View Full Version : Disc'd by your riding buddies

12-08-2009, 02:05 PM
Has anyone else expienced this phenomina?

I've recently put a deposit on a new RT and with tons of excitement started telling all of my riding buddies about it (to they're surprise..because they all thought I was going to a GW or Ultra).
The majority seem to have turned on me, Proclaiming that the Spyder is NOT A MOTORCYCLE. Now I know I've read many saying that it is not a motorcycle but I ask you.... What exactly is a motorcycle?

Accourding to Websters: "Motorcycle - a 2-wheeled vehical having one or two saddles and sometimes a sidecar or a third supporting wheel."

...and even w/o a textbook definition isn't it more about the expierence?

GI Jane
12-08-2009, 02:15 PM
In Alabama you have to wear a helmet, have a motorcycle endorsement on your license and have motorcycle insurance. I'd say it's a motorcycle.

12-08-2009, 02:15 PM
Forget what other people think. Who cares? What do YOU think?

Has anyone else expienced this phenomina?

I've recently put a deposit on a new RT and with tons of excitement started telling all of my riding buddies about it (to they're surprise..because they all thought I was going to a GW or Ultra).
The majority seem to have turned on me, Proclaiming that the Spyder is NOT A MOTORCYCLE. Now I know I've read many saying that it is not a motorcycle but I ask you.... What exactly is a motorcycle?

Accourding to Websters: "Motorcycle - a 2-wheeled vehical having one or two saddles and sometimes a sidecar or a third supporting wheel."

...and even w/o a textbook definition isn't it more about the expierence?

12-08-2009, 02:44 PM
Their attitudes will change once they see what you can do on the :spyder2:. I ride a lot with a friend who has a CBR900RR. Even my GW trike drew more attention than his bike and it's a beauty. I'd ride that myself if my old legs could do it. A wise person once said to me that what others think about me is none of my business. Think about it! Now go buy it and have a ball!!

12-08-2009, 03:07 PM
The law says it is a motorcycle (in most states). Who cares what the bike snobs say? I've been riding for over 50 years. I've fallen off motorcycles at faster speeds than most folks have ever ridden them. Nancy's Spyder joined 22 motorcycles in the garage, and my RT-S will make 24. The two Spyders are every bit as much motorcycles as the rest of the collection, or anything I have ever ridden. I'll argue my point with anyone!

The same folks don't badmouth Harley Servi-cars, Tri-Rods, other trike conversions, or sidecars, do they? You didn't buy to make an impression, but to enjoy the ride. Forget those Bozos!

12-08-2009, 03:10 PM
just laugh at them they need to balance there bikes at every light. but dont forget you'll be laughed at when your bike is in the shop for 2 months waiting for parts.

12-08-2009, 03:13 PM
same laws here in NC.... To me it is a motorcycle but it dosn't really matter anyways.

It's about being out there...
(only a biker understands why a dog hangs his head out the window)

Just wondering if others had expierenced this same interaction

In Alabama you have to wear a helmet, have a motorcycle endorsement on your license and have motorcycle insurance. I'd say it's a motorcycle.

12-08-2009, 03:17 PM
Third wheel envy???:ohyea:

truck 85
12-08-2009, 03:21 PM
Third wheel envy???:ohyea:


12-08-2009, 03:24 PM
Third Wheel Envy....I'm going to have too use this one :2thumbs:

Third wheel envy???:ohyea:

12-08-2009, 03:28 PM
Response from 98% of two wheel riders has been positive mixed in with a little good natured silliness about it not being a motorcycle. . Mostly they are afraid you'll get all the girls...

12-08-2009, 03:40 PM
Got a lot of grief when I rode a Boss Hoss and I got a lot of grief when I rode a Honda. It really don't matter to me and most of the grief is just in fun. As soon as my buddies pay for my rides they can decided what's good for me or not, until then I ride what makes me happy, not them.

I guess the reason I love the Spyder so much is that it's not a motorcycle, it's more like a real fast 4 wheeler. I haven't given up two wheelers and I'm sure some day I'll get bored with with the Spyder but so far it's just a lot of fun.

12-08-2009, 03:46 PM
ya they always seem interested on whos on the back..

Response from 98% of two wheel riders has been positive mixed in with a little good natured silliness about it not being a motorcycle. . Mostly they are afraid you'll get all the girls...

12-08-2009, 03:48 PM
I call it a motorcycle - I too had to have a motorcyle endorsement to ryde. Helmets are optional in FL (but not for me). It has a motorcycle tag. Let see ... is there anything else - Yeah I don't care what other say I still feel like a rock star when I ryde my spyder.

(Goldwing club invited me to join ans ryde) Guess they think it is a motorcycle too.


12-08-2009, 04:03 PM
Two Harley riders pulled up to me the other week, one say's to me "real cute"...I laughed and then smoked them.

12-08-2009, 04:09 PM
Awww they are just JEALOUS! That's what it is... :2thumbs::yes:

12-08-2009, 04:13 PM
Well lets see! The :spyder2: is an open air vehicle, has a handle bar for direction control, throttle control with the right hand, a windscreen, a foot shifter, a saddle and you sit on top of the motor. Hmmmm. You may want to ask your friends how that is different from their rides? Hmmmmm! Oh yeah, the :spyder2: has two wheels in front.

12-08-2009, 04:34 PM

12-08-2009, 04:35 PM
Well if they pull that load of cr@p on ya then they aren't your friends to begin with and I'd tell them to go stick up.... woops, forgot, family forum here:dontknow::lecturef_smilie:.

Plus you'll meet some cool people you can ryde w/ on Spyders then! We've met a real good group here in the Northeast! And then met a whole bunch of cool folks at the BBQ.

truck 85
12-08-2009, 04:55 PM
Two Harley riders pulled up to me the other week, one say's to me "real cute"...I laughed and then smoked them.

I get the thats cute a lot but i think they really mean cool

12-08-2009, 05:03 PM
I get the thats cute a lot but i think they really mean cool

I get that all the time. I just correct them and say that it's not cute, it's a bad @$$ machine! :2thumbs:

I agree with what others have said. It's just third wheel envy.

12-08-2009, 05:04 PM
... You didn't buy to make an impression, but to enjoy the ride. Forget those Bozos!



12-08-2009, 05:26 PM
Many of the Harley people I ride with poked fun at the spyder. I keep an eye on them in my REAR view mirror.

I would ask why are you guy's holding back at every light?

When you hear:
You should've got a Harley---Once ok-- twice ok-- three times that's enough.

I started answering with:
I am getting a Harley --you see the spyder has a trunk. It's full of Harley parts I've picked up along the road.

The spyder has earned respect -- and more than its share of envy.

Just ride and smile


12-08-2009, 05:32 PM
Who cares what other people say/think, Ride your ride, And don't let them rain on your parade.:2thumbs:

12-08-2009, 06:07 PM
I mostly get good vibes from folks on two wheels. If I can see them through the crowd around my bike.
Mike :D

12-08-2009, 06:11 PM
I take most of it in good humour, but if they start to get annoying I tell them 2 wheelers are like belly buttons. Everybodies got one.

12-08-2009, 06:13 PM
Hello JohnG,
I hate to here what you are going through. True friends do not treat each other that way, they just don't. Why does there always have to be animosity between some bikers? Makes me scratch my head and wonder sometimes. For goodness sake, we are all out on the road to have fun right? What does it matter what I am riding on? I honestly believe a lot of it is jealousy.
Make no mistake my friend.... your fellow Harley riders are not going to be getting the attention you are going to get when you get your RT.
I don't have to tell you what to do JohnG, Get that RT home, climb on it and don't look back! And let me tell you JohnG, you will be the "Rock Star" when you get it! So get ready. I'm not kidding. You will be the center of attention on the road. Share your excitement with us here in the forum! We understand......And if you ever make it towards the midwest, make sure you get a hold of me and we'll tear up the road together. :)

12-08-2009, 06:26 PM
I think you mean dissed not disc'd...

Anyways most likely they are jealous. I've gotten nothing but positive resposes from people and from my rider buddies.

12-08-2009, 06:39 PM
It's a weird phenomenon indeed. I've got 2 friends that wanna start riding with me, one has a Cruiser, the other a Sports bike, and then me with the Spyder. The friend with the sports bike is freaking out that we are going to be the laughing stock of any event we go to, Especially in Milwaukee, WI!

But you know what, doesn't matter man, especially when you can ride down the street near Milwaukee, and a couple kids on the street turn and look saying, "WOOO COOL!"

12-08-2009, 06:48 PM
My wife and I have also been told that our Spyders are cute. Some lady at the bank even asked if they were okay for adults to ride as they looked like they were made for children. When I told her it should top out around 130 mph she sort of changed her tune. ;)

I am of the same opinion most are on here, don't worry about what the others say. When it comes time for a ride and you show up they will not send you packing by any means. Ryde on! :thumbup:

12-08-2009, 07:43 PM
As technology changes and the creativity of the engineers out there are willing to push the limit who knows what will be the next creation on the road. Look at all the different types of trikes that are out there, the choppers, modified Harley's, the sport bikes. I think if you like it, can afford it or buy something and customize it to your personality that's all that matters, in my opinion. Everyone has their likes and dislikes, life is to short to worry about making sure we do things or buy things that others like. It will never work, I know I don't make that much or have all that money.

12-08-2009, 07:49 PM
To me the Spyder is not a "Bike". When I'm on my bike I have to lean the machine and I'll fall over when I stop if I don't put my foot down.

My brother (an FJR owner) gives me a lot of grief about it and I know there are die hards that say it's an old man's ride.

I say "So What!". Do you think they will cry in their soup if I bag on their ride? No. They'll go right on enjoying what they ride and I sure plan to do the same.

I own a Spyder because I really like it. If no one else does it matters not to me. But I don't see their rides getting mobbed from gas stations to riding down the interstate with people taking pictures out the window.

12-08-2009, 08:12 PM
I've been riding Harley's since the early eighties, and can honestly tell you that most of us don't care at all what someone else rides.....The few that do, are usually new to HD ownership.......
:agree: Either that or posers ("When I grow up I want to be an outlaw biker.") I have had many more Harley riders take the time to look the Spyder over and ask questions than any other variety. Our dealer says more Harley riders do demo rides than any other owners...until the RT came out. That is attracting more Goldwing owners.

12-08-2009, 08:20 PM
:agree: Either that or posers ("When I grow up I want to be an outlaw biker.") I have had many more Harley riders take the time to look the Spyder over and ask questions than any other variety. Our dealer says more Harley riders do demo rides than any other owners...until the RT came out. That is attracting more Goldwing owners.


12-08-2009, 08:23 PM
EXACTLY and that is why we don't participate in HOG - bunch of newbie Harley riders that think their sh*t don't stink and only dress up in iron-creased chaps to go ride around a woo hooo on the weekends - AMATEURS. That's all I gotta say about the new Harley riders. I think it's great when people find their brand that they like but when certain people find a brand and diss others for what they ride, then that's totally wrong. I see it w/ the Harley newbies. I love ALL bikes - I really love the crotch rockets - moreso than Harleys. But that is my opinion for me only. And the people we ride with who own harley's - they aren't jerks like that but then again they don't belong to HOG and all those other gay clubs.

I've been riding Harley's since the early eighties, and can honestly tell you that most of us don't care at all what someone else rides.....The few that do, are usually new to HD ownership.......

Some Guy
12-08-2009, 09:04 PM
I don't care what anyone else thinks...I will ryde and enjoy and laugh at them (once I'm on my way when they can't hear me laugh at them over the sound of my Micron!!! :ohyea:) OK...I'm a little more non-confrontational in my old age...

12-08-2009, 09:15 PM

Real riders may poke fun in fun but appreciate both the fellowship and the machine. The only machines I really don't like are the ones that the rider doesn't take care of and looks like it won't make it to the next stop light.

There are a lot of great bikes that don't interest me at all. Woudn't mind taking a spin on them but probably wouldn't want one.

Rode my B.I.L.'s Victory and was quite Under-Whelmed. Loved the look but would not own the bike. He liked it and that's all that mattered.

12-08-2009, 10:15 PM
yeah, I did...guess I've lost my "street Cred", huh?

I think you mean dissed not disc'd...

12-08-2009, 10:18 PM
I do the same when I ride my Yamaha...drives my brother-n-law nuts !
(he fits the carton posted to a T ..I call him Mr. HD)

I usually wear Harley stuff when I ride the Spyder, leaves 'em speechless......:D

Desert Spyder
12-08-2009, 10:26 PM
We don't have to put our feet down at the light ...

My experiences with 2 wheelers have been very cordial. I even belong to a MC club since getting the Spyder. Don't know how many Spyder owners belong to clubs but its an interesting experience. I've learned a lot from them and they are very devoted to one another. Its a family type club (American Cruisers).

My handle? Spyderman of course.:2thumbs:

I've had only one bad experience with a 2 wheeler and that was on the way to the owners rally on the 2 Fwy. Guy pulls up on a B'mer and gives me the one finger salute. Probably a LA thing.

12-09-2009, 08:48 AM
I guess the reason I love the Spyder so much is that it's not a motorcycle, it's more like a real fast 4 wheeler. .

12-09-2009, 08:52 AM
I usually wear Harley stuff when I ride the Spyder, leaves 'em speechless......:D
good one!

12-09-2009, 09:21 AM
I started answering with:
I am getting a Harley --you see the spyder has a trunk. It's full of Harley parts I've picked up along the road.

I know the stretch of road your talking about... :roflblack:

Interesting about the MC club thing. Have ridden for quite a while, gone to many of the same functions on my HD as with Sypdee. Since ryding, have gotten asked to join two different clubs. Don't really know how to deal with this kind of pradicament. I like being a loner. Ah well, there is always a price for fame

Yup, Third Wheel Envy :2thumbs:

12-09-2009, 09:38 AM
Yep I have had the same problem and I have told people at my company that I do not want to hear anymore comments about it. You think if you are sick and unable to ride a motorcycle people would give you some slack. But that has not been the case, people very closed minded.

12-09-2009, 09:57 AM
Has anyone else expienced this phenomina?

I've recently put a deposit on a new RT and with tons of excitement started telling all of my riding buddies about it (to they're surprise..because they all thought I was going to a GW or Ultra).
The majority seem to have turned on me, Proclaiming that the Spyder is NOT A MOTORCYCLE. Now I know I've read many saying that it is not a motorcycle but I ask you.... What exactly is a motorcycle?

Accourding to Websters: "Motorcycle - a 2-wheeled vehical having one or two saddles and sometimes a sidecar or a third supporting wheel."

...and even w/o a textbook definition isn't it more about the expierence?

Fornicate "em!!!!!
If they are just givin you a hard time, thats fine, but if they are truly dissing you and want nothin to do with the spyder, they werent your friends to start with. Who cares what you ride....just have fun!

12-09-2009, 10:00 AM
I belong to a MC Club in NC and when I bought my Spyder I didn't tell any of them I just showed up to a meeting and the jokes began to fly.. They all called me an old man who had switched over (btw I still have a Roadstar Warrior so not fully 3 wheels all the time)..

After we went for our monthly group ride all the jokes stopped and envy set in.. Now 1 1/2 years later the ENVY has grown even more because everywhere we go ov the last 1 1/2 years the Spyder has always been the center of attraction.. Now we have 3 Spyder in my club but we all still have 2 wheelers in the garage..

I really need to sell the Warrior because t gets very little attention.. March - November I ride the Spyder 5-6 days a week and the Warrior 2-3 times per month..

Overall if I could ony have one bike the SPYDER rules and the bleep bleep what anybody else thinks of my MOTORCYCLE...

12-09-2009, 10:11 AM
All in All, I think it's mostly in jest. As far as I know, none of them have actually seen a Spyder in person. I showed them the brochure and pulled it up on the net. No doubt, the day I ride up on the RT they will all be singing a different tune :bowdown:

I also plan to keep my VStar....just hoping the wife doesn't get to thinking the RT is her's...leaving me on 2 wheels :shocked:

12-09-2009, 10:17 AM
We don't have to put our feet down at the light ...

My handle? Spyderman of course.:2thumbs:

. Guy pulls up on a B'mer and gives me the one finger salute. Probably a LA thing.

Na, More than likey he's a transplant from Jersey. The one finger salute is on the NEW JERSEY Driver's test. :roflblack::roflblack:

12-09-2009, 11:02 AM
All in All, I think it's mostly in jest. As far as I know, none of them have actually seen a Spyder in person. I showed them the brochure and pulled it up on the net. No doubt, the day I ride up on the RT they will all be singing a different tune :bowdown:

I also plan to keep my VStar....just hoping the wife doesn't get to thinking the RT is her's...leaving me on 2 wheels :shocked:

LOL Your wife will know it's hers :2thumbs:

12-09-2009, 11:05 AM
in my area. I have a black widow spyder that you could put beside their wings or ultra's and then ask them if they want to wager their titles. I ride both spyders and new GL1800's and pound for pound the twin exhaust spyder I believe is quicker on the draw. Just my opinion though. /ken

12-09-2009, 11:50 AM
Got about 8" of snow last night, temp about 27degrees. The :spyder2:is in the garage and the PU sits outside. I broomed the snow off and scraped the ice off, then went to coffee. As soon as I sat down my friends started asking me about not ryding the :spyder2:. After a little more banter, I told them that I took the tire chain off last night so I wouldn't be tempted to ride the :spyder2:to coffee. That was worth a couple of laughs!

12-09-2009, 12:17 PM
Sorry everyone it's a Roadster not a Motorcycle BRP said specificley they did not want to make a motorcycle hence no front break.
alot of States do not want to spend money on coming up with another type of registration and that is why there getting plated as motorcycles:ani29:
Though I would agree in a Crash or a accident results of injuries would be similar but as always just my 2 cents :thumbup:

Tom in NM
12-09-2009, 01:09 PM
. . . . but most people call it a "cool bike".

It is always sad when you meet people who live in a small world where there is not any room for something that is "different". Probably if they didn't question your ride, it would be what you wear, where you go, or what you do or don't drink.

Your life is what you make it. Your Spyder can open all sorts of worlds - tailor made for your likes and dislikes.

Sounds like you are out-growing your "friends". Don't worry, you will meet and make lots of new ones.


12-09-2009, 02:17 PM
Sorry everyone it's a Roadster not a Motorcycle BRP said specificley they did not want to make a motorcycle hence no front break.
alot of States do not want to spend money on coming up with another type of registration and that is why there getting plated as motorcycles:ani29:
Though I would agree in a Crash or a accident results of injuries would be similar but as always just my 2 cents :thumbup:

12-09-2009, 03:00 PM
I'm not so sure...Webster's definition of Roadster: "an automoble with a open body that has seating for two, a folding fabric top and a luggage compartment in rear."

That sounds more like a Miata to me ! ,,,unless BRP has a folding top on their accessories list ;)

really, I don't care....I just can't wait to call it MINE !!!

Sorry everyone it's a Roadster not a Motorcycle BRP said specificley they did not want to make a motorcycle hence no front break.
alot of States do not want to spend money on coming up with another type of registration and that is why there getting plated as motorcycles:ani29:
Though I would agree in a Crash or a accident results of injuries would be similar but as always just my 2 cents :thumbup:

12-09-2009, 03:01 PM
The people (age range of 19-25) who I have shown pictures of the Spyder to here at my university have only positive things to say about it. BRP did a great job styling the Spyder to look "cool" to the younger generation.

People always ask, "is it a motorcycle?" and I always respond with, "It's whatever you want it to be!" This lets people stop trying to classify it with some sort of constraining label and instead take it for what it is -- a unique and fun method of transportation!

12-09-2009, 03:11 PM
When i go out for a ride. and my Wife ask's= Are you taking the motorcycle
i tell her no, I'm taking the Trike. I know motorcyle sound's more macho.
But i don't have prove any thing, As they say= been there done that.:ohyea::ohyea:

12-09-2009, 04:02 PM
People always ask, "is it a motorcycle?" and I always respond with, "It's whatever you want it to be!"

Excellent response Elliott :agree:

12-09-2009, 04:40 PM
Everyone I see is Interested in my Spyder! But if they were not I could care less.
Because my dealer sells only one BRP Product, "The Spyder," they did not have BRP jackets I could get as part of my Free stuff and the ONLY jacket that fit me was Black with 4 INCH Y A M A H A lettering on the front and rear!!!
Now I raced Sea Doo,s several years and have had 13 Sea Doo,s so I don,t think anyone is more Pro BRP than me??
I could care less what the jacket says because it fits great, has Great protective inserts in shoulders, elbows and back and it was Free???
I,m waiting for someone to ask me "Does Yamaha make that??":hun:

12-09-2009, 05:35 PM
Sorry everyone it's a Roadster not a Motorcycle.
You can't fool me, a '32 Ford highboy is a roadster. :roflblack: Obviously all the BRP engineers are too young to have experienced a real roadster. Silly kids!

Tom in NM
12-09-2009, 05:52 PM
People always ask, "is it a motorcycle?" and I always respond with, "It's whatever you want it to be!" This lets people stop trying to classify it with some sort of constraining label and instead take it for what it is -- a unique and fun method of transportation!

Elliott, that is a great reply. Perfect! :thumbup:


Tom in NM
12-09-2009, 05:59 PM
Roaddog's roadster......

http://di1.shopping.com/images1/pi/e0/66/56/24759175-250x250-0-0_Radio_Flyer_Radio_Flyer_8_Little_Roadster.jpg?p= kZdReLeBn2&a=2&c=1&l=8002951&t=12%2F09%2F09%2005%3A42%3A28%20PM&r=1

Well, that explains a lot!


12-09-2009, 08:01 PM
I've been riding Harley's since the early eighties, and can honestly tell you that most of us don't care at all what someone else rides.....The few that do, are usually new to HD ownership.......:agree:If I cared I wouldn't ride with the :cus:s club sometimes to me it's not what you ride:ani29:as long as you ride :ani29:and were all riding something on here but the :spyder:is still not a bike in my book and yes I have read a Roadster definition before and a pretty sure they neven covered this matter on there early videos but can't remember :cus: anymore. Love the pic that you found of yourself of your first Roadster I still have one in attic:thumbup:

12-09-2009, 08:02 PM
Well, that explains a lot!


12-09-2009, 09:39 PM
I ran into some of that when I went to the local HD place to look for a helmet since my BRP one fell apart two months after I got it. *dealer trying to find who to :cus: to about that* Anyway, when we pulled up in front, the counter help, the salespeople, and the manager all came out and started asking questions. There were a few people standing on the side walk in the HD chaps and the HD vest and the HD boots and the HD sunglasses and HD....and the HD....wouldn't even look at it. Looked everywhere but at the bike and when one made the mistake of making eye contact I just smiled and nodded through the crowd of people. She dead panned and turned her back. My Lady and I just laughed about it. I told her you can tell the difference between the HD snobs and just motorcycle people.

Don't worry what everyone else says, bye it and ryde it like ya stole it.:2thumbs:

12-09-2009, 10:18 PM
[QUOTE=John G;164604]Has anyone else experienced this phenomienon?

The majority seem to have turned on me, Proclaiming that the Spyder is NOT A MOTORCYCLE. Now I know I've read many saying that it is not a motorcycle but I ask you.... What exactly is a motorcycle?

Fella, if that's their attitude...DITCH THEM. They're not real motorcyclists, just deceitful, manipulative conformists. Real motorcyclists don't care WHAT you ride...just that you ride.:f_spider:

Boot them out of your life, and go find some REAL motorcyclists.:2thumbs:

12-10-2009, 12:11 AM
I make an effort to give a low wave to every bike I meet and the only riders that I can say will not even acknowledge you are a motorcyclist are the BMWs. Maybe it is a safety thing but HD, GW and sport bikes manage to come up with some type of friendly gesture and still keep it upright. I have people from all walks of life come up and talk to me when I am on the bike. I let 6 - 60 year olds sit on it which I would not even considered on my Victory.

One of my co-workers tried to make fun of me during a high level meeting when a consultant was comparing HD and Vespa brands by calling the Spyder a scooter. When the consultant heard the conversation in the back of the room, he asked if I had the HD and without further explanation I just said "no, that I preferred not to be a sheep" which shut up the co-worker.

You will meet plenty of new friends and honestly don't worry about finding people to ride with because there will be far more days when you are ready to go and they will stay behind because it is too hot, too cold, too wet, too much traffic, too rough of road, too many leaves on the road, etc. etc. etc.

12-10-2009, 07:39 AM
I make an effort to give a low wave to every bike I meet and the only riders that I can say will not even acknowledge you are a motorcyclist are the BMWs.
I am pretty shocked at this. Around here, the BMW riders are very friendly. I would be totally flabbergasted at a "one finger salute". I almost always get a wave from a Beemer rider, even if I am not riding one of my BMWs. Around here, the sport bike riders and the Harley posers (not the real Harley riders) seem to be least likely to wave. I will excuse the sport bike guys. Sometimes it is hard to do more than lift a finger when you are leaning forward on your hands and often going like a bat out of Hades. ;) I will say this in defense of many BMW riders. They put on a lot of miles, are generally older, and are very safety conscious. Sometimes it is just not prudent to wave...and you can't see them smile inside a full face helmet. :D Odd how things are different from place to place.

12-10-2009, 08:31 AM
I make an effort to give a low wave to every bike I meet and the only riders that I can say will not even acknowledge you are a motorcyclist are the BMWs.
there are bmw riders that are just as arrogant as some harley riders....i have noticed both....i say forget em...aint worth my time anyway....if i enjoy it, thats all that matters, and i wouldnt hang out with anyone who acts that way, bmw, harley, or jap riders

12-10-2009, 10:11 AM
:agree: There are posers in all categories of bikes. But then again, it could be their mind set at the moment. Sometimes I'm pissed off at something and don't wave back. It all just depends...

12-10-2009, 10:21 AM
It's not what you ride,It's all about the ride and that you do ride

12-10-2009, 10:31 AM
This has been a very interesting discussion. Since I don't have a Spyder yet, I don't really know what to expect as far as acceptance from other riders. But I just can't really imagine being snubbed by any other group of riders here in west Texas. When I'm on my Beemer I wave to any two wheelers and they wave back, no exceptions.

I can imagine getting a little good natured ribbing about going to 3 wheels 'cause I'm too old for 2 wheels and their may be some truth to that. At 71 I can't deny getting old much longer but nothing says that old folks can't have fun, too. And if it gets too serious, then I'll just invite them to come ride 2 wheels in the dirt with me. Most of my riding buddies quit riding dirt 20 years ago. I don't really care how many wheels you ride as long as you're having fun.


12-10-2009, 12:02 PM
My favorite are the jap cruiser riders that need to wear or fly the largest American flag they can find...hahaha
WOULDNT IT BE HILARIOUS IF THEY FLEW THE RISING SUN FLAG??? GOOD WAY TO GET SHOThttp://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:5b5IdszcvZXdgM:http://www.proudflag.com/images/flag_sun.jpg (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.proudflag.com/images/flag_sun.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.proudflag.com/yank/nationflg.htm&usg=__2cnsYd2ImALkNSGcN4PbngI5qdA=&h=489&w=846&sz=54&hl=en&start=1&tbnid=5b5IdszcvZXdgM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=145&prev=/images%3Fq%3Drising%2Bsun%2Bflag%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3D en)

12-10-2009, 12:45 PM
My favorite are the jap cruiser riders that need to wear or fly the largest American flag they can find...hahaha

I don't know any Japaneese cruisers personally, but I'm sure they are nice guys. I however do ride a Yamaha and very much an American.

(my father was at Pearl Harbor, Korea & Veitnam...USN 1941-1974. In his last years, he would drive nothing but a Toyota)

12-10-2009, 01:45 PM
When I rode my Yamaha TMAX, I got a lot of strange reactions (similar to the Spyder) because the bike looks like a standard from the front, a scooter from the side, and a sportbike from the back. I noticed a few things on how different bikers wave:

Sportbike wave -- lift up a few fingers from the clutch and scream around a curve going 30 mph over the speed limit. They're too afraid of losing control as they hang on for dear life, so they can only afford a few fingers for the wave

Hog wave -- extend your arm down and away. Everything must be "low riding" with them, so why not their wave, too? Besides -- give them a break, their arms are too tired raise after gripping their ape hangers for hours on end

BMW / FJR / Concours wave -- a simple nod. These riders are serious bikers who aren't going to get distracted from their travels. Definitely the best group to go on a ride with because they'll always stay serious, safe, and fast (but not dangerously fast!)

Vespa wave -- nonexistent. They're too busy looking in their mirrors trying to avoid getting run over
(note -- not applicable to 250/300cc Vespas. These riders, however, are never on the road since they're always waiting for Piaggio to ship them parts from Italy, so they don't even have a wave).

Mo Lee
12-10-2009, 01:46 PM
My favorite are the jap cruiser riders that need to wear or fly the largest American flag they can find...hahaha
My Spyders stablemates are Honda Valkyries but then again they were made in America with more american made parts than most so called american made bikes so I guess your not talking about me.

12-10-2009, 04:10 PM
..At least that's my official view. Reason being, I work at an exclusive Golf club and motorcycles are not allowed as per the covenants written. :gaah: This was pointed out to me by the secretary, who happens to ride a Harley, but is not allowed to bring it to work. I purchased my Spyder as I thought it would be fun to ryde to work, as it's a scenic drive to the job.

So I drove it in, and since I have the stock exhaust, it's real quiet. I showed it to the GM, showed him it had 2 wheels in front like a car, brakes like a car, Power steering like a car, Has a reverse like a car, and in SC I don't need a Motorcycle permit. So far it hasnt been an issue:clap:
Interestingly enough, when I went to file a report to NHTSA (I think those are the right letters) about my :spyder2: going into limp mode on the freeway at 75mph, I went to motorcycles on the on line form but it wasn't there. I found it listed under Automobiles.

So, I 'm careful not to call it a motorcyle at work- I just call it my Spyder.
The GM calls it a buggy, which I get a chuckle out of. After all it seems to work on two levels- A :f_spider: is a bug to me, and after the steering and DPS issue, I think it might be a little "buggy".:joke:

Call it what you want, I just love to ryde it.:doorag:

12-10-2009, 04:15 PM
I don't know any Japaneese cruisers personally, but I'm sure they are nice guys. I however do ride a Yamaha and very much an American.

(my father was at Pearl Harbor, Korea & Veitnam...USN 1941-1974. In his last years, he would drive nothing but a Toyota)
i dont think he is saying they are not nice...he is just pointin out the irony...i have never had a harley or bmw...all jap so far with the exception of the spyder....but i do see the irony

12-10-2009, 04:16 PM
When I rode my Yamaha TMAX, I got a lot of strange reactions (similar to the Spyder) because the bike looks like a standard from the front, a scooter from the side, and a sportbike from the back. I noticed a few things on how different bikers wave:

Sportbike wave -- lift up a few fingers from the clutch and scream around a curve going 30 mph over the speed limit. They're too afraid of losing control as they hang on for dear life, so they can only afford a few fingers for the wave

Hog wave -- extend your arm down and away. Everything must be "low riding" with them, so why not their wave, too? Besides -- give them a break, their arms are too tired raise after gripping their ape hangers for hours on end

BMW / FJR / Concours wave -- a simple nod. These riders are serious bikers who aren't going to get distracted from their travels. Definitely the best group to go on a ride with because they'll always stay serious, safe, and fast (but not dangerously fast!)

Vespa wave -- nonexistent. They're too busy looking in their mirrors trying to avoid getting run over
(note -- not applicable to 250/300cc Vespas. These riders, however, are never on the road since they're always waiting for Piaggio to ship them parts from Italy, so they don't even have a wave).:roflblack:

12-10-2009, 06:19 PM
When I rode my Yamaha TMAX, I got a lot of strange reactions (similar to the Spyder) because the bike looks like a standard from the front, a scooter from the side, and a sportbike from the back. I noticed a few things on how different bikers wave:

Sportbike wave -- lift up a few fingers from the clutch and scream around a curve going 30 mph over the speed limit. They're too afraid of losing control as they hang on for dear life, so they can only afford a few fingers for the wave

Hog wave -- extend your arm down and away. Everything must be "low riding" with them, so why not their wave, too? Besides -- give them a break, their arms are too tired raise after gripping their ape hangers for hours on end

BMW / FJR / Concours wave -- a simple nod. These riders are serious bikers who aren't going to get distracted from their travels. Definitely the best group to go on a ride with because they'll always stay serious, safe, and fast (but not dangerously fast!)

Vespa wave -- nonexistent. They're too busy looking in their mirrors trying to avoid getting run over
(note -- not applicable to 250/300cc Vespas. These riders, however, are never on the road since they're always waiting for Piaggio to ship them parts from Italy, so they don't even have a wave).
:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack: So true! Very good analysis. :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack: I use every one of these at some time or another. Guess I have some kind of identity crisis. Probably brought on from trying to decide which of the 24 motorcycles to take for the day......and then trying to remember which one I am riding...and which side the brake is on. :D One notable exception, I went to the low wave as standard after I started riding bikes with fairings. Your hand can't be seen with less than full arm extension if you don't stick it downward. If you raise it above the fairing the wind tries to rip it off and you look like a dork waving goodbye as his girlfriend leaves on the train. :joke:

12-10-2009, 07:30 PM
On a Thursday just before Thunder Weekend, My housemate wanted to go for a ride. We stopped at the local biker bar and the parking lot was full of HD, Yamaha's, Victory, BMW's, crotch rockets and a few Honda and HD Trikes.

This one guy asked why I bought this thing? I told him I'm a disabled veteran with bad knees, ankles and a problem in my left ear, that sometimes throws me off balance, when walking and on two wheels.

Giving up motorcycles in 1977, after meeting the ex, riding never got out of my blood. I told him, I didn't give a Rats :cus: about what other's thought of my :spyder2: I bought it because at my age now, its less painful than a two wheeler and I don't have to worry about my balance.

I asked what he was riding? as if I didn't know and he said a black HD. Looking out in the parking lot, I said 90% of them are black, it must be one of those. I gotta say though not all were put off by the :spyder2: and many had questions about it. A few said they were going to check them out further. So not all were as snobby as the first guy and many understood why I chose the :spyder: after learning about my disabilities and what the cost of it was, compaired to the conventual trikes on the market.

I ride for me and no one else. My buddy has a chopper from OCC and wants to take my :spyder2: for a ride. He stopped by today and we went for a ride and he wanted a drink, so we stopped at this biker bar. Not one asked why I bought it and like most places I stop at, I get a lot of questions about it, from those that ride and those that are interested in getting one themselves.

12-10-2009, 07:57 PM
Nope, NOTHING sporty about it - they are just down right scary to me. Normally screaming kids in there and moms talking on cell phones while driving the screaming kids to dance, soccer or what have you. I'm glad I was never like that! Nice to have our kids ride in convertibles and cars w/ race engines in them and trucks w/ big stupid tires on them.:thumbup:

Thanks aubie....yes, that's all the intent was, nothing malicious or demeaning.....

BTW, I think the japanese cars and minivans plastered with "Harley-made in the USA" stickers are comical, too....

and speakin of minivans, any minivan model called a 'sport', is really funny:roflblack:......There is NOTHING sporty about a minivan....:roflblack: :roflblack:

12-10-2009, 07:58 PM
I am in the same boat as you PCBeachBum. When I was a young Marine in the mid to late 80's I was a crotch rocket pilot. I sold the bike when I got married, for the sake of safety and finances at the time. It never left my blood though. Now, 7 knee surgeries later and I cannot trust them to hold up a motorcycle at a stop. The Spyder was actually the answer I needed as I wanted something sporty, but could not see getting another sport bike.

I don't care what anyone else thinks of my Spyder either. I post pictures of it on here to share with you all, but that is about it. I also have no problem talking to those who have questions about it. The funny thing is the most people I have had ask me questions and want to know more about it so far have been Harley riders.

I also wave at every other bike I meet, if it is safe to do so at the time. :)

12-10-2009, 08:03 PM
I never had a wave problem. Sometimes I just get tired of waving all the time. Everyone waves around here. But never had a problem w/ anyone being snobby - guess my group is a good group. I won't ride w/ people that are Harley snobs. There's this one couple we stopped riding with - Harley this, Harley that - oh please - they can't even ride them - when we ride w/ them we all try to get in front of them cuz they suck at riding. The guy rides at a snail's pace and his wive is all over the road - pretty much in the middle alot and you definitely don't want her riding behind you - can't see her in the mirrors. I just love the ones that put bikes on their credit cards and waste all their money on all doo rags, boots, shoes, etc to ride on the weekends where everyone wants to get away from them.

I am pretty shocked at this. Around here, the BMW riders are very friendly. I would be totally flabbergasted at a "one finger salute". I almost always get a wave from a Beemer rider, even if I am not riding one of my BMWs. Around here, the sport bike riders and the Harley posers (not the real Harley riders) seem to be least likely to wave. I will excuse the sport bike guys. Sometimes it is hard to do more than lift a finger when you are leaning forward on your hands and often going like a bat out of Hades. ;) I will say this in defense of many BMW riders. They put on a lot of miles, are generally older, and are very safety conscious. Sometimes it is just not prudent to wave...and you can't see them smile inside a full face helmet. :D Odd how things are different from place to place.

12-11-2009, 12:26 AM
BMW / FJR / Concours wave -- a simple nod. These riders are serious bikers who aren't going to get distracted from their travels. Definitely the best group to go on a ride with because they'll always stay serious, safe, and fast (but not dangerously fast!)

Maybe that is my problem, I am looking for the wave and they are giving a nod! I maintain a serious grin while riding the Spyder in the North Georgia mountains regardless of who waves.

12-11-2009, 07:15 AM
I am in the same boat as you PCBeachBum. When I was a young Marine in the mid to late 80's I was a crotch rocket pilot. I sold the bike when I got married, for the sake of safety and finances at the time. It never left my blood though. Now, 7 knee surgeries later and I cannot trust them to hold up a motorcycle at a stop. The Spyder was actually the answer I needed as I wanted something sporty, but could not see getting another sport bike.

I don't care what anyone else thinks of my Spyder either. I post pictures of it on here to share with you all, but that is about it. I also have no problem talking to those who have questions about it. The funny thing is the most people I have had ask me questions and want to know more about it so far have been Harley riders.

I also wave at every other bike I meet, if it is safe to do so at the time. :)

Hey SpyderWolf, When I was a kid and very limber, I did some crazy things that I'm paying for today. I remember an uncle telling me not to get old kid. I didn't know what he meant than but, I do now with all the aches and pains. I broke my right leg in 2004 in both bones, below the knee. The worst being the fibula just above the ankle joint. This took 6 months to heal in a cast and another 3 months in a boot. I still walk with a limp and when the weather changes, I know something is coming long before it gets here. The most painful bone I broke was the kneecap. I fractured it and opted to have it heal natually, instead of the surgery. I didn't want some intern going in and cutting tissues at the VA.

In 2005 I found out I had type 2 diabetes and after loosing 68 pounds, I'm no longer a diabetic. Than this year had three stints and a pacemaker put in and now!!! I really know what my uncle meant. I feel great now, even with the aches and pains and have learned to live with it and without the Spyder, I would be sitting around doing nothing or working around the house, which I hate.

The Spyder is therapy for me and getting out as much as I can, it takes my mind off of what I may be feeling at that time and the normal things going on. The boat did the samething for me, when I was able to get out and talking to my friend Tami, I told her I get more out of the Spyder and am going to sell the boat. She loves the Spyder and would rather be on that, than out on the boat on her days off. I told her I was going to get dog food and leaving the store, I knew the Spyder dealer was around the corner. I just went to look and the next thing I knew I was signing the papers. She found out about it, when she saw it sitting in the yard a week later.

I also have a drawer full of pain killers but never take them and may break one in half, if I can't sleep at night. I'm awake at all hours it seems.

I too wave at everyone and if they don't wave back, that's okay I'm not going to loose any sleep over it, I can do that myself;)

I get a lot of questions from other bikers, mostly from Harley, BMW owners and women, that want to know about it. The last women I talked to was at Walmart and she wanted to know where the dealer was. She said her children and grandchildren, live a thousand miles away and she is sick of riding her big scooter and wants "More Power". I told her about the new RT-S and she thought Wow! Would my kids flip out if I showed up on one of those. She thanked me and said tomorrow, I'll go check them out.

I had the trunk open and another guy asked if I was having engine trouble? :roflblack: So wherever I go, I expect a lot of questions and on several occassions while at a stoplight, I'll hear hey! Looking over, I'll see someone with a camera and I'll smile and wave, while they take a picture of the Spyder.:D

12-11-2009, 07:25 AM
In Missouri you have to wear a HELMET, have a MOTORCYCLE ENDORCEMENT on your license and you have to have MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE. It's a MOTORCYCLE!!!!

So what would you call a trike then? Just because we have more then 2-wheels...

People's attitude stink, just laugh it off. Who cares what they think, I am going to enjoy every minute of my spyder ryding, I don't care what other people think, :2thumbs:

12-11-2009, 08:00 AM
Shakes hairy old head, Chevette owner's have graduated to the Mini Vans. Get by one going 25 in a 45 mph speed zone and there's another one, with a HD sticker in the back window along with the yellow caution sign, that says Child On Board. Looking at the inside, there's no child and still they go 20 mph below the speed limit. :gaah:

How I would love to have fog lamps, that flip down and 50 cal. twin machine guns come out, just for Mini Vans. :clap:

12-11-2009, 08:19 AM
Thanks aubie....yes, that's all the intent was, nothing malicious or demeaning.....

BTW, I think the japanese cars and minivans plastered with "Harley-made in the USA" stickers are comical, too....

and speakin of minivans, any minivan model called a 'sport', is really funny:roflblack:......There is NOTHING sporty about a minivan....:roflblack: :roflblack:

no offence taken ...it's all good :2thumbs:

12-11-2009, 08:39 AM
Since I live on the NC/SC border (live in NC work in SC) I asked my SC law enforcement bud enlightined me a bit. As far as the "man" is concerned:

"In ALL but 3 states (Cali, CO & SC) it's a motorcycle...thus you are required to have a motorcycle endorcement etc. In the mentioned 3 states it's a three wheeled vehicle so no endorcements neccessary.
Coincidently, these three states do not require a motorcycle helmet."

I asked about trikes..nope, that's still a motorcycle (in SC anyway). He thought it was because the Spyder is offered as a automatic transmission.

12-11-2009, 04:56 PM
After 32 years of not riding, I had to go take a safety course to get my endorcement for my FL license. I dropped the bike once doing a U-turn in a box and knew I was going down, so rolled off of it. I hurt my ankle and a couple of toes but, got back on.

The day of the riding skills test I aced it and the instructor who was pulling his hair out for a day and a half, told me I should have brought out the stop watch and clipboard yesterday. I told him I was messing with him and we both laughed. His hair is now growing back and said I'd love to take you to the track with your Spyder.

During the two biker weekends, one at the beginning of the season and the other at the end of the season. Bikers come from many states, some as far AZ, CA, KY, TX, NY. MI and points inbetween. I can honestly say that 99% are great and only occassionally I may find a snob, that thinks his :cus: doesn't stink.

It doesn't matter if its biker weekends and most times its just everyday people, that may live around here. Everyone of Tami's biker friends wants me to go riding with them and they think the Spyder is a cool looking machine. When asked why I bought it, manytimes I'll just say its the closets I'll ever get to owning an old Porsche. My brother mentioned he was thinking of selling his 64 Porsche 356C Outlaw and found out he did last week. He knew I wanted it but got a better deal. I thought well I got the Spyder and thats a lot of fun to ride, so it doesn't bother me and I'm glad he got his price.

12-11-2009, 06:51 PM
PCBeachBum, an intern at the VA very kindly removed all of the tissues in my left knee for me. A civilian doctor took care of the right one. :shocked: I am glad to hear that the Spyder gives you so much enjoyment and helps you get through the aches and pains as well.

Keep on ryding and stay safe out there. :thumbup:

12-11-2009, 07:04 PM
Since I live on the NC/SC border (live in NC work in SC) I asked my SC law enforcement bud enlightined me a bit. As far as the "man" is concerned:

"In ALL but 3 states (Cali, CO & SC) it's a motorcycle...thus you are required to have a motorcycle endorcement etc. In the mentioned 3 states it's a three wheeled vehicle so no endorcements neccessary.
Coincidently, these three states do not require a motorcycle helmet."

I asked about trikes..nope, that's still a motorcycle (in SC anyway). He thought it was because the Spyder is offered as a automatic transmission.

I don't know where you got the no helmet thing for Cal. trike riders. We are required to wear one like all mc riders.

Desert Spyder
12-11-2009, 09:54 PM
I thought Calif. & Delaware were the only states that did not require MC permits? Now CO & SC?

12-11-2009, 10:57 PM
I don't know where you got the no helmet thing for Cal. trike riders. We are required to wear one like all mc riders.

:agree: If you don't believe it....just try riding a few blocks without one! Good Luck! :yikes:

12-12-2009, 05:44 AM
PCBeachBum, an intern at the VA very kindly removed all of the tissues in my left knee for me. A civilian doctor took care of the right one. :shocked: I am glad to hear that the Spyder gives you so much enjoyment and helps you get through the aches and pains as well.

Keep on ryding and stay safe out there. :thumbup:

SpyderWolf, I had the feeling that after 7 knee surgeries, the Spyder was giving you the same kind of freedom it gives me and that's great. :thumbup:

No matter how far I go, when I get back, I feel great. Its a natural high for me and often lasts for a day or so. I'm gonna need it now as it's supposed to rain for the next 4 days.

This nurse at the VA said to me, your lucky you just fractured your kneecap. I'm in pain everyday with my knees and ankles. Looking at her, I told her that knee and ankle joints, aren't built for the weight your putting on them and getting rid of that butt of yours, would help you a lot. She says what are you my doctor now?:roflblack:

My ex, a RN worked for the VA, she was in the room when I told this nurse that and she says to her, Did you hear what he just told me? My ex says, he tells it like he sees it and that's one of the things, I love about him. This nurse stormed out of the room saying, "Well I never" and of course I said, "I bet you have".:D

SpyderWolf, you stay safe out there as well and who knows, perhaps one day we will be in the same area. One of my childhood friends, that I went through school with lives in SC, Greenfield or something like that. He was a Marine Corp Pilot, flying the F-4 Phantom, A-7 Crusader and ending his career with the F-18, after getting out of the Pentagon. We've been talking about getting together either here or there for about a year and who knows it could happen. He knows it like pulling teeth to get me off the beach and knows why, with all the hotties here as a friend down under calls them.;)

12-12-2009, 10:09 AM
The SC Governor changed the law last year so now a Motorcycle Endorsement is not required for 3 wheeled vehicles. Before that we needed an automobile license, motorcycle endorsement, and a 3 wheeled vehicle permit. Helmets are not required for anyone over 21 here. I wear one at all times, but most of the other people I ride with only take one with them if we are going to cross the state line.

PCBeachBum, there is a good chance your friend lives in either Greenville, or Greenwood, and I can make it to both of those within 3.5 hours or so. If you happen to come to SC sometime let me know. Although I think he would be much wiser to head to your place. :thumbup:

12-12-2009, 11:38 AM
Hahahah.....damn snobs. I have a few buddies who ride HD and they give me ***** all the time. It pissed me off in the beginning a little, but then i thought about the reality of the situation.....and I think they have begun to realize it as well.

I ride my :f_spider: in the rain, at night, in the city, during rush hour, on ice yesterday in some spots, and will continue to do so through the winter. Guess where their bikes are? Yup, in the garage under a cover on trickle charge waiting for the spring. ;)

They have both admitted the envy now and have seen the folly of their ways.

Now I know some HD riders are hard core and ride all year round, but joe average rider does not.

You are making the right choice....IMHO

12-12-2009, 03:08 PM
Hahahah.....damn snobs. I have a few buddies who ride HD and they give me ***** all the time. It pissed me off in the beginning a little, but then i thought about the reality of the situation.....and I think they have begun to realize it as well.

I ride my :f_spider: in the rain, at night, in the city, during rush hour, on ice yesterday in some spots, and will continue to do so through the winter. Guess where their bikes are? Yup, in the garage under a cover on trickle charge waiting for the spring. ;)

They have both admitted the envy now and have seen the folly of their ways.

Now I know some HD riders are hard core and ride all year round, but joe average rider does not.

You are making the right choice....IMHO

In the beginning I took it to heart, what other bikers thought of my Spyder and now I know its just jealousy. They can have a tricked out whatever and you show up on your :spyder:and get all the attention from those with open an mind, that ride and those that haven't ever rode or did and want to get back into it.

Its like when another driver flips me the bird. I don't get mad or even, I just smile and two things come to mind. 1) the song by Jimmy Buffet, Were you born an :cus: Or have you been working at it all your life? 2) Sure your young enough to give it but, just wait till you get older and your doctor starts giving it to you. Than you'll really learn, what giving the finger is all about :shocked::roflblack:

My buddy with the chopper from OCC asked me if I was going to winterize it? I told him, I don't winterize anything here. I use everything year round. Winter lasts about 2 1/2 months here and I want to take advantage of ryding in the cooler weather, before the heat of global cooling moves in.;)

12-12-2009, 03:27 PM
The SC Governor changed the law last year so now a Motorcycle Endorsement is not required for 3 wheeled vehicles. Before that we needed an automobile license, motorcycle endorsement, and a 3 wheeled vehicle permit. Helmets are not required for anyone over 21 here. I wear one at all times, but most of the other people I ride with only take one with them if we are going to cross the state line.

PCBeachBum, there is a good chance your friend lives in either Greenville, or Greenwood, and I can make it to both of those within 3.5 hours or so. If you happen to come to SC sometime let me know. Although I think he would be much wiser to head to your place. :thumbup:

SpyderWolf, Greenville looks familiar and I believe that's where he now lives. He was here once before and because of a hurricane, that hit close by, he had to go to Pensacola to get some action, with mostly every buisness closed and boarded up.

He's in the process of getting re-married after his first wife passed away, several years ago and said they may head this way. If I get to SC, I'll let you know for sure.:thumbup:

The last time I went through SC was back in 2002, heading to Marion, NC w/my late friend Mark, to be with Tami for Christmas and New Years, who lived there before moving here, to be with him.

Desert Spyder
12-12-2009, 09:44 PM
The SC Governor changed the law last year so now a Motorcycle Endorsement is not required for 3 wheeled vehicles. Before that we needed an automobile license, motorcycle endorsement, and a 3 wheeled vehicle permit. Helmets are not required for anyone over 21 here. I wear one at all times, but most of the other people I ride with only take one with them if we are going to cross the state line.

PCBeachBum, there is a good chance your friend lives in either Greenville, or Greenwood, and I can make it to both of those within 3.5 hours or so. If you happen to come to SC sometime let me know. Although I think he would be much wiser to head to your place. :thumbup:

The governor has had a very busy year.

12-12-2009, 10:58 PM
I was chatting with three Harley guys once at Marcus Dairy...
They were checking out the Spyder and one guy says;
"f-that, I wont go on three wheels unless I'm so old that I'll be (pooping) my own pants."

They all got a good laugh out of it.
So then I just told them how I feel the same about 4 wheels...(I don't own a car)
Things took a different turn after I asked him what kind of gear he uses in February...

Fast forward a year later.. we are actually good friends and he's reaching out to me for information on the RT.

Truth is, I used to say/think the same thing when a buddy bought a Ural.
Ha! Now look at me..

12-13-2009, 12:02 AM
Some groups will not recognize the Spyder as a motorcycle, but that is OK with me. Those are the same people that do not want to recognize "rice grinders" as motorcycles either. However;:2thumbs: I've found that given the opportunity to challenge and observe the Spyder and it's performance, the Spyer will gain their respect. :spyder2: (or not) :yes: welcome ENJOY!

12-13-2009, 11:33 AM
I have owned Harley's still have one and a HOG member.
I was riding the spyder a while back alone and stopped at a bike hangout around here and took some grief from a few Harley owners one more than others and just laughed and moved on after a while of BS. The wife and I returned a few weeks later with her riding the Spyder myself on the another Bike and while I was visiting some friends out of site the same rider's where gathered around the wife and the Spyder saying how much they liked her bike and how they just thought it was the best thing to come out in a while. I then walked up and finally put them in there place and could not help to ask how and why he changed in such little time. Goes to show it is just an ego thing and some just have to do it to justify there purchase, Wonder if it was because the wife was riding the spyder that he changed so quick :clap:, I like my Harley's but also like anything with a motorcycle plates and could care less if you are riding a scooter, if thats all you can afford or want to ride I would be glad to ride with you. Some people just do not get it and never will, just have fun that is all that matters. :2thumbs:

12-13-2009, 03:44 PM
[QUOTE=Blane270sx;165553]I The wife and I returned a few weeks later with her riding the Spyder myself on the another Bike and while I was visiting some friends out of site the same rider's where gathered around the wife and the Spyder saying how much they liked her bike and how they just thought it was the best thing to come out in a while.

Men will be Men = Guy on a Spyder = not a biker,, Girl on a Spyder =
''WOW NICE BIKE'' Hormone's i guess ??

12-13-2009, 05:23 PM
The law says it is a motorcycle (in most states). Who cares what the bike snobs say? I've been riding for over 50 years. I've fallen off motorcycles at faster speeds than most folks have ever ridden them. Nancy's Spyder joined 22 motorcycles in the garage, and my RT-S will make 24. The two Spyders are every bit as much motorcycles as the rest of the collection, or anything I have ever ridden. I'll argue my point with anyone!

The same folks don't badmouth Harley Servi-cars, Tri-Rods, other trike conversions, or sidecars, do they? You didn't buy to make an impression, but to enjoy the ride. Forget those Bozos!

:agree: As long as you are out there in the wind, that is all that matters! Ryde on!


12-13-2009, 08:57 PM
The governor has had a very busy year.

Yes, he has put SC on the map once again. :opps:

12-13-2009, 09:14 PM
I have 1400 miles on my new spyder. My wife and I drove 290 miles today. When people are critical and tell me you can't lean I tell them that I've leaned for 43 years and that they can do all of my leaning too! I had a guy stop me today with his goldwing. He is serious about getting a spyder. Where he lives he doesn't enjoy riding on 2 wheels with all the deer and wild hogs running around. He likes the extra stability. I've had a lot of old motor heads showing an interest. A lot of younger guys too. They like the looks and performance.

12-14-2009, 12:30 PM
Blane270SX says," I like my Harley's but also like anything with a motorcycle plates and could care less if you are riding a scooter, if thats all you can afford or want to ride I would be glad to ride with you. Some people just do not get it and never will, just have fun that is all that matters."

Ditto Blane270SX ! :)

12-14-2009, 05:17 PM
and trucks w/ big stupid tires on them.:thumbup:
easy...u might be offending the redneck nation! i have some of thos stupid tires on my 4x4 :D

12-14-2009, 05:19 PM
Thanks aubie....yes, that's all the intent was, nothing malicious or demeaning.....

no prob:thumbup: