View Full Version : Major spyder infestation at The Junction!

05-17-2010, 06:41 PM
Yesterday, May 16th, Twenty One Spyders rode up Mines Road in Livermore to have lunch at The Junction (a popular cycle/motorcycle bar & grill). I was towards the end of the line and it was quite impressive to see the road twisting through the hills off into the distance, with Spyders visible all along the way. I’ll some post pictures later.

This 100-mile ryde was part of California Speed-Sports’ 1st annual Owner Appreciation Day. The day started at the dealership where we all met for coffee and donuts. There was a presentation to share the latest Spyder news, an accessory evaluation of what works and what doesn’t, an announcement of a sales lead contest, and a review of group ryding etiquette and techniques. Next, there were tech stations where they were checking tire pressures, visually inspecting drive belts, adjusting shock settings and adding trunk springs (to the RS Spyders). Then if it was off to The Junction. Even though they prearrange the lunch order, it still took over 2 hours for lunch – mainly because there must have been 50 2-wheelers (motorcycles and bicycles) already there when we arrived.

After lunch most of the group continued on to the Lick Observatory at the top of Mount Hamilton. We took the tour of the world’s largest refractive telescope (36” diameter lens, built in the late 1800’s), and then Kregg Williams, Speed-Sports owner, raffled off some Spyder prizes. Back down the mountain to the final stop at the Rock House for some refreshments. The company and the weather were great. And it was very cool for the local BRP rep to attend and even pick up lunch and then refreshments at the end. My thanks to everyone at Speed-Sports for a really fine day.

05-17-2010, 07:11 PM
Sounds like a great time :2thumbs: Looking forward to the pics

05-17-2010, 07:22 PM

05-17-2010, 07:29 PM
Can't wait to see the pictures! It sounds like a good time was had by all!:thumbup:

05-17-2010, 07:39 PM
It was an awesome ride and an awesome day... although The Junction was VERY CROWDED!

We had a nice ride back on Del Puerto Canyon.

I do have some photos and video to post up. Watch for it.

05-17-2010, 08:00 PM
Okay, let me try this again....

http://hphotos-sjc1.fbcdn.net/hs593.snc3/31277_1421732056983_1043132690_31206282_3376103_n. jpg
Al (Clutch) and Me (SpyderGirl) at my house before the ride down to Livermore

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs593.snc3/31277_1421732136985_1043132690_31206283_2917724_n. jpg

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http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs533.ash1/31277_1421732336990_1043132690_31206287_5220877_n. jpg

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http://hphotos-sjc1.fbcdn.net/hs593.snc3/31277_1421732496994_1043132690_31206290_3618844_n. jpg

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http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs533.ash1/31277_1421732616997_1043132690_31206293_1971843_n. jpg

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http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs573.snc3/31277_1421727456868_1043132690_31206281_5357431_n. jpg

05-17-2010, 08:04 PM
Oh, and for those who knew about my accident with my little Kawi Ninja... this is the road (MINES ROAD) where I went off the road and down into the ravine. Me and this road have some history and this road will test you if you're not careful. It's fun and very scenic though. :2thumbs:

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs135.snc1/5771_1203111751612_1043132690_30635607_671648_n.jp g

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs155.snc1/5771_1203111791613_1043132690_30635608_3108430_n.j pg

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs023.snc1/4257_1144548287562_1043132690_30425858_1755931_n.j pg

05-17-2010, 08:09 PM

05-17-2010, 08:31 PM
Oh, and here is the (crappy) video... I really should have had this mounted like I normally do. For some reason I thought I could hold it steady.... NOT. Sorry in advance for any nausea. :)

I am starting a "Buy SpyderGirl a helmet cam" Fund. :D


Capt John
05-17-2010, 09:10 PM
Thanks for the pics. It looks like everyone had a great time!:2thumbs:

05-18-2010, 12:19 AM
It was nice meeting and riding with all the people who went... looking forward to the next Spyder ride... ride safe!!!!
