View Full Version : Thanksgiving Contest AKA Once upon a time..

Magic Man
11-09-2009, 08:54 AM
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we thought an ESI Thanksgiving Giveaway contest might be fun. :yes::yes::yes:

We are going to giveaway a pair of the new ESI Up & Out Mirror Extensions http://www.esicycleproducts.com/upandoutmirrorext.html this time, so get your typing hands ready. :2thumbs:

Now here are the Rules for this contest... :popcorn:

Being it is a "Thanksgiving Contest" we want your best "why you're thankful for your Spyder" story (or poem) in 200 words or less.

There will only be one story per person allowed, so be sure to post only your "best" story.

Our panel of judges (LOL, Patti Jody and myself) will pick the story we feel best describes this. :chat:

The stories must be posted here by Thursday November 26, and we will then choose the winner from the stories posted by then.

With what seems like so much "bad press" for the Spyder right now, I thought this might help remind us all of why we bought the Spyder in the first place, how cool it still is, and the good things we might not have ever experienced if we did not own a Spyder. :agree:

So, get out your thinking caps, warm up your typing hand, and lets hear your best "why you're thankful for your Spyder" stories. :thumbup:

11-09-2009, 09:13 AM
Needless to say, I am not sure that I can put together 200 words to describe why.
However, many many years ago I started riding a 2 wheel cycle and got hooked. Then a few years ago, about 10 plus, I no longer felt that I could ride safely on a two wheeler.
I gave up the ride. About 2 years ago I thought that I might look for a 3 wheeler. I saw a number of trikes and rode a couple of them and I didn't quite get the ride buzz.
I happened to stop in a store which had a video of the spyder and I watched the video. It so happened that they had a spyder in for service and the owner just came in to pick his spyder up. The service manager knew that I was a bit interested and asked the owner of the spyder if I may at least sit on it and the the owner said take it for a ride. I then took it for a ride around the dealers lot and then decided it was a machine for me. ( 5 minutes of ride).
I then searched the internet for a dealer who had one.
The rest is history.. LA owners event, Gatlinburg, all over Florida and Got my IRON BUTT, but most important of all, the purchase of the spyder gave me an opportunity to meet alot of wonderful people and the ability to ride in the wind again.

11-09-2009, 03:15 PM
My story starts with a very traumatic experience that landed me in therapy for a driving phobia. To this day I still struggle with driving but I do believe the Spyder has helped 100% in my recovery.

September 27,2008...Our church motorcycle ministry was riding a benefit for the Ronald Macdonald House. It was a beautiful day. Over 500 riders were involved; everything went smooth to the destination. Before I go on, I had been riding for years and will mention I was riding a 2008 Vstar 650 Classic with only 300 miles (brand new). Trouble from the bike was the farthest thing from my mind. The day went on and it was time for our 12 members to head back home. It was a slow 45 mph cruise from West Point, Ga. Five miles out we come around a curve, immediately I feel something wrong, coming out of the curve into the straight away I was violently slammed onto my right side. The front forks Failed in the curve, as they did not stand back up after straightening out causing the devastating loss of control. I thank God that I always rode in a Joe Rocket armored jacket, EMT said if not, my back would have definitely been broke from the eyewitnesses (rider behind me) 8 flips once I could no longer hold on. All I remember is blackness and yelling from the other riders "he's dead". I wasn't severely hurt, I was severely stunned, road eaten, bruised and cut. For the longest it would just keep playing over and over in my mind, it got to where I couldn't even drive a car.

But I knew my days of feeling the wind were not over. A few weeks into therapy I kept hearing more and more about the Spyder. After one test ride, it was on the trailer to my home. To this day I don't go on long trips, but with time that will change. My wife just loves even short rides. So I truly think the Spyder is a blessing to me in many ways. I feel safer on it; I get to spend more time with my wife and the saying “ A biker truly knows why a dog hangs his head out the window”. Even with its issues lately, I wouldn't have anything else, just getting the extra time with my wife makes it worthwhile.

11-09-2009, 08:48 PM
I was helping a lady pull tires out of her trunk she pulled it out and let her side go my back went pop I was taken to the hospital and they told me my L-4 L-5 where brocken had to be fuzed my back. And my ryding days where over for 4 yrs no bikeing at all I had a 2003 fatboy and it sat in shed.for 4 yrs I couln'd ryde .I tryed to ryde once almost dropped her My days where over till I test road a spyder and my eyes teared up I was reborn .I sat there terrey eyed my wife aske me you ok I didn't want to get off the spyder.I put 1,000 dollard down on a new 2008 spyder from bobs skydo in massachusetts .I am glad I found this god send of a bike I am thankfull for BRP and my spyder. PS,, and all the people I have met are all family and the spyder's are ower children lol.....

Magic Man
11-10-2009, 08:43 AM
It's good to hear that the Spyder has allowed all three of you to keep riding! :clap: :thumbup:


11-10-2009, 11:12 AM
Wow, I expected a little more participation than this. :dontknow::popcorn:

Come on guys, this is a great giveaway. :thumbup:

Magic Man
11-10-2009, 11:35 AM
Wow, I expected a little more participation than this. :dontknow::popcorn:

Come on guys, this is a great giveaway. :thumbup:



11-10-2009, 11:39 AM
Just need time to sit and compose something. I'm sure others don't want to simply hit "Reply to Thread" and wing it.

11-10-2009, 01:25 PM
because it has changed my life. I was introduced to motorcycling in 2000. I had already suffered a back injury while serving as a Peacekeeper in the middle east. After a few years of riding cruisers & my Gold Wing it became evident that my two wheel days were ending. I was going to trike my wing when the local BRP dealership sent me to San Diego to see the unveiling of the Spyder. I ordered one immediately and the rest is history. I have over 60,000 KM's of pain free ryding and just can't get enough of it.
Thanks BRP & Courtenay Motorsports for the Spyder.
Spyderlovers.com has been a tremendous resource for helping my customers make informed choices about accessorizing, repairs and just general observation of what the Spyder community has to offer.

11-10-2009, 02:17 PM
Iktome Luta @ West Pensacola Dialysis Center.

11-10-2009, 04:02 PM
So, I sat down to write this and by the time I was done, it was over two thousand words... sheesh. Back to the drawing board. Here's the edited version:

I was hooked on motorcycles at age 12; my dad’s friend taught me to ride his Hodaka 90. The years didn’t help with my dreams, however. My parents were too safety conscious, “Can’t have one.” Then, later, my wife was dead set against motorcycles. I’ve spent 40 years dreaming and borrowing a ride whenever I could.

The kids grew up; my wife decided to search for HER dreams, alone. I lived in fog until my daughter’s boyfriend invited me to the desert to ride quads... It all came back – freedom reminiscent of an 8 y/o with cards in my spokes.

I have since met a wonderful woman who shares my dreams. We now have 4 quads and a motor home and spend as much time enjoying the freedom as possible. Waiting for cooling - desert season to start - is painful. Then we saw a Spyder ad and knew immediately. She found it, I bought it. The same freedoms and joys we have in the desert are now available all year round (most of our Spyder’s miles are 2 up).

Why are we thankful for our Spyder? Because it is the culmination of 40 years of dreams, finally come true.

11-10-2009, 06:19 PM
A great giveaway and GREAT stories thus far.

Can't even try to hold a candle to those that got a Spyder to continue/help them ride due to being unable to ride on 2 wheels.

Can't even imagine the new found freedoms you guys have gotten back--- that many of us just take for granted.


11-10-2009, 06:58 PM
A great giveaway and GREAT stories thus far.

Can't even try to hold a candle to those that got a Spyder to continue/help them ride due to being unable to ride on 2 wheels.

Can't even imagine the new found freedoms you guys have gotten back--- that many of us just take for granted.


:agree: :thumbup:

Magic Man
11-10-2009, 08:10 PM
:agree: :thumbup:

So BJT where's your story???? :dontknow:


11-10-2009, 08:31 PM
I love my spyder for so many reasons. Yes it is cool, yes it is fun, yes it is different and yes it can make you feel like a Rock Star. But the best reasons have to do with the relationships. This is a hobby that both my husband and I can participate in together. We are able to spend time together working on our mods. We have been able to travel and enjoy the the open road from a whole new perspective and share that with one another. We even spend time on SpyderLovers together. The friends that we have made all over the USA and Canada have been amazing. We have made bonds that I know will last a lifetime. One last thing that truly puts a smile on my face about owning and riding a spyder is that my daughter would think it was so cool.

11-10-2009, 11:24 PM
Once upon a time
I tried to make up a rhyme
About my awesome 09 SE Red Spyder
And why I'm such a Happy Ryder
I thought & I pondered
As my mind just wandered
What has made me so Thankful
As I fill up each tankful
My Spyder has given me such joy
Because she is not just a toy
I've again been allowed to have the wind in my face
As my heart beats at a faster pace
We cruise down the highways
Exploring the backwoods & byways
What am I thankful for
I couldn't ask for any more
All the new friends I have met
Everyone here on the Spyder Lovers net
Thank-you to each & every one
I could never imagine my life being so much fun!

Happy Thanksgiving!

11-11-2009, 12:44 AM
I’m thankful for my yellow Spyder
‘Cause it makes me such a happy ryder.
I love to ryde it … it’s such a hoot –
I start smiling as I don helmet and boot.

I step right up and climb right on
then hit the starter and vroom, I’m gone.
I zip and zoom and bob and weave
and soon forget all my pet peeves.

It’s fun and fast and sleek and mean,
and it doesn’t take long to master the “lean”.
I love the look, the sound and feel..
It keeps me happy and on an even keel.

A sunny day, a curvy road –
My life is good I’m often told.
I twist the throttle and feel the surge,
I’m truly hooked on that rydin’ urge.

I bought my Spyder and then tuned in
To Spyderlovers and found new friends.
I’ve learned a lot from all the forum
and appreciate the typical friendly decorum.

My thanks to Magic Man for this contest
which helped me remember why Spyders are best.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone…
Go get on those Spyders and have some fun!

11-11-2009, 07:22 AM
Way back when, the Day Before Elvis Died, (if you don't remember, I wish I was your age!) I had the misfortune to be going a bit to fast on my TX500 Yamaha and my front wheel tried to occupy the same space as the front wheel of a 4WD F-250. It didn't work well. Turned the truck into a Trike, the bike into a unicycle and me into a monoped!

Needless to say, bike riding hasn't been taking up a lot of my time for the last 31 years. The open road and I have not seen much of each other except thru a windshield.

Suddenly, ALONG CAME A SPYDER! The first time I saw a picture of the Spyder on the web, I realized that the open road was coming back to me!

I have, thanks to the Spyder, been able to rediscover something that has been missing in my life for over thirty years. The pleasure of riding the open road with the wind in my face!

Thank you BRP! I can’t begin to say how much pleasure I have gotten from your innovation in just the last 18 months (over 20,000 miles so far).

11-11-2009, 07:28 AM
At 65 years of ripening age,
I thought my riding days had turned the last page.
Back surgeries and knee surgeries had taken their toll.
It was if someone had taken my soul.

I looked at the Harleys, the Gold Wings and more.
To find a good trike but they’d all make me poor.
Then one day I just happened to see.
This weird looking bike with wheels numbering three.

The two wheels were not in the usual place.
Among my friends, would I lose face?
But I said to myself “Go ahead…what the Heck.”
Test drive the sucker and see if you wreck.

I mounted the :spyder2: and off we two went.
In an instant I knew what :spyder2: fans meant.
I knew from the start this thing was for me
This weird looking bike with wheels numbering three.

From that day ‘til now, we’ve gone far and wide
The smile on my face is impossible to hide.
Of my POW*MIA :spyder2: I must say I’m proud.
Wherever we go, we draw a good crowd.

Some questions are stupid but most are sincere.
About this odd trike with one wheel in the rear.
I tell all I meet, every day that I ride her.
I thank God that BRP invented the :spyder2:.

Yet as good as it is, it still needs some more
So I surf on net for an aftermarket store.
That’s where I found Evan and No Magic Neon
Now ESI, their gear’s made in Heaven.

Now my :spyder2:’s complete and I love the look now
Evan can take a justified bow.
Some vendors make me understandably nervous
But not ESI…they know customer service!!

11-11-2009, 09:51 AM
Can we rename ESI up & out mirror extensions into ESI up and out front turn signal extensions? Who need mirrors other than to see the traffic we just past? :D

Magic Man
11-11-2009, 02:41 PM
Can we rename ESI up & out mirror extensions into ESI up and out front turn signal extensions? Who need mirrors other than to see the traffic we just past? :D

Hey Doc, and I thought you were going to say how thankful you were for me. :D


11-11-2009, 05:23 PM
So BJT where's your story???? :dontknow:


It's a tale as old as time....

Boy gets motorcycle. Boy likes motorcycle. Boy gets scared off motorcycle by careless car drivers.
20 years later... Boy sees Spyder. Boy becomes infatuated with Spyder. Boy buys Spyder. :thumbup:

I'm thankful for the Spyder because I feel I can safely share the road with cars again.

11-11-2009, 05:28 PM
It's a tale as old as time....

Boy gets motorcycle. Boy likes motorcycle. Boy gets scared off motorcycle by careless car drivers. 20 years later... Boy sees Spyder. Boy becomes infatuated with Spyder. Boy buys Spyder. :thumbup:

...Boy scare :yikes: careless car drivers. :thumbup:

11-11-2009, 07:40 PM
I'm not a good story writer.But I got a spyder. I need the rear view so I can see who's sneaking up on me. So with just a quick glance and not taking a chance, I could see. I'm old and don't want to get a crick in the neck so what the heck.
I want to be the WINNER! :ohyea:

Capt John
11-12-2009, 04:56 AM
The Spyder has opened up many roads in my life. After an ugly divorce over fifteen years ago. I have spent the majority of that time working and raising my three daughters (2 of them still with me) and because of problems and their disabilities. I basically put my life on hold to tend to their needs. Very little time for friends or hobbies. The Spyder and this forum has given me an avenue to explore both new friendships and a unique ryding experience. The spyder has givien back to me something that has been missing for a long time. A passion and an exhilaration for life. Even my daughters have mentioned that they have seen a change in me since I bought the Spyder. I'm thankful for these new friends I've met and the pure pleasure of ryding the :spyder2:

11-12-2009, 09:50 AM
At 65 years of ripening age,
I thought my riding days had turned the last page.
Back surgeries and knee surgeries had taken their toll.
It was if someone had taken my soul.

I looked at the Harleys, the Gold Wings and more.
To find a good trike but they’d all make me poor.
Then one day I just happened to see.
This weird looking bike with wheels numbering three.

The two wheels were not in the usual place.
Among my friends, would I lose face?
But I said to myself “Go ahead…what the Heck.”
Test drive the sucker and see if you wreck.

I mounted the :spyder2: and off we two went.
In an instant I knew what :spyder2: fans meant.
I knew from the start this thing was for me
This weird looking bike with wheels numbering three.

From that day ‘til now, we’ve gone far and wide
The smile on my face is impossible to hide.
Of my POW*MIA :spyder2: I must say I’m proud.
Wherever we go, we draw a good crowd.

Some questions are stupid but most are sincere.
About this odd trike with one wheel in the rear.
I tell all I meet, every day that I ride her.
I thank God that BRP invented the :spyder2:.
Yet as good as it is, it still needs some more
So I surf on net for an aftermarket store.
That’s where I found Evan and No Magic Neon
Now ESI, their gear’s made in Heaven.

Now my :spyder2:’s complete and I love the look now
Evan can take a justified bow.
Some vendors make me understandably nervous
But not ESI…they know customer service!!

Don't know if you know it, but your quite the poet.
Don't know if you'll win, but you gave it one hell of a spin.


Magic Man
11-12-2009, 10:11 AM
Don't know if you know it, but your quite the poet.
Don't know if you'll win, but you gave it one hell of a spin.


So, "Shakespeare" where's your Spyder story? :dontknow:


11-12-2009, 04:27 PM
I would post but we just bought a set of mirror extenstions, poo.

11-12-2009, 04:36 PM
my story is very short and sweet, i feel because i got to know you evan it is worth everything:2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs: and i hope you r wearing knee high boots love u guys:clap::clap:

11-12-2009, 04:45 PM
my story is very short and sweet, i feel because i got to know you evan it is worth everything:2thumbs::2thumbs::2thumbs: and i hope you r wearing knee high boots love u guys:clap::clap:

WOW, its getting really deep over here at NMN:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

11-12-2009, 06:22 PM
I've been riding for 24 years, On October 5th 2005 I took a short ride over to my Dad's house, about 20 miles, anyway I ride this loop alot, still do today. After leaving his house on my way home, I was headed up the mountain on a curvy road, 45 mph speed limit, just taking my time and a tractor trailor coming down the mountain crossed the double yellow line on a curve and struck my left knee, next thing I remember is sliding on my back down the center of the road, bystanders told me later I flipped over the handle bars and went to the right thru the curve, my bike went under the tractor trailor. Anyway long story short, they did have to amputate my left leg above the knee and I now have a C-Leg from Ottoback. I thought my motorcycle riding days were over until this past July at Thunder in the Valley, some friends took me down to see this new bike they were giving demo rides on, I was absolutely impressed, I purchased my Spyder SE5 the following week. Even today, you still can't wipe the smile off of my face. So, I thank god for looking out for me on that day and BRP for allowing me to once again feel the wind in my face.

11-12-2009, 07:09 PM
My thankfulness for my :spyder2:cannot even touch these great posts, so I am just thankful to have discoved the spyder and this site, all the folks I met in Gatlinburg, and the Spyder ryders I hope to meet in the future.
Keep those posts comin' as I love reading them!

11-20-2009, 10:44 PM
I have a main reason I love my Spyder and a 2nd reason I never anticipated.

On August 1, 2002 I was in my 3rd motorcycle accident and by all accounts, the worse. Road rash over all parts of my body, and my left knee was pretty screwed up, though not broke. Road curb cut my ankle to the bone. It was a pretty hot day and I had decided to ride unprotected. The Spyder is my first bike since that accident, and the safety factor was a huge motivator. I had taken my brother's Electra Glide out a few times since the wreck, but still always got butterflies. The Spyder is confidence inspiring in all weather, and on all roads. It put me back in the saddle again.

The 2nd reason is my wife. I could have never anticipated how much she loves riding two up on the Spyder. She feels safer on the Spyder as well, and in nice weather is the one who usually suggests we blow off the house or yard work for a ride. The Spyder has given us both something new to share, and in many ways is marriage counseling on three wheels. It gets us out of the house and out of our ruts.

I keep finding new ways to love my Spyder... Sure, sometimes it is love/hate like any relationship, but the Spyder always is up for a "Make up" ride!

11-23-2009, 05:57 AM
In May of 1995 at 2 in the morning I was having a nightmare while I was awake. I was preparing a tank (army 548) aka the duck when my gunchief's
son was setting in the cab long story short the tank almost took my life. I ended up twisted up in the tracks from the left knee down was a mess
crushed foot all the tendons in my knee were broken (acl pcl) patella tendon in tact 5 knee surgeries later I can walk but that is it. From the time I was little I always wanted a bike actually a Harley 5/5/95 that dream died. November 2009 I found my spyder. My counselor told me that I needed a release, this thing is it. The can am spyder single "handlebaredly" pulled me out of a deep depression . So this thanks giving if you need a release don't hesitate just buy one and never look back ; you will love it

11-23-2009, 05:05 PM
Well here goes I can;t compete with the poets - but in a nutshell.

I have been extremely overweight all my life. I have always wanted a motorcyle since I was a kid; but I was never allowed to broach the subject at home because my Dad hated motorcycles.

Of course, after I left home I could have purchased one but with wife and kids there was always something. Well several years back I was talking to the wife about getting a motorcyle - she said loose weight, get to 200 lbs and I will buy you one. Years went by and still no weight loss - so last year I decided to give myself a present I had gastric by-pass and the weight started shedding.

So, I reminded the wife about her promise of a motorcyle. She never expected to have to follow up on that promise. Motorcycle shopping began and we saw the Spyder now I have my best "toy" ever and the wife and I are doing more together than we ever did before the Spyder came into our lives. I am thankful because my spyder has helped give me a renewed love of life and my wife.

truck 85
11-23-2009, 05:40 PM
First a little back ground. The first time I saw one in 08 I knew i had to have one. skip ahead to feb or 09. I fell 10ft at work and broke my back. droctor said I had to Quit smoking or the chances of my back healing right was going to be reduced to 60/40 against so I quit right there. now while i was rehabbing I had lots of time to research my love the spyder. got my permit and tested when it was over i really had to have one. I took the money i was saving not smoking and bought the spyder and have never regerted it. So i geuss in a round about way my thankfulness about my spyder starts with a broken back. Would do it aging if i knew i would get a spyder!!

11-23-2009, 06:05 PM
Gosh... where to begin. I use to be really shy. I rode two up with my husband but always blended into the background, after all I really had nothing to talk about or to chime in with when the "guys" were talking about their bikes and experiences. I had ridden two wheeled bikes in my teen years but never really was what I would call good at it. I guess my self esteem was way down too. Then along came a spyder and what can I say. You simply can't be shy on a spyder. Everyone talks to you and asks questions. I have made so many friends I can't count and meet new people every day. Not only has the spyder brought me out of my shell and given me a new outlook it has also brought me closer with my husband cuz we go riding all the time. We have made some memories that would never have been possible without my spyder. My son painted the spyder and it has helped him out too with lots of free advertisement for paint jobs! I simply love it. :2thumbs:

11-23-2009, 09:11 PM
Yeah, don't the guy/motor/oil/gas thing get a little boring after a while? :thumbup:

I remember one dinner me and HDX went out on - with another couple. Now I rode but never really talked shop - I can talk the very "basics". Well this couple we were with - the girl might has well been a DUDE. She just had some masculine way about her and all the three did was talk this technical stuff to the point where I left the table, went outside and smoked. God was I bored. Now with the Spyder I am learning and want to learn to talk tech but I'm still at a very basic level. But it's not as boring anymore. But boy - I'm sure glad our friend broke up with her - she was definitely a SheMale. Yuck!

Gosh... where to begin. I use to be really shy. I rode two up with my husband but always blended into the background, after all I really had nothing to talk about or to chime in with when the "guys" were talking about their bikes and experiences. I had ridden two wheeled bikes in my teen years but never really was what I would call good at it. I guess my self esteem was way down too. Then along came a spyder and what can I say. You simply can't be shy on a spyder. Everyone talks to you and asks questions. I have made so many friends I can't count and meet new people every day. Not only has the spyder brought me out of my shell and given me a new outlook it has also brought me closer with my husband cuz we go riding all the time. We have made some memories that would never have been possible without my spyder. My son painted the spyder and it has helped him out too with lots of free advertisement for paint jobs! I simply love it. :2thumbs:

11-25-2009, 10:56 AM
Don't know if you know it, but your quite the poet.
Don't know if you'll win, but you gave it one hell of a spin.


So, "Shakespeare" where's your Spyder story? :dontknow:


I am out of my league in this competition;nojoke just get my ball and go home.:D


11-25-2009, 11:21 AM
I've hesitated to write my story. It simply doesn't measure up to the ones already posted. Yeah, I've got some disabilities that make 2 wheels more difficult. But I don't have an amptutation or paralysis.

As I've grown older I seem to have more fears too. But I've never been in a wreck. So what was the big deal.

I once rode horses at a very high level of competition. I also trained horses and was especially good with absolute nut cases. But I also came off my fair share of them. And injuries mounted up. Pretty soon I couldn't get on a student's horse to solve problems. So it was time to hang up my spurs. I continued to trail ride for my own pleasure. But life interfered with that when my husband and I became involved in my parents' health care. Didn't ride all those years until both my parents eventually died. Then I found out I had lost most of my muscle condition needed to ride. Most of my skills were gone.

So years passed. I got into dog training. Still, there was something missing in my life. Some of the joy was gone. I felt empty. Then I met a woman who learned to ride a motorcycle as an adult. Hmmmmm. Maybe all the excitement wasn't gone for good. I hemmed and hawed for a year or two. Then I finally got up the guts to take the MSF Basic Rider course. Took a couple of times for me to pass. Then found out my real risk taking days were behind me and I was scared on the road on two wheels.

Enter the Spyder. Well, you people know the rest. The Spyder is my connection to feeling young still. I'm not going to enter old age gracefully. I'm going down kicking and screaming!

11-25-2009, 01:55 PM
Spyder because it helps me stay young and feel like a kid again. When you've been all busted up a few times and something makes you forget about the pain and stiffness it is something to be thankful for. Our Spyders make me know that I am still alive. I sometimes scare the be-jeebers out of myself when I look down and see the tach at 9000 and the speedo at 90 when going through the gears to blow the soot out. I say to myself... you old dog you better slow this thing down before you break more old bones or worst yet, get a ticket.

Yep... I'm glad I have Spyders to keep me young at heart, mind and body.

Everyone have a "super Thanksgiving"! /Ken a greatful to be free citizen of the United States of America! Long may her flag wave proudly.

11-25-2009, 02:19 PM
I have actually just received my spyder this morning. My wife got it for me as a xmas/birthday present (probably for the next few yrs).. But after 4 kids and me always saying I wanted a bike I did alot of research and it all pointed to this. I can't wait to get going on it and really look forward to some great times with her on it with me. I don't think I will ever forget this Thanksgiving that is for sure and she really blew me out of the water with getting this for me since it is all I have really been talking about for the last few months. Already ordered some things for it to switch out and I'm really looking forward to getting my hands dirty and to customize it. So I wanted to thanks to the wife you are the best :2thumbs:!

11-25-2009, 05:33 PM

Big Arm
11-25-2009, 06:24 PM
:clap: welcome gg09 :congrats::clap:

11-25-2009, 07:03 PM
I say to myself... you old dog you better slow this thing down before you break more old bones or worst yet, get a ticket.

You're quite a bit tougher than I am if you think that getting a ticket is worse than breaking your bones. :D

11-25-2009, 08:30 PM
I have actually just received my spyder this morning. My wife got it for me as a xmas/birthday present (probably for the next few yrs).. But after 4 kids and me always saying I wanted a bike I did alot of research and it all pointed to this. I can't wait to get going on it and really look forward to some great times with her on it with me. I don't think I will ever forget this Thanksgiving that is for sure and she really blew me out of the water with getting this for me since it is all I have really been talking about for the last few months. Already ordered some things for it to switch out and I'm really looking forward to getting my hands dirty and to customize it. So I wanted to thanks to the wife you are the best :2thumbs:!

So now what are you going to get her??:D She set a pretty high bar.nojoke


11-25-2009, 09:05 PM
I gave her 4 kids :ohyea:

11-25-2009, 10:05 PM
I can't even compete with what others have wrote, very inspiring. I've had several bikes over the last 3 years and I've loved them, I grew up wanting a bike so bad, I too have parents who think they're too dangerous. I guess they conditioned me, I just never felt totally comfortable on them. Last year when my wife and I found out we were having a daughter, I sold the bike :(. She kept her's and figured she'd eventually use it again, but I was too nervous to keep mine. I didn't lose the desire for the open road though. At first I was mad I sold my bike, then along came the :spyder2:.

I've had my Spyder for 5 days now, 205 miles later I love it. It's amazing! This Thanksgiving I am grateful for my family and all the the big guy upstairs has given me. I hope everyone enjoys their time with their families.

11-30-2009, 02:03 PM
I gave her 4 kids :ohyea:

If she is good with that then that's cool.:D.(GOOD WOMAN)nojoke


truck 85
11-30-2009, 03:00 PM
so many good stories how did you pick and who won?

Magic Man
11-30-2009, 03:49 PM
so many good stories how did you pick and who won?

We picked the one we felt best showed the sprit of thankfulness.

As this was not to make the people who were not picked feel their stories were not worthy, we will not be posting the winner here ourselves.


Big Arm
11-30-2009, 06:47 PM
As this was not to make the people who were not picked feel their stories were not worthy, we will not be posting the winner here ourselves.


And :congrats: to the winner :bowdown: :clap:

truck 85
12-01-2009, 02:11 AM
We picked the one we felt best showed the sprit of thankfulness.

As this was not to make the people who were not picked feel their stories were not worthy, we will not be posting the winner here ourselves.


:congrats: to :firstplace: