View Full Version : Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction

03-26-2010, 12:47 AM
I'm headed down to West Palm Beach next week for a few days for the Barrett-Jackson Auction. Won't be buying anything this time, but the roadtrip makes a good opportunity to spend some quality time with my 13 yr. old son. I would love to have my wheels there with me but its not feasible to ride or trailer it down this time. I decided to check into the Auto Train, but no luck. They'll transport 2-wheelers but they can't take hacks or trikes.:dontknow: With more and more :spyder2: and other 3-wheelers on the road, maybe they'll make the necessary changes to transport trikes in the future, but only if they see there's a demand for it.

So, if you're interested in moving your :spyder2: between the Mid Atlantic and Florida (w/o riding the whole way), give Amtrak a call and let them know they're leaving out a growing segment of the market.

03-26-2010, 07:37 AM
I won't make this one but I do LOVE to watch it on TV. Some of the prices he sells his vehicles for are pretty darn good.. Maybe one day I will be able to attend one of his auctions.. He's the best out there for muscle cars, heck for that matter any car..
