View Full Version : Just a quick question about rocks and spyders or motorcycles

11-03-2022, 08:54 PM
Up until 2 weeks ago I never gave it a second thought about being hit by a rock when riding a Spyder or motorcycle. I was in my jeep, and there was a loud thud, the rock hit the windshield just above head level. It wasn't the normal small pebble that hits the hood and travels to the windshield. I've had those plenty of times. The windshield needed to be replaced. Have you ever been hit by a rock while riding your Spyder or motorcycle? In most cases if a large rock hits your helmet you are fairly well protected. But, if a good size rock hits your face shield I can imagine the shield would shatter and the rock could hit you in the face, and then who knows what may ensue. Anyone ever been hit by a rock when riding or have you ever thought about it. I know you have to ride like everyone is out to get you, and drive/ride defensively. I just don't know if there is a defense for large rocks.

When this happened there was no one in front of me, and no one in sight. However I was approaching an overpass. Just after the hit there was an exit off the highway and I took it and went over the over pass to see if there were any kids, by chance, throwing rocks. There were no kids, just vehicle traffic.

11-03-2022, 09:23 PM
Never been hit, now don't jinx me !

11-04-2022, 12:57 AM
Well I don't know if this counts .... At Spyderfest ( in Mo. ) I got hit by a wild turkey, damn near knocked me off my RT :gaah:..... Mike :thumbup:

11-04-2022, 04:51 AM
i took a pigdon to the face shield on my ninja going 80 mph on the maine turnpike, damn near broke my neck, had to wear a neck brace for close to 7 months.
took a large rock that came out of the dump truck going the opposite direction to the left knee, broke my knee cap.
so yeah i've been hit by more than a few things,, remain calm/ don't panic. pull over when safe, asses damage to oneself continue on or seek medical attention.
the key is not to panic, panic leads to crashing, crashing SUCKS!!!....TRUST ME ON THAT

11-04-2022, 06:32 AM
No rocks, knock on wood.. sparrow to the mouth and bees inside my helmet was exciting enough for me.

11-04-2022, 11:03 AM
My Spyder has several rock nicks in the windshield and on the body. No panic there, but the time a honey bee went up my nose and stung me inside was an experience. I think I lost 10# in tears and snot before I could get stopped!

11-04-2022, 11:51 AM
i took a pigdon to the face shield on my ninja going 80 mph on the maine turnpike, damn near broke my neck, had to wear a neck brace for close to 7 months.
took a large rock that came out of the dump truck going the opposite direction to the left knee, broke my knee cap.
so yeah i've been hit by more than a few things,, remain calm/ don't panic. pull over when safe, asses damage to oneself continue on or seek medical attention.
the key is not to panic, panic leads to crashing, crashing SUCKS!!!....TRUST ME ON THAT

...asses damage to oneself is a way of putting it I've not encountered before. But may be more descriptive of the needed process than the more common terminology! Well Done!

11-04-2022, 12:31 PM
Yes on car. Hit dog with Spyder. A $2K plus mess....but okay after the fix.

11-04-2022, 02:04 PM
Yes, not a big rock, from the red dot it left on my forhead it looked to be about 1/4".
Made me look like I changed Nationality, gender, and religion all in one hard hit. The bruise and the dot lasted about a week.

11-04-2022, 02:34 PM
I've been hit by an Owl, a very large insect of some kind, a dog (well in reallity I hit it to the tune of about $2000.00), gravel rash on the nose and windshield a little and a 2ft length of 2 x 4. That one sent me to a modular helmet. Never a rock. Some of my shields hsve an ANSI or an MSA number on them that says something about their impact resistance. There are so many things to worry about while riding a motorcycle it's a wonder we have any fun.:roflblack::roflblack::roflblack:

11-05-2022, 11:51 AM
...asses damage to oneself is a way of putting it I've not encountered before. But may be more descriptive of the needed process than the more common terminology! Well Done!

i have a way with words.....or so i've been told..... just wait till i start drunk posting.

11-05-2022, 03:10 PM
Large rocks off dump truck. Managed to duck the one headed for my head and only got a good scratch on the helmet and a good shock. Then I realized my knee was hurting. Didn't see the rock that took out my add on wind deflector but from the bruising I think the plexiglass hit me flying flat and not the rock. Bugs can hurt, bruise and leave a mess. Went with a F4 tall and wide windshield shortly thereafter. Don't mind looking thru it one bit.

11-05-2022, 06:59 PM
Been hit by quail that got up on the side of the road as I was going past them a couple times. One time a quail hit me in the chest. Had to stop until I could get my breath back. Got hit by one of them, right in the face the next time. Had on an open face helmet with a dirt bike wrap shield on it, one of the 5 snap shields. It didn't bust the shield, but it tore the shield off the helmet. Felt like it tore my head off too, but no damage to me. The face sheild came completely off the helmet and it was all scarred up, but it protected my face. Those sheilds are plenty tough. I was only going about 60 MPH both times. On the rural roads around here, 60 is about as fast as I want to go. Too many deer crossing the road, Plenty of armadillos, fox, possums, and other critters too.

Not so much of a problem with getting hit by rocks here, but following too close behind a log truck will get you some limbs in the face. There is always limbs blowing loose and flying off the log trucks when they are going down the road.

11-06-2022, 12:37 PM
...asses damage to oneself is a way of putting it I've not encountered before. But may be more descriptive of the needed process than the more common terminology! Well Done!

I'm pretty sure he meant "Assess" not asses!! :roflblack: