View Full Version : So when does poison ivy go away?

05-14-2010, 07:34 AM
About a week ago I was mowing and when I got near one of the apple trees I saw a snake. I jumped off the mower to try and catch it but it was hiding pretty good so I started to tear out the weeds to get to it. I finally caught it and then realized the weeds I was ripping out was poison ivy. I washed my hands but like a dope I didn't use soap, just ran water over my hands and rubbed.

So two or three days go by and I forget all about it till one day these little bumps started showing up on my hands. They are in between my fingers and at all the joints. I have a few on my arms too. They seem to itch worst sometimes more than others. Right now it's driving me nuts. So how long does it take for this stuff to go away? I've never had it like this before and for a while there I didn't think it affected me. :gaah:

Magic Man
05-14-2010, 07:50 AM
About a week ago I was mowing and when I got near one of the apple trees I saw a snake. I jumped off the mower to try and catch it but it was hiding pretty good so I started to tear out the weeds to get to it. I finally caught it and then realized the weeds I was ripping out was poison ivy. I washed my hands but like a dope I didn't use soap, just ran water over my hands and rubbed.

So two or three days go by and I forget all about it till one day these little bumps started showing up on my hands. They are in between my fingers and at all the joints. I have a few on my arms too. They seem to itch worst sometimes more than others. Right now it's driving me nuts. So how long does it take for this stuff to go away? I've never had it like this before and for a while there I didn't think it affected me. :gaah:

I know stupidity is FREE, but did you need to take so much. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

Bummer dude. :(

Hope you feel better soon.


05-14-2010, 08:43 AM
Not good. You're in for a good two weeks of itching. Caladryl will help dry it up and helps the itching for a while at least. But it basically just needs to run its course. There is prednisone if it's really bad. But doctors usually don't prescribe it unless the PI is on your face or your privates.

I get Poison Ivy bad when I get it. I so don't envy you.

05-14-2010, 09:12 AM
About a week ago I was mowing and when I got near one of the apple trees I saw a snake. I jumped off the mower to try and catch it but it was hiding pretty good so I started to tear out the weeds to get to it. I finally caught it and then realized the weeds I was ripping out was poison ivy. I washed my hands but like a dope I didn't use soap, just ran water over my hands and rubbed.

So two or three days go by and I forget all about it till one day these little bumps started showing up on my hands. They are in between my fingers and at all the joints. I have a few on my arms too. They seem to itch worst sometimes more than others. Right now it's driving me nuts. So how long does it take for this stuff to go away? I've never had it like this before and for a while there I didn't think it affected me. :gaah:
Been there, done that.

Go to your local Rx store and buy a product called ZANFEL. It's like $30 for a small tube--- but this stuff WORKS!

It's a paste-like stuff that you simply get the area wet, rub the paste/grit on for about 2 minutes and then rinse. It pulls the oil out that causes the allergic reaction. Usually 1 or 2 applications during 1 day and you'll be DONE!

Got a friend that has had Poison Ivy since Feb! The oil finally got deep into her skin/blood and spread bad--- now she's on steroids, etc. to get rid of it.

Don't settle for 'similar' products--- that Zanfel brand stuff REALLY WORKS!:thumbup:


05-14-2010, 09:29 AM
Been there, done that.

Go to your local Rx store and buy a product called ZANFEL. It's like $30 for a small tube--- but this stuff WORKS!

It's a paste-like stuff that you simply get the area wet, rub the paste/grit on for about 2 minutes and then rinse. It pulls the oil out that causes the allergic reaction. Usually 1 or 2 applications during 1 day and you'll be DONE!

Got a friend that has had Poison Ivy since Feb! The oil finally got deep into her skin/blood and spread bad--- now she's on steroids, etc. to get rid of it.

Don't settle for 'similar' products--- that Zanfel brand stuff REALLY WORKS!:thumbup:


Agreed! I got poison oak last year on my legs and was scraching like a madman - got the Zanfel and it was gone in a couple of days:2thumbs:

05-14-2010, 08:55 PM

Only stuff that works for me. If I just look at poison ivy - I get it!

05-14-2010, 09:07 PM
I have found soaking in warm salt water baths dry it out quickly.

05-16-2010, 07:32 AM
Poison Ivy thrives on abundent amount of CO2 .... with global warming on the up swing, its only gonna get worse. Sorry I didn't have better news fer ya dude.

Gimpy Girl
05-18-2010, 11:41 AM
You can also try Burt Bee's poison ivy soap. It'll help to dry it out in a few days.

05-18-2010, 12:19 PM
You may think I'm nuts but this does work .Scrub it HARD with alcohol Do it every time it itches. Bet it goes away pretty quick.nojoke The green stuff seems to work best.

05-18-2010, 12:57 PM
I found something that works great and I have plenty of it on hand. nojoke

05-18-2010, 02:43 PM
Use what the landscape pros use, trust me.

05-18-2010, 05:40 PM
I found something that works great and I have plenty of it on hand. nojoke
Yep there ya go. Anything to burn it out. Ive done it for yr's nojoke

05-18-2010, 07:09 PM
Brakekleen works well but if you dont want to waist that just rip them open and use deoderant it has alcohol in it that dries it up i'am very allergic get 1 drop on me and it's all over me bad. :yikes::yikes::yikes:

05-18-2010, 10:28 PM
I had it a few years ago while on a trip to Jamaica and I have to tell you I had no pain or itch after a local bartender told me how to get rid of it, well I was so drunk that is why I felt so good. What I was told to use was 190 proof white rum to rub all over the affected area the problem was I drank most of it and was so drunk I had no time to feel anything, true story. Seriously all the advice you got so far are very good but the best I have been told is both to use the zanfel and soaking in hot water with salt.

05-18-2010, 11:45 PM
Isn't there a movie called the "7 Year Itch"? It might not be about poison ivy, though. :shemademe_smilie:

05-19-2010, 09:23 PM
I found something that works great and I have plenty of it on hand. nojoke
http://www.berrymanproducts.com/Portals/0/web%20shots/0117.gif:yikes: Why don't you just soak in a Part Washer :joke:

05-19-2010, 09:57 PM
Can't help you on the posion ivy issue, but I gotto ask......do you try and catch snakes often....like I mean in my case I'da been heading the opposite direction.....:yikes::pray:LOL


05-19-2010, 10:06 PM
the worst part is over by now. . . . after years of working in the woods, and having poison oak every where . . . . . . some places not as socially acceptable to scratch as others, I go with the 'scratch it, and use what ever chemical cuts grease to wipe it off' train of thought. If you get it on your clothes, the wife may not like you when the 'oil' from the plant (that is on your clothes)transfers to her unmentionables in the washer . . . . Castrol de-greaser works really well for getting it off your skin and clothes. If you ever end up with your eyes swelled shut from this stuff, the doc can give you a pill that will make you better in a couple of days . . . . Vaughn

ISCI Billy
05-21-2010, 03:36 PM
Why did you want to catch the snake? When I see one at my house I introduce it to my bush ax.

05-23-2010, 08:46 PM
Why did you want to catch the snake? When I see one at my house I introduce it to my bush ax.
I like snakes.

05-24-2010, 12:04 AM
I like snakes.

Awesome pic !! I like snakes too. Strangely enough, I'm only terrified of spiders.. LOL.

05-27-2010, 12:36 PM
About a week ago I was mowing and when I got near one of the apple trees I saw a snake. I jumped off the mower to try and catch it but it was hiding pretty good so I started to tear out the weeds to get to it. I finally caught it and then realized the weeds I was ripping out was poison ivy. I washed my hands but like a dope I didn't use soap, just ran water over my hands and rubbed.

So two or three days go by and I forget all about it till one day these little bumps started showing up on my hands. They are in between my fingers and at all the joints. I have a few on my arms too. They seem to itch worst sometimes more than others. Right now it's driving me nuts. So how long does it take for this stuff to go away? I've never had it like this before and for a while there I didn't think it affected me. :gaah:
ocean watter well dry it up takes 2 to 3 weeks ivry dry and calowmine lottion well help leave snakes alone see lol

05-31-2010, 09:37 AM
Quote: {Lamonster-I like snakes.}

If you like snakes so much why don't you come here & catch this one? He has been lurking in the tree by my backdoor. :yikes: I watch very carefully when I step outside now. My husband says we're keeping him so he will keep the rodents down but I say a cat will do the same thing.


05-31-2010, 09:51 AM
Quote: {Lamonster-I like snakes.}

If you like snakes so much why don't you come here & catch this one? He has been lurking in the tree by my backdoor. :yikes: I watch very carefully when I step outside now. My husband says we're keeping him so he will keep the rodents down but I say a cat will do the same thing.

That's a Black Rat Snake (http://www.snakesofkansas.com/blackrat.htm) and a great looking one at that. It won't hurt you and will help keep the rats down in the neighborhood. :thumbup:

05-31-2010, 05:15 PM
The best way to get rid of poison ivy is use liquid bleach. Get a hand towel and put some bleach on the towel and put it where the PI is. You will not smell very good but it works. If you have a kiddy pool, load it up with clorine and soak the affected areas. Works fast.