View Full Version : backrest for para?

06-13-2010, 05:08 PM
just wondering how many para's out there have a backrest and if so what is your level? I'm a T3 and with the stock seat and stock handlebars my back is so sore after a ride. I just ordered a set of 4" reisers I hope that helps, if not does the backrest really help for posture or not? I imagine a nice fitted corbin is great for security but is it worth it?

06-13-2010, 05:30 PM
I rode sportbikes for years after my injury and never had a sore back but I do on the Spyder. I wear a weight lifting belt and it relieves 90% of my back soreness. I'm a T7. Personally I would like the bars lower not higher to get more of the weight on my arms and off my back but i'm only 5'6 so that might be part of my problem. Hope this helps.