View Full Version : Desparately need help!!!

07-08-2010, 06:30 PM
We are both travelling cross country from Ohio to California. We each are driving Spyders. Heading back to Ohio. Had to be towed from Big Pine, CA to Reno, NV, 240 miles. 2008 SE-5 broke down in the desert. Towed to Michael's Reno Powersports yesterday. Hear from them today, after calling several times and they tell us the bearing is bad in the transmission. They have to tear it all down. They said they couldn't get to it until July 16th...over a week away. How can we get ahold of BRP rep or someone who cares to have this taken care of. We cannot spend over a week in Reno for repair. Michael's said it's because we didn't have an appointment! DUH??? Michael's said we could have it towed back to Ohio...some customer service...what can we do?? Please, someone help! Thanks. Dennis and Bonnie

07-08-2010, 06:42 PM


07-08-2010, 07:00 PM
This thread has info on how to get some help from Carlos:


I'm not sure any shop out there would be able to do such an involved job quickly... not to mention you want them to do it RIGHT.

Really sorry to hear about your situation.

Keep us posted....

07-08-2010, 08:15 PM
at this point you are not that far from Carson City, NV. I know there is a dealer there. Look on this web site for the dealers list. They might not be as busy as the other guy. Don't know, just an option.

07-08-2010, 08:23 PM
Honestly I'd trailer it back to your trusted dealer at home. This isn't something you want them to rush.

07-08-2010, 08:48 PM
Take the drive belt off and tow it back with the other Spyder.:helpsmilie:

07-08-2010, 09:06 PM
We are both travelling cross country from Ohio to California. We each are driving Spyders. Heading back to Ohio. Had to be towed from Big Pine, CA to Reno, NV, 240 miles. 2008 SE-5 broke down in the desert. Towed to Michael's Reno Powersports yesterday. Hear from them today, after calling several times and they tell us the bearing is bad in the transmission. They have to tear it all down. They said they couldn't get to it until July 16th...over a week away. How can we get ahold of BRP rep or someone who cares to have this taken care of. We cannot spend over a week in Reno for repair. Michael's said it's because we didn't have an appointment! DUH??? Michael's said we could have it towed back to Ohio...some customer service...what can we do?? Please, someone help! Thanks. Dennis and Bonnie

Even if they can get to it by the 16th. There's no telling how long it will take for parts and to put it back together [right] again. I know it's easy for me to say, But if it was me in your spot i would rent a truck or a trailer and get it home. Beleave me i know some what how you feel. But get it home.

07-08-2010, 09:09 PM
I've e-mailed Carlos, so we'll see how true to his word he is. The dealer in Reno is the same dealer in Carson City. The two cities adjoin each other. Just have to wait and hope Carlos reads his mail soon. Can't believe a dealer would make someone 3500 miles from home wait over a week.

07-08-2010, 09:15 PM
So sorry Dennis and Bonnie. I truly hate to hear this. Wish I could help. I just had that repair done on my spyder. Backordered parts took 2 weeks to get released from the manufacture so your problem may not be when the shop can get you in but when can BRP get you the parts. Maybe someone can pull some bearings out of their..... for lack of a better word, "magic hat" so you can continue your adventure. By the way, after they fixed that problem, they realized I needed a new belt as well, so please have them check the condition of the belt, and if needed, order you one of those AT THE SAME TIME. If not, maybe weeks more of down time for you. That's what happened to me.

07-08-2010, 09:29 PM
Sometimes, when you're desperate, you have trouble making the best decision.

It may be time to take a deep breath, step back and lay all your options on the table.

Seeing your hopes and dreams of a great cross country trip appear to crumble before your eyes can really give you heartburn. Believe me, many of us here feel your pain.

The one thing that you are really hoping for is probably not an option. And that is a quick fix. Sounds like whichever way you go, without a miracle, you're going to have to look at the best long term solution.

All of us here hope it works out as well as possible.

07-08-2010, 10:01 PM
I dont see how Carlo can force a dealer to put you in front of his other customers. I can think back to my last dealer visit and had he put someone in front of me I would have been upset because it would have spoiled my trip to Chicago. But I would think that getting Carlo involved could assist in making sure all the parts are available when they do start the job instead of having to wait on them as well.
On the other hand the dealer could contact his customers and see if they could wait a day or two. Maybe offer to pay overtime?
Like Baja Ron said "sleep on it" and make an informed decision, surely the dealer would be upfront with you on the repair completion time, if not I would be going somewhere else asap.

07-08-2010, 10:32 PM
It's probably gonna take them a week to fix it after they start working on it and have the right parts. I would be shocked if you could have it back within 2 weeks.

Time to trailer it home I'm afraid.

07-08-2010, 11:23 PM
I have to agree with Firefly. I think if it were me I would trailer it home and get her fixed there. It sucks, but I just don't see a quick resolution here. You are hung out; get her home. Best of luck to you. Stay safe.

Tom in NM
07-08-2010, 11:33 PM
I dont see how Carlo can force a dealer to put you in front of his other customers.

Well, these things can work out. Last summer another rider ( from Florida ) put out a call for help from - Sioux City ( I think ) with a blown engine. The local dealer and BRP were able to get another engine and the rider back on the road in a couple of days. A good dealer + BRP + a demo Spyder that got totaled in a dealership parking lot saved their whole vacation.

But, if the dealer there is insensitive, you should just take things into your own hands - check on your towing coverage, etc. and see what it will cost to truck it home yourself and get approval from your insurance/BRP/warranty company. Or, whatever alternatives they are offering ( rentals, flights back to pick it up, shipping it to you when fixed )

Sorry for all the trouble and lost vacation time. But this kind of stuff happens, and it happens to cars when people are on vacation too. As far as the dealer goes - from what you related, they suck - big time. Any shop that works like an assembly line, has no understanding of the term "emergency" or customer service. Makes you long for "Instant Karma".

I hope it works out for you like it has for others. Please keep us informed if you can.


07-08-2010, 11:47 PM
As the post above mentions, the one time it worked fine was when there happened to be a demo Spyder in town at the same time. It took me a month to get mine, with blown engine, fixed, even with Carlo's help -- but he did send a new engine, since my dealer didn't have the knowledge to overhaul the old one. Then my dealer went belly up anyway.

I agree with the others -- its a bummer, but truck it home and have it fixed there. There is only so much leverage that BRP has on the dealers.

07-09-2010, 12:08 AM
Down size and repack and continue your trip Two Up. You still have one good horse um Spyder. Leave that dead horse there or have it shipped back to your dealer for repairs. Make lemonade.

07-09-2010, 05:37 AM
I sent you a PM killerbee.

07-11-2010, 11:58 AM
The only solution we could come up with is that we're renting a U-Haul truck to take it back to L.A., as DelAmo Motorsports is willing to work with us on getting the bike together. Michael's Reno Powersports suggestion was to buy a new Spyder. They didn't have times to work on it, but they had time to push a sales job. We're waiting on them to put it back together to get it out of there. As far as Longlegs saying he'd be mad if the dealer put someone ahead of him....WE'RE 3500 MILES FROM HOME!!!!! Yes, I was shouting! We've put people ahead of us many times over the years and are able to sleep well at night. What if you went to the doctor with a heart attack and he said, "Sorry, you didn't have an appointment and I have a patient here with a sore throat". Same scenerio. By the way, phoned Carlos several times and e-mailed him....no response. Doesn't surprise us. Love our Spyders, but I will look at other brands when purchasing another 3-wheeler.

07-11-2010, 12:03 PM
I think you are making a good choice for yourself but i would be a little more patient with carlos could be a couple of factors involved so don't give up on him.:coffee:

07-11-2010, 12:06 PM
I don't think there's any excuse for the way the dealer treated you in NV. But I have seen similar instances unfold with other brands. The best solution seems to be a rental vehicle to haul your bike somewhere that can work on it, whether it's your home dealer of another in which you have confidence. You seemed to have ended up with a particularly poor dealer - good luck with the next one. We'll be waiting to hear how you make out. :popcorn:

07-11-2010, 04:41 PM
THis is along shot here.......but put it in a uhaul get it to our store in MO!?!?! will put you first priority- give you aloner bike ryde the rest of the way home. Whwen its done ryde back out and pick up your bike....I'll take care of getting your uhaul back! second option uhaul it here, two up it home from here, fly back to st.louis i'll pick you up at the airport, ryde it back home!?!?!? So sorry they didn't drop everything and take care of you....this should not have been aquestion!!!!!! If it helps and your already don't have it worked out......i'll call the dealership and work with BRP and there service shop to get you better taken care of! Agin so so sorry friend....this should not be!!!!!!!! Cell number 314 623 4743!!!! Len Damouth

07-11-2010, 04:47 PM
:congrats: :clap:

07-11-2010, 06:38 PM
THis is along shot here.......but put it in a uhaul get it to our store in MO!?!?! will put you first priority- give you aloner bike ryde the rest of the way home. Whwen its done ryde back out and pick up your bike....I'll take care of getting your uhaul back! second option uhaul it here, two up it home from here, fly back to st.louis i'll pick you up at the airport, ryde it back home!?!?!? So sorry they didn't drop everything and take care of you....this should not have been aquestion!!!!!! If it helps and your already don't have it worked out......i'll call the dealership and work with BRP and there service shop to get you better taken care of! Agin so so sorry friend....this should not be!!!!!!!! Cell number 314 623 4743!!!! Len Damouth

Whether or not they decide to take advantage of any of these offers, it is above and beyond the call of duty that you make them. And I know they are not just empty words.

Now I admit, I am a cynic. Anything that looks too good I usually look at very closely. Lamont gives me a lot of grief over my lack of faith in my fellow man sometimes. But it's the way I'm wired.

So, to be brutally honest, on an average day I'd be wondering what's in it for Pittbull Buggy? What's his angle? nojoke You'd think I was born and raised in New York or something! :D

But having been to the Cowtown dealership, meeting all of the people there that make it go and spending a little time with them, I must say I was, and still am, very impressed.

It warms my heart to meet real people who simply care. They still have to run a business at a profit so they can support their families and feed their (great, by the way) kids. And that is just fine with me. But there is much more to the Cowtown dealership than making a living.

So, my hat is off to all of you in Cuba, MO! Once again you've shown why you are the best!

I wish my endorcement were worth more, but for whatever it is worth, you certainly have it! :thumbup:

07-11-2010, 07:31 PM
Thanks baja Ron, your far too kinda. The whole spyder community has been so kind a fun and truly a pleasure to be around and get to know, so many that i can't even begin to name names, it seem each week 2 or 3 of you guys from around the country grace's us with your smilling face, and we all have a common entrest, and bond. So to hear the horor stories and about the dealers who don't care makes me mad!!!! This is a big family here, and some what of avery tight one at that, so I may not be able to help everyone that needs help for thos who we can, we do try. Your spyder may not of come from our store but your still one of us and we're one of you. Hats off to all of you! Spyderlovers rock! Thanks for excepting us and my family and I as one of the gang! Ryde Safe Friends!!

07-11-2010, 07:48 PM
O and thanks baja, about the quote on the baby boy he is my little buddy.....we have been going to parking lots and ryding motorcyles together, being he's 4 and can't quite hit the open roads yet.....but he does think he should be able too! lol Also has any one heard if they are ok or taken care of yet?

07-11-2010, 09:13 PM
I wish my endorcement were worth more, but for whatever it is worth, you certainly have it! :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

Shoot, as the secret celebrity John Cusack, I think your endorsement is worth a lot!

07-11-2010, 09:21 PM
Shoot, as the secret celebrity John Cusack, I think your endorsement is worth a lot!

You sure ride a lot for a celebrity...I didn't know you had that much free time! :roflblack:

07-11-2010, 10:08 PM

So I made a plan --when I am out on the road.
In 2007 I bought my Spyder in Kenosha Wi. I needed to haul it back to Missouri
I contacted U-HAUL about renting a truck to load up the spyder and head for home.
U-haul has a rule you cannot transport anything with a gas tank in their trucks.
I got it ----I would like to rent a 6x10 open trailer to haul my spyder.
U-haul has a rule open trailer rental for local hauling only.
New idea----Buy a used 6x10 trailer-----look in the news paper or equipment rental (buy one of their old ones)or a new trailer sales may have a used one.
Go back to U-haul and rent a truck with a hitch.
Head for Cuba.
Take CowTown up on their offer and drop off your spyder. Head on home and wait for the call to come get your fixed spyder. Come get it 2 up or with the trailer.
When you get back home put your trailer in the front yard with a for sale sign on it.
How 'bout that for a plan.

07-11-2010, 10:58 PM
That is what people from MISSOURI are like:clap:, and thats why I want to RETIRE THERE :ohyea::clap:

07-12-2010, 12:19 AM
Whether or not they decide to take advantage of any of these offers, it is above and beyond the call of duty that you make them. And I know they are not just empty words.

Now I admit, I am a cynic. Anything that looks too good I usually look at very closely. Lamont gives me a lot of grief over my lack of faith in my fellow man sometimes. But it's the way I'm wired.

So, to be brutally honest, on an average day I'd be wondering what's in it for Pittbull Buggy? What's his angle? nojoke You'd think I was born and raised in New York or something! :D

But having been to the Cowtown dealership, meeting all of the people there that make it go and spending a little time with them, I must say I was, and still am, very impressed.

It warms my heart to meet real people who simply care. They still have to run a business at a profit so they can support their families and feed their (great, by the way) kids. And that is just fine with me. But there is much more to the Cowtown dealership than making a living.

So, my hat is off to all of you in Cuba, MO! Once again you've shown why you are the best!

I wish my endorcement were worth more, but for whatever it is worth, you certainly have it! :thumbup:


I know if Len puts an offer on the table like this--- he MEANS it and would be thrilled to help you.

07-12-2010, 02:41 AM
like I told bernard, if they should use len example for what a spyder dealership should be. I am going to try to make it down there again this year, hopefully Jim and larry and I can make a run down there. There is a reason i would go down to a dealership that is 1000 miles one way away. because they are LEGIT.

Hope you guys figure out what to do.

07-12-2010, 08:00 AM
Whether or not they decide to take advantage of any of these offers, it is above and beyond the call of duty that you make them. And I know they are not just empty words.

Now I admit, I am a cynic. Anything that looks too good I usually look at very closely. Lamont gives me a lot of grief over my lack of faith in my fellow man sometimes. But it's the way I'm wired.

So, to be brutally honest, on an average day I'd be wondering what's in it for Pittbull Buggy? What's his angle? nojoke You'd think I was born and raised in New York or something! :D

But having been to the Cowtown dealership, meeting all of the people there that make it go and spending a little time with them, I must say I was, and still am, very impressed.

It warms my heart to meet real people who simply care. They still have to run a business at a profit so they can support their families and feed their (great, by the way) kids. And that is just fine with me. But there is much more to the Cowtown dealership than making a living.

So, my hat is off to all of you in Cuba, MO! Once again you've shown why you are the best!

I wish my endorcement were worth more, but for whatever it is worth, you certainly have it! :thumbup:

:yes::thumbup::firstplace: for Cowtown...

07-12-2010, 10:56 AM
like I told bernard, if they should use len example for what a spyder dealership should be. I am going to try to make it down there again this year, hopefully Jim and larry and I can make a run down there. There is a reason i would go down to a dealership that is 1000 miles one way away. because they are LEGIT.

Hope you guys figure out what to do.

Let me know when you guys are going--- I'm thinking of going sometime after Spyders in the Smokies--- Maybe an October or November run down there for a long weekend.

07-12-2010, 02:34 PM
Oh, how I wish we had heard from the Missouri dealer earlier. Right now, Dennis is picking up a U-Haul to take bike back to L.A. That dealer is willing to work with us. I'm a little fearful now that someone said you can't haul a bike with gas in it with U-Haul. I'll know within the next couple of hours if our situation is taken care of. I want to thank everyone for all their help. I've never been so stressed in my life. To have it hauled back to Ohio by truck, they wanted between 2 and 3 thousand dollars and couldn't be shipped for a couple of weeks.

07-12-2010, 02:37 PM
Oh, how I wish we had heard from the Missouri dealer earlier. Right now, Dennis is picking up a U-Haul to take bike back to L.A. That dealer is willing to work with us. I'm a little fearful now that someone said you can't haul a bike with gas in it with U-Haul. I'll know within the next couple of hours if our situation is taken care of. I want to thank everyone for all their help. I've never been so stressed in my life. To have it hauled back to Ohio by truck, they wanted between 2 and 3 thousand dollars and couldn't be shipped for a couple of weeks.

What u-haul doesn't know won't hurt them.....;)

Good luck on things!

07-12-2010, 02:55 PM
What u-haul doesn't know won't hurt them.....
:agree: At the Spyder Owners' Event, I spoke with Carlo about this very issue. If a BMW or Harley is broken down in the middle of a trip, a dealer will usually move heaven and earth to get that person back on the road again as quickly as possible, putting the breakdown at the head of the line, working overtime, or even stealing parts from a bike on the floor. IMO, until BRP dealers step up to that level, overall, the Spyder will remain more of a novelty that a full-fledged touring machine. I think there are ways this can be taught and encouraged, but it will be an uphill battle when many dealers are recreational product dealers, and see different needs for most of their customer base. Not too many dealers are as understanding, willing, and helpful as Len at Cowtown, I'm afraid. The parts and warranty approval systems do not yet support quick turn-around, either.

Putting the dealer aside, serious breakdowns have put many motorcyle riders in just your position, and their choices were much the same. The only advantage a motorcycle rider can have is that a motorcycle can be loaded into a rental pickup. A number of BMW riders have used the U-Haul cargo truck approach, to good advantage, without specifying the cargo. A rider of a side-car rig or a Spyder may have to be inventive in loading, however, since they can't just ask U-Haul for some extra ramps. Best solution seems to be to make arrangements with someone with a loading dock, like an area truck loading facitlity. You will probably have to purchase your own tie-downs locally, too. Don't forget that the best way to secure the Spyder is through the wheels.

Best of luck with your dilemma. Sorry your vacation tour was ruined. If it is any consolation, you are not alone.

Big Arm
07-12-2010, 03:59 PM
Oh, how I wish we had heard from the Missouri dealer earlier. Right now, Dennis is picking up a U-Haul to take bike back to L.A. .

If I were you, (and I know I'm not) I would reconsider the LA dealer, and load that Spyder in a U-Haul and head for Cuba, Missouri and Cowtown, since that's more on your way to Ohio, than LA. You won't be diappointed with Len and his crew, believe me. Best of Luck in whatever choice you make. :thumbup:

07-12-2010, 04:54 PM
Oh, I'm a little fearful now that someone said you can't haul a bike with gas in it with U-Haul.

Like firefly said, What they don't know won't hurt, But if they do know
just tell them the gas is out. I doubt if they would even know where the
gas cap is to check if it has gas. Hope every thing works out.:pray:

07-12-2010, 05:31 PM
If I were you, (and I know I'm not) I would reconsider the LA dealer, and load that Spyder in a U-Haul and head for Cuba, Missouri and Cowtown, since that's more on your way to Ohio, than LA. You won't be diappointed with Len and his crew, believe me. Best of Luck in whatever choice you make. :thumbup:


Bail on the LA dealer and go see Len!

07-12-2010, 06:19 PM

Bail on the LA dealer and go see Len!

+2 Of course, Carson City is only a short day's from LA and I think Cuba would take a full day and then some. Tough decision but I'll give one more voucher for the guys at Cowtown.

07-12-2010, 07:08 PM
www.uship.com (http://www.uship.com) There are MANY retired people that just travel the country getting your item from point "A" to point "B". I used it when I purchased my wife's used Spyder from Pennsylvania. It was way cheaper then if I would have done it myself. The guy purchased a brand new enclosed trailer just for the trip and when he showed up with it, asked me if I wanted to buy it. If I could have afforded to, I would have.

07-12-2010, 08:31 PM
I think HDX used uship to send out the oldest one's car when he moved back out to California. No problems, all went well with it.

www.uship.com (http://www.uship.com) There are MANY retired people that just travel the country getting your item from point "A" to point "B". I used it when I purchased my wife's used Spyder from Pennsylvania. It was way cheaper then if I would have done it myself. The guy purchased a brand new enclosed trailer just for the trip and when he showed up with it, asked me if I wanted to buy it. If I could have afforded to, I would have.