allow them to. While I've been in CC debt before--- I now pay the whole thing off every month-- so they ain't making extra $$$ off me. Heck-- they get enough from merchants!

07-19-2010, 08:57 PM
I've had this happen before (still got a real fancy wedding dress someone ordered). Dang thing wasn't even MY size! :roflblack:

Discover is really good about calling when any odd activity starts.

Visa reversed all the charges on my card instantly. Didn't even cost me the $50 fee that many have.

Most of these situations don't happen online--- more likely when you eat at a restaurant and the waiter takes your card in the back to run it---someone copies all the info down.

Another reason I don't use a Debit card! When they use one of those they can get 'real' money from your bank account.

Good luck with things--- I'm sure it will work out fine--- just a pain-- gotta get a new card with new number--- change any recurring charges you use the card for, etc...

I just received an e-mail about using your credit or debit card. When you get your receipt, DO NOT leave the line you are in. It is now becoming a problem because if you don't check your receipt at check out, the person at the register tacks on a CASH NOW of $20.00 or higher. Even though you never asked for it. Then the person behind you knows the person on the register and they pass it on to them.:yikes:

Amanda B
07-20-2010, 06:06 AM
Probably a good idea to have a lower limit card-- but as far as us all paying for it--- they can only do that if you allow them to. While I've been in CC debt before--- I now pay the whole thing off every month-- so they ain't making extra $$$ off me. Heck-- they get enough from merchants!

The credit card company isn't paying for the products the merchant is. The shoe place let me know that they were out the shoes but that it was a part of doing business and using the credit card system. I pay my card off every month as well; however, I know that because of fraud we will pay higher prices for the merchandise. I worked in a clothing store before and that's the way it goes.

07-20-2010, 08:12 AM
You can place a daily maximum limit on purchases so if it is exceeded it takes a phone call along with a password to approve the denied purchase.

Ask me how I know? Yep, I am a victim as well (AMX) but it did not affect my score and the person purchased building materials at a Lowes I don't use.

Good luck to all who have been victims of this and lets hope it never happens again to us.

Amanda B
07-20-2010, 02:44 PM
Hummm....I might put that max on there. I also thought if you could maybe put it to where they could only ship to your house so any other address would need a call or something. Wonder if they do that???

07-20-2010, 03:21 PM
Hummm....I might put that max on there. I also thought if you could maybe put it to where they could only ship to your house so any other address would need a call or something. Wonder if they do that???

All cards by default are only supposed to ship to the billing address that you used. You can add extra addresses to ship to - but you have to log-in or call them and answer your secret questions in order to do so.

Yup-- the merchants are the ones that lose out on this kind of deal--- BUT- ---- if they follow the Visa/MC rules this shouldn't have happened. Cashiers rarely check your ID.

07-20-2010, 03:32 PM
Cashiers rarely check your ID.

So true! On the signature line of the back of our cards, along with our signatures have written "SEE PHOTO ID" and about 1 in 10 times, someone will ask to see it. (By the way, we signed with a permanent fine tip marker and fill up the whole space . . . . because someone I know had their card stolen and someone wiped off the real signature and signed their version . . . to the tune of about $5000 before they were caught):gaah:

Amanda B I hope you're getting closer to getting this wrapped up. :pray:


Amanda B
07-21-2010, 02:31 PM
So true! On the signature line of the back of our cards, along with our signatures have written "SEE PHOTO ID" and about 1 in 10 times, someone will ask to see it. (By the way, we signed with a permanent fine tip marker and fill up the whole space . . . . because someone I know had their card stolen and someone wiped off the real signature and signed their version . . . to the tune of about $5000 before they were caught):gaah:

Amanda B I hope you're getting closer to getting this wrapped up. :pray:


Half the charges are off pretty much...I'm still charged for the United Airfare and $500 worth of shoes. Hopefully, it will be off soon.

I got charged for the police report???:dontknow: I never had to pay for a police report before, what a pain!

07-21-2010, 03:00 PM
annualcreditreport.com you can only get the report for free once a year though. I just looked at mine last night.

I found out where one of the items was shipped too, not that there is anything I can do about it.

It was in Reading PA....maybe not local...I don't know????

Police report is now filed. Bike checked out okay.
There are 3 credit agencies at annualcreditreport.com .
I get a report from one in January -the next in May- and the third in September, this way you can get a free report every 4 months.
Except for online purchases I only use $$$!

07-21-2010, 03:36 PM
Half the charges are off pretty much...I'm still charged for the United Airfare and $500 worth of shoes. Hopefully, it will be off soon.

I got charged for the police report???:dontknow: I never had to pay for a police report before, what a pain!

Never heard of the police fees--- but I never reported mine--- only to Visa. I don't get what's taking them so long to take those charges off for you---- when mine happened the CSR on the phone went through all the charges with me-- and we found what was MY last actual charge--- then he simply wiped away all charges after that.

Amanda B
07-21-2010, 05:49 PM
There are 3 credit agencies at annualcreditreport.com .
I get a report from one in January -the next in May- and the third in September, this way you can get a free report every 4 months.
Except for online purchases I only use $$$!

Good idea, I didn't know you could get a free one from each place!

Amanda B
07-21-2010, 05:51 PM
Never heard of the police fees--- but I never reported mine--- only to Visa. I don't get what's taking them so long to take those charges off for you---- when mine happened the CSR on the phone went through all the charges with me-- and we found what was MY last actual charge--- then he simply wiped away all charges after that.

I'll call again tomorrow and find out if they are taken off yet. I was pretty much told they check to see where items are delivered, the shoes were delivered to Reading PA...I don't know about the Airfare from United though.