View Full Version : Out of Sight, Out of Mind

michaels cycle
11-19-2009, 06:52 PM
I was going to post this in the RT section, but after thinking about my question, and seeing the Spyders were in production a couple years now, who would be more qualified then posting it here.

This question might sound a little strange, mainly because I'm not the type of person/rider that draws attention to myself, so here goes........

How do you Spyder owners/riders keep the general public at bay when parking your :f_spider: and leaving it alone without drawing a crowd of gawkers.

Now I'm not the unsocialable type, just want to get on my way without holding a question and answer seminar at ever stop with people admiring my ride in the middle of some parking lot.

Thanks in Advance

11-19-2009, 07:02 PM
I find it most pleasurable to discuss motorcycles/spyder with anyone, anywhere and at anytime.:D

If you want to be somewhat caring, then you might consider just referring them to spyderlovers.com (hand a card, or pre-printed note) and say I am sorry but I have to run.

11-19-2009, 07:42 PM
I hand them one of those fancy little fold out cards I got @ Lamonsters BBQ!

11-19-2009, 07:55 PM
I ride with Lamont so they don't even notice that I have a Spyder. Sitting next to his floor show machine I am invisible! :yes:

When I'm by myself I just don't stop. If I do then I suffer the same fate as the rest of you. :helpsmilie:

Some Guy
11-19-2009, 08:41 PM
I hand them one of those fancy little fold out cards I got @ Lamonsters BBQ!

Cards?! I don't remember cards! I must have eaten them along with that awesome BBQ! :yikes: and BBQ was :2thumbs: :2thumbs: :2thumbs:

11-19-2009, 08:41 PM
Park it, walk away quick, enough for it to be in sight and just kick back in your own little world!:2thumbs: Normally when we're out, I let Roaddog explain it all:thumbup:. I do keep dealer cards so if I feel like talking, I'll hand those out.

11-19-2009, 08:43 PM
If you want to avoid the crowd, try scoping out the area before you park and leave quickly. Having cards handy helps too. I've had my Spyder nearly two years now and still get about the same attention as I did on day one. I'm used to it.

11-19-2009, 08:56 PM
After I get off, I take my helmet and smash it on the pavement, call my Spyder every name in the book, and watch people run for their vehicles. Only had the cops called one time, because there was a HD rider present with a cell phone and thought I was his wife's ex.


11-19-2009, 09:25 PM
This is something that I think all of face continually, and you basically have to get used to it. It is to the point where I now allocate extra time to get to our destination just in case we find it hard to get away from a gas stop.

Someone did post on here where they had the tank bag, and in the see through map pouch they put something called "What is it?" It basically gave a short synopsis of what the Spyder is. That way when he was not around the bike and people came to look at it, the card would answer their questions. That may be a good way to go for you as well.

11-19-2009, 09:48 PM
I enjoy the interaction with most gawkers. When I'm in a hurry, I act like it and most people pick up that I'm trying to get somewhere and leave me alone.

bone crusher
11-19-2009, 10:24 PM
I enjoy the interaction with most gawkers. When I'm in a hurry, I act like it and most people pick up that I'm trying to get somewhere and leave me alone.

:agree: I'm on the bike to ride, not talk...however, it is fun to address some questions, at times...

11-19-2009, 10:31 PM
If you don't want to be a rock star, don't ride a Spyder! Seriously, smile, be polite, talk if you want, or say "Excuse me, I have to hurry," if you don't. The attention now is less than it was when we started riding our PE in 2008, but it still interests a lot of people. There is no good way to get around it.

BTW, from my RT test ride, I would say fewer people noticed the RT, or at least fewer did double takes. Maybe it's the black, maybe it's the more conventioanl appearance, but fewer people seemed to stare.

11-19-2009, 10:42 PM
It must be related to where you live. I am in San Diego and I actually get very few questions. Occasionally someone will ask about it at the gas station or super market but actually very rarely. I just assumed more and more were being seen so they dont have the same "What is that" flare.

Honestly I wouldnt worry about it. You can always look like youre in a hurry and people will just keep quiet. :D

11-20-2009, 01:19 AM
Honestly, I enjoy answering questions about my bike when I stop places. Actually, that's part of the fun!

I've found, if I really do need to get going, doing something subtle like putting on and tightening your helmet and gloves. Most people will get the hint and will wrap up the conversation.

truck 85
11-20-2009, 02:13 AM
Stoped for fule tonight and had a 5 min converson with a guy how dose it handle do you like it what milage dose it get? but at the end of the day you meet a lot of cool pepople I would have it no other way.

11-20-2009, 03:24 AM
Actually, I think some of my riding buddies, who have chromed up 2 wheelers, are a bit envious of the attention my ryde draws ever time we stop.

11-20-2009, 04:14 AM
I was going to post this in the RT section, but after thinking about my question, and seeing the Spyders were in production a couple years now, who would be more qualified then posting it here.

This question might sound a little strange, mainly because I'm not the type of person/rider that draws attention to myself, so here goes........

How do you Spyder owners/riders keep the general public at bay when parking your :f_spider: and leaving it alone without drawing a crowd of gawkers.

Now I'm not the unsocialable type, just want to get on my way without holding a question and answer seminar at ever stop with people admiring my ride in the middle of some parking lot.

Thanks in Advance
I have reached the point where I allow another15/30 minutes, everytime I stop. Must admit it was easier when I was a smoker, just light up another ciggy, but I QUIT 6 months ago. Oh well, I'm retired so have plenty of time if people want to talk. I was surprised at first at the varied types of people that were curious about the Spyder, but not anymore.

11-20-2009, 09:27 AM
How do you Spyder owners/riders keep the general public at bay when parking your :f_spider: and leaving it alone without drawing a crowd of gawkers.

Short answer - You can't.

Long Answer - I have never gone anywhere, execpt maybe the gas station, where someone hasn't stopped to ask me questions. I've even been followed to work and to my house by people wanting information about the Spyder. I find that getting back on the Spyder is easier than when arriving, since I can continue to gear-up as they're asking questions. Once the helmet is on, they usually get the hint and move on. If they apologize for keeping me, I usually reply that it's not a problem and that the Spyder is not a vehicle for introverts.

The absolute worst place was at Gettysburg battlefield. I think it's the kind of person that would go there (inquisitive, knowledge-seekers) just made getting around painful.

11-20-2009, 11:56 AM
I was going to post this in the RT section, but after thinking about my question, and seeing the Spyders were in production a couple years now, who would be more qualified then posting it here.

This question might sound a little strange, mainly because I'm not the type of person/rider that draws attention to myself, so here goes........

How do you Spyder owners/riders keep the general public at bay when parking your :f_spider: and leaving it alone without drawing a crowd of gawkers.

Now I'm not the unsocialable type, just want to get on my way without holding a question and answer seminar at ever stop with people admiring my ride in the middle of some parking lot.

Thanks in Advance

Never make direct eye-contact with them--- or you will lose 1/2 hour----and maybe your soul.:roflblack:

I don't get the stop and chat as much as I used to-- and I just keep it quick.

When gassing up--- pay at the pump and keep your helmet on-- if you're weating ear plugs you can't hear them very well anyway--- you can always point to your ear and tell them you can't hear them.

11-20-2009, 12:05 PM
When gassing up--- pay at the pump and keep your helmet on-- if you're weating ear plugs you can't hear them very well anyway--- you can always point to your ear and tell them you can't hear them.

I do this too, usually helps pretty well. I don't mind talking to people about the Spyder... in fact I am responsible for at least three Spyder purchases I am aware of just by these conversations... HOWEVER, after almost 2 years of the questions (some of them really stupid ones too) I'm ready for a break.

Acutally, since getting back home from our cross-country trip at the end of September I've only ridden the Spyder twice... of course in my defense, she's been torn apart in my garage for a couple weeks now getting some cool new toys installed.

So get used to the attention or just never stop. :2thumbs:

michaels cycle
11-20-2009, 05:07 PM
Must admit it was easier when I was a smoker, just light up another ciggy, but I QUIT 6 months ago.

Congratulations on giving up your smoking habit.

Keep up the good work, improve your health, and save tons of money doing so.

11-20-2009, 05:47 PM
Congratulations on giving up your smoking habit.

Keep up the good work, improve your health, and save tons of money doing so.
Congratulations!!!! I Have been Smoke free 4 Years and your health definately improves as well as your quality of life and you have a LOT more $$$ for Gas!!!!:2thumbs::clap::clap::clap:

11-20-2009, 06:58 PM
I just don't understand what gawkers? No actually I also enjoy talking to people. Its not like I can hide my bike! If I am in a hurry I give short answers and excuse myself. If they trap me getting ready to leave I give a little info speech ending with showing them reverse. I then give a little wave and drive off. Since I have put on the graphics and the two brothers I have had several Harley riders comment they did not think much of the stock bikes they had seen but they could get into mine. I told them a bike is what you make of it. One guy asked if it was my sons (I don't have a son) I told him no he drives a Toyota Echo, then had to laugh at the look on his face.

11-20-2009, 07:35 PM
How do you Spyder owners/riders keep the general public at bay when parking your :f_spider: and leaving it alone without drawing a crowd of gawkers.

http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/4933/coverwr.jpg (http://img25.imageshack.us/i/coverwr.jpg/)

I had this handy cover made to pull over it when I park and leave for a while.


11-20-2009, 08:12 PM
When I 1st brought it home, People came over and I did not know many answears,(I still dont)but its getting a little better:clap:a lot of them are young people going crazy, I hand out dealer cards. I keep runnung out of them :D

bone crusher
11-20-2009, 08:46 PM
http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/4933/coverwr.jpg (http://img25.imageshack.us/i/coverwr.jpg/)

I had this handy cover made to pull over it when I park and leave for a while.


Yeah, like that cover doesn't attract any attention...

Tom in NM
11-20-2009, 08:53 PM
Yeah, like that cover doesn't attract any attention...

:agree: . . . . . that is REAL subtle. :roflblack:


11-20-2009, 11:45 PM
http://img25.imageshack.us/img25/4933/coverwr.jpg (http://img25.imageshack.us/i/coverwr.jpg/)

I had this handy cover made to pull over it when I park and leave for a while.


Great idea! A BLAZING Red cover over an obviously unique machine with a BRIGHT Red fender sticking out each side and one huge car tire sticking out the back.

You have hit on the best NON-Attention getter idea I've seen so far. Like, who would even notice?! :roflblack:

11-21-2009, 12:09 AM
Today I had to go to the county court house---- I was standing in line when one of the court house lady's came over to ask about the spyder.---she said that her office saw me drive up and they made her go find out what it was.They also told her not to touch it for fear of what a biker might do. When she told me that I had to smile----so I told her to go out and sit on it. (She is now a hero in her office). I went out to catch her in the act and give her some of the fold out cards form the dealership.
Yepper I like having a spyder.

Mo Lee
11-21-2009, 06:16 AM
When I bought mine I believe I was the second one in this area. About 2 weeks into Spyder riding I saw the other Spyder going the other direction. I turned around and caught up with him as he was getting off in the Commissary parking lot. His first comment to me was "Thank God someone else bought one to take some of the pressure off me". With about 6 or 7 Spyders in this area it is getting better and I don't mind explaining the Spyder anyway.

11-21-2009, 08:53 AM
I like people coming over to talk about the Spyder. It is one of the best attributes of the bike. I have met a lot of people I would not normally have because of this bike.

I am rarely in a hurry but if I am, leaving the helmet on is usually enough of a deterrent.

I was once stopped at a service station in West Texas and this guy comes up to me and says, "How is number 610 running today?' I did not know this guy or have any idea of how he knew me.

It turns out we were staying at the same motel, two days prior, still in Texas, and his wife had talked to me about the bike. They had been seeing me on the road for two days and we happened to stop for fuel at the same place.

He was a retired Air Force chaplain and we had a nice conversation about a lot of things that had nothing to do with a Spyder.

Its all good.

11-21-2009, 09:47 AM
We were out for a ride yesterday, and trying to get back home. We saw the one other Spyder in town at the Hardees, so stopped in to say to the 76 year old owner and see how he was doing. We left and rode about 3 minutes when a Harley rider came out from a side street and flagged us down. We ended up talking for nearly an hour, and finished the ride home in the dark. :)

truck 85
11-25-2009, 03:36 AM
I have reached the point where I allow another15/30 minutes, everytime I stop. Must admit it was easier when I was a smoker, just light up another ciggy, but I QUIT 6 months ago. Oh well, I'm retired so have plenty of time if people want to talk. I was surprised at first at the varied types of people that were curious about the Spyder, but not anymore.

:congrats:That is how i payed for my spyder quit smoking and had the money for the payment.

11-25-2009, 04:16 AM
The funniest question I ever got was from my neighbor, who had been putting down some sudds with his drinking buddy.

When I got it home, my neighbor across the street, who is from Illinois and spends the winters here at his beach home. Came over with his drinking buddy and asked where I had the conversion done? I said conversion?? He said yea, wasn't it a snowmobile? Laughing, I said its a new model out about a year now. He said I'll be :cus: what will they think of next! I could have sworn it used to be a snowmobile, I've had enough of them.:D

11-25-2009, 09:08 PM
When ever i get tired of the questions i throw lighter fluld on my face and light it. Stops the questions quick"""":yikes:
Just kidding, :joke:

I love answering any and all questions about the Spyder.:spyder:

I baby sit for my two grand children, 1 yr. and 5 yr. So i'm used to answering silly questions.:dontknow:

11-25-2009, 10:15 PM
When ever i get tired of the questions i throw lighter fluld on my face and light it. Stops the questions quick"""":yikes:
Just kidding, :joke:

I love answering any and all questions about the Spyder.:spyder:

I baby sit for my two grand children, 1 yr. and 5 yr. So i'm used to answering silly questions.:dontknow:


11-25-2009, 10:26 PM
For whatever reasons people always start conversations with me wherever I go, the Spyder is just one more thing to talk about. I like it and I have friends and acquaintances everywhere.