View Full Version : i need your opinion- while looking for a used spyder

05-30-2010, 07:38 AM
Hey guys,
i came across a cheap spyder too good to be true and somewhat close in NY, so i e-mail and got this reply.

The bike is in excellent conditions, with everything working on it, the reason I selling the bike is that I bought the bike in United States and I moved in Greece with my family and my business. The bike is here in my garage, I can't drive and I can't sell the bike here because all documents are available in United States, I can't register the bike here. Now I can't come to the US to sell the bike because I'll lose a lot of time and money, my only chance to sell the bike is to find a buyer in the US. I can ship the bike to your home address, you'll get the bike in about 10 days working, the bike will stay in your custody 2 days and you can inspect it, then you decide if you buy the bike or not.
I am going to be responsible for transportation fees, so when you get the bike you'll inspect it and if will be problems with the bike you won't buy it, so I lose the transport fees, I know that my bike has no problem and you'll buy it. I use an international shipping company, they act as a third party and will protect both of us in this transaction.
The price is very good, you will not find another bike in such nice condition.
i wait your e-mail with your full name, full adress, phone number for i can make the delivery .
I'm waiting your e-mail, I hope to make a deal with you.

what do you guys think?? A scam??? or truth??:dontknow:

05-30-2010, 07:57 AM
I have a friend that bought a car this way. It is not a bad way of doing it. I would check out the third party first. But this is how it usually works. You put money into the account of the third party, sort of like a retainer. The seller sends the vehicle over. You inspect. If you do not agree to purchase, the vehicle goes back to the owner and you are able to get your money back. If you decide to purchase, you pay the rest of what is owed and the third party passes the check onto the seller. It is actually safer than you would think.

05-30-2010, 08:04 AM
I dont know if this is a scam, but you might want to read some of the stories that sound pretty close to this same scenario.


05-30-2010, 08:43 AM
I really don't care what the situation is or how cheap the Spyder is...no one would get a penny from me until I had a chance to inspect/ryde it. But that's just me.

Now if they want to negotiate the deal without having to invest any cash...I'm all for it. Besides, location location location. Find out where it is and someone on this forum would likely lie close enough to at least check it out for you before the seller would need to spend money on transportation costs.

It just smells like a deal build on a house of cards to me.

05-30-2010, 12:34 PM
This is a scam. Want to confirm... pick a reputable escrow service and tell the current owner you'll be glad to deposit the cash through that escrow.

05-30-2010, 02:04 PM
You don't live that far away. Go over take a look, take a ride and even take it to a dealer , let them check it out ( on your dime ) Do a search of the tittle then lets play lets make a deal .:dontknow:

05-30-2010, 02:37 PM
nj to greece,lol i think you misunderstand

05-30-2010, 02:45 PM
... 'cause I have some really nice swamp land to sell you:roflblack:

05-30-2010, 03:20 PM
There are enough legit deals around on Ebay etc. to not get involved with something as suspicious as this looks to be. I would not waste one minute of my time chasing this smelly situation down. Remember if it walks like a duck, smells like a duck and quacks like a duck...it's probably a duck.

05-30-2010, 04:35 PM
REALLY swamp land i have been looking for some:roflblack:.
can i change my spyder to :ohyea:a swamp runner.lolol
yea i gave up but 6500 was a good price if it was really in NY.
to much of a pain to verify and play games..
Thank you for your thoughts really helpful

05-30-2010, 04:53 PM
In my case, when I was selling my 2-wheeler, I got an offer for a person who said he was in Georgia. We arranged a price and he said he'd pay by cashiers check from Bank of America and I agreed and let him know I'd be going to BofA to cash it before sending the bike.

A few weeks later, I got a cashiers check in the mail for roughly 3 times what I had asked and a note to send the remainder to the shippers address. The envelope came from Republic du Benin (next to Nigeria) and the "check" was from a bank in Florida and had none of the usual watermarks. I contacted the bank in Florida. They said the info on the check was correct but that the check number had already been cashed for a different amount.

I happened to spot the person online a few days later and he asked if I'd received the check. I strung him along and told him I had but needed to prep the bike for shipping and eventually asked how the weather was in Republic du Benin. He said it was fine. I told him I'd done my research on the check and had reported it to the authorities. If he wanted to continue with the purchase, I'd need a valid check from BofA and he suddenly got off-line and never showed up again.

Yes, they're still trying the Nigerian scam. All it takes is a few people and they make LOTS of money based on the exchange rate. They could care less if they get the merchandise as long as they get the extra cash.


05-31-2010, 11:33 AM
SCAM Just saying

05-31-2010, 11:51 AM
SCAM Just saying

Don't sugar coat it, How do you really feel.:roflblack::roflblack:

05-31-2010, 11:56 AM
SCAM Just saying

05-31-2010, 12:49 PM

05-31-2010, 01:03 PM

05-31-2010, 01:21 PM
SCAM Just saying I sold my2002 harly fat boy for 23,000 he sent me a check 39,000 told me to cash it and send the rest with the bike well I had bank check the check no such acount I was told if i did send him the rest and the bike I wood be out 61,000 and no bike . same with trailer 4 checks none of them good only to burn lol:roflblack: so if you are going to bye that spyder go take a weekend fly over to him check it out ryde it then give him a check from your bank and ship it home same day. :lecturef_smilie:don't get tacken for a ride:agree:

05-31-2010, 02:07 PM
Scam Had something similar happen caught him in a big lie