View Full Version : Manuals vs Semi-auto (RM vs RE)

04-23-2010, 09:59 PM
I'am newly interested in the Spyders and part the reason i am interested in the spyder is due to my crash last May has left me a bit less physically comfortable on the 2-wheelers. Also my shifting foot dose not move as well as it used to so tho i can use it shifting is not the easiest task, but if the RE models sacrifice performance or reliability I may be more inclined towards the RM. I am currently neutral(haha pun) towards both models.

Could some of the owners give me a heads up as to the advantages/disadvantage of both models?

thank you.

04-23-2010, 10:10 PM
SE5 is faster than SM5 on the 1/8 and 1/4 mile. :opps:

04-23-2010, 10:18 PM
You'll have just as much fun (or more!) with the SE5 as you ever could with the SM.

04-23-2010, 10:30 PM
se5 hands down...

04-23-2010, 11:21 PM
I also vote for the SE5. I am also somewhat biased as we currently have 2 of them in our family. :D

You may not be able to do a wheelie, or participate in a burn out contest, but everything else is good to go with the SE. :thumbup:

04-23-2010, 11:34 PM
I also vote for the SE5. I am also somewhat biased as we currently have 2 of them in our family. :D

You may not be able to do a wheelie, or participate in a burn out contest, but everything else is good to go with the SE. :thumbup:
Burnout with an se5??? your not serious>???????? I'll burn the tire off my se5 easily..

04-23-2010, 11:38 PM
Burnout with an se5??? your not serious>???????? I'll burn the tire off my se5 easily..

I have smoked my back tire many times as well, but the traction control always kicks in on me. :dontknow: Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but I would not want to enter it into a contest right now as I would be afraid of launching into the crowd at some point. Perhaps I just haven't been hard enough on it yet. :dontknow:

04-23-2010, 11:51 PM
I have smoked my back tire many times as well, but the traction control always kicks in on me. :dontknow: Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but I would not want to enter it into a contest right now as I would be afraid of launching into the crowd at some point. Perhaps I just haven't been hard enough on it yet. :dontknow:

wolf..... your going to cost me a tire this weekend....:yikes: I did a fantastic smoker for about 15 seconds one time and i know it's on camera, as I remember(i think) i shifted into second gear and remember the nanny kicking in too but i blasted off and left a super nice patch to boot... all on video..

anyways your going to cost me a tire now...:yikes: cause i have to go figure this out now
oh ya i did it with a cable handbrake just in case your wondering

04-24-2010, 08:56 AM
I had an '09 SM, but my RTS is an SE. After putting a couple thousand miles on the SE I have to agree with the others that it is the way to go IMO .

04-24-2010, 09:48 AM
wolf..... your going to cost me a tire this weekend....:yikes: I did a fantastic smoker for about 15 seconds one time and i know it's on camera, as I remember(i think) i shifted into second gear and remember the nanny kicking in too but i blasted off and left a super nice patch to boot... all on video..

anyways your going to cost me a tire now...:yikes: cause i have to go figure this out now
oh ya i did it with a cable handbrake just in case your wondering

The cable handbrake still operates all 3 wheels doesn't it? If so, then that shouldn't really matter.

I think I need to clarify something though. I have no trouble doing burn outs on take off, and launching when the nanny kicks in.

The burnout contests we have around here are usually done in one of two ways. Individual bikes go into a circle and do a standing burnout, in place, for as long as they can sometimes catching the rear wheel on fire. The circle I speak of is formed by the crowd that is watching. Yes, I live in one of the states where the most famous last words are "Hey y'all watch this!". :yikes: The other way is where they have 2 bikes lock front forks together and then attempt to push each other out of the ring, like a couple of sumo wrestlers. Also a somewhat dangerous undertaking.

So, long story short, don't destroy your rear tire on account of me. I will stick to the old fashioned burn outs, and continue to be quite happy with the performance of my SE5. :thumbup: