View Full Version : I agree with Lamont

10-27-2009, 08:05 PM
As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again. Granted there are issues, but all this negativity SUCKS. Theres allot of nice people here and I am glad for the conversations and learning experiences but..........................I am out

thanks to all that helped me in the past and thanks to Lamont most of all for all his hard work.

maybe I will "stop by" in the spring

peace out............

10-27-2009, 09:59 PM
Guess some people just don't want to hear negativity. Sorry, but I want the good, the bad and the ugly in here. Nothing in life is all rosey - nothing. and a few of us who have problems - I sure as heck appreciate it because I would have thought I was the only one with stuff going wrong - I like suggestions, opinions and guesses. And a few are unhappy. sorry, it's an emotion - that's how we get when something goes wrong. At least we are talking about it and telling one another what's happening w/ our machines.

So, if my attitude has caused anyone to walk, then I apologize for that but I'm not gonna hide how I feel either. I'm not the most patient one and I'm pretty opinionated (yeah even outside this forum) but it's better letting it all out than pussy footing around one another.

10-27-2009, 10:05 PM

I have yet to get one, but atleast knowing some of the issues they are having will give me the heads up.

10-27-2009, 10:06 PM
If you close down you will loose people, its just commen sence. People need to vent and know that they are not alone and go senile.

10-27-2009, 10:08 PM
...and go senile.

You rang? :D

Some Guy
10-27-2009, 10:16 PM
We all want to know everything we can about our Spyders. Some stuff is good and some stuff is not. Still, we want to know...we NEED to know.

SpyderLovers.com is an AWESOME source of information about our beloved Spyders! :D

I bought my Spyder in July 08...best purchase ever!!! :ohyea:

10-27-2009, 10:20 PM
this is the best site for spyder info.
we might have issues, we chat and discuss and it gets resolved. Its no different than any other hd, or bike site. Every product has issues.
Lamont puts a great effort in this site and he should get thumbs up from everybody. This is our spyder info site, made possible by Lamont and oursleves..........the owners ! I love my spyder, its my freedom, this site is part of it:clap:

10-27-2009, 10:23 PM
I for one, am glad to see some of the posts with issues people are having. but, its nice to see some people post of the good times and good rides they have been on. Its real easy to get caught up in the negativity. I know i have done it, but i have posted a lot of positives too. This is a great site that gives potential buyers a lot of information, both positive and negative, to help tem make an educated choice about thier purchases. Thanks Lamont for giving us a place to visit and post.

Some Guy
10-27-2009, 10:28 PM
this is the best site for spyder info.
we might have issues, we chat and discuss and it gets resolved. Its no different than any other hd, or bike site. Every product has issues.
Lamont puts a great effort in this site and he should get thumbs up from everybody. This is our spyder info site, made possible by Lamont and oursleves..........the owners ! I love my spyder, its my freedom, this site is part of it:clap:
:agree: :ohyea:

10-28-2009, 12:26 AM
To me, all truthful information is helpful. I see no reason to tag honest reports as "positive" or "negative". When we are in possession of the facts we can take appropriate action and make reasoned, rather than emotional, choices. Atadude's recent decision to exchange his Spyder for another ride, (though perfectly understandable, given the circumstances) has shaken me up more than any opinions I have read on this forum. Nevertheless, I intend to Spyder on. We need to explore the Spyders deficiences, and eliminate them, or get them addessed by BRP. Pretending they don't exist won't get the job done.

10-28-2009, 12:42 AM
We all want to know everything we can about our Spyders. Some stuff is good and some stuff is not. Still, we want to know...we NEED to know.

SpyderLovers.com is an AWESOME source of information about our beloved Spyders! :D

I bought my Spyder in July 08...best purchase ever!!! :ohyea:

:agree:if we are not kept informed of the bad and good things we would feel alone whith our loves and hates of the :spyder:
If it wasn't for this site I would have never found out about the problems the :spyder: is haveing and would not have had them fixed when you live in Australia like me BPR is very slow the fix anything on our :spyder:s
so keep the site going.

10-28-2009, 01:30 AM
It seems that the smoke is clearing abit post the steering issue debates on this forum.Yes,at times the issue got heated and at times,testy(I had abit of the testiness myself)but the info got out there and in the process probably saved the lives of the riders in the spyder community and forced the corporation to respond to the problems w/the spyder.The source of info posted on this site has been BEYOND what you could get fm. other motorcycle sites on the web.When I purchased the spyder I thought my work was cutout for me when I started to try to customize it.I didnt know were to start but the site turned me on to things about the spyder that I wouldnt possibly have known about if it werent for the people I met here,or the companies that had the parts necessary to transform the spyder.Having this site made the spyder more enjoyable to own and more worth while to persue the the ticks and burbs that came with a new and unique machine.I solved many problems myself just by tuning in to this site and the ones I couldnt,Itook to my dealer knowing what to tell them by what I learned here fm. all the other spyder owners.It is at this time I feel that we should turn our attention to helping our site monitor Lamont with abit of spiritual guidance in the tuff times he's facing now.I will apologize for the postings were I attacked or offened someone in the discussion of the issues involved here and will clear the slate and vow to make more postings on a positive note. I cherish this site and the people on it and will continue to look at it as a source for the latest spyder info and mod ideas.As i said,this site probably saved spyder riders lives and limbs by addressing important issues w/the safe operation of the spyder as was the case w/ the steering issue and however passionate the discussion got it still helped everyone to be aware of the potential for serious consequences.I feel that from time to time that more things will popup and the info will be right here on this site and everyone will try to figure out how to fix it or know someone who can.I LOVE MY SPYDER!

10-28-2009, 07:52 AM
I'm being blunt here.... not rude so please don't take it that way. But, if someone is getting bummed out by the "tone" they feel is dominating a forum then DON'T READ IT FOR A WHILE or just leave.

I don't get making a production about it. And I think that the forum has dealt with the concerns and all rather well and is moving on. :2thumbs:

I for one am grateful for each of ya. I'd hate to see this place go away.

10-28-2009, 07:55 AM
Guess you missed my post where I said I won't be shutting it down. This too shall pass as they say and I think there have been some merited reaction to the Spyder issues and some over reactions to the Spyder issues.

Every board I've ever ran has had the same thing happen to it and in time it will be a forgotten memory. I'm going to focus of solutions to the problems rather than bashing the one toy that has held my attention for the last two years.

If you need to move on I understand but be sure to check back in a month or two. :doorag:

10-28-2009, 07:58 AM
Guess you missed my post where I said I won't be shutting it down. This too shall pass as they say and I think there have been some merited reaction to the Spyder issues and some over reactions to the Spyder issues.

Every board I've ever ran has had the same thing happen to it and in time it will be a forgotten memory. I'm going to focus of solutions to the problems rather than bashing the one toy that has held my attention for the last two years.

If you need to move on I understand but be sure to check back in a month or two. :doorag:

Big. Huge. :2thumbs:. My husband and I look forward to meeting you one day!

Prayers that you're well and praying for your friends too.

10-28-2009, 08:07 AM
:agree: Ride it like you stole it.

10-28-2009, 08:07 AM
Guess some people just don't want to hear negativity. Sorry, but I want the good, the bad and the ugly in here. Nothing in life is all rosey - nothing. and a few of us who have problems - I sure as heck appreciate it because I would have thought I was the only one with stuff going wrong - I like suggestions, opinions and guesses. And a few are unhappy. sorry, it's an emotion - that's how we get when something goes wrong. At least we are talking about it and telling one another what's happening w/ our machines.

So, if my attitude has caused anyone to walk, then I apologize for that but I'm not gonna hide how I feel either. I'm not the most patient one and I'm pretty opinionated (yeah even outside this forum) but it's better letting it all out than pussy footing around one another.

I couldn't agree more !!!

10-28-2009, 08:08 AM
As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again. Granted there are issues, but all this negativity SUCKS. Theres allot of nice people here and I am glad for the conversations and learning experiences but..........................I am out

thanks to all that helped me in the past and thanks to Lamont most of all for all his hard work.

maybe I will "stop by" in the spring

peace out............

Din't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out !!!!!!!!!

10-28-2009, 08:25 AM
As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again. Granted there are issues, but all this negativity SUCKS. Theres allot of nice people here and I am glad for the conversations and learning experiences but..........................I am out

thanks to all that helped me in the past and thanks to Lamont most of all for all his hard work.

maybe I will "stop by" in the spring

peace out............

Shoot gun at foot :sour: Aww have a cup of coffee and common back :coffee:

Pete Denzer
10-28-2009, 08:29 AM
I've participated in various bike-related sites since Internet service was available to me, VROC, Victory, W650, ZRX, Guzzi, KLR650, Buell, Ninja 650, sidecar, Silver Wing and I'm sure others that I forgot. There's ALWAYS a number of negative threads on any of these sites as minor problems become amplified through repetition. The VROC (Kawi Vulcan group) became fixated on a plastic oil pump gear that seemd to be prone to failure in the Vulcan 1500's, in some cases trashing the engine. Though the failure rate was much less that the minimum rate requiring a recall, and Kawasaki USA would repair damages caused by oil pump failure regardless of mileage (but refused to replace the gear with a steel part as a preventive masure as it would require a major teardown), the potential for failure caused many Vulcan owners to get rid of their rides and get something else. Same story with the KLR650's "doohickey," a cheaply-made cam chain adjuster. Victory had some initial tranny issues that Polaris would repair regardless of age or mileage, and that turned people off to that brand, which has become recognized as a very reliable ride since. What I'm saying is, hang in there, and take everything you hear on the Internet, good or bad, with a grain of salt.

truck 85
10-28-2009, 08:45 AM
I had been looking at the sypder for a long time when i ran across this site. After following it for a three months or so and lising to all the fun your were having and all the knowledge there was here i had to buy as has been said here before this site is the best sales tool for the spyder. With all the fun stories and the knolage to fix and modife you ryde. this is the place that gave me the confidnce to buy. For that i want to thank you all.

10-28-2009, 09:59 AM
As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again.

Some threads can be a "headache" depending on your perspective but to say they are all negative seems a bit over the top to me.

You can pick and choose the threads you read and avoid the "Headaches" if you like.

I am confused about your suggestion that Lamont shut this site down "Until the spyderworld is happy again". If the site is down, how will he or anyone else know when the spyderworld gets happy?

I think the board goes through ups and downs just like anything else. Through it all each of us as individuals can keep a positive (or negative) attitude as we so choose.

If you're looking for a place where we can all pretend the Spyder is a perfect machine I suppose you've come to the wrong place.

If you're looking for some fun, some fellowship, some great advise and maybe a heavy dose of reality thrown in from time to time then I'd say this is it.

As for me, I like it here, warts and all. Maybe if I were perfect I would have something to gripe about...but no worries there! :ohyea:

SSG Bean
10-28-2009, 10:02 AM
:dontknow: I've been conditioned to thank that if you see a problem, don't complain if you can't offer suggestions and be part of the solution. I don't see how another negative post helps this situation. If you must leave; happy trails. I'm like the many who appreciate the candor of the site. I have yet to have a single problem with my Spyder, and still love to ride it. Being aware of the problems also helps me be more observant and more prepared in the event something does arise. Unfortunately, the world isn't all rainbows and kittens, but for the most part, I do believe there is more positive than negative within this site. Thanks to all who contribute, and especially to Lamont for facilitating our learning and sharing all things Spyder.

As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again. Granted there are issues, but all this negativity SUCKS. Theres allot of nice people here and I am glad for the conversations and learning experiences but..........................I am out

thanks to all that helped me in the past and thanks to Lamont most of all for all his hard work.

maybe I will "stop by" in the spring

peace out............

10-28-2009, 10:06 AM
As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again. Granted there are issues, but all this negativity SUCKS. Theres allot of nice people here and I am glad for the conversations and learning experiences but..........................I am out

thanks to all that helped me in the past and thanks to Lamont most of all for all his hard work.

maybe I will "stop by" in the spring

peace out............

If we had Auto forums like this back in the 70's, Maybe the American auto co's would have heard the the negativty and fixed the junk they were making . And then the Japanese would not have gotten such a foot hold in the American market.:ohyea:

10-28-2009, 10:15 AM
As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again. Granted there are issues, but all this negativity SUCKS. Theres allot of nice people here and I am glad for the conversations and learning experiences but..........................I am out

thanks to all that helped me in the past and thanks to Lamont most of all for all his hard work.

maybe I will "stop by" in the spring

peace out............

No way dude---- it should stay up.

Taking it down when things seem bad would be disingenuous.

If your favorite sports team loses some games do you stop watching them?

Need to have the good and bad shared --- although I do agree some have made this become a Spyder Bash--- and not a good one.:D

To steal a line from the HD ads this year....... Screw it---- let's RIDE !

10-28-2009, 10:28 AM
If you close down you will loose people, its just commen sence. People need to vent and know that they are not alone and go senile.
Two sides to every coin. Good and bad comes together. I learned a lot from all the problems I read on this site. It allows me to be proactive and check for problem(s) before it sneaks up on me.

10-28-2009, 10:42 AM
So I had a computer crash for a week and come back to talk of this site shutting down. I am so glad to hear that it is not shutting down since this site has probably kept me on my Spyder this long and I truly love riding it.

I bought one of the first Spyders knowing that there would be problems. It is not clear to me why anyone would think otherwise but then everyone's expectations are different. I look at my Spyder as a rather inexpensive toy. I have gotten my money's worth out of it time and time again relative to other BRP toys I own. And I am just getting started. Best money I have spent in a while.

I had INTERMITTENT power steering issues that probably resulted in the first software update. I almost feel like apologizing about that since the update has caused so many additional problems. But the intermittent power steering would have either hurt me or caused me to get rid of the bike.

After reading this blog for many months I came to the conclusion that the next time my power steering acts up I am going to pull the fuse and disable it forever. I met a guy in Hollywood that had driven across country without power steering and he did not know he did not have it until I pointed it out to him. At that time I figured there were a lot of people without power steering and they were probably better off.

So now I come back and it seems that everyone is upset that they are learning that their power steering never worked? I guess I can understand that you all want all the things you paid for to work. So do I. What I can't understand is why everyone is up in arms about it. What did I miss?

10-28-2009, 11:03 AM
Thank you Lamont. Both for the site and not shutting it down. I like the Spyder as the dust on my motorcycles shows they get too much garage time. Do not post frequently but have learned much from this site. When you have a machine that will not steer or handle well enough that you feel confident taking it on the road that is a major issue that needs resolved. Not negativity but a cry for help. Thanks again Lamont.

10-28-2009, 11:05 AM
You seem like a class guy.:2thumbs: I own 4 harleys I ride. Another is just a collector job (orginal 1949 Harley), several ATV's, 1 utra-lite, and now 2 2009 spyders not that I'm bragging.:opps: But with every type of toy I own, I belong to a web forum and in most cases a club. You've done a good job building this web site.:D And the members have made it better. Sure it has a few "bugs" :spyder2:but nothing really bad.
I have learned alot about the spyder that everyone either loves or hates. I for one have been trying to fix (personalize) two of them one is my wife's (although it is Red its a Lemon and should have been Yellow) and Mine a Yellow, but far cry from a lemon..it runs fine. Both were bought at the same place and both are SE-5's. but other than that the are totally different in performance.
I hope you never :dontknow:decide to shut this site down. As more and more dealers and part manufacturers are reading it. So our posts are starting to work. weither they are negative, ( darn junk toy ,bad dealers to watch out for, and over priced stuff OR a post to show off someones vehicle or simple tricks to improve the performance. or other How to's.
I for one would like to have a "Rotten forum" :chat:someplace owners could post notes about recalls, rotten dealers, poor service, over priced stuff, etc. but no posts about other members, that we don't need.. :lecturef_smilie:

Hopefully this would limit the ragging on the other forums, If you don't like it don't read it.. and....If you going to have advertisement from manufactures, put them in one area and stay neutral about them don't sing their praise,:bowdown: let us do that or tell it like we find them. :gaah:

Like any post on any forum: this is just : IMHO
and thanks for the fine forum:2thumbs:

10-28-2009, 11:40 AM
So, I see I have made my point perfectly clear as allot of POSITIVE response has been made to this post. There is a HUGE diferrence between negativity and the "good, bad and the ugly". The negativity I am referring to is when people are saying "the spyder is on its way out", "BRP doesnt care about a solution", "BRP test riders knew the problems and BRP sent it to productions anyways". As I am interested in, like all have said here, is that legitimate problems are discussed and how problems are solved. Everyone who posted to this basically said the same thing and I agree with the same philosophy. I dont want the site to shut down but I proved the point that everyone likes to read issues good and bad. It's the slamming that needs to stop. Even Lamont was to the point of considering it....right? But like he said above, lets move on, stop slamming, stay positive and lets look for solutions.

As one other person said above, if you dont like it - leave it. Same goes with the Spyder - if you have so many problems and hate BRP and dont trust they will find a solution - then sell it and be done. I am certain they are looking for solutions to all the problems. I understand people are frustrated and rightfully so, but I am sure BRP is frustrated too.

Beleive me, I appreciate the information on this site just as much as anyone and will continue to do so.

I am glad I started the post the way I did - look back at it and see how it brought people back together after the same solution - and all without bashing ( well except bashin me a bit) lmao

Like I said before I love this site and I thank Lamont for all the hard work in the past and in the future.

Constructive criticism not just criticism.

thanks for reading - I appreciate all of your input

10-28-2009, 12:08 PM
i need the good,the bad and the ugly... keep it coming.. better to be informed than not

thanks lamont and everyone

but as the seasons pass, the Spyder is the garage and probably parked til spring..

time to think of my next mod...hummm ?...

best to everyone and to those who can still ride.. be safe and pass on your stories

10-28-2009, 01:07 PM
I think because I played a part in the negativity maybe my name shouldn't be Smylinacha anymore. Maybe Yellinacha cuz I did alot of it. I do feel more confident that BRP is looking into this though and I think if it weren't for some of us getting squirrly over things, nothing would have happened to get BRP to notice there is something wrong. But I do apologize if I offended anyone personally.

10-28-2009, 01:11 PM
... Maybe Yellinacha...

:D :D :D :D :roflblack:

10-28-2009, 01:12 PM
Thank you so much you all out there stick with it we nead a home to come to and this is the sight we all call home .We nead this place so we can see new paint jobs , add on's ,new items we can put on and see what they look like on :spyder:and see whats ne out there .
magicman and lamonster are great for us and the things they put on and sell and step bye step on how to put on things point A to point B how to get more out of your ryde.we love this sight and people we meet on or in person thank you god bless you all ( MY New FAMILY ALWAYS VT228 )

10-28-2009, 01:13 PM
No way dude---- it should stay up.

Taking it down when things seem bad would be disingenuous.

If your favorite sports team loses some games do you stop watching them?

Need to have the good and bad shared --- although I do agree some have made this become a Spyder Bash--- and not a good one.:D

To steal a line from the HD ads this year....... Screw it---- let's RIDE !
:agree: I am a Detroit Lions fan. Trust me I can put up with a lot of bad :gaah: & ugly :yikes:

10-28-2009, 01:58 PM
Ya think I can ask Lamonster to put that under my Screen Name?:2thumbs:

:D :D :D :D :roflblack:

10-28-2009, 02:03 PM
Ya think I can ask Lamonster to put that under my Screen Name?:2thumbs:

who is Yellinatcha!


10-28-2009, 02:06 PM
I think because I played a part in the negativity maybe my name shouldn't be Smylinacha anymore. Maybe Yellinacha cuz I did alot of it. I do feel more confident that BRP is looking into this though and I think if it weren't for some of us getting squirrly over things, nothing would have happened to get BRP to notice there is something wrong. But I do apologize if I offended anyone personally.

No need to apologize for feeling the way you do and posting about it. From the posts on this site, it appears that every day more and more Spyder owners are experiencing the steering problems first hand. Those who didn't have the recalls done, those who did and those who's power steering never worked or was disconnected....are experiencing steering issues that are down right dangerous. This forum only represents a fraction of the Spyder owners. How many uninformed people have suffered injuries from Steering Gone Wild? We will never know. You and every other Spyder owner has the right (and obligation ?) to yell and make EVERYONE aware of the potential issues they may someday face. The current "fixes" don't work !!!!

10-28-2009, 02:08 PM
And I look just like your avatar when I get mad! My hair looks just like that when it's standing up on end!:thumbup:

who is Yellinatcha!


10-28-2009, 02:43 PM
Not sure Shutting Down the Site is the answer. If I get tired of a thread or the direction it is going I just ignore it. There has been some negativity here related to the steering issues and the updates but this is the most inforamative site when it comes to our rydes.

Growing pains are something that we all experience. I look at as the :f_spider: is just in the terrible 2's.

As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again. Granted there are issues, but all this negativity SUCKS. Theres allot of nice people here and I am glad for the conversations and learning experiences but..........................I am out

thanks to all that helped me in the past and thanks to Lamont most of all for all his hard work.

maybe I will "stop by" in the spring

peace out............

10-28-2009, 02:54 PM
As much as I LOVE this site its become nothing but a headache to come to. SHUT IT DOWN until the spyderworld is happy again. Granted there are issues, but all this negativity SUCKS. Theres allot of nice people here and I am glad for the conversations and learning experiences but..........................I am out

thanks to all that helped me in the past and thanks to Lamont most of all for all his hard work.

maybe I will "stop by" in the spring

peace out............

:2thumbs: Say Goodbye !!!

10-28-2009, 04:23 PM
Guess you missed my post where I said I won't be shutting it down. :doorag:

No I didnt, I just shared the some same feellings you did at one point

qoute............"Part of me wants to just shut down this site and turn it back on when everything is fixed because I don't know if we are helping or hurting the situation here. BRP is well aware of the problem and nobody wants to see a resolve to this more than they do. Problem is will the love for the Spyder be crushed because of this board before they have a chance to really fix the problem?"

I understand you said in the same post that you wernt shutting down but you still had some urge to.

Its real funny how the reaction of you saying the above differs from someone else saying it (not referring to your response). But you know........you are the idol here (and well deserved)

Im not leavin.......like I said in the first place I love the site :D

I will just take the advice that some said and ignore the posts I dont like

good advice I spose:D

10-28-2009, 06:01 PM

10-28-2009, 06:50 PM

10-28-2009, 06:53 PM
Well said, Lamont. Yes, there is always going to be bitchin' as they say. You can't please everyone. Some people would bitch if you hung them with a brand new rope. So, we have to lighten up a tad. I think the site is well managed. Don't give up the ship. These sites have helped a lot of people with their problems and information. We don't always agree on things but it's the best we can do. Hang in there guys. Nice job Lamont.

10-28-2009, 07:25 PM
If we had Auto forums like this back in the 70's, Maybe the American auto co's would have heard the the negativty and fixed the junk they were making . And then the Japanese would not have gotten such a foot hold in the American market.:ohyea:

Back in the early 70's, Japan was sending us junkier cars than we were building here. I'm thinking it was the late 70's / early 80's when they started making better vehicles.

:agree: I am a Detroit Lions fan. Trust me I can put up with a lot of bad :gaah: & ugly :yikes:

I'm in the same boat you are. Been a hopeful Lions fan for years now. The last few years, the best time to be a Lions fan was about a month before the draft up until the last preseason game. :D

10-28-2009, 07:38 PM
I am now Yellinacha - thanks Lamonster! :thumbup::b2b:



:roflblack: :roflblack: :roflblack:

guess I'd better plan my meal menu for the next week or so.......:D

10-28-2009, 08:47 PM
Hey ..like a miracle..it happens ...

HDX what side of the house is the kitchen on ?


10-28-2009, 09:45 PM


:roflblack: :roflblack: :roflblack:

guess I'd better plan my meal menu for the next week or so.......:DSmoked pepperoni and some smoked chedder does wonders maybe some smoked oysters while your at it :ohyea:

10-28-2009, 09:52 PM
I think because I played a part in the negativity maybe my name shouldn't be Smylinacha anymore. Maybe Yellinacha cuz I did alot of it. I do feel more confident that BRP is looking into this though and I think if it weren't for some of us getting squirrly over things, nothing would have happened to get BRP to notice there is something wrong. But I do apologize if I offended anyone personally.

Kim, having met you at Lamont's barbeque, I have to say "Smylinacha" is a very appropriate name! You have a smile that could power up Albuquerque, so keep on keepin' on! :2thumbs:


10-28-2009, 09:54 PM


:roflblack: :roflblack: :roflblack:

guess I'd better plan my meal menu for the next week or so.......:D

Phyllis Diller? Now there's a blast from the past! I'll bet half the people on this forum have no idea who she was! :D:D:D


10-28-2009, 10:00 PM
Phyllis Diller? Now there's a blast from the past! I'll bet half the people on this forum have no idea who she was! :D:D:D

Not was....She's still around!:thumbup:

10-28-2009, 10:05 PM
Not was....She's still around!:thumbup:

Holy Moly! She's gotta be around 120 years old by now!:yikes:

Edited: Just checked the "Dead or Alive" website. I wasn't too far off. She is 92 years old, and still kicking!

10-28-2009, 10:25 PM
Seems to me that 90% of the complaints are comming from 10% of the people.
Still good odds to be keeping my Spyder :popcorn:

10-28-2009, 10:54 PM
This is my first participating forum. I made mistakes at first, but as I became more accustomed to others' postings, I learned. I have been trashed a few times when pointing out obvious safety issues that could result from mods being done or done on the Spyder. But I firmly believe that I have the responsibility to point to someone, or anyone, what I see as a safety issue. Not doing so is failing my responsibility as a fellow Spyder rider. If just one rider benefits, then I have done the right thing. If someone's feelings are hurt when I do this, then I would rather hurt their feelings and point something out than tell them it looks great and lie. If anyone wants to call that being negative, so be it. If you ask for, you shall receive. I, like many others who are now riding Spyders, have been riding very many years (without any accident or moving violations). Am I good? No, I am just lucky and was able to learn from the many mistakes I have made without an accident. This forum has been a goldmine of information that has helped me to learn and understand my Spyder. I feel like I am not in the dark, as I have been with all the other bikes I have owned. The modern technology of the internet has opened doors to vast treasures of knowledge we had never before been able to acquire. Do I have something I don't like on this forum? Yes I do. I detest anyone coming on here and trashing the Spyder and BRP, etc., without owning a Spyder, and I will respond. If you haven't walked in our footsteps, get off our path! Happy Trails, Everyone!

10-29-2009, 07:34 AM
This is my first participating forum. I made mistakes at first, but as I became more accustomed to others' postings, I learned. I have been trashed a few times when pointing out obvious safety issues that could result from mods being done or done on the Spyder. But I firmly believe that I have the responsibility to point to someone, or anyone, what I see as a safety issue. Not doing so is failing my responsibility as a fellow Spyder rider. If just one rider benefits, then I have done the right thing. If someone's feelings are hurt when I do this, then I would rather hurt their feelings and point something out than tell them it looks great and lie. If anyone wants to call that being negative, so be it. If you ask for, you shall receive. I, like many others who are now riding Spyders, have been riding very many years (without any accident or moving violations). Am I good? No, I am just lucky and was able to learn from the many mistakes I have made without an accident. This forum has been a goldmine of information that has helped me to learn and understand my Spyder. I feel like I am not in the dark, as I have been with all the other bikes I have owned. The modern technology of the internet has opened doors to vast treasures of knowledge we had never before been able to acquire. Do I have something I don't like on this forum? Yes I do. I detest anyone coming on here and trashing the Spyder and BRP, etc., without owning a Spyder, and I will respond. If you haven't walked in our footsteps, get off our path! Happy Trails, Everyone!

The saying go's = A wise man learns from his mistakes.'' WRONG''
''A wise man learns from other's mistakes'' ':thumbup: All knowledge is helpfull.
When you point out a safety mistake you made, you'll help somebody so
They don't repeat it.

10-29-2009, 07:42 AM
Guess you missed my post where I said I won't be shutting it down. This too shall pass as they say and I think there have been some merited reaction to the Spyder issues and some over reactions to the Spyder issues.

Every board I've ever ran has had the same thing happen to it and in time it will be a forgotten memory. I'm going to focus of solutions to the problems rather than bashing the one toy that has held my attention for the last two years.

If you need to move on I understand but be sure to check back in a month or two. :doorag:

GREAT!!!!! God bless Lamonster.
I ain't going anywhere, I'll be right here.:2thumbs:

10-29-2009, 07:45 AM

YES--YES :yikes: get the face lift. It scares the hell out of me. :ohyea:

10-29-2009, 07:53 AM
Why don't you take him out on one of your Man Dates - take him out for dinner somewhere nice.:thumbup: You guys are both overdue for a Man Date.

Smoked pepperoni and some smoked chedder does wonders maybe some smoked oysters while your at it :ohyea:

10-29-2009, 07:54 AM
Thanks Bruce! And it's a good thing you didn't see my dark side - Yellinacha fits that bill perfectly when I'm mad

Kim, having met you at Lamont's barbeque, I have to say "Smylinacha" is a very appropriate name! You have a smile that could power up Albuquerque, so keep on keepin' on! :2thumbs:


10-29-2009, 11:55 AM
YES--YES :yikes: get the face lift. It scares the hell out of me. :ohyea:

Tell me about it. (lol) It's like watching someone have a stroke, and a seizure all while suffering through VERY high bloodpressure.

And those eyes *shudder* like a REAAAAALLLY big fart got re routed.

10-29-2009, 12:20 PM
Tell me about it. (lol) It's like watching someone have a stroke, and a seizure all while suffering through VERY high bloodpressure.

And those eyes *shudder* like a REAAAAALLLY big fart got re routed.

10-29-2009, 12:40 PM
I must say that avatar is distrubingly gruesome (a word derived from the original meaing 'To Shiver') which, in my case, is accurate.

10-29-2009, 12:54 PM
And those eyes *shudder* like a REAAAAALLLY big fart got re routed.

:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::roflblack::thumb up::thumbup::thumbup::clap::clap::clap: I love it! That is hysterical!

10-30-2009, 09:44 PM
Why don't you take him out on one of your Man Dates - take him out for dinner somewhere nice.:thumbup: You guys are both overdue for a Man Date.:agree::ohyea::roflblack::roflblack: