View Full Version : 2023 Ryker Frunk lock not opening easily - any solutions?

04-06-2023, 03:55 PM
My frunk lock has gotten worse over my 2 weeks of ownership. At first I had to occasionally press it really hard, or smack it even to open/close.
But now I cannot get it to latch/unlatch by just pressing on the lid. Short term solution I wrapped the pin with some electrical tape & it now has enough girth to push the latch all the way down to open/close.
I can manually push the latch itself with my fingers to lock it/unlock it.

Is this a common issue? any better adjustments/solutions than electrical tape? I see 2 screws holding down the latch mechanism & it seems to be tight



04-09-2023, 06:56 PM
Might be common.

My 2022 is more the opposite. Kind of gave up locking it. Unlocked it is pushed down by the wind and has never tried to open. I can lock it and sometimes do. Just that after it is shut the struggle begins. Never found an answer so no help.

04-10-2023, 12:54 AM
Have you considered lubing the latch mechanism?

If not try it, spray , grease, hell even engine oil, put it on and work it in manually with your fingers back and forth.

Remove the 2 screws and pull it out if it helps.

04-10-2023, 12:41 PM
Might could take a couple washers and put on the back side of the latch to move it closer the the holding piece.

04-12-2023, 10:44 AM
Might could take a couple washers and put on the back side of the latch to move it closer the the holding piece.

Yes I was thinking of doing that, but I just bought some hollow aluminum tubing for $5 that should fit over the pin to increase its size a bit, should have same effect. If that doesnt work ill try the washers to lift the latch.


05-29-2023, 11:59 PM
For anyone else having this issue, check if your dealer is a bunch of morons who installed your accent panels incorrectly.
Was watching an unrelated youtube video and they said correct way is to have the accent panel be on top of the glovebox frame.
My dealer had installed the panel underneath the glove box plastic, and naturally I did the same every time I removed them to do some work. Also because of this my accent panels have a lot of scrapes visible on them when installed correctly now :banghead:

See below pics, left side of first photo is the correct way to install, right side is incorrect. After fixing this problem the glove box latch mechanism is 90% better.

It also makes all the panels in that area have a smoother appearance with less gap where they come together when viewed from either side of the bike.

I think a lot of dealers do not know what the hell they are doing because Ive seen a lot of pictures on google where the glovebox lid looks too high and the other panels looked a little bit off.




08-04-2023, 07:10 PM
We were also having difficulties with the frunk latch on our 2022 Rally. What we didn't realize was that the latch was lockable, and would lock automatically after a little bit. You could still open the lid when locked, but had to push diligently to get it to open and close (We probably came close to breaking it!!). Once we learned of the lock, push the starter button to activate, and the lid opened and closed normally.

08-04-2023, 08:39 PM
The glove box on mine, a 2023 Rally, unlocks when powered on and is locked when powered off.

From the manual:

"On some models, the cover owns an electrical lock.

The cover is unlocked automatically when the vehicle ECM is power up and locked at the shut down of the ECM. If the ECM shuttting down while the cover is opened, it will be impossible to close it without power up the ECM again."

08-05-2023, 02:02 PM
The glove box on mine, a 2023 Rally, unlocks when powered on and is locked when powered off.

From the manual:

"On some models, the cover owns an electrical lock.

The cover is unlocked automatically when the vehicle ECM is power up and locked at the shut down of the ECM. If the ECM shuttting down while the cover is opened, it will be impossible to close it without power up the ECM again."

I think mine only works with the ECM powered up and the chip key in.

08-05-2023, 03:54 PM
I think mine only works with the ECM powered up and the chip key in.

Yes, mine too. If the RF key is not in, it will not power up. Without the key in, it starts the power up process (screen displays start) then shuts down (screen goes blank).

02-29-2024, 08:37 PM
Is the Ryker turned on? Mine only opens if my dash is lit up.