View Full Version : John Brown,James Brown & A Spyder!!

10-26-2009, 03:47 PM
October 16th 2009 was the 150th Anniversary of John Browns Raid on the Armory at Harpers Ferry.......While out for a short ride today, I went by the Kennedy Farm House where John Brown and his Army of 21 lived for 6 months and planned their raid on the Armory!!What a lot of people don't realize is that on this farm was also an African American night club 100 years after John Browns raid.So in the late 50's and 60's just about all the top names performed at the farm in a block building just behind the house.James Brown,Aretha Franklin,Diana Ross,Chubby Checkers,Ray Charles,Tina Turner,and many others played here.......and so today I added some more history to the Kennedy Farm as A Spyder was also here!!If any get a chance to visit Harpers Ferry National HIstorical Park, Harpers Ferry West Virginia.....The Kennedy farm house is about 6 miles from the park.The whole area around Harpers Ferry is a great place to go Spydering!!


10-26-2009, 04:17 PM
October 16th 2009 was the 150th Anniversary of John Browns Raid on the Armory at Harpers Ferry.......While out for a short ride today, I went by the Kennedy Farm House where John Brown and his Army of 21 lived for 6 months and planned their raid on the Armory!!What a lot of people don't realize is that on this farm was also an African American night club 100 years after John Browns raid.So in the late 50's and 60's just about all the top names performed at the farm in a block building just behind the house.James Brown,Aretha Franklin,Diana Ross,Chubby Checkers,Ray Charles,Tina Turner,and many others played here.......and so today I added some more history to the Kennedy Farm as A Spyder was also here!!If any get a chance to visit Harpers Ferry National HIstorical Park, Harpers Ferry West Virginia.....The Kennedy farm house is about 6 miles from the park.The whole area around Harpers Ferry is a great place to go Spydering!!

Sorry I accidentally deleted pic from Photobucket....did not realize it would snatch it from my post.I will add it on another thread later!

Read my last few lines!!

10-26-2009, 04:55 PM
Nice picture. New technology against a very historical background. I may have to ride around and take some pictures like that one day as well.

10-26-2009, 04:56 PM
Restored Picture!!:thumbup:

10-26-2009, 04:58 PM

Yep, PhotoBucket is a picture hosting site and provides links to the picture location on their site. The forum software reads the link and substitutes the text with the picture located at that link (through the IMG command). If you delete or move the photos in PhotoBucket, you're stuck with a dead link in your posts.

10-26-2009, 05:25 PM
Nice picture. New technology against a very historical background. I may have to ride around and take some pictures like that one day as well.

*giggle* of what my dear? Confederate flags are hardly scarce around here. LOL