View Full Version : A helpful search tool.

01-26-2010, 11:27 AM
Hello Everyone,
I believe this is my first time in this section of the forum. I was doing a search earlier for something on Spyderlovers.com and thought I would share a very useful search tool for any website you may visit.
If you get on a website and are looking for a particular subject or word, hold down the control key, then type the "F" key. A window will appear. You type in the word or words you are looking for, click "find next" and it will automatically search the website and highlight that particular word anywhere in the website you are on. Sure comes in handy when searching, page after page, for a particular subject.
Hope this helps someone. Keep on 3-wheeling. :)

01-27-2010, 12:16 PM
Thanks for the tip. :thumbup: