View Full Version : Anyone replaced the Saddlebag Release Cable on a 2021 RT? Seen a video?

Big Mac
02-10-2024, 09:35 AM
Has anyone replaced the Saddlebag Release Cable on a 2021 RT? Or have you seen a video showing how it's done (with a link please)?

BRP have supplied a new cable under warranty after the original on my wife's Sea-to-Sky snapped, but they did not supply any fitting instructions (and I'm a long way from a dealer).

I'm reliably informed - by a Spyder Mechanic! - that it's a straightforward job. I'm hoping it can be done simply by removing the back seat and the black plastic cover around the grab handle (to get some visibility) and then reaching up from underneath.

I deduce from one of Shaun Smoak's videos about 'Sticky Saddlebag Latches' that it might require removal of some big panels AND the saddlebag outer?

Snowbelt Spyder
02-10-2024, 09:51 AM
I was wondering how and why you got a cable, yet the shop didn’t install it for you under warranty. Then I see you are in Wales.

If I recall, Smoak’s video covered replacing the whole latch handle with the cable, and you don’t need to go that far. Here’s a link to the actual fitting instructions from BRP. I think you’re correct. Just remove the panels on each side of the handles. Worst part is finding the tabs to remove the rear seat.

The cable adjuster works just like any other moto cable adjuster. You can adjust it from underneath once it’s installed, if needed.


02-10-2024, 10:39 AM

Big Mac
02-10-2024, 06:11 PM
Here’s a link to the actual fitting instructions from BRP.

Thanks, but I'd seen those already - and they are useless! They basically say: "unhook the end at the lever where you pull....and you're done!"

02-10-2024, 09:23 PM
I replaced both of mine on my 2021 RTL. You have the basic gist of it on what you need to remove except for the pannier box inner liner has to come out all of the way. There are some screws and plastic clips that will need to be removed and also a screw and nut on the lower leading edge that has to be removed. When that is off the latch and cable are visible. I took off the whole latch plate for cleaning and lubricating. The release handle removal screw is hidden behind a hard rubber piece that can be bent outwards for removal and then the cable attachment can be changed. The new cable is stainless steel and doesn’t require any additional lubricating. I would highly recommend replacing the cable on the left side first because it’s easier and gives you a better opportunity on learning how the job has to be done. The right side having the exhaust system makes that leading lower edge screw and nut slightly harder to access but now you have experience to know to hold the nut with a wrench in a weird way. Just make sure that when you put the latch back together with the new cable everything works proper with no more added cable adjustment before installing the pannier box.

Big Mac
02-11-2024, 10:11 AM
I replaced both of mine on my 2021 RTL.
Thank you so much for all that wonderful detail. It was enough to scare me off! I will now ask whether BRP will pay for the replacement work at one of their dealers, next time I can get to one.

02-14-2024, 12:40 PM
There is a service bulletin recorded with the US Government Transport site for recalls, I forget its name. I hate being old.

In that bulletin, it states the replacement cables should be made of stainless steel.

You might want to check what they gave you as replacements.

02-14-2024, 11:58 PM
He is probably out of warranty by now and the BRP BEST warranty does not cover this part. I have a different extended service contract than the BEST where the parts and labor were covered items but I didn’t feel like driving 50 miles multiple times to have a simple repair so I purchased the parts more local but that Can Am dealer was too lazy to call the warranty company to make a claim.

My original warranty expired on a Sunday when the dealer was closed and the cable was found to be broken. About a month earlier I had my Spyder at the Dealership where I purchased it for a problem with the cable. The Service Department made an adjustment of some type to fix it but the original steel cable rusted and broke in two a month later. None of the two dealerships I enquired about getting the repair completed were familiar with the TSB on the stainless steel cable.

Shame on the stupid engineers at BRP who approved of a steel cable that is exposed to water in the first place. This should have been a recall or extended warranty provided on something that surely would have a 100% failure rate.