View Full Version : What’s your best memory/story (so far) with your Spyder/Ryker ??

02-22-2023, 07:26 PM
For me, it would have to be my very first ryde.

Haven’t had any long-distance trips to speak of ….

02-22-2023, 07:43 PM
My departed wife's last ride to Fountain Hills Az to see the fountain. That was in the spring of 2021 and she stepped off the planet about 3 months later. She was very tired after the ride, as ALS was really taking over her body. I go there often still on the trike and tell her I am at her favorite place.

Tortilla Flats was another favorite stop. I was sitting on the porch of the ice cream store to the left having a cup on ice cream a couple hours before she passed.

Lew L
02-22-2023, 08:32 PM

Coming back from Fortuna, CA. and the "Lost coast" on a road marked " 140miles of curvy road. Spyder and the nanny saved us in a really sharp turn where I ran a bit wide.


02-22-2023, 09:03 PM
In 2019 I rode my F3-S to Texas from western NC , met a buddy in Bandera that has an RT, and we rode to California for the NorCal Spyder rally. From there we rode to OR, WA, ID, WY, CO, NM, and TX. We split up in the panhandle and he rode south to his home and I rode east to NC. I was on the road for 29 days and logged 7,988 miles. Saw wonderful sites along the way and rode thru some states I had never been to before. A once in a lifetime trip!

02-22-2023, 09:04 PM
Back in 2017 made a trip out west covering 9300 miles and 18 states on a month long adventure on my 2017 RTS.

02-22-2023, 09:22 PM
Maybe not the Best, but the most memorable was a drive up Mt Washington (6288 ft. the toll Rd is 7.6 Mi.) on my 14 RT ....... It was a slooooooooooooooooooooooooow tourist day, and I went "balls to the wall" fast...... It did involve passing cars (& bikes) at a few safe spots. I was with a friend who also had His Spyder (and shall remain nameless). The trip down was much more sedate because I wanted to see everything I'd missed going up. :roflblack:..... If you aren't familiar with the Mt Washington Toll Road, well, let's just say the "Dragon" can't compare...... JMHO ... Mike :thumbup:

02-23-2023, 06:10 AM
When I bought my 2021 RT from a person in Talladega Alabama the day before Fathers day. I flew out there from NJ and He picked me up at the airport. He let me use his plate so I could drive the Spyder back home to New Jersey. On the drive back I stopped in Maryland to see my son and have lunch with him for Fathers day. I took the Ferry to New Jersey from Delaware, and drove it home , total miles 953 in 25 hrs. (should have done an Iron Butt)

Little Blue
02-23-2023, 06:40 AM
:coffee:....I had just gotten my Spyder and wanted to show it to my daughter. I really wanted to surprise her but she was working on 'that Saturday'. So I called her and asked if she would like to have lunch.

She had know idea about my Spyder. Mom said, "I will not tell". My daughter loved the Spyder. I took her for an hour Ryde.

Stay Healthy. ....:thumbup:

02-23-2023, 08:50 AM
So far, it is our trip to Churchill Downs for Father's Day last year. Wound up with a nasty sunburn, but that S2S was a smooth ride!!

I am betting the PA trip and Deadwood this year are going to eclipse that!

02-23-2023, 09:12 AM
Bought the Spyder last spring. One of my Spyder friends told me about how much "power" it has, so after a couple short rides, at a back road stop sign, I decided to see if he was right. My V-star (the 2-wheeler I used to ride) had a lot of "go" so I wanted to see what switching to 3 wheels meant. I opened her up. I never got past 3rd gear, I got scared fast and backed off! WOW she moves!
Did I mention my wife was on the back and I failed to tell her what I was going to do? She had some thoughts on the matter when we got home.
We look forward to making a lot of good memories in the future with our Spyder. Switching to 3-wheels was the right move for us at the right time.

02-23-2023, 09:37 AM
I have so many great memories, and have owned 5 spyders, so it is hard to narrow it down to one. But if I do have to choose one, it will be a trip the wife and I took last August to the Boone area, and we rode the BRP all the way down to Cherokee. We normally do something to celebrate my birthday and our anniversary. So last year I asked for her to ride her spyder, along with me for 3 days, and to not complain. I have some great friends that I ride with on a regular basis. But she was the company. She is an excellent driver and can outride most of the people that are on these things. I will always treasure that trip.

02-23-2023, 09:52 AM
To date it was from Hartwell Ga to Pigeon Forge Tenn. in April of 2022. We saw a lot of pretty country, lots of curves and wildlife. We saw a total of 12 bears with one as close as 5 foot as we passed him on the road. Of course, all of the cars were going very slow so they could look at it, so we crept by at about 3mph as it just ate grass on the side of the road. It never even looked up at us.

02-23-2023, 01:32 PM
Delivery of my Spyder was the best memory. I ordered from out of town. It arrived on the back of a trailer around midnight. I stayed up all night with anticipation like a kid waiting on Christmas. When the trailer opened and the lights shined on Gwen, I smiled and videoed and smiled some more. It was the 1st new vehicle I ever bought. I battled for years on making a luxury purchase for myself when I could put that $ toward other good uses. So, after finally convincing myself to make the purchase and watching her come off the back of that trailer like K.I.T.T., I was extremely satisfied and happy that I made the purchase.

As far as rides, I'd say my most memorable was my ride to Asheville, NC. I didn't hit the Blue Ridge Parkway, but I saw lots of beautiful fall colors while riding there and back.

02-23-2023, 02:06 PM
Not limited to, but including all of my rides on my Spyder, on my VTX, on my Goldwings, on my Virago and going way, way back on my Royal Enfield have been memorable and great. To my way of thinking, my last ride was my greatest, and always will be. I just L O V E the wind in my face therapy and to single out one ride only is an impossible task.

02-23-2023, 05:10 PM
We just picked up our first Spyder, 2022 RTL in August 2022. Managed to get our first good trip in from Calgary to Vancouver Island BC to visit my sister and friends, about 3,600 KM round trip. Picture is on the Duffy Lake Road outside of Lillooet BC, like to travel the back roads.

Have not been to the US for several years, usually did 2 trips a year to the US for the last 25 years on two wheels, so this year we are heading to the Rally in Deadwood SD.




02-23-2023, 05:37 PM
Bought the Spyder last spring. One of my Spyder friends told me about how much "power" it has, so after a couple short rides, at a back road stop sign, I decided to see if he was right. My V-star (the 2-wheeler I used to ride) had a lot of "go" so I wanted to see what switching to 3 wheels meant. I opened her up. I never got past 3rd gear, I got scared fast and backed off! WOW she moves!
Did I mention my wife was on the back and I failed to tell her what I was going to do? She had some thoughts on the matter when we got home.
We look forward to making a lot of good memories in the future with our Spyder. Switching to 3-wheels was the right move for us at the right time.

I like running it through the gears! :2thumbs:

02-23-2023, 05:43 PM
We just picked up our first Spyder, 2022 RTL in August 2022. Managed to get our first good trip in from Calgary to Vancouver Island BC to visit my sister and friends, about 3,600 KM round trip. Picture is on the Duffy Lake road outside of Lillooet BC, like to travel the back roads.
Have not been to the US for several years, usually did 2 trips a year to the US for the last 25 years on two wheels, so this year we are heading to the Rally in Deadwood SD.

201297 201298201299

See I can turn the photos for you.

02-23-2023, 06:30 PM
The first ride of 2020. Cheri didn't ride her F3L in 2019 due to cancer surgery, chemo and radiation. It was inspiring and emotional to see her put on her gear and want to ride. In 47 years of riding that was the most memorable and important to me.

02-23-2023, 06:38 PM
The last 9 years of Spyder riding has all been good, most of our rides last overnight as we bought them for touring in our older age as they are very forgiving. My favorite ride was our Coast to Coast and Back ride that lasted 66 days and covered 11,000 miles and 22 states and Canada. We are hoping to ride to Fairbanks this summer and make it to the Artic Circle latitude. My wife pulls the Leesure lite pop up and I pull a custom Chuck Wagon Gear Trailer we built for our Alaskan ride. We are in our early 70s and plan to ride as long as we can. We started on 2013s and now both have matching 2021 RTLs. These are our third pair of Spyders and we both have over 100k miles of riding on them; my wife did not start riding her own bike until she got her first Spyder when she retired at 63.

201313 201314

201315 201316

201320 201317

201318 201319

02-23-2023, 06:47 PM
The best ride for me is when I got to take the first ride/drive on my first Spyder - at the time, a 2012 RTS -SE5 (my current ride is my 2014 RTS-SE6, which has 30,000 miles plus on it, life got in the way!)


02-23-2023, 11:18 PM
Great thread! I started out wondering if I made a mistake going with 3 wheels since the bike was so twitchy and it felt like learning how to ride all over again. I was constantly thinking and overthinking every turn and corner and really not enjoying the ride.
It was around the 500 mile mark on my Spyder when I realized that I was just about home after a long ride and I was totally relaxed and one with the bike, I never thought about how to lean or push-pull or any other "strategy" I was working on trying to make riding easier. I just couldn't believe what all the fuss was about and since then it has been nothing but fun!
I think that moment when you realize "I got this" was the best - anyone else have this?

02-23-2023, 11:45 PM
Great thread! I started out wondering if I made a mistake going with 3 wheels since the bike was so twitchy and it felt like learning how to ride all over again. I was constantly thinking and overthinking every turn and corner and really not enjoying the ride.
It was around the 500 mile mark on my Spyder when I realized that I was just about home after a long ride and I was totally relaxed and one with the bike, I never thought about how to lean or push-pull or any other "strategy" I was working on trying to make riding easier. I just couldn't believe what all the fuss was about and since then it has been nothing but fun!
I think that moment when you realize "I got this" was the best - anyone else have this?

Like I tell people "you guide the Spyder on the road, with gentle pushing on the offside handle bar". I run on cruise control most of the time and just rest my hands on the handle bars while on the highway. Get in the twisties and you ride it like a snowmobile.

02-24-2023, 12:25 PM
Like I tell people "you guide the Spyder on the road, with gentle pushing on the offside handle bar". I run on cruise control most of the time and just rest my hands on the handle bars while on the highway. Get in the twisties and you ride it like a snowmobile.

I read a lot of these tips before I got my spyder, but swithcing over to 3 wheels after riding 2 takes some time! And as far as the snowmobile goes I have never driven one.

02-24-2023, 01:50 PM
Tortilla Flats was another favorite stop. I was sitting on the porch of the ice cream store to the left having a cup on ice cream a couple hours before she passed.

I'm sorry for your loss but it's great that you can still go to her favorite places to honor her memory.

02-24-2023, 03:32 PM
What’s your best memory/story (so far) with your Spyder/Ryker ??….

This is a great question, always good to reflect on what we remember as the best of times.

Since getting the Spyder it has been every ride we have done together.

There is one moment that stands out that will always be special.

That is the day when my wife agreed to take a test ride on the Spyder.

She was thrilled with the experience and has been ever since.

Thanks to everyone who has shared their experiences.


02-24-2023, 08:58 PM
Like I tell people "you guide the Spyder on the road, with gentle pushing on the offside handle bar". I run on cruise control most of the time and just rest my hands on the handle bars while on the highway. Get in the twisties and you ride it like a snowmobile.


I agree with you about telling people about how you drive a spyder. I agree 100% going thru the twisties and driving like a snowmobile( Off topic: I am a snowmobiler, when I am on the snowmobile trails and going around corners I lean to the left or right depending on if I am going around a left/or right hand turn).


02-24-2023, 09:00 PM
I read a lot of these tips before I got my spyder, but swithcing over to 3 wheels after riding 2 takes some time! And as far as the snowmobile goes I have never driven one.

Driving a snowmobile is like driving the spyder, but the snowmobile has skis in the front. ( I am a snowmobiler).


02-25-2023, 10:21 AM
Driving a snowmobile is like driving the spyder, but the snowmobile has skis in the front. ( I am a snowmobiler).


My idea of a snowmobile has four wheel drive and a heater.
Though I have ridden motorcycle in the snow, sometimes on purpose. :ohyea:

02-25-2023, 01:17 PM
I like this thread. Lots of neat stories here. :2thumbs: