View Full Version : Has anyone decoded the inflation chart for the F3T rear shock?

02-21-2024, 05:59 PM
Has anyone figured out how to decode the inflation chart provided for the rear shock on an F3T? I've seen some pretty cryptic stuff in my life, but this one really takes the cake!


02-21-2024, 06:32 PM
Not all that cryptic. Use the chart for pounds and psi. Example: If the driver is 200 lbs., and the passenger and cargo weigh 200 pounds, inflate the rear airbag to 70 psi. Here in the USA, we normally don't use Kg for weight, or bar for pressure. So the numbers you want to reference are listed as Lb, and PSI. The chart shows kPa, then PSI, then bar. Use the middle figure. Keep in mind that if you met the criteria I mentioned, and inflated the bag to 70 psi, and then rode without a passenger, you'd be overinflated and would feel a very harsh ride.