View Full Version : Update on my Spyder

11-07-2009, 11:49 AM
Not rehashing, but I wanted to give an update on my :spyder:. New DPS STILL not in yet. Was supposed to reach Dealer's hands by this past Thursday. Nope. That was the first shipping glitch with BRP.

Now for the SECOND shipping glitch......Dealer contacted BRP and BRP was supposed to overnight the part yesterday with Saturday delivery. What day is it today? Saturday. Did my dealer receive the part? NOPE.

Dealer spoke w/ the shipping department and the part went out before they could change the shipping status to "overnight". So another weekend no ryding.:banghead:

Dealer said part should arrive on Monday and he'll install it and test ride it (not mad at my Dealer - he had nothing to do w/ BRP's shipping glitch).

Told dealer forget about the bike - we do not want it back unless THIS IS THE FIX and we won't have to be the lab rats to see if this happens again.

Also told dealer BRP has to extend the warranty before we even consider taking this thing back.

I miss my Spyder but I'm not gonna ryde it until the issue is resolved and I've got coverage on it. I understand they are working on the issue but I'm not doing this run around stuff anymore. Either give it back to me fixed and covered or I don't want the thing.:dontknow:

11-07-2009, 11:58 AM
Sorry to hear about the shipping mix up. I just dropped mine off with the dealer Thursday, so my waiting game Has begun. I think that is wishful thinking for them to extend on your warranty, would be nice of them. Please let me know if you get anywhere with that one. So as far as you know all they are fixing is the DPS?? Seems like there has to be something else(I think they are rushing again)(QUICK FIX). I agree, Lab rat is not what I want to be. Between lab rat and hauling it 100 miles one way, I am :gaah::gaah::gaah:.....

11-07-2009, 12:03 PM
As far as I know, all they are doing is putting in a new DPS. I have no idea what was wrong w/ the last one since my Spyder only did the lock up twice. I never got any codes. So hopefully they are researching it like the letter said. I did send a letter out praising my dealer though - he has bent over backwards for us. I just don't want it back unless it is safe to ryde and they know what caused the problem.

11-07-2009, 12:12 PM
BRP could extend your warranty out of the goodness of their heart but I don't see they have any obligation to do so. You paid for a certain length of coverage and BRP has (I assume) provided you the agreed upon coverage for that length of time.

There are extended warranty coverage options available. I'm sure you could choose one of those if you want a longer warranty period.

Warranty agreements don't guarantee a machine will never have issues, just that the manufacturer will stand behind the product and make it right. Seems like BRP and the dealer are doing that. Maybe not to your satisfaction but they are working on it.

I had issues with my steering. BRP and the dealer took awhile to track it down and fix it but they worked hard on it and it has been fixed ever since. You can't always expect instant repairs. So the part didn't go out overnight. Stuff happens. Your Spyder will be up and running soon. Why bail on a great machine because parts aren't being shipped quick enough?

11-07-2009, 12:17 PM
Why bail on a great machine because parts aren't being shipped quick enough?

Because I don't want to own anything from a company that can't follow simple instructions such as printing out an overnight shipping label. That was just icing on the cake for me.

11-07-2009, 12:34 PM
Because I don't want to own anything from a company that can't follow simple instructions such as printing out an overnight shipping label. That was just icing on the cake for me.

I know it can be frustrating, but REALLY.... I'd say every company that has ever done much shipping has gotten it wrong from time to time. Seems like that qualifier would greatly limit your choice of vehicles to ride.

I do a fair amount of shipping but nothing like what BRP must be doing. I get it right almost all the time. But not always.

I shipped a helmet for Lamont to Austria when it was supposed to go to Australia. Stupid move on my part but there it was.

Lamont and I are good buddies and I would never mess him up like that on purpose. But it happened and he didn't throw me under the bus. Even his friend that was getting the helmet (who didn't know me) went easy on me for my dumb mistake.

I've discovered (to my shame) that I am not perfect. I appreciate it when people cut me some slack when I'm trying, but still don't quite meet up with expectations. That has encouraged me to cut some slack going the other way sometimes.

It's been working for me. :ohyea:

11-07-2009, 12:44 PM
I had to wait for my Spyder, too, but it was well worth the wait. :2thumbs:
It runs better now than ever before. :yes:

But for some people, their mind is made up and nothing is going to change it. For those people, it may be time to move on to something else.

11-07-2009, 12:50 PM
I am really trying to be patient, really I am. I just feel like if it's not one thing with BRP, it's another. So my mood is down the toilet right now. Plus it is gorgeous out and I can't ride again and that has been making me mad too. Pretty soon there will be snow on the ground so I'd rather be out and about ryding before it turns ugly in the Northeast.

I have only ridden it once since Gatlinburg. It sat in the garage until we could get it to the shop and it's been a really long time with no ryde. I can only last so long as passenger with HDX - kills my back and the butt after a while.

11-07-2009, 12:56 PM
I wouldn't want to be lab rat either, and I feel your pain about not riding.
I havn't used mine since the updates have been applied over a month now, cause of bad weather. My only open window for useable weather is this weekend, so I gotta get out 2morrow and see the difference with the updates.

11-07-2009, 01:00 PM
I am really trying to be patient, really I am. I just feel like if it's not one thing with BRP, it's another. So my mood is down the toilet right now. Plus it is gorgeous out and I can't ride again and that has been making me mad too. Pretty soon there will be snow on the ground so I'd rather be out and about ryding before it turns ugly in the Northeast.

I have only ridden it once since Gatlinburg. It sat in the garage until we could get it to the shop and it's been a really long time with no ryde. I can only last so long as passenger with HDX - kills my back and the butt after a while.

I feel your pain. It is a very nice day here in Michigan too. I haven't had my spyder since Gatlinburg either. But please, don't give up. As you mentioned, you want it done right. I know all the waiting doesn't make it any easier but once you have your spyder back and it is running beautifully, you will be thankful. I know how much you enjoy riding the spyder. I do believe things are getting better and they are working hard at making things right. A shipping error is a pain of course when you have an expectation and I am sure that the one employee who screwed up probably has heard about it from their boss. It is very easy to get upset at a large company but very hard to remember that the mistakes are made by real people like you and me. Keep the faith Smylinacha, I still plan on taking you and your spyder to Hell.:ohyea:

11-07-2009, 01:09 PM
Also told dealer BRP has to extend the warranty before we even consider taking this thing back.

I miss my Spyder but I'm not gonna ryde it until the issue is resolved and I've got coverage on it. I understand they are working on the issue but I'm not doing this run around stuff anymore. Either give it back to me fixed and covered or I don't want the thing.:dontknow:Thats the least they could do. When your ryde sits in the shop for months waiting for repairs, then they should extend your warrentee at least for that amount of time and perhaps a little more for compensation. I've been there so I know how you feel, and by the way, I got $50.00 for gas money. Needless to say I have never purchased anything since from Polaris.

11-07-2009, 01:36 PM
Thats the least they could do. When your ryde sits in the shop for months waiting for repairs, then they should extend your warrentee at least for that amount of time and perhaps a little more for compensation. I've been there so I know how you feel, and by the way, I got $50.00 for gas money. Needless to say I have never purchased anything since from Polaris.

Now I could see that being reasonable. If your Spyder has several months sitting in the shop for warranty repairs it wouldn't be too much to ask that they extend the warranty time by that amount.

11-07-2009, 05:45 PM
Sorry Deb, I have absolutely NO PATIENCE left. I don't care if humans make mistake, but this boils down to SAFETY and I'm not even sure this will be the "magical fix". Either figure it out or compensate me. I'm not gonna wait for an answer anymore. I am not gonna make monthly payments on something I won't ride. Something that sits in my garage and then sits at the dealers. Sure all things break but they need to step up to the plate which they sort of did w/ the letter about the steering but did you notice in the letter all they said was "be patient"? They are awfully lucky they haven't gotten clobbered w/ replies to THAT! :roflblack:

That is like me being told to have patience on my car that I need to get to and from work. Asking to have more patience is an awful lot to ask. Just me, just my opinion how it relates to me. I am sick of waiting for an answer and the stupid mickey mouse mistakes. This is a problem with many spyders and if I were a company, I'd make sure there weren't any mickey mouse mistakes to fuel the fire to just add to the problem. Obviously they don't recognize that.

I feel your pain. It is a very nice day here in Michigan too. I haven't had my spyder since Gatlinburg either. But please, don't give up. As you mentioned, you want it done right. I know all the waiting doesn't make it any easier but once you have your spyder back and it is running beautifully, you will be thankful. I know how much you enjoy riding the spyder. I do believe things are getting better and they are working hard at making things right. A shipping error is a pain of course when you have an expectation and I am sure that the one employee who screwed up probably has heard about it from their boss. It is very easy to get upset at a large company but very hard to remember that the mistakes are made by real people like you and me. Keep the faith Smylinacha, I still plan on taking you and your spyder to Hell.:ohyea:

11-07-2009, 05:50 PM
I'm pretty much in the same boat. My spyder has been at the dealer nearly three weeks now. The latest round of parts they have ordered have not come in yet. It's been beautiful here too, wish I could be riding. Going on a ride tomorrow (as a passenger again). I love and miss my spyder but I too don't want it back until it's fixed and safe to ride. I am trying to be patient as well but it's hard. :(

11-07-2009, 05:54 PM
I could ride tomorrow but my back can't take a full day on the bakc of the Harley - I will be eating painkillers like candy if I do that. Although I love riding w/ HDX, my back and butt don't. So I'll probably opt out and take my Charger out for a spin. I am just disgusted and don't want to ride anymore. I guess I got my expectations up too soon. I was hoping for the part to be in and I can't take ANOTHER weekend of no ryding. I want a vehicle where I won't be going thru this anymore. So might be back on two wheels again - the previous vehicles I had gave me no problems. Will be looking into it over the winter. Don't wanna go through this gain.

Let me know how you make out, k?

I'm pretty much in the same boat. My spyder has been at the dealer nearly three weeks now. The latest round of parts they have ordered have not come in yet. It's been beautiful here too, wish I could be riding. Going on a ride tomorrow (as a passenger again). I love and miss my spyder but I too don't want it back until it's fixed and safe to ride. I am trying to be patient as well but it's hard. :(

11-07-2009, 06:07 PM
I know how you feel while the bike is down. It's frustrating as hell and each day it just gets worst. But then it's fixed and your riding again an all is good. As mad as I have gotten I'm not giving up on the spYder, it"s just to much fun. Just hang in there.

11-07-2009, 06:13 PM
why does your back hurt as a passenger but not the driver? just curious

11-07-2009, 06:18 PM
why does your back hurt as a passenger but not the driver? just curious

Because on the harley with HDX I am sitting straight up, can't move around. On the Spyder I'm sitting different, can move around, dont' get bored since I have to pay attention. Riding on the back is fun for bar hops but not all day rides.

11-07-2009, 06:19 PM
Nope, cuz I don't want another thing to go wrong w/ it and have to be out of commission again. I'm not taking anymore chances.

I know how you feel while the bike is down. It's frustrating as hell and each day it just gets worst. But then it's fixed and your riding again an all is good. As mad as I have gotten I'm not giving up on the spYder, it"s just to much fun. Just hang in there.

11-07-2009, 06:22 PM
yet. Just keep in mind these machines are a blast to ride:ohyea::yes:. In particular my old mutilated ankle appreciates the fact that it doesn't have to hold it up when stopped. I was riding the wing this afternoon and "she who must be obeyed" was on the SE. I almost forgot to put my foot down when I stopped at the intersection. "She" said, 'Hey old man you better remember what your riding today" because I'm not helping you pick it up. She's got a point too... they did not use the helium process when making the wing. It is so heavy it stays glued to the road. /Ken

11-07-2009, 07:08 PM
Dealer worked on my steering issue and went for a ride. It acted up on him as he was pulling back in the shop. He told me to come get his demo and ride it. So we are going to get a nice ride in tmoro thanks to him. Maybe you guys could press your dealer for a loaner.

11-07-2009, 07:15 PM
Nice! I am sure my dealer would have done that if I asked but I didn't and he's closed tomorrow.

But I am glad you are gonna have a nice ride!

Dealer worked on my steering issue and went for a ride. It acted up on him as he was pulling back in the shop. He told me to come get his demo and ride it. So we are going to get a nice ride in tmoro thanks to him. Maybe you guys could press your dealer for a loaner.

11-07-2009, 07:17 PM
I too have noticed it is uncomfortable on the Harley as a passenger, but I guess I would be uncomfortable on the spyder as a passenger too LOL. My back and my backside hurt more. I think I just sit different on the Harley, or perhaps I am just paying more attention since I have nothing to do but sit there. It's not nearly as much fun as riding my own. :thumbup:

11-07-2009, 07:22 PM
Nope, cuz I don't want another thing to go wrong w/ it and have to be out of commission again. I'm not taking anymore chances.

with all due respect: From your experiences and your frustrations, it sounds like its time for you to move on and trade it in and buy something else. It sounds like at this point even if you get it back working, you will never trust it and never feel the same about the spyder as you once did.

its really too bad.........but it happens with every brand of anything.

good luck with whatever you decide

11-07-2009, 07:25 PM
I too have noticed it is uncomfortable on the Harley as a passenger, but I guess I would be uncomfortable on the spyder as a passenger too LOL. My back and my backside hurt more. I think I just sit different on the Harley, or perhaps I am just paying more attention since I have nothing to do but sit there. It's not nearly as much fun as riding my own. :thumbup:

I think cuz of the "cruiser" position I've always had back & neck troubles in a cruising position, But on the Spyder or I am thinking more of a "sportbike" position I don't have problems. I'm thinking the ergonomics are better for your back than sitting upright all day long, putting pressure on the tail bone and keeping your legs out in front of ya.

And you got that right - not nearly as much fun as riding your own! Get sick of looking at the back of his head much?:roflblack:

11-07-2009, 08:20 PM
How about you driving the Harly tomorrow and HDX be the passanger so your back will not hurt in that positon. We all trying to cheer you up and make ypu happy;)

11-07-2009, 08:23 PM
Now that would be a sight wouldn't it?! Thanks for the laugh!!:2thumbs:

How about you driving the Harly tomorrow and HDX be the passanger so your back will not hurt in that positon. We all trying to cheer you up and make ypu happy;)

11-07-2009, 11:05 PM
I just got my Spyder back from the dealer today. Was ready on Thursday.

I took them near three weeks to fix it. Why? Waiting on a part.

BRP screwed up the shipment not once, but twice, finally getting it right on the 3rd try.

See the trend?

Lucky me that the first two weeks with out the spyder the weather was crappy, and work has kept me busy.

Oh.. and BRP laid off our local BRP rep according to my dealer anyway.

11-08-2009, 12:24 AM
Oh this is great to hear. My :spyder2: has been in the shop almost 2 weeks now. The last week just waiting on parts for the dang steering locking issue. I agree with the sentiments and frustration expressed here.

If so many people are having the steering issues, then duh...you need another recall. Sackk up BRP and take responsibility for the issue all ready. I mean really!! :cus:

As for the shipping and slow repair process, if this was my auto dealer i would be in a loaner and i would have them dancing around to fix the issue. This might be solely a recreation vehicle for some, but i commute on it. Twice this week i spent over 2 hours on my way to work. It would be half that had my :spyder2: not been sick.

BRP should have steering repair kits ready to deploy to all points of the globe with overnight delivery, if not stocking them at dealer locations. They are just pissing off customers with the delays.

11-08-2009, 12:59 AM
Because I don't want to own anything from a company that can't follow simple instructions such as printing out an overnight shipping label. That was just icing on the cake for me.

Geesh---- just get rid of it and find a new toy to be angry about already.

Your continued and repeated bashing of BRP is getting beyond old.

We all get it - you hate them and will never be pleased.

Your posts might make you fell better - but they bring down the rest of the board - no wonder Scotty left.

Please, please , please--- for the sake of the rest of us that LOVE the Spyder - sell it, burn it, trade it in --- whatever you need to do ---- and find your next brand to hate already.

I swear-- some of you act like BRP sold you a bad kidney.


11-08-2009, 02:14 AM
Well, BRP has addressed through Lamont that they are aware of the steering issue and asked for a few more weeks to get the diagnosis right.

I work for a major computer manufacturer. We get things on our radar well in advance of it even hitting our forums. We often have a work around to the issue before we actually have a hardware fix. Keep in mind that the issue creates a run on existing service parts that depletes supply. Not only that, there are times we put holds on parts as there is no point sending components out that will end up with the same issue.

So on the steering thing, I have patience on, mainly because it is not impacting my spyder at all.

When I bought my Dodge Dakota back in December of 1998, it was my first new vehicle. The first three years under warranty almost had me go through arbitration for lemon law. I experienced numerous glitches, both in the vehicle, and the dealer's service dept. I was not happy at all. It is now almost 11 years later and that same truck is still in my driveway. It gives me no issues what so ever, and continues to be a reliable vehicle.

I'm seasoned enough to understand there will be parts issues, and human error and that sometimes you just end up with a rash of issues at once. The Spyder is unique and is still a new platform for riding. I've had very little issues with mine, with this past three weeks being the only real warranty work that was needed - and that was for a part that I knew was prone to failure thanks to this forum. Yes, I wish BRP hadn't screwed up the parts order, and I hope their parts issues are caught up on for everyone. I love my Spyder, and I do remain concerned with some of the issue others are seeing... But that's it mostly... just concern.

Oh this is great to hear. My :spyder2: has been in the shop almost 2 weeks now. The last week just waiting on parts for the dang steering locking issue. I agree with the sentiments and frustration expressed here.

If so many people are having the steering issues, then duh...you need another recall. Sackk up BRP and take responsibility for the issue all ready. I mean really!! :cus:

As for the shipping and slow repair process, if this was my auto dealer i would be in a loaner and i would have them dancing around to fix the issue. This might be solely a recreation vehicle for some, but i commute on it. Twice this week i spent over 2 hours on my way to work. It would be half that had my :spyder2: not been sick.

BRP should have steering repair kits ready to deploy to all points of the globe with overnight delivery, if not stocking them at dealer locations. They are just pissing off customers with the delays.

11-08-2009, 07:01 AM
I'm pretty much in the same boat. My spyder has been at the dealer nearly three weeks now. The latest round of parts they have ordered have not come in yet. It's been beautiful here too, wish I could be riding. Going on a ride tomorrow (as a passenger again). I love and miss my spyder but I too don't want it back until it's fixed and safe to ride. I am trying to be patient as well but it's hard. :(

I put my bike away already as I do not feel save riding my wife on it till they know what is causing this, which I understand is my choice. So even though it is not in the shop I lose riding time.

11-08-2009, 08:15 AM
Geesh---- just get rid of it and find a new toy to be angry about already.

Your continued and repeated bashing of BRP is getting beyond old.

We all get it - you hate them and will never be pleased.

Your posts might make you fell better - but they bring down the rest of the board - no wonder Scotty left.

Please, please , please--- for the sake of the rest of us that LOVE the Spyder - sell it, burn it, trade it in --- whatever you need to do ---- and find your next brand to hate already.

I swear-- some of you act like BRP sold you a bad kidney.


:agree: Hi Smylinacha. Met you and HDX at Lamonts BBQ and you both are nice friendly people but unfortunately i have to agree with Firefly. I know i would be more than a little p---d being with-out my:spyder2: . Give them the chance to make it right and at the end of the day if they still can't then do what you have to do.

11-08-2009, 08:26 AM
One of these days, someone is going to get injured because of this problem,

I agree... although I am praying it doesn't happen.

11-08-2009, 08:33 AM
I think it's fun on the back but we never went for a long haul w/ me on the back. I don't have a backrest for it. But when HDX goes nuts on it, it feels like a roller coaster ride (except for the burn out he did with me on it once - that hurt my back cuz I wasn't expecting it).

I too have noticed it is uncomfortable on the Harley as a passenger, but I guess I would be uncomfortable on the spyder as a passenger too LOL. My back and my backside hurt more. I think I just sit different on the Harley, or perhaps I am just paying more attention since I have nothing to do but sit there. It's not nearly as much fun as riding my own. :thumbup:

11-08-2009, 08:35 AM
I can't exactly trade in something that is not safe so it needs to get a permanent fix before it goes up for a trade.

with all due respect: From your experiences and your frustrations, it sounds like its time for you to move on and trade it in and buy something else. It sounds like at this point even if you get it back working, you will never trust it and never feel the same about the spyder as you once did.

its really too bad.........but it happens with every brand of anything.

good luck with whatever you decide

11-08-2009, 08:38 AM
What did they do? Ship it to the wrong address or something?

Yeah, I see the trend. I am part of the trend unfortunately.

I just got my Spyder back from the dealer today. Was ready on Thursday.

I took them near three weeks to fix it. Why? Waiting on a part.

BRP screwed up the shipment not once, but twice, finally getting it right on the 3rd try.

See the trend?

Lucky me that the first two weeks with out the spyder the weather was crappy, and work has kept me busy.

Oh.. and BRP laid off our local BRP rep according to my dealer anyway.

11-08-2009, 08:39 AM
Not sure why they don't - maybe it is a customs thing? But that has been talked about on here. They need a new SOP in my opinion.

Oh this is great to hear. My :spyder2: has been in the shop almost 2 weeks now. The last week just waiting on parts for the dang steering locking issue. I agree with the sentiments and frustration expressed here.

If so many people are having the steering issues, then duh...you need another recall. Sackk up BRP and take responsibility for the issue all ready. I mean really!! :cus:

As for the shipping and slow repair process, if this was my auto dealer i would be in a loaner and i would have them dancing around to fix the issue. This might be solely a recreation vehicle for some, but i commute on it. Twice this week i spent over 2 hours on my way to work. It would be half that had my :spyder2: not been sick.

BRP should have steering repair kits ready to deploy to all points of the globe with overnight delivery, if not stocking them at dealer locations. They are just pissing off customers with the delays.

11-08-2009, 08:52 AM
I would LOVE to get rid of the :cus: thing at this point but how am I supposed to sell or trade in a machine that has a major safety issue going on?

In all the vehicles I have owned I've never seen so many problems one after another. Some are small but some aren't. Have you ridden your spyder and had it locked up on you when you were very close to a guardrail or a tree and hundreds of miles away from home?

Of course I'm angry. What, is this a place where we are not allowed to say what we feel or what is going on w/ our vehicles because it might hurt your feelings? I bought this thing to ride - not to have sit in my garage or the shop. If something isn't safe about it - it needs to be addressed and this steering issue has been going on with our Spyders since February of 09. I think BRP has had plenty of time to work on this and they still can't get it right.

Took quite a few months to come out w/ that letter didn't it? I'm sure this board had alot to do w/ that letter.

Why don't you take up a vote to either keep me on or kick me off of here if you are having such a problem with me. And if you win and I'm off, then congrats to you. maybe you can be the co-mod here and have a LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA I Dont Wanna Hear It section section in here.

Geesh---- just get rid of it and find a new toy to be angry about already.

Your continued and repeated bashing of BRP is getting beyond old.

We all get it - you hate them and will never be pleased.

Your posts might make you fell better - but they bring down the rest of the board - no wonder Scotty left.

Please, please , please--- for the sake of the rest of us that LOVE the Spyder - sell it, burn it, trade it in --- whatever you need to do ---- and find your next brand to hate already.

I swear-- some of you act like BRP sold you a bad kidney.


11-08-2009, 08:58 AM
Pick up all the bikes having steering problems and give those with the problems new bikes, then they would have them to diagnose what is really wrong and then the Fix. In the meantime you would satisfy the unhappy customers, save expenses flying your people all over the country, save expenses by not throwing parts at them, and make your dealer happy to get rid of any 09 leftovers. Don't know what to do about the mods. Think BRP would be this smart?

11-08-2009, 09:10 AM
I would LOVE to get rid of the :cus: thing at this point but how am I supposed to sell or trade in a machine that has a major safety issue going on?

I'm glad to hear that, even if you are getting rid of your Spyder, you aren't one to just shift the problem over to an unsuspecting buyer.

11-08-2009, 09:13 AM
I could not live w/ myself on that one. I may be a biatch but there's no way I'd even consider putting someone's safety in jeopardy.

So I feel stuck with it because even if I were to trade and tell the dealer about the steering, how much would you think I'd get, or would the dealer even want it for a trade ya know?

I'm glad to hear that, even if you are getting rid of your Spyder, you aren't one to just shift the problem over to an unsuspecting buyer.

Spyder Bitten Duo
11-08-2009, 09:13 AM
I could ride tomorrow but my back can't take a full day on the bakc of the Harley - I will be eating painkillers like candy if I do that. Although I love riding w/ HDX, my back and butt don't. So I'll probably opt out and take my Charger out for a spin. I am just disgusted and don't want to ride anymore. I guess I got my expectations up too soon. I was hoping for the part to be in and I can't take ANOTHER weekend of no ryding. I want a vehicle where I won't be going thru this anymore. So might be back on two wheels again - the previous vehicles I had gave me no problems. Will be looking into it over the winter. Don't wanna go through this gain.

Let me know how you make out, k?

So how do you know you won't go through this again with some other vehicle?? Chance of problems may be less with other bikes but ...........

11-08-2009, 09:21 AM
So how do you know you won't go through this again with some other vehicle?? Chance of problems may be less with other bikes but ...........

You mean my back pain or vehicle problems? Back pain - well I know I'm not in Harley Market - can't sit up like that anymore. The new trike felt ok but it would need a driver backrest and w/ floorboards I could move around a little.

As far as performance & mechanical issues? I've owned Hondas, Yamahas, Harleys and any problem I ever had were minor and not safety related. Bad things should not go wrong in two yrs of ownership, especially safety issues. I am very happy others on here have total trouble free riding w/ their Spyders - they must have gotten a good batch.

11-08-2009, 09:37 AM
In a perfect world. From checking out postings on here and other forums, this problem goes back to February. And reading the NHTSA it looks like the majority who have steering problems are the 08's.

Pick up all the bikes having steering problems and give those with the problems new bikes, then they would have them to diagnose what is really wrong and then the Fix. In the meantime you would satisfy the unhappy customers, save expenses flying your people all over the country, save expenses by not throwing parts at them, and make your dealer happy to get rid of any 09 leftovers. Don't know what to do about the mods. Think BRP would be this smart?

11-08-2009, 11:54 AM
I believe Smy has stated numerous times that her state has a Lemon Law and has threatened to 'use it'.

So why haven't you done this already?

It's obvious you'll never be happy. A week ago you said you were going to stop ranting about your Spyder out here and you even apologized for contributing to all the negativity out here.

I really don't think you'll ever be happy and your patience is up. You've stated how all the other brands you've owned were basically 'perfect' - so I really think you should move on to another brand.

If you trade the bike in - you have ZERO liability about the safety of the bike - it's all on the dealer.

I speak as one that DID have steering issues early on and had to deal with getting them fixed.

Giving updates on an issues is one thing - but there are various ways to do it. Deb and Brian are fine examples of how to be constructive about their problems and I believe their approach will get them fixed and back on the road sooner - while building a good relationship with their dealer and service tech.

11-08-2009, 12:02 PM
Sorry dude, she's not "bringing the board down", she's only discussing her experiences.......if they're not 'positive' enough for you, I guess YOU'LL have to get over it.....nojoke

She spent a lot of money on a machine that is not trustworthy or currently safe. BRP has handled the situation with nothing but ineptness to date. Every time they make a new 'promise', but for one reason(excuse) or another, they can't seem to follow through. BRP is, without a doubt, the least professional organization that I've ever had to work with.....

It's too bad if you, or Scotty, or anyone else has a problem with reality, but that's the way it is. Instead of ignoring the problems, we choose to discuss them and look for resolution... It's not 'BRP Bashing' for the sake of bashing, IT'S OUR REALITY!!

Your frustration would be better aimed at BRP also, as we're not the only ones out there that are experiencing this issue.....we just happen to be more vocal.....If they make it right, the PROBLEM would go away, so the poster doesn't have to.......

One of these days, someone is going to get injured because of this problem, I hope you go back and read your post then..........it ought to sound really intelligent.....

BTW, if I were in need of a kidney, BRP wouldn't seem like such a wise choice for a supplier given their track record, now would they:dontknow:

It's more than obvious that you need to move on to another brand of bike - the sooner the better.

Take advantage of your state lemon law, trade it in, etc. Take a bit of a loss and consider it a hard lesson learned.

Remember - I've had the steering problems too - but decided to be proactive instead of reactive.

Deb and Brian have far more issues than SMY does with her bike - but they have taken the high road thus far - and manage to keep us all updated rather than just complain.

You can catch more flies with honey than you can with manure.

11-08-2009, 07:16 PM
Sorry dude, she's not "bringing the board down", she's only discussing her experiences.......if they're not 'positive' enough for you, I guess YOU'LL have to get over it.....nojoke

She spent a lot of money on a machine that is not trustworthy or currently safe. BRP has handled the situation with nothing but ineptness to date. Every time they make a new 'promise', but for one reason(excuse) or another, they can't seem to follow through. BRP is, without a doubt, the least professional organization that I've ever had to work with.....

It's too bad if you, or Scotty, or anyone else has a problem with reality, but that's the way it is. Instead of ignoring the problems, we choose to discuss them and look for resolution... It's not 'BRP Bashing' for the sake of bashing, IT'S OUR REALITY!!

Your frustration would be better aimed at BRP also, as we're not the only ones out there that are experiencing this issue.....we just happen to be more vocal.....If they make it right, the PROBLEM would go away, so the poster doesn't have to.......

One of these days, someone is going to get injured because of this problem, I hope you go back and read your post then..........it ought to sound really intelligent.....

BTW, if I were in need of a kidney, BRP wouldn't seem like such a wise choice for a supplier given their track record, now would they:dontknow:

:clap::clap::clap::clap::2thumbs::2thumbs: You hit the nail directly on the head !! Everyone with a safety problem should be yelling and yelling loudly ....maybe then BRP would get the message. None of the Spyders deserve to be on the road until the steering issue is properly diagnosed and cured. If the "Goody Two Shoes" on this board don't want to read about people who have a valid bitch, close your eyes and go stick your head back in the ground and skip these posts

11-08-2009, 07:25 PM
Kind of amusing how much you have to say when you can hide behind your keyboard, when you were in the same motel with us in Gatlinburg, you wouldn't say boo.....

Go grind your axe elsewhere, it ain't gonna' work on me.......

FIGHT FIGHT:roflblack::shemademe_smilie:

jus playin yo

11-08-2009, 07:28 PM
Firefly...... Dan...... Danimal..... ummm – whoever you are,

If you choose to continuously bully and personally attack me every time I post, I suggest you do so by private message to me. No need to get the other members involved and Dude, I am more than willing to go toe to toe w/ you in private. Actually I'll be the first to start - you will have a p.m. shortly.:doorag:

I believe Smy has stated numerous times that her state has a Lemon Law and has threatened to 'use it'.

So why haven't you done this already?

It's obvious you'll never be happy. A week ago you said you were going to stop ranting about your Spyder out here and you even apologized for contributing to all the negativity out here.

I really don't think you'll ever be happy and your patience is up. You've stated how all the other brands you've owned were basically 'perfect' - so I really think you should move on to another brand.

If you trade the bike in - you have ZERO liability about the safety of the bike - it's all on the dealer.

I speak as one that DID have steering issues early on and had to deal with getting them fixed.

Giving updates on an issues is one thing - but there are various ways to do it. Deb and Brian are fine examples of how to be constructive about their problems and I believe their approach will get them fixed and back on the road sooner - while building a good relationship with their dealer and service tech.

11-08-2009, 07:38 PM
I don't recall soliciting your opinion on what I should do with my bikes......How 'bout you keep it to yourself?

Kind of amusing how much you have to say when you can hide behind your keyboard, when you were in the same motel with us in Gatlinburg, you wouldn't say boo.....

I also seem to remember YOU running all over this board yelling "FIRE-FIRE", a few months ago, when that was the issue of the week.....Why is it that you think WE should be the ones that need to leave now:dontknow: Was your chosen safety issue more important than ours? Somehow I don't think so.....

Go grind your axe elsewhere, it ain't gonna' work on me.......:agree::agree:Firefly what kind of toon will you be singing when your :spyder:goes down for over a Month every thing with this thing takes weeks to get resolved and have mine at a dealer 3 times for long layovers so I could sympathize with Smylinacha Pitmon and all others going through this right now:ani29: And then they send Dr Kovorkian in to take them apart fly out of town to go take another one apart and leave the dealers hangin it is just not right :ani29:

11-08-2009, 07:41 PM
So you fixed your computer? :2thumbs:

:agree::agree:Firefly what kind of toon will you be singing when your :spyder:goes down for over a Month every thing with this thing takes weeks to get resolved and have mine at a dealer 3 times for long layovers so I could sympathize with Smylinacha Pitmon and all others going through this right now:ani29: And then they send Dr Kovorkian in to take them apart fly out of town to go take another one apart and leave the dealers hangin it is just not right :ani29:

11-08-2009, 07:45 PM

11-08-2009, 07:50 PM
Hey firefly, can i kindly ask you to shut your mouth already!

I have never seen such a persistant turd like you go after the same person over and over again. about 50% of your posts are good and than the rest are telling people to quit whining and blah blah blah. So how about you shut up and go read a left wing extremist liberal blog for a few weeks and than come back.....

11-08-2009, 07:50 PM
I purchased a brand new 1995 Ford Contour when they first came out. My commute to work took 1:50 one way, so I was spending nearly 4 hours driving per day. One day heading to work the car cut off, coasted for about 10 seconds, and then started running again. I took it to my dealer and they replaced a sensor. 2 weeks later it did the same thing. They sent it to another dealer and they replaced the same sensor, along with a couple others. The next month I was on I-95 heading to Miami for business when it happened again. When I got to Miami I took it to a dealer, and they also replaced components in an effort to fix it. Long story short, in a 6 month time frame the car spent about as much time in the shop as on the road. It was worked on by no less than 4 different dealerships.

I believe having a vehicle quit running at highway speed is a very big safety issue. Luckily it always started running again its own, but I had no guarantee that was going to be the case each time.

Then one day I got a call from my local dealer. Their regional service rep was coming to the shop for a visit, and wanted to talk to me about my car. I took time off work to be there when he was to find out what he wanted. Turns out that he wanted to trade me out of my 1995 that I was having problems with, and put me in a new 1996 even though mine already had 34,000 miles on it. The cost to me for the upgrade to the new vehicle was $400.

The interesting thing here is that in all of the time I was having problems, I did not raise a ruckus with any of the dealers or with Ford themselves. Just by my taking into so many dealers for repair, they were aware that something was wrong. They then for some reason of their own accord decided to do something about it to make it right. We also have a lemon law in SC, but I did not even think about using it.

What does this have to do with the problems here?

First of all, if you are having a problem and have not taken the Spyder to a dealer then you need to as soon as you can. If it is just sitting in your garage then BRP will never know anything about your particular machine having anything wrong with it, and will think everything is fine.

Secondly, even though it is extremely hard to continue to be patient sometimes it can pay off in the end in ways you never imagined. Now, am I saying that BRP is going to jump in and trade you up to a new machine after the problems you are having? No, as I cannot predict what they will do. I do believe they are going to figure out a way to take care of you through all of this.

I truly hope they figure out what your problem is soon, so you are not in the same situation I was in with my car. You should definitely talk to your dealer about the entire situation as well, as he may have some ideas of something that can help you in the meantime like the poster above getting to use the demo bike.

Best of luck with whatever road you decide to go down.

11-08-2009, 07:50 PM
:agree::agree: And then they send Dr Kovorkian in to take them apart fly out of town to go take another one apart and leave the dealers hangin it is just not right :ani29:

I'd have to agree with you. It's a pretty good analogy. At first I was going to say you made a mistake using Kevorkian.