View Full Version : Windshields

10-29-2009, 04:42 PM
I have a 2008 Manual and looking for a taller windshield (have the stock really, really short one windshield). I'm rather tall, about 6' 4".

I bought the new BRP 25" Ultmiate Touring Windshield and used it last night for the first time; it's coming off the bike this afternoon.

Anything over say 45, my head's in a tonrado zone as all of the air from the windshield is dumped at at my face. I can't even ride with my full face shield up it's that awful and my helmet/face fills with a ton of air, to the point where I can't even breath.

So, I'm thinking I need a taller windshield and look through it. Does anyone know if I could use a shorter windsheld (say the 23" Utlimate Toursing), or will a shorter windsheild only make it worse?

If we agree that a taller one is best, does anyone have good suggestion for a taller one and how much taller do they come in? Unless I'm missing something, BRP stops at 25", so it would be an after-market product I'm sure.

Your thoughts?


10-29-2009, 04:55 PM

10-29-2009, 06:00 PM
My suggestion is either an adjustable CHAD shield, or the MadStad Robo Brackets with either their shield or even your new BRP shield. There is a lot more to an effective windshield than height. Shape, distance from the rider, spacing from the bike, venting, angle, and rider proportions all enter into the equation, as does the particular helmet you wear. The taller shields with adjustable brackets let you control more of these factors.

10-29-2009, 06:21 PM
I have a 2008 Manual and looking for a taller windshield (have the stock really, really short one windshield). I'm rather tall, about 6' 4".

I bought the new BRP 25" Ultmiate Touring Windshield and used it last night for the first time; it's coming off the bike this afternoon.

Anything over say 45, my head's in a tonrado zone as all of the air from the windshield is dumped at at my face. I can't even ride with my full face shield up it's that awful and my helmet/face fills with a ton of air, to the point where I can't even breath.

So, I'm thinking I need a taller windshield and look through it. Does anyone know if I could use a shorter windsheld (say the 23" Utlimate Toursing), or will a shorter windsheild only make it worse?

If we agree that a taller one is best, does anyone have good suggestion for a taller one and how much taller do they come in? Unless I'm missing something, BRP stops at 25", so it would be an after-market product I'm sure.

Your thoughts?

magicman has a windsheld that works well for tall or short people you can ajust the fitings to your hight even a bracket you can agust .

10-29-2009, 06:24 PM
Anything over say 45, my head's in a tonrado zone as all of the air from the windshield is dumped at at my face. I can't even ride with my full face shield up it's that awful and my helmet/face fills with a ton of air, to the point where I can't even breath.

cracking up :roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

10-29-2009, 06:42 PM
I had a 31" F-1 and got rid of it for a 22" Madstad system, which is just fine for my 6'5" frame.

Most of the taller windshields angle too far back towards the rider, which I do not like. The Madstad system allows complete flexibility of angle and height. given that, I was hugly and pleasantly suprised as to how well the Madstad system works. Still a touch of turblance at the top of my helmet - really not a problem (rattles my visor on my 1/2 helmet), but I don't look at the top of my windshield as I ride, which is my preference.

I've allowed my 6'8" son to ride my Spyder (on RARE occasions - he has his own Valk (my other bike)), and he likes the Madstad far better than either of the other two windshields I've had.

Unless you want a full faring, I don't think you could find a better option for a tall rider...

10-29-2009, 06:43 PM
My suggestion is either an adjustable CHAD shield, or the MadStad Robo Brackets with either their shield or even your new BRP shield. There is a lot more to an effective windshield than height. Shape, distance from the rider, spacing from the bike, venting, angle, and rider proportions all enter into the equation, as does the particular helmet you wear. The taller shields with adjustable brackets let you control more of these factors.


Maybe BJT will chime in here--- he's one of those vertically gifted people-- and he has tried many different shields. Pretty sure he's running the MadStad one right now.

10-29-2009, 07:10 PM

Maybe BJT will chime in here--- he's one of those vertically gifted people-- and he has tried many different shields. Pretty sure he's running the MadStad one right now.

Is that the windshield I have? It's been so long since I've seen my Spyder, I can't remember what it looks like. :D

Seriously, I do have the Madstad windshield and bracket and I like it real well. As good or better than the four F1 windshields (F1, Evo II, Evo III, Evo III slider), the medium CalSci windshield and the original BRP touring windshield that I have ridden with. :thumbup:

Tom in NM
10-29-2009, 07:54 PM
I have the MadStad RoboBrackets and a horrible helmet. The Madstad has really worked for me - though I am short - but, as you have read, it works for tall riders too.

Check out Madstad.com and my album showing the RoboBrackets and shield - that will give you some more info.



10-30-2009, 05:33 AM
I bought the new BRP 25" Ultmiate Touring Windshield and used it last night for the first time; it's coming off the bike this afternoon.

Try the 25" BRP screen with the Madstad adjustable brackets -others have and have been pleasantly surprised. There is another thread with photos.

10-30-2009, 09:01 AM
We went with the 25" Cee Baily. Out of the tornado now.:2thumbs:

10-30-2009, 11:42 AM
The MadStad system comes with a metal support for the brackets, but all use the 4 screws provided by BRP. You need to be careful about the pressure placed on those minimal screws, or go under them to provide additional support for the strain, if you use an oversize windshield.

The F1 (etc) is angled to reduce that pressure, but the Madstad allows you to essentially stand it straight up - so consider the torque on those 4 screws!!!

I have found that the 22" shield Mark sells is quite adequate for those of us graced with the ability to see over crowds.... :D

10-30-2009, 02:44 PM
I have found that the 22" shield Mark sells is quite adequate for those of us graced with the ability to see over crowds.... :D


10-30-2009, 02:53 PM
The MadStad system comes with a metal support for the brackets, but all use the 4 screws provided by BRP. You need to be careful about the pressure placed on those minimal screws, or go under them to provide additional support for the strain, if you use an oversize windshield.

The F1 (etc) is angled to reduce that pressure, but the Madstad allows you to essentially stand it straight up - so consider the torque on those 4 screws!!!

I have found that the 22" shield Mark sells is quite adequate for those of us graced with the ability to see over crowds.... :D

Understand the concern - but with both the MadStad and Chad - they have metal bracing that rests ontop of the console - so it's not just those 4 screws taking the pressure from the shield. If anything, I think there's less pressure on them due to the bracket.

03-18-2017, 03:14 PM
I purchased my wife 5"10 a new F3-S after driving it home from the dealer I knew it would need a windshield, after reading this forum I called and talked to the very helpful folks at Madstad and purchased a 18". It arrived today we installed it and I took it for a ride, I am a tall rider at 6'7 and WOW it even works for me, I love it.
Thanks Madstad

Lew L
03-18-2017, 04:35 PM
Do your self a big favor and get a shield with a vent.


Bob Denman
03-18-2017, 04:52 PM
There's so many new products to deal with buffeting now, that this thread should have been left for dead... nojoke

03-18-2017, 08:50 PM
Get a California Scientific. Im 6'3" and have to keep it in one of the lower positions, and they had an extra tall that I returned that went way over my head. No buffeting now.

Fat Baxter
03-18-2017, 11:07 PM
It's a shame Aeroflow (http://aeroflowscreens.com/index.htm) doesn't make a windshield for Spyders (they specialize in BMWs). Their windshields have a "flip" at the top that flips the air up over your head. See pic at link. It was about the best mod I made to my BMW RT. Things were real calm in the cockpit.

Most of the aftermarket windshields I see for Spyders have a straight profile. Someone ought to design one similar to Aeroflow's (hint, hint!).

Bob Denman
03-19-2017, 08:37 AM
You can buy one of those "lips", and easily add it to your windshield... :2thumbs:


F4 Customs
03-20-2017, 10:18 AM
F4 Customs offers windshields for both the F3 S, Limited and Touring. see our web site at www.f4customs.com On our website you can also view a video for the F4 for the F3 Limited and T.
Don Frank
F4 Customs