View Full Version : Learned something about personalization...

04-13-2010, 08:06 AM
Yesterday, I had to take Brian's spyder to the dealer for new brake pads before our trip to Cuba. It is about 20 miles or so each way. Now we both have Russell Day-long Seats, ESI 4" risers, MadStad Robobracket windhsields and many other personalized mods to make the spyder our very own. What I discovered is that I absolutely HATED riding his spyder. It was uncomfortable to me like you would not believe. He has his risers way forward and upright for his long arms, I have mine tilted down and back. His seat sits me too low and back where my seat has me upright and forward, as my legs are much shorter than his. I have highway boards, he does not. I have my clutch angled upright for my smaller hands and his is in the original position and now that seems like quite a reach. It was truly like riding a completely different bike. So for those of you checking out spyders, remember when you sit on someone's spyder that has any mods to it, those mods are for that individual. You may or may not like them or find them comfortable. Do not judge all spyders based on just one. Unless you leave it stock, your spyder will truly become a one of a kind based on your own personal choices, desires and needs. Lesson learned: I love MY spyder...:2thumbs:

04-13-2010, 11:00 AM
:2thumbs: Great observation!

Magic Man
04-13-2010, 11:32 AM


04-13-2010, 12:34 PM
Personalising your ryde is what it's all about. It's like the difference between off-the-rack and a tailored suit!

04-13-2010, 02:29 PM
Yes, all excellent points, BUT............

Just make sure you keep all those stock pieces so you can revert your machine back to stock when you want to sell it.

AND...you get to resell the goodies for even more money.

Just my humble opinion. Free advice isn't worth the money you paid for it.

04-13-2010, 02:43 PM
Yes, all excellent points, BUT............

Just make sure you keep all those stock pieces so you can revert your machine back to stock when you want to sell it.

AND...you get to resell the goodies for even more money.

Just my humble opinion. Free advice isn't worth the money you paid for it.

Too late, I already cut the handlebars, but they can be moved in position for comfort. I would have to rebuy a stock seat to put back on my bike and oh the work involved, don't even want to think about that. So my plan is just to keep it for as long as possible and ride the daylights out of it. When and if I sell this spyder, I will have to sell as is and take what I can get. Someone else can have fun re-modding for their taste. :D

04-13-2010, 02:46 PM
:agree: No 2 people and what they like are alike!

04-13-2010, 09:10 PM
You are right on the money Deb. I sat on my wife's Spyder the other day after installing her Up and Out Mirror Extensions, and wondered how she could actually ryde hers like it is currently set up. I am sure she would have the same feeling if she attempted to ryde mine now as well. nojoke

04-13-2010, 10:00 PM
Yesterday, I had to take Brian's spyder to the dealer for new brake pads before our trip to Cuba. It is about 20 miles or so each way. Now we both have Russell Day-long Seats, ESI 4" risers, MadStad Robobracket windhsields and many other personalized mods to make the spyder our very own. What I discovered is that I absolutely HATED riding his spyder. It was uncomfortable to me like you would not believe. He has his risers way forward and upright for his long arms, I have mine tilted down and back. His seat sits me too low and back where my seat has me upright and forward, as my legs are much shorter than his. I have highway boards, he does not. I have my clutch angled upright for my smaller hands and his is in the original position and now that seems like quite a reach. It was truly like riding a completely different bike. So for those of you checking out spyders, remember when you sit on someone's spyder that has any mods to it, those mods are for that individual. You may or may not like them or find them comfortable. Do not judge all spyders based on just one. Unless you leave it stock, your spyder will truly become a one of a kind based on your own personal choices, desires and needs. Lesson learned: I love MY spyder...:2thumbs:

You know Deb, so many of us have spent a bundle of ca$h on modifying to try to get things just so, but you're absolutely right about the (seemingly) inconsequential cost-less adjustments such as the clutch lever throw and angle.